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Lithuania decided to use its veto on cooperation with Russia
Lithuania doesn't want the European Union to have discussions with Russia on a new strategic cooperation, why is it so anygry on Russia, it's a former socialist country, isn't it?
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Maybe it considers Russia to be guilty of their former economy stagnation.
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It is just another prove that Lithuania is in fact puppet state of USA. Another prove is excepting of Kosovo's independance.
The easiest way to avoid responsibility is to blaim others. Lithuanias nearest and bigest neighbour is Russia. It is very unwise
to make such enemies. But, in some countries the job of politicians is to make new enemies...
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Lithuanians, Estonians don't like Russians. it's a kind of cold war between them. They simply are sick and tired of Russia's long-time influence. Especially the relations aggravated after the Baltic countries joined EU.
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Russia is a big country wich must influence near countries, unintentionally or by intention. Ask Mexico, Columbia, Panama and other small Latin American states about it. It is obvious that USA wants to spread it influence over whole planet and Russia is an obstacle for that goal. It uses every opportunity it has to harm Russia over others, just to avoid direct conflict. Then it supports those who did insult or harmed Russia in some way. This leads to world with deep divide of the world. It is obvious too that Russia is very reserved to actions wich are of that type wich tells me that Russia has more responsabile politics.
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it's a good thing Russia protects us from USA
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East Europeans (especially Baltic States) detest Russia since they were integrated by force in USSR.

so what, they felt the taste of being soviets, there is nothing bad in it. If they hadn't been forced to enter the USSR, they would have been forced to join another union...etc. this is the policy of divide and conquer
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I agree with Terry. But it was hard living in USSR. Paranoia, terror to poor people. Everywhere in USSR was like that, but some countries was thinking that they are victims alone. No, the system was wrong and nobody molested them specially.
There are no real reason for them to hate today's Russia. In past, world's constalation was like that. I don't think Russia was guilty for misery of that countries, but communist system which is now gone. Maybe someone occasionally misused a position for own purposes, but I don't believe that Russia as country wanted bad things for them. Look at Ucraine, most of Russian nuclear war potental was in that country, but they won their freedom without a war or violence. Russia give up lot of Europian land without blood even they was nuclear and military force which could be compared with USA. They must be respected for that kind of responsability.
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sasha Wrote:I agree with Terry. But it was hard living in USSR. Paranoia, terror to poor people. Everywhere in USSR was like that, but some countries was thinking that they are victims alone. No, the system was wrong and nobody molested them specially.
There are no real reason for them to hate today's Russia. In past, world's constalation was like that. I don't think Russia was guilty for misery of that countries, but communist system which is now gone. Maybe someone occasionally misused a position for own purposes, but I don't believe that Russia as country wanted bad things for them. Look at Ucraine, most of Russian nuclear war potental was in that country, but they won their freedom without a war or violence. Russia give up lot of Europian land without blood even they was nuclear and military force which could be compared with USA. They must be respected for that kind of responsability.

that's correct: there is no perfect government system, every system has its own advantages and disadvatages. In soviet times, everybody used to be equal. People liked it, even if the regime was totalitarian. I know a lot of people who lived in the USSR, they are saying it wasn't so bad.
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Lithuania is doing the right thing. It's their issues. The same as Kosovo people are sick and tired of Serbians, the same way Lithuanians are tired of Russia

Yes it is partly right. I only think that it is wrong way of thinking. It is dellusive to blaim goverment because of their own faults, not providing solutions, just trying to escape. I don't know about Lithuania, but at Kosovo there is only one ethnical group which wants to be apart from Serbia - Albanians. They were guests for one time, after that they overpopulated some parts of Kosovo. Then they tried to form independant country. It can't be succsesfull because it is wrong and everybody knows it. There are some USA ass kissers that are trying to go around truth, but their time will pass soon.
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It's not the same thing. Lithuania was a Soviet Republic in former USSR, but Kosovo was an Autonom Region of Serbia in former Yugoslavia. :nonnon

It became autonom region after WWII. It wasn't autonom region before, just part from Serbia. On the fourth kongress of communist party of Yugoslavia 1920 in Drezden, Germany, after it became forbiden, KPJ became anti-Yugoslav and had for a goal to desintegrate Yugoslavia, just in the way it is put apart now. Even Kosovo separation was projected then. After WWII communists took leadership, but they were continuing with formar plans. As result of it, the autonomus Kosovo was made.
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If all the separatist countrys followed the example of Kosovo, then we would have over 300-400 countries in the world, which would not be normal
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every country in the world has at least one region that would like to become independent. The problem worsens as the time goes by. I don't know why they do that... probably because of the nationalistic feeling
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Serbia will recognize every new country at states that recognized Kosovo, as reciprocity mesure. Serbia will support fight with separatism across the world only with countries that didn't recognized Kosovo.
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?

A similar problem to the Kosovan one is in Moldova. After the USSR collapsed separatists didn't supported the new government's policy (directed to the WEST) so they unleashed a war against Moldova, and now there is a region there named "Transnistria" which is ruled by totalitarian regime (at least it is considered so). So I'm thinking that Kosovo is bad example for Moldova in this matter, as it can make Transnistria because it can definitely separate from Moldova.
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On the 13th of June, Russia celebrated the "Russia's day". The Lithuanian president congratulated Medvedev on the occasion of this holiday, and said that these two countries have close relations in the matter of economy and culture, and he expressed his will to extend these relations to other fields
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they might make their peace, but this will only be apparently, you can't change instantly the people's concept that has formed for many years. It will also require a lot of time.

but yes, it might change instantly. How? Well, for example, (I am not wishing this to happen, only example) an earthquake can take place in the Baltic region. And guess what, Russia will be the country which will offer to Lithuania the most of aid.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

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The Baltic area is not a seismic one. So an earthquake is hardly possible. But, even if it occurred, their pride wouldn't let them beg aid from Russia. USA is their favourite.
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Lithuanian parliamentarians decided to receive compensations for Russia's and Germany's occupation. The committee of international affairs was empowered to draft the given project. The project will be issued in the middle of July. The approximate amount is 20 billion US dollars.

I will watch Lithuania in few years when the gas raises in price.

20 billion dollars is not big money for Russia. But, they won't pay it just because on principle. Russia doesn't want a small country to dictate its rules because of early leaders' mistakes.
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