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religion ?
i just got back from a methodist camp. I am agnostic. while i was there i got to thinking about religion. i am just so confused at what to believe. this isnt really a question, but i wanted to know if anyone feels like i do.

I don't feel the way you do, sorry.

Religion is about how man gets to God. Christianity is about how God got to you.

While religions explain how you can get to God through following man made traditions, works, karma, etc. God says receive My forgiveness.

Man could not keep the law and get into heaven by his own works, so God became flesh and did what we could not, live a sinless life and pay the price of our sins.

God doesn't want a religion, He wants a relationship with you.

Don't mistake all the man made traditions and denomination styles for the real thing, a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

If you look to other people, you will be dissapointed but if you follow Jesus and His Word, you will never be let down.

Consider a few things that i found compelling when I was agnostic. All the disciples were tortured to death for claiming what they saw with their own eyes, Jesus risen from the dead in the flesh. Maybe one or two could be liars or lunatics, but the fact that all of them did is compelling. Many people die for their faith but these men died for what they saw with their own eyes. Let any wise man examine this fact for himself.

As an agnostic, I'm sure you've heard Pascal's wager. I'm not asking you to simply make a prudent bet for your own sake, but to completely trust in Jesus Christ as your savior. Let Him into your heart. It doesn't matter what all the religious people or atheists are saying. It matters what God is saying and what is in your heart when you respond to His Word.

The proof of God is everywhere, open your eyes.

think about what you learned was good for you...God is real dear...pray for wisdom

well i understand that it can be very confusing. but don't worry about it too much, it's perfectly normal. just think what exactly u are confused about and read some books and do some research, and use your brain. i'm sure someday u'll find your answers.

Why do you feel you need to believe anything? If nothing makes sense, just be content to not believe until something does make sense.

The problem with the god hypothesis is the god needs to be more complex and hence more unlikely than the reality one is attempting to explain. Saying the god just is, still leaves a much bigger question than you had to begin with.

Ask yourself what is the probability of throwing a firecracker into a hole and having a god form from the explosion. If you say small then why would the probability of this god just existing for no reason at all be any greater?

Used to go to catholic camps quite often. Its a very spiritually enriching experience. But religion. Nope. Dont buy into it. What I loved about the camps ive been to, was they EMPHASIZED tolerance. They talked about other religions ALL the time, and how as Catholics they should respect them, and embrace all mankind as brothers.

Agnostics believe that it is impossible for the human mind to understand the concept of God. If you're confused, you're doing well as an agnostic.

I used to!!

When I was young I attended a small Baptist church. Then when I was a teen a occasionally attended a Greek Orthodox Church. I always believed in God and Jesus Christ but never really knew what to do with that.

Eight years ago the bottom dropped out for me and I was on my knees begging to understand life. God answered me! He has lead me to a non-denominational church that only focuses on God, Jesus Christ (our Lord and Savior) and the Holy Spirit. He also lead me to a Bible study called Bible Study Fellowship International which is solely a Bible study and you can find it, I think, in any state. (along with other studies and groups where I can serve Him)

Pray for God to lead you where He wants you to be so that you can have that close relationship with Him that He longs for.

I hope I helped! Have a super weekend!

I fully agree with wussupman.

Yes, I have had this exact feeling myself!

What you may be feeling is a positive force in your heart, which is expected. Whenever we experience something new, it touches us in a special way, sometimes good, sometimes not. If you are feeling bad about it, you don't bother with it.

But, if you feel good or are unsure, you may be opening your heart to something good. If you feel any positive vibrations about this trip, that is good. If you feel inspired to improve your life and the world around you, that is good too!

You don't have to rush into anything or change your whole world right this moment. Try to think of the positive in all that has happened from this trip. Now hang onto those activities or songs, or procedures in your mind. Since they are positive, they will only make you a better person. If you think that you can be better at anything, especially with your life and with others, then move slowly and move forward.

You may have been touched with inspirational feelings from those at camp, but since it is all intended to be positive and you feel that way, GREAT!

You are starting a new life and you have a great positive attitude that you may not have had before! It's all good!!!!

God Bless you.

I was Agnostic at one point and now I'm a Roman Catholic Christian.

It depends on what you mean by religion. If you mean the organization of the church and its specific set of beliefs, then yes, I have my doubts. But I definitely feel that there is something beyond the physical world. I believe we do have souls. And I'm not sure about a creator, but I think of it more as a guiding, protecting force. The problem I always ran into with religion as I was taught in church is, If God is all benevolent and all powerful, and all things happen according to God's will, how can evil exist in the world? Either God is not all powerful or he is not all benevolent. I chose the non-omnipotent God. A God who cares but does not control everything. I don't believe in a divine plan. If there ever was a plan 6 billion free willed individuals would mess it up pretty quick anyway. Confusion is the natural consequence of questioning that which does not make logical sense. By questioning we find answers. Only fools are ever certain. Wise men know that all things carry some degree of uncetainty. Go ahead and seek a truth that makes sense to you. And know that someday that truth may change. Not everything in religion should be rejected. But I have found that most religious people do not readily accept those who pick and choose the parts they believe and the parts they don't.

i have totally felt the same way! it doesn't matter what religion it is there is always something to confuse you. my best suggestion to being less confused is to explore religion or explore many different religions till you find whats right for you. because when you know what you believe it builds a strong faith and its all yours.

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