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I am doing a research project on the legitamacy of the concept of Global Warming. Do you think Global Warming is affecting us this seriuosly or do you think it is a ploy or hoax by the government and the scientist researchers to get money for projects? Please include evidence supporting your answer!!!

It's a lie, I smell conspiracy. No, just kidding. I do beleive it is affecting us but not as rapidly as they claim it is

Really this is a PROJECT. You are asking a lot of information from people. It may seem You are too lazy to work yourself.

Global Climate Change is a fact, Man made Global Warming is a Hoax.

The climate of the Earth can never be constant. The Earth will cool or warm in a given time period since there is no such thing as a 'static' climate.

Research has shown that the heat output of the Sun is never constant either. The Sun is either warming or cooling and it is these changes that most effect the Earths climate.

"Habibullo Abdusamatov, head of the space research laboratory at the St. Petersburg-based Pulkovo Observatory, said global warming stems from an increase in the sun's activity.

"Global warming results not from the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, but from an unusually high level of solar radiation and a lengthy - almost throughout the last century - growth in its intensity," Abdusamatov told RIA Novosti in an interview.

"Instead of professed global warming, the Earth will be facing a slow decrease in temperatures in 2012-2015. The gradually falling amounts of solar energy, expected to reach their bottom level by 2040, will inevitably lead to a deep freeze around 2055-2060," he said, adding that this period of global freeze will last some 50 years, after which the temperatures will go up again.

"There is no need for the Kyoto Protocol now, and it does not have to come into force until at least a hundred years from now - a global freeze will come about regardless of whether or not industrialized countries put a cap on their greenhouse gas emissions," Abdusamatov said. "

Its real!

Why would the government create something that deters us from purchasing oil when they are making BILLIONS of dollars off of it.

Here is evidence, its DAMN hot out

its a complete fake soon if you go on any more you'll make tons and tons of lies to prove that we are actually causing it

CLICK THIS= <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ing.103109</a><!-- m --> THIS IS HOW TO TAKE THE FIRST STEP TO DELETING GLOBAL WARMING. The glaciers are melting from the excessive heat of the sun due to a high technology that is weakening the forcefield, like (the ozone's forcefield) and causing the glaciers to melt freshwater ice. their's so much melting that alot of freshwater is being evaporated in huge quanities and the winds are carrying them to all the continents and are causing floods, mud slides, sink holes. the rest of the freshwater is just mixed in with the saltwater to allow all the oceans to continue to rise. in my opinion the oceans will rise another 60 feet and the heat that is getting warmer and warmer is turning everything very dry in different parts of earth are causing fires and drying up fresh water lakes. while all high country water is allowed to pour out into the oceans. our governors dont seem to care, until theirs very little to no water in many states. even now Australia is only allowing 40 gallons of water to each person per day. until we people get groups together and actually extract the sand out of the ocean, then we're on our way to becoming extienct permanently. ALSO GASES, EXHAUST ETC ARE NOT THE CAUSE TO G.W. INFACT MAN IS'NT RESPONSIBLE FOR CAUSING GLOBAL WARMING, BUT I KNOW HOW TO DELETE IT. I'M TOLD BY SOCIETIES THAT I'M ONE OF THE SMARTEST PEOPLE ON EARTH. HAVE A NICE DAY.

I think that there is Global Warming out there, but i think that the scientists have exaggerated it a little.

First of all, you don't tell them what you are planning to find when you apply for a grant. You tell them what you intend to study. If they knew what the results would be, either way, they wouldn't fund you.

Secondly, at this point, research has gone way past "is there going to0 be global warming?" now if you want to get funded, you need to be investigating how much it will warm and how long it will continue.,

thirdly, you can make a hell of a lot more money from the oil companies paying you to explain why there is no global warming than you ever can in research.

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