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If man made global warming is a hoax, where and when did it start?
Remembering that the word hoax implies a deliberate falsehood -- Where and when did the "global warming hoax" begin? Did the world's climatologists, environmental scientists, environmental activists, liberal politicians, and other proponents of the man made global warming argument meet in some backroom somewhere and plan it all out?

Are these same scientists, politicians, and celebraties deliberatly surpressing research that counters man made global warming? Are the dozens of peer reviewed journals that publish global warming research in on this vast conspiracy?

How is the vast conspiracy maintained? Is such a hoax conspiracy likely?

Or is it more likely that dozens or hundreds of scientists with diverse backgrounds, working in various fields, came to similar conclusions?
News reports that man may be making the Earth warmer go back at least to the 1940s...

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... =Callendar</a><!-- m -->
The concept of global warming was introduced in the 1840s...

So if it is a hoax, as some have claimed, it is a far reaching hoax involving figures in
science, the media, and politics on every continent for 160 years. Does that seem plausible?

One of the famous scientific hoaxes in the world, the so-called Piltdown Man, was exposed 40 year after its conception. The Piltdown Man hoax only involved a few people and was undone through advancements in anthropology. Do you honestly believe that global warming is a hoax that has been carried on for 4 times as long as Piltdown Man and would have involved hundreds, perhaps thousands of people?

Its not a hoax, but rather its just that scientist dont have enough information to predict what the global temperature has done and will do. If the earth is millions of years old how has it survived? I say the earth will take care of it self and continue to spin and support life regardless of us. Did you know that water is a more significant green house gas than CO2? There is more evaporated water in the atmosphere than any other gas! Have you ever been in a green house? Whats the first thing you notice? Its humid and sweaty and there is water running down the walls! The atmosphere is kinda like that! If global warming really is happening it is just a temporarry natural cycle of earth. Probly has somthing to do with the earths orbit around the sun and the solar systems orbit in the galaxy. Dont worry be happy enjoy the sun! Go get some nice shades some sun tan lotion and drive a convertible to the beach and get a tan!

It's been squawked about for a short while but it got exaggerated waaaaay out of proportion to undeserved importance during the clinton regime. It's a Big Lie that got out of control when paranoid delusions of the Chicken Little Syndrome sufferers got waaaay too much press.
People never ever used to worry about things that couldn't be changed. You can't change, stop, or 'fix' nature. Nature isn't broken anyway. "Global warming" will go away of it's own accord with no 'help' from man. So don't worry about it. It don't worry about us.

The fact that global warming is happening is virtually indisputable, How much of it (IF ANY) is VERY disputable.

The theory of man-made global warming was started by the UK Conservative government [led by Margaret Thatcher] in the 1980s, in response to a large scale strike by coal miners, prior to this, it was feared that we were headed for another ice age (subsequently proven by the release of Ice Age II - The Meltdown by 20th century fox [J/K!]. The "coal strike" was causing nationwide discontent. Giving in to the miners' demands wasn't economically viable, so the government decided to promote nuclear power. At the time pressure groups such as CND & Greenpeace were causing mass opposition to nuclear energy, so in order to "sell" nuclear energy to voters, the government marketed it as the "green" alternative, based on the fact that it is almost infinitely renewable, and produces no greenhouse gas emissions.

The theory caught on and became more widespread when governments throughout the world realised they could make money by way of "green taxes".

Most scientists get their income from these governments by way of grants. By fair means or foul, it soon became apparent that any scientist who wanted to disprove this theory stood a lesser chance obtaining such a grant, therefore the scientific community became proponents of this theory whether they believed it or not.

I recommend viewing "The Great Global Warming Swindle". It's available on filesharing networks such as Limewire. It points out that the most likely cause of climate change is solar activity - this is now backed up by the fact that almost every planet/satellite in our solar system is undergoing similar warming (see links).

See some of my recent answers on this subject to get an idea of how much energy is produced by the Sun, and you will probably laugh at the notion that a few billion insects (aka: mankind) can have any impact on such a powerful force.

It's not just earth that is warming it's our entire solar system. Humans only account for 6% of the global effect. It is the sun that is heating up.

I don't think it is a hoax as much as a misunderstanding of climate cycles.
History proves that approximately every 10,000 years the Earths climate warms up temporarily. these warm periods called "interglacial periods", last approximately 15,000 to 20,000 years before the climate slips back to colder ice age climates. Our current warming period is much nearer the end, than the beginning. In fact today the Earths temperatures have warmed back to "Medievel Warm Period" which existed from approximately A.D. 1000 to A.D. 1350.
If you buy into the human increase in C02 levels as the culprit for the slight (.02 degree increase over 100 years) increase in the Earths temperature, consider this, of the 186 BILLION TONS of C02 that enter the Earths atmosphere each year from all sources, only 6 BILLION TONS are from human activity.
Approximately 90 BILLION TONS come biologic activity in the Earths oceans, and another 90 BILLION TONS from Volcanic activity and decaying land plants.
Total human contributions to so called "Geenhouse Gases" are about 0.28% of the total.

Most reputable scientists say global warming does not exist. Some even are claiming that the earth is at the beginning of cooling period which we will notice by about the year 2010. The hoax is not so much on global ewarming itself but the idea that people can control the temperature. Remember in the 1960's it was thought by just as many people that we were in a global freeze fueled by man made pollution. Oh how we have such short memories! Common sense should tell you that man made global warming is a myth. Why did man made pollution take over 100 years to show its dirty head? Why was it not around in 50's and 60's when pollution was several times worse than it is today? Why did the earth have several periods of warming in 1800's well before fossil fuel burning cars? What about the scientists who say that global warming is a myth or at beat not man made? I guess they do not count since they do not support our beliefs? Ask yourself this question. Maybe there is a reason that the IQ of those who believe in global warming on average is 10 points lower than that of those who know it is a myth.

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