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How can past life of claimant for spiritual reformation be used as his proof of truth
Peace be on you. 

Self of Claimant as Proof of His Truth

[Holy Quran, ch10,v17 partial, Bismillah verse as #1]‘......I have indeed lived among you a (whole) lifetime before this. Will you not understand then?’

Holy Quran has used this argument as the proof of truth of Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH. It is a gauge, by which, claim of every claimant for spiritual reforms can be checked. It is as, the proof of sun is sun itself.

One of the strongest proofs of claimant of spiritual reforms is his own life which loudly tells to opponents and believers, familiar and unfamiliar ones, strangers and  known people, that I have lived whole my life among you. Before you call me a liar, think can you call me a liar? By calling me so, will not you loose all those means which are necessary to find truth of any matter?

Everything in world needs continuity. Virtue or evil too do not reach to climax by ignoring their middle stages.  Then how it is possible that a person who is running toward West suddenly finds himself at far end of East? South bound person suddenly finds himself in horizon of North? 

The true claimant of spiritual and moral reforms loudly says, O my people! I have spent all my life among you. I was little; I grew in your hands. I was young; I grew to middle age in your hands. People among you are aware of my privacy and company. None of my deed or word is hidden from you. Is there anyone among you, who can say I have ever lied, oppressed, cheated, usurped, sought honor, or tried to get government? You tested me in each field and condition, you found my steps always balanced. You found me clear of any impurity. Even friends and foes called me Amin and Saadiq [Trustworthy and Truthful].
Then what happened, till last evening I was Amin and Saadiq, truthful, far away from lies, sacrifice doer for truth, rather truth was proud of me, you trusted me in every matter and accepted my each word, BUT what change has come to me that I am being considered worst than bad, me who had never lied about people is now considered liar against Allah.  Is there any example in nature, of such abrupt change?

If it was matter of one day or two, you could have said about me that he is doing it on purpose. If it was matter of one year or two, you could have said he is doing it to deceive people. BUT I have passed my childhood, youthful days and now middle age among you. How could I be artificial in childhood when a person has no awareness? How could I have hidden my deception in youth when emotions are unbridled?

Think and ponder at  my life, if you find it not only fully clean, rather model  of virtue and truth  then by looking at sun, do not announce it is night.

In the presence of my being and my self, what else proof, do you need? Everyone should ask themselves. Their mind and heart will testify life of this person is witness for himself, truth is present in him, he is by truth, truth is proud of him, and he is proud of truth by divine grace. To prove his truth he is not dependent on other things, his example is like, proof of risen sun is sun itself.

This is the strongest proof which had captivated heart of Hazrat Abu Bakr RA and he immediately accepted the claim of Holy Prophet PBUH without any question . This strongest argument will always capture hearts of people who love truth. It was the testimony of self of Holy Prophet PBUH which caused Hazrat Abu Bakr RA to believe in Holy Prophet PBUH without asking any sign. Hazrat Khadijah RA, Hazrat Ali RA and Hazrat Zaid bin Harith RA too believed due to this proof.

Hazrat Khadijah RA clearly stated it, when Holy Prophet PBUH saw angel in cave, he came home shaken, and was afraid about himself, then she comforted him and said that -  No, never, By Allah, He will never let you down, you do good with relatives, lift burdens of helpless, you practice morals which are lost, you care guests, you help people in their true troubles. [Bukhari, signs of prophet-hood in Islam].

Hence the first internal proof of Prophet is his own self. It is so strong that no miracle or sign is needed in its presence.

Same argument works for the truth of [beloved servant of Holy Prophet PBUH i.e.] Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. He lived in Qadian where Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims lived. Thus people of three nations were observing him. These people could not have friendly relations with him because people of Qadian used to be subjects [citizens] in his father’s old estate. After British came, these people felt independence too and they began legal feuds with his father. And Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad followed cases for sometime on the order of his father.

At that time, Sikh too had no friendly terms with this family because Sikhs had taken over family’s estate for sometime.

Since Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had desire to serve Islam since childhood, thus he used to debate, in writing and in speech, with Christians, Hindus and Sikhs. Obviously, followers of these religion did not have friendly feeling for him.

Despite Hazrat Ahmad had connection with, and opposition from all religions, everyone whether Hindu, Sikh, Christian, or Muslim believed that his life before his claim was extremely pure and virtuous, and he had high morals, he never left truth. People trusted him so much that, foes of his family often said he should be called to decide disputes of rights. All people of all religions considered him statue of truth and holiness. A clergy Mr. Batalwi (who became zealous opponent after claim of Hazrat Ahmad) had earlier written in his praise that = In our opinion this book (Brahin e Ahmadiyya) is matchless book for Islam. Its writer is so much steadfast in support of Islam with finances, life, pen, speech, etc  that similar example is hard to find in earlier Muslims. [Isha’at us Sunnah]

As Holy Prophet PBUH gave challenges to his opponents to show any flaw in his life, previous to his claim or that they did not think his morals were high. But no one came forward -- Likewise, his servant Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad said that Allah has told him no one will be able to ever place spot at your life events. [Nazul ul Masih]. He gave continuous challenge accordingly, if they can show any spot on his life or that he did not have high morals. No one came forward. Many Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims said his life was a life of people of Allah.

So as the life-before-claim of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was a grand proof of his truth [which Allah has presented as argument before his opponents],  life-before-claim of his servant and devotee Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)  is proof of his truth which cannot be denied. His own self is witness of his truth.     

[Based on writing of Hazrat Second Ahmadiyya Khalifah (r.a.)].

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