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i hate World of warcraft!?
world of warcaft is pissing me off at the moment as i have baught a world of warcraft normal edition and it is telling me to download all these patches! and i might have to quit and way someone could help?

you had alot of pathches to download deal with it, thts the way wow is.

it does that only the first time you download it trust me it's worth it!

Just quit.


if it's new you probably have about 4-5 hours worth of patches to download. Deal with it or you can't play.

stop playign games on a friday night like a loser go to a club

it only for nerds

yes you do have to dl the patches. your about 3 years late, so you will have to et the patches. when you dl a patch in the future it'll be fast and easy, but then again as i said. you have 3 years' patches worth of junk. so just do it. it's worth it. i had to quit and i miss it so much. it felt like home. hard to explain. do it.

take the disk out.
burn the disk.
step on the ashes of the disk.
sweep up the ashes with a broom.
take a crap in the toilet and put the ashes with the crap.
spit on it.
flush the toilet and say "bye World of Fagcraft!"

quit that damn thing and play sports

hmm seem to agree with the rest. so worth downloading patches.

I would suggest stop playing it, it is just an online game where you do fake things. and eventually it gets a bit repetetive. but you know do whatchu do.

wow is just the worlds biggest time consuming and useless piece of crap ever

sorry but the patches are necessary as they are fixing problems that were orginally in the game. depending on your download speed it can take anywhere from 40mins - a hour to download patches before u can play again, but these will fix all the problems!

Okay Bob walk out the front door,take a deep breath and scream"I'm a nerd and I need help"

find another computer that doesn't require patches and manualy download it from there to your computer you want to put it on.

just quit. world of warcraft is soooo gay

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