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5 Facts That Prove Global Warming is Caused by Humans
what do u think about global warming? now im not looking for a huge anwser here but if you could just tell me whether or not you think that humans are causing it and list only 5 facts why you think that...then i'll be able to somehow find a way to make my decision on what i think.

i think your not cool typing like that.

i think it exists. i think it can be stopped/slowed down.

i think we wont succeed in stopping/slowing it down in time.

Some parts of the world are getting warmer, but some parts are getting cooler as well. The term "climate change".

I don't think global warming is happening like we know it. I think that no human can control global warming. Have you seen that program 'The Global Warming Scandle', where it stated that the Earth has a way of heating itself up and cooling itself down for a long time. They saw the timeline of the temperature, which it looked the same some hundred thousand years ago then cooled down. Also, CO2 follows the temperature, not the other way around.

There are many basic scientific facts which can only be explained if the current global warming is being caused by an increased greenhouse effect due to carbon dioxide accumulating in the atmosphere from humans burning fossil fuels. I discuss them in the link below.

Real, mostly caused by us.

The average temperature is rising.
We're making a lot of CO2.
CO2 is known to cause warming via the greenhouse effect.
The Sun's radiation is decreasing slightly.
Most all of the world's scientists and most all of the world's leaders agree about this. There are always a few "skeptics" about anything scientific.

Good websites for more info:

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Global warming IS real.

HOWEVER, it is NOT caused by humans. Cavemen were not driving SUVs or working in giant factories when the last ice age ended (the ACTUAL start of global warming).

The only point that can be debated is just how much mankind is contributing to global warming.

No, the sun is getting hotter. That would heat things up a bit right? There is no evidence that our carbon footprint on the earth is affecting the globe. Al Bore is an idiot. The only reason they want us to buy into the idea of global warming is so that they can start a global, yes global carbon tax. The powers that be are already talking about it.

first of all i want to say that people are defiantly causing global warming. I think that we can stop it if we try, but people refuse in one way or another.
The greenhouse effect

Global warming is real, but I will point you to the scientists data for the facts.

there is NO way to say FOR SURE what causes global warming. all i know is that the earth has been around 4 and a half billion years. we are too uneducated about the history of the earth because nobody has been around to keep up with it for the majority of its existance. anyone who says they know is only repeating what someone else told them. and so on and so on, until you get to the liars who dont believe in global warming but are spreading the lie around for political propaganda.

I believe that wheather or not global warming exsists, all of us should reduce our energy consumption. We are cutting down forests for paper, a reason to recycle paper. Polution is a huge problem in some parts of the country. I used to live in a small city and on some days the news would tell everyone to go outside as little as possible because the air was way too unhealthy. Not only that, the US uses 25% of the world's resources, when we only have 5% of the world's poulation. All of us need to use less energy and recycle more. It is not hard, and it takes very little time.

I think there is global warming but it is not man made. The Earth historically goes through natural warming and cooling cycles.

Glaciers used to cross the land where I live, but they have not been here for hundreds of years. Which leads me to believe that hundreds of years ago, the Earth warmed up enough for them to recede. Since we did not have SUV's back then it would make sense that, that was not the cause.

you asked 2 questions

Question one
What do you think about global warming?.

I think Global warming is true
This week, one of NASA's top scientists concluded that the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free within five years, much faster than all previous predictions.

when the north pole is gone , you may have polar bears soon in America ,looking for a home ,

Calculations do not include the accumulative ,speeding up ,factor with time. the increase in water temperature will get faster all the time as well as the melting,

when the ice is all gone the deeper cold Ocean currents will stop ,and the drag has gone with it ,also changing the higher warm currents,And only the moon will keep things moving

This will affect coastal climates ,world wide ,almost instantly. All aquatic flora and fauna will be affected,many dying off and others becoming invasive,

Right now In Chiapas ,and Tabasco in Mexico .more then a million people became homeless overnight with water coming up to their roofs ,because of rains from super evaporation from the forests,this had never happened before. Millions of animals died.

In India 3000 people died because of super storms .

.A few years ago in Europe 3500 people,died during a heat wave ,many of them in France .

Right now the average death toll annually is 150.000 due to Global warming

. these figures are already out of date and are expected to double soon.

In Northern China millions of people are running for their lives because regular dust storms so far have buried 900 villages under the sand and the whole of northern China is turning into a dessert.

The Sahara is growing by 7 kilometers a year all around the edges ,like a slow burning fire shriveling up their neighbors In the Kalahari huge rivers have dried up and thousand of species are gone due to their habitats disappearing .

The biggest changes are invisible at micro biotic levels species are becoming extinct ,others are multiplying ,

This affects the insect populations that follow ,and changes in that ,affect all that follows in the food chains ,

All life is interrelated of both flora and fauna, And since we are on the top of the food chain ,
we are always the last to know.

