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Divine Help Proves Truth of Appointed Reformer
Peace be on you.
The appointed by God person is His dear. Even when worldly rulers sent envoys, they support them. Why Allah would not help the person whom He sends. Allah does not help false person. Allah makes him accountable so that he does not astray others.

Part 1 Two Divine Laws
1-Allah makes His Messengers dominant.  [mujadilah ruku 3]
Otherwise His Power and Honor will become doubtful for people.

2-If a person tells lie about Allah’s revelation to him, he is destroyed by Allah. [haqqah ruku 2].
So two laws are that Allah helps His Messengers and give him victory. Second law is Allah destry him who, not those who present lie in the name of Allah knowingly. It is way of Allah, proved by wisdom and Quran.  

The success of claim of Hazrat Founder of Ahmadiyya Community shows he was really and doubtlessly sent and supported by Allah.

Part 2 Before knowing what supports and helps by Allah were sent for him, it is essential to know

1-what means could help his success?
2-What were barriers in his path?
3-What kind of claim he made. Was his claim so much attractive to get success?

1-What means could help his success?
a-Founder of Ahmadiyya community belonged to an honorable family. Allah always sends appointed ones in noble families so that people do not feel dislike.
His family used to be ruler of the area. But then Sikhs and then British took over subcontinent. Family’s splendor reduced. 
So it cannot be said that people accepted him to get worldly wealth.

b-Though his father gave him education by tutor, but this education much less than regular religious institutions. So he was not considered as known scholar.
It cannot be said that people accepted him because he was a well known scholar.

c-He was not from any family of Pirs and Sufis, and he also had not done Bai'at with any Pir or Sufi to have connection of successor-ship.  So it cannot be said that he was successful by help from followers or Pirs.

d-He was not at any governmental position. Thus, it cannot be said people joined him to gain benefits of his authority.

e-He was a solitary person. People living near him did not know him. His connection was with only few people. Most were orphans and poor. He would give them his all or part of meal. He would have fasting. Some of his friends were those who had interest in religious research. Other than it, he had no connection with anyone. People too had no need to meet him.

2-What were barriers in his path.
a-All possible barriers were present in his path. He claimed he is appointed by Allah. Clergies naturally opposed him because their centuries-long influence was losing due to him. They knew if a person teaches by command of Allah, no one would care their conjectures.

b-Pirs opposed him because their followers, income and freedom decreased due to spread of his message.

c- Rich people were against him, because he taught them to follow commandments of real Islam, be kind to people. They did not like limitations. They felt people will become free by his teaching and their rule will end.

d-People of other religions too opposed him, because they felt his victory. They wanted to finish him.

e-Government officials too opposed initially him because they thought discord is associated with titles Messiah and Mahdi. They thought when he will get power he will leave current peaceful thoughts.   

f-Common people opposed him too because of their leaders and their lack of knowledge.

g-All of these groups did their best to destroy him. Clergies prepared ‘verdicts of disbelief’ against him and took these to Makkah and Madinah to get support. They created strange causes of disbelief about him as per their ancient habit. They incited people against him.

h-Sufis stopped common people to accept him by telling that his way is contrary to previous ways. They told fake stories of their miracles and  relation with Allah. Some told their followers if his claim is right, they would bear burden of their sin of not accepting him.

i-Rich people used their wealth and influence against him. People of other religions helped believers against him. Governments threatened people, and kept those people away from him who wanted to accept him. Common people used boycott and persecution to support their leaders. 

In short all people gathered to oppose him.

3-What kind of claim he made. Was his claim so much attractive to get success?
His teaching of spiritual reform was not according to popular worldly flow of thoughts of time. It cannot be said that he was successful because he presented popular ideas.

Thoughts of people are of two kinds. First, those thoughts which are in accordance with thoughts of majority of people. Second, thoughts which are against thoughts of majority but these thoughts are result of modern knowledge of that era. The first kind of thoughts is easy to spread. Second kind of thoughts spread slowy.

Thoughts of Hazrat Founder of Ahmadiyya Community were opposite to both kind of thoughts.

People of old thoughts would call him atheist . People of modern thoughts would declare him narrow minded. Reason was that he, on one hand, would teach against idea that Jesus is still alive, wrong stories and traditions, wrongs ideas about angels, extremism in Shariah. On the other hand, he would emphasize to follow Shariah, avoid economic-interest, presence of angels, benefits of prayer, presence of paradise and hell, revelations are real words, miracles are true.

