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GLOBAL WARMING..........................?
Does anyone know if anything is being done about Global warming or if any success in stopping it has happened, or if someone has come up with a solution and is trying to get people to make it change. I know Al gore Emphasized this in his "An inconvenient truth video" I wonder if he was taking seriously by people. It seems like it has been a longer colder winter this year so maybe something has changed a little bit. Does anyone know?

Sorry, but the Financial Crisis has replaced Global Warming. We need another crisis the take care of the financial mess that we are currently in.

By the way, Global Warming is still just as much of a a threat now as it was a year ago.

Gore is being taken seriously by people who were already doing independent research, and therefore are in a position to agree with him and see him as 'in the room'.

He's not being taken seriously by persons who for reasons personal, psychological or religious, feel it is inappropriate to consider the possibility that the planet could be damaged by man.

There's no success yet, there can be no success until governments start legislating, and that seems to be a long and tedious process.

on the up side: five years ago, when I was whimpering about global warming, most people around me were laughing in my face and telling me to get a hobby. Now, they agree and are themselves doing what they can, eg fabric shopping bags, buying in bulk, recycling, growing own vegetables etc. It's not much but it's all the man in the street can really think of to do. We need the big boys, is the problem. We need good leadership to pull things in line.

I actually don't think it's going to work out. Sorry: but the problem is enormous, and it has huge momentum, and sometimes when the weight tips, one has to go forward through something and out the other side, one cannot stop things and send them backwards. So I've got my lifestyle block, and my water tanks to gather flood rains in winter and dish out in summer, and I'm slowly learning how to feed my entire family on what I grow. Mad, sad, really, really pathetic, but I'm into surviving. You and I are mere blips in history. It's whether we keep the chain going or not that counts in the end.

Oh, and as to dickwad below: I've planted over 1000 trees on my land so far. I reckon I can get more than that going too. Problem is, my shares use up co2 that the next guy creates. I can't distance myself from him unless I go live in a biodome.

The Earth goes through natural cycles of hot and cold, up and down, back and forth. The greenhouse theory was disproved years ago. Pollution is real. Global warming is a farce. Carbon Dioxide is used by trees to make oxygen. It's not harmful. If you want to do something about carbon dioxide.... PLANT TREES!!!!!

global warming isn't a problem in our world today because it's not true. the average amount of carbon dioxide in the air now is .04%. There is so much evidence against global warming that they are even trying to change the name to climate changing because they know they are wrong. In russia they are even starting to say there is global cooling going on now, so its all just something that al gore made up because he wanted attention.

global warming is a natural process of the sun.Mankind just checks the tempature and assumes it knows more than the powers of the cosmos.

First if all, global warming is just a theory right now it might just be a phase Earth is gowing through. There are some things being done like electric cars (actually by the year 2012 Volkswagen is trying to invent a salt water powered car), planting more trees, Earth hour (which is when everyone turns off all electricity for an hour). In my opinion you are lucky I live in Arizona and it is already in the 90s its hot soon we will 100..again. As i said where you live might have longer winters because of a phase Earth is gowing through like the ice age (but that might not happen again). I hope this helps.

i became a big fan of al gore after seeing his film
to the person who said trees eat up the co2 emissions, you are so right, but guess what..... we are cutting down all of our forrests... the trees on earth only absorb less than half of the emissions we release... and at the rate that we cut down trees, we could never plant them fast enough...
the winter sure as hell wasnt colder here.... but fluxuations are normal... colder weather at this point is actually more dangerous

Ozone depletion damage gets much worse when the stratosphere is very cold. This has been the case the past two years, causing extensive ozone depletion. This past winter, ozone depletion reached the most severe levels ever recorded over the Northern Hemisphere. Western United States ozone levels also continue to drop 3-4 percent per decade. Even if all of our efforts to stop harmful emissions are successful, the ozone layer is not expected to begin recovery until around 2020 at the earliest.

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