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What do i do if my best friend is dating the love of my life?
He is my best friend and the love of my life. I told everyone i was over him but i wasn't even close. When my best friend accepted i thought that i was getting over him but now i have to be supportive of her and him but know that i might never get my chance with him. believe me i have tried to get over him for 5 months!!!!! i keep thinking to myself that now isn't the right time for him to date me and that later in life we will end up together but i cant wait that long.

Break them up

been through that. if you really love him then go out there and do somthing about it. no point in having regrets seriously

Tell your friend.... If she is a true friend she will understand!!!

you should have said something before they got together

you should confront your friend about your real feelings.

just do it for your friend, find someone who will actually like you back also

please help!
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Then go after him!

keep thinking like that...your thoughts are positive...but meanwhile,ditch your so called best friend...if she was a real friend she wouldn't be going out if a guy you dated,EVEN if you didnt like him anymore.

Release the hounds!

leave it be...if its meant to be fate will take care of it all. dont ruin a friendship over this...if it was the love of your life then the person would be wit you.

i think you should just move on

well u should find a way to break them up...or set her up with someone diffent

dreams wont just happen, you have to make them come true. Act now, how? I dont know. You should have told everyone earlier and not let it get to this point, but of course you can't go back in time, so thinking about what could of happend wont do you any good. I would say the only thing you can do now with out hurting anyone else is to just tell your best freind you were never over him. It will be tough, but mabey she will understand.

You need to tell your friend how you feel. Dont keep it bottled up because one day its going to come out in a way you didn't intend. I was in that position when i was younger and i kept it bottled up and it was like torture. Please learn from my mistake!!
Good Luck...U'll be fine

Tell your friend that is dating him how you feel, and make her promise not to tell. Then maybe she will see what is going on, and break up with the boy. Then maybe you can get with him.

ask your friend not to talk about it and be with him infront of you, if she does shes not the kind of friend you need right now. get your mind completly off of the subject and go watch tv (no romance movies...!) or get together with another friend. remeber someday you wil meet "the one".

Good Luck! hoped that helped and i sorry u so sad Sad

5 monthes?! OH-- SUCK -- IT -- UP!!! I dont mean to be harsh but how old are you! I doubt he is the love of your life! You can't miss what you never had! You can't be in love unless they love you back! Wait patiently, dont try to steal him from your bff, she will hate you. Just wait, I am...I've tried for a whole year to get some guys to like me, and when they didnt..ouch...dont be a stalker. Just patiently wait. Give him achance to get have all your life:-)

ove been in this situation.
make him notice you, and hang out with him more.
theres really nothing else you can do=[
dont worry;
eventually they will break up.

/ Believe me, they won't last long... no matter what you see or hear.

Just be the smiling happy person that he wishes he were with again. He will feel the same emotions you are feeling.

In time, your best friend will get over him and leave him, and he will feel the same way about her, but he'll remember how great you are.

It always happens that way. Just don't tell anyone you know how it's going to all happen, or you'll mess up your intentions.

2 to 3 months tops!

tell him how u feel and how you cant keep it inside anymore. he will always think of u as a friend and nothing more but if you tell him ure inner feelings he will aalways think about you..the worst he can say is no.. or tell his friends or tell ure friend to talk to him Smile hope it works

I say go for it. I know its wrong but its better than hidings your feeling for the rest of your life. If you don't you will always gonna wonder what if. who know he might feel the same way. good luck and go for it

ok why would ur friend even date ur ex........ i never understood that when i was in school it always seemed like my friends tried to date my ex.... however those people that did that eventually became only aquaintances as i got older. it might have been coincidence but the friends i ended up staying good friends with were the ones who never tried to date my ex's....

personally i never cared that they did but at same time thought it was kinda weird and disrespectful because ive never tried to get with a chick a friend had been with...

basically what im saying to u is they arnt as good of friend as u think, and are the type of person that envies u and is selfish, and i doubt as u get older u will stay as good of friends as u think u are now...

Like some others said, no point in living with regrets.

I would tell him when the time is right, otherwise you will ALWAYS have that "what if?" feeling. Sounds like you two are already pretty close, but remember that its also your best friend he's dating, so be careful.

Who knows, he may feel the same way about you, or may start to if you tell himWink

You need to be strong. He maybe the love of your life, but someone you call a friend is now dating him. If you want him prove it. What is equally important here is does he love you or her?
You've had a chance, what would you do if the tables were turned?

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