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What religion are you and do you think it is the correct one?
Basically, what religion are you? What religion were you raised as? Do you agree with all aspects of the religion or not? Do you only call yourself a *Insert-religion-here* because it is the closest thing you have found to your own personal belief system?
Why do you beleive the things you beleive?
What has been your greatest influence on personal beliefs?
Do you let your religion dictate how you see the world?
Would you say that over-all religion/spirituality has helped or hindered the world we live in?
Are you part of an organsied religion?

Pastafarian, because its tasty.


Yes, it feels right. Unless something undeniably disproves it I will most likely stick with it.

None and none.

atheist. my parents left the choice to me. well, i have no religion. no, i just dont believe in fairy tales. cause the switch in my brain is turned to ON. knowledge. again, i just dont have any. yes. no

None. Who says any religion is correct? I just live my life and worry about the here and now.
Live your life, you only get one and you never know when you will die.

no religion is better than the other, it's how you relate with your loved ones and your enemies too. and matters is where your soul is destined for

Islam, as it is the only religion that worships God, the One and Only and acknowledges the existance of Jesus, peace be upon him, as a great Prophet and Messenger of God.

How to identify true religion
What good fruit should true religion produce?—Matthew 7:17.
True Religion . . .
PRACTICES LOVE: True worshippers are “no part of the world,” are not divided by race or culture, and display ‘love among themselves.’ (John 13:35; 17:16; Acts 10:34, 35) Rather than killing one another, they are willing to die for one another.—1 John 3:16.

TRUSTS GOD’S WORD: Instead of teaching “tradition” and “commands of men as doctrines,” true religion bases its doctrine on God’s Word, the Bible. (Matthew 15:6-9) Why? Because “all Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight.”—2 Timothy 3:16.

STRENGTHENS FAMILIES AND UPHOLDS HIGH MORAL STANDARDS: True religion trains husbands to ‘love their wives as their own bodies,’ helps wives to develop ‘deep respect for their husbands,’ and teaches children to ‘be obedient to their parents.’ (Ephesians 5:28, 33; 6:1) In addition, those entrusted with positions of authority must have exemplary morals.—1 Timothy 3:1-10.

Does any religion meet these standards? The book Holocaust Politics, published in 2001, says: “If more people practiced versions of what the Jehovah’s Witnesses preach and practice, the Holocaust could have been prevented and genocide would scourge the world no more.”

Indeed, in 235 lands, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not just preach the Bible’s moral standards—they live by them. We urge you to ask Jehovah’s Witnesses to help you learn what God requires of you so that you can worship him acceptably. Now is the time to act. Do not delay. The end of false religion is near!—Zephaniah 2:2, 3.


I really don't know wtf their religion is all bout, but they got weed involved in it. SO HELL YEAH DUDE!

Basically, what religion are you? christianity

What religion were you raised as? christianity

Do you agree with all aspects of the religion or not? yes i agree

Do you only call yourself a *Insert-religion-here* because it is the closest thing you have found to your own personal belief system? no i call my self that because i conformed my beliefs to follow christianity

Why do you believe the things you believe? because god tells me what is the truth

What has been your greatest influence on personal beliefs? god

Do you let your religion dictate how you see the world? yes

Would you say that over-all religion/spirituality has helped or hindered the world we live in?

Are you part of an organized religion? yes

Any publicly popular religion is a hoax. Just believe what you want to believe, but none of this Jesus and "God" shit. Wait until you die and then figure that shit out.

no religion.

baptised to please their families, but parents were really of no religion.

i sometimes call myself an atheist, but then i have to qualify it as "weak atheism", etc, and that gets tiring.

i'm an atheist because, knowing how people are, it seems highly likely that religions and cults are just things people once made up. also i'm an atheist, because gods are unnecessary to the universe. also because of internal contradictions, ludicrous assertions and skewed value systems within the major religions. and because religious belief is against two things i value highly: reason and free thought.

i guess my direct experience of the world




Presently LDS and yes

Catholic the only one established by Christ. All other are man made.

Thank you for asking me about my religion.

Before i began to answer your question, i would like to state two important things:
1. As Muslims we cannot lie about anything, especially about our religion.
2. We have original recorded sources of our religion:

A) The Quran
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B) Teachings of Muhammad - the Authentic saying or Sunnah
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This is a unique part of Islam, not available in any other ancient religions.


i am a muslim (i.e. a person who submits his will to Almighty God is called a muslim).

I agree in TOTALITY with everything that has been mentioned in the aforementioned sciptures of my faith.

i believe in islam, because it is NOT JUST a religion, but a complete way of life.
it teaches me how to behave / interact with people
how to pray and worship the Creator of the Heavens and the earth
in short: how to live ones life (EVERY aspect of a persons life is covered in islam)

The Greatest influence , in the lifestyle of Muhammed ,peace be upon him, who i believe to be the last and final messenger of Allah (i.e. The God), the MORE you study of his lifestyle and his behaviourisms, the better would you get to know islam.

My religion has braodened my perception to this world.
i am opposed to materialism, hedonism, oppression and injustice of ANy and every kind.

no religion is correct because no one really noes how it started no ones noes if theres a god sooo nonee....but a lot of people like islamic because they pray and cover....but thats just some opinions

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