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Republicans? ?
Republicans, if you had to choose, would you choose four more years of Bush or Obama?

I'm Republican and I would have to choose Bush even though I'm pretty sick of him, I would not choose Obama because I simply do not trust him.

Democrats, don't bash because I would rather have Bush than Obama.
Actually, I have been paying attention to what is going on in this world, thank you very much.
Also, Demoocrats, if Hillary would of gotten the Democratic nominee I would of voted for her if I could, it's simply that I don't agree or trust Obama.

I would take Bush over Obama any day.

baby killer obama
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It is said that sometimes prisoners start to relate to their captures
so I understand you instability

Bush or Palin

Dumb question.

in your picture you look like your...8?

If you paid half a bit of attention to what has been happening in the world lately then you would not feel the same way.

Bush over Obama any day, any lifetime. Obama is a fraud from the bottom up.

I now officially hate all people who have voted for Obama. This country will never be the same. I am so angry and I will definitely be doing my best over the next four years to make sure that if they pay for doing this to our once wonderful country. I cannot believe they would vote for such a man. This just shows that the liberal media has now accomplished what they wanted....the absolute dumbing down of America. I will seek my revenge...will you join me fellow republicans? I own a small business and will be laying off ALL Obama supporters immediately...they are all under performers anyway. I AM MAD AS HELL.......HE WILL NEVER BE MY PRESIDENT!!!!!!
P.S. and before you tell me " you will get sued"...I have already thought about this. Do you think I will be TELLING them this is why they are getting fired. I am not dumb.

LOL Maggie!

No Bush's time was up.

I would rather have Bush... He said something and he stuck to it. He may have made unpopular choices but he definitely did not ever change his mind just because some didn't like what he decided.

Obama has already changed his campaign promises and it's only been a few hours. How can you trust someone who speaks first then thinks later?

Ha Ha 4 More Years of Bush there would be nothing Left to this Country and world War 3 would be Under Way you Don't get it Do you

No More Bush.

Oh my ... these fantasy/make-believe ... questions ... are seemingly growing more and more awkward ... lol ... is this what Republicans have reduced themselves to??? :/

Wake Up.

you republicans need to chill the fkkk off.

you HAVE to admit that ANYONE
is better than that Mr. Texas Ranger Money Noon
of a president we had before.

just wait and see what happens.
THEN you can criticize him.

What politician can be trusted though, you know? We know what Bush has done, and it's been bad. Our economy is in the shitter. This country has absolutely zero unity. Things can't get much worse. I'd rather have anyone in office than President Bush. At least, we don't know how Obama's going to do. We have no previous information to base it on. We know Bush is a horrible president. I do trust Obama, but assuming I didn't, I'd rather take a chance on a man that I didn't fully trust than have a man in office who has already proven he can't handle running this country. I'm not a Republican, and I hope I didn't come off as rude. I just thought your question was interesting.

Edit: "I now officially hate all people who have voted for Obama."
Really now, was that necessary? This is exactly the kind of attitude we don't need. Like it or not, Barack Obama is America's next president and that includes everyone in America. I don't understand how someone can have such blatant hate for people they've never met. And I don't see how people can have such a horrible opinion of a man and they won't even give him the chance to prove himself worthy. If he messes up in office, then feel free to bash him. Until then, why can't we have some unity and gather behind this man? Even McCain wants that. Listen to his requests, if you won't listen to mine.

I'd take 12 more years of Bush over 4 years of Obama. Heck, President for Life even sounds better.

I would rather drive nails through my hands (not to copy our Lord and Savior) than let that ultra-liberal be in a position to kill more babies which he will grind up into a fine powder and snort for nourishment. Cheney-Palin in 2012!

have you lost your home due to the many foreclosures in this country? have you had to figure out how your were going to pay for gas each week or even noticed the price of milk and eggs lately? has your retirement savings dwindled down to nothing? have you had to wonder if you were going to lose your job because your position will possibly be given to someone overseas?

if you didn't answer yes to any of those questions, then i can see why you would think bush for another 4 years is a good choice. i personally have experienced several of those issues or know someone who has. at this point i am willing to try anything that will lead us in another direction.

obviously the majority of the country feels the same way so thank god bush was not even an option here.

Neither are great people, but half the things that Obama ran his campaign on will not happen. You can't have tax cuts when you are in a recession. Recessions happen and you can not blame them 100% on Bush. Remember who had control of the senate and house? The DEM'S. Obama will have to give tax cuts to big buissness just like bush so that they can employ people.

your are a sick bunch,I say dont let door hit his ass on the way out. an american worker..

anyone who says bush is an idiot.
you guys haven't even given obama a chance yet, you don't know if he would be a 10x better president than bush. it sounds like the reason you don't like him is because of his background/race. are you serious, hilary is better than obama?? haha stop being bitter, he won. get over it.

obama 08!!

oh, well i'm democrat... but i'll answer anyways. obama, we don't need 4 more years of bush (no thats not the only reason i wanted him to win) and no i wouldn't not have wanted clinton to win. (even though i am democrat) i cannot stand her at all.

Yea I'd pick Bush too.I don't trust Obama either,I think he's gonna pull us out of Iraq and we'll have another attack.I really don't understand why everyone hates Bush,I mean I think he's done the best he could.He's had hard times all throughout his presidency.I don't know why people say McCain is so unexperienced,what has Obama done.ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

As tired as I am with Bush, I would choose him ANY day over Obama. I simply cannot trust Obama.

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