So Global warming has its toll there are incidents all over the world ,
Question two
5 reasons why Humans are contributing to the natural cycle and speeding it up


AIR pollution and the green house effect

Soil pollution,which causes us to exploit more (un contaminated ) land

Water pollution which cause us to use more (un contaminated) water


70 million more people each year ,drink ,destroy and eat
putting pressure on natural resources ,such as water and soil,

and expanding settlement which diminishes the Natural world.


because of Deforestation, for agriculture


5)Over pumping Carbon Aquifers and wasteful irrigation,which deplete ground water supplies ,and the trees die ,and when the irrigation stops ,everything dies

1Global Temperature is rising relatively fast.
2 Sea levels are rising
3Glaciers are melting - note someone told me that it was due to a fissure under Greenland.- (affecting glaciers in the Himalayas!)
4The climate models built by various bodies around the world which assume AGW give results which are a reasonable fit with what has been observed.
5 I can grow Fushias out doors now and I don't have to lift the Dahlia tubers to protect them from heavy frosts.

I think that it is ridiculous that human beings have so much pride in themselves that they think that we can actually cause something so major to happen in nature. For one, there have been instances in history where global warming has occured, and it has actually helped the environment---it caused the vegitation to last longer during the spring and summertime, therefore, actually helping people. Democrats just want something to scare you with, so they can show you how they are "fixing" a particuar situation, therefore, getting more votes. It's pathetic.

I am a man-made global warming denier. There may be natural global warming, but in reality the jury is still out on that(hung jury)
1) There is no room for consensus in science. The people that are "selling" the man-made global warming theory want you to believe that all of the "true" climate scientists agree with the consensus. But this is not the case at all. There as many climate researchers that disagree that agree. You just aren't allowed to hear the dissenting voices. At the climate change conference in Bali, only believers were given a platform. Press passes were denied to skeptics. Scientists that have not signed on were not allowed to attend.
2) The computer models that are used as "proof" of the impending doom are fatally flawed at the basic level. These models(22 of them) are not able to correctly predict weather patterns of the past 25 years, when data from those years were programed in.
3) No one can reliably predict weather patterns a week out, let alone 50-100 years.
4) The environmental movement (both at the international level, and the national level) is being run by anti capitalist leftists that see this movement as the only way they see their goals come to fruition.
5) Al Gore.......'nough said


To a large extent, yes we are. There is some natural warming which is the result of the cycles that both the Sun and Earth go through, this natural warming accounts for just a small amount of the warming we are experiencing.


1) I've been studying it for 24 years as part of my job. A lot of that time has been spent looking for and examining other possible explanations, none of them stand up to scrutiny.

2) The primary cause of global warming are the greenhouse gases. These are essential to life on this planet, if they were unable to retain heat our planet and everything on it would freeze - they're effectively our insulation. We've significantly increased levels of these gases and ultimately the result is one of a warming atmopshere.

3) The concept of global warming isn't new. It was hypothesised as far back as 1811 and scientifically established in 1893. With over 100 years of science behind the theory, it is something that has been very well documented, investigated, tested and demonstrated. The science behind it is rock solid.

4) Every single major scientific organisation in the world together with every single major corporation agrees that global warming is real. These organisations don't make decisions until they have tested the theory for themselves. It has been tested, tested, and tested again and consistently proven to be accurate.

5) Skeptics have spent years trying everything possible to refute the science of global warming, they include some very intelligent people and at one time included the massive resources of organisations such as ExxonMobil. Despite all this they have consistently failed to come up with any alternative explanation, are unable to agree between themselves and have failed to refute the theory of global warming.

fact being ozone layer became thinner from industrial waste poluting the atmosphere. fact thinner ozone layer allows more effects of the sun to penetrate the atmosphere. fact more radiation at poles because its thinner there. so fact ice begins to melt. fact more moisture more humidity temperature rises fact cause , effect one big chain reaction

No matter what causes GW, human or natural, most scientists definately seem to have concerns and some proof that temperatures are rising. So rather than argue about the causes we should focus on what to do about the fallout. If the climate changes, ice caps melt and sea levels rise significantly there could be disastrous effects on the world economy and thus everyone's standard of living would be reduced.

No one is wishing for harder times for themselves, their children or future grandchildren so no matter what the cause, if steps need to be taken to soften the blow then we should listen to those experts studying this phenomena and heed their recommendations.

How can we close this endless Global Warming thread?
There are thousands of articles concerning the facts of Global Warming in this forum. Everybody can search and read them.

Stop this endless global warming 'questions', please: Go to report and block this spam!

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