In short, neither his conditions were favorable, nor his path went through flower-beds, and nor his thoughts represented thoughts of people. Thus his gain of success was due to divine act and not result of worldly and physical means.
Part 3 What supports and helps by Allah were sent for him?
a-After mention of these conditions, now his successes are being mentioned. Allah the Exalted tells His way in Holy Quran that He does not give long time to one who lies about Allah knowingly. Allah destroys him. ‘wa lo taqawwala....’ [as mentioned in start..haqqah ruku 2]  

After publishing revelations that he is Promised Reformer from Allah, Founder of Ahmadiyya Community lived for more than forty years and continued to get divine help and support (till today in his fifth khilafat). It proves his truth.

b-When he published his revelations, no one in world knew him. After that, despite he was opposed, he received such honor and status that even the opponents acknowledge it and he is considered as Muslim leader. British government opposed him in beginning,  later it respected him when they found him peaceful reformer.

His name has reached to corners of earth. Allah has given him such pious and loving followers who are ready to sacrifice their lives for him if needed. Many Westerners have accepted Islam through him, they pray for him in gratitude. If he was lying about Allah, he could not have received such sincere love, despite  huge opposition. 

c-When he claimed, he was alone. People began to join his movement despite opposition by clergies, pirs, successors of dead-pirs, pundits, pastors, rich, early British officials and common people.

By the time, he died, his followers had grown from thousands to hundreds of thousands. They were from poor, rich, clergy-scholars, sufis, muslims, hindus, christians, hindustanis and other countries. Community continues to grow to millions in more than 200 countries in current time of his Fifth Khalifah a.t. They face persecution and martyrdoms. Two sincere members were martyred in Afghanistan in early 1900s due to deceptions by fanatics [wiki persecution of Ahmadiyya]. People of ruling countries, followed a person from ruled country. Due to him, they followed a religion, bias against which is always spread. It cannot happen without divine support.  

d-People tried to kill him, or poison him, made false cases against him. People of major religion collaborated to do so. They wanted to put second Messiah on cross too.   Every time he was successful, saved by Allah and his support by Allah continued to increase.

e-His advent was to convey true peaceful Islam and its renaissance. For it Allah granted him a sincere Community and wealth. Allah opens hearts of people for his help. Numerous people are told about his truth by dreams, revelations or visions, and despite they used to be opponents, his love is filled in their hearts.

f-So in spite of all kind of opposite means and opposition, weakness, and unusual task he became successful in his work. He prepared a worldwide community which is zealous to convey real peaceful teaching of Islam to world. Allah helped him with respect to honor, wealth, power and high regard and this help continues.

Thus if this divine law is true [and who could be more truthful than Allah] that true appointed person by Allah gets divine help and the person who speaks lie about Allah is belittled and destroyed then undoubtedly Founder of Ahmadiyya Community was truthful. If despite this proof he is doubted then what will be proof of other prophets’ truth. It must be noted that above material does not mean he was truthful because initially he was weak and later he gained honor and respect. Many people gained such honors e.g. Nadir Khan, Napoleon, but it does not prove they were beloved of Allah. The issue here is-
-Founder of Ahmadiyya Community claimed he is from Allah the Exalted. If he was wrong in this claim and he was deceiving people on purpose, he must have been destroyed by Allah because it is His Way.

-There were no worldly means for his progress.
-Each group stood to oppose him, there was no Community of his own at the time of his claim, by which he could have gotten success.
-He succeeded to convince world to understand and believe things, which were against the thoughts of old and new people.
-Despite all these things, he became successful, he made a Community, he convinced people to accept his thoughts. He survived opponents’ attacks. Allah’s supports descended for him.
These five things do not gather in a false person. When these properties will gather in someone he will be from Allah the Exalted and will be truthful otherwise there will be no proof of a truthful person.

[Notes of caution.... Possible persons who are not checked under this standard (that false claimant does not get long time and is destroyed).
.i-One has not claimed at all he is appointed by Allah e.g. Nadir Khan and Napoleon.
.ii-he may be claimant of something else e.g. he claimed being god.
.iii-he may be mentally ill.
.iv-people who think what they say, is inspired from Allah...
Likewise progress of someone is not proof of his truth who gets success because of his personal splendor, or because of support by a group, or because he represents thoughts of common people, or who is bringing people toward modern thoughts, or masses do not oppose him for one or another reason.]  
 [Based on writing of Hadhrat Second Ahmadiyya Khalifah (r.a.)]

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