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What will happen to our environment if dogs slowly vanished from this world?
It just appeared to me that a few countries in Asia allowed their societies to consume dogs and cats. What do you guys think will happen to our environment if dogs slowly vanished?
Thank you. Smile

well it will never happen in america. things like that are taboo here. (eating dog) if some people had it their way, all breeders would stop breeding all together, then eventually, there would be no more dogs. there would be alot of very sad and lonely people in the world. some people dont have anyone but their dog Smile

It will be a sad sorry place. Look how much love and joy they have to give us. What a tragedy if we lost them all.

Poop bins would be out of business!
The world would be a quiet sad place Sad
And cats would ultimately rule. *Gulp*

less dog poo to step in Sad

i'd be depressed....i love dogs!

From an evolutionary standpoint, nothing at all. We have come to a point that dogs are and have been replaced by science and computers to perform most functions that dogs used to perform.
Wild dogs may be a different story however as they help with the ecology of the planet!!

Would be a very sad place.

The only thing they are still important really for society is livestock herding. They say in CA after the spay and neutering law stock dogs will become extinct. I can see also some benefits without dogs, never will they be abused or overbred and all the money going to dogs at shelters etc could be used for other problems.

Also are you retarded? It's like saying eating cows will make cows disappear, well they aren't.

Some asian countries don't eat cow because they are sacred, like India, does that make it wrong for us to eat cow? Be more respectful of other cultures.

PETA would love to see dogs and cats disappear as pets. It is one of their stated goals.
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This is their on web site and their own words. Newkirk the founder of Peta as lot harsher things to say but I will not go into them here. AS far as having them disappear because of people eating them not in this country

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