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Should I start back playing world of warcraft or buy a ps3?
I have a xbox 360 but getting bored with it.I already beat metal gear on the ps3,should i get a ps3 just for god of war?do u know of any good games coming out for the ps3, rpg or action?I have been sober from world of warcraft for like 5 months now lol.serious answers only pls.

ps3 for sure god of war 3 is really good.

Get the PS3. Why pay money each month for the same game, when you can be playing thousands of games on a console, with other people? Besides, the experience is much more fun, you can also bring friends over.

if you have time to play it a lot I'd say get a ps3. There are some good games other than god of war 3 like uncharted 2, heavy rain, coming up killzone 3 and lets not forget about 3D. Blue ray for the ps3 is the only one that will be updated (that I know of) so +1 if you like 3D. hmmm there might be other big titles coming out but I cant remember all.

i dont know how you can get bored with the xbox 360 which has more game releases than than the ps3... dont get me wrong the ps3 is awsome i want one but the 360 is awsome..( my opinion also millions of others) bur get the ps3 world of warcraft, is not a good investment in your money but a ps3 is. the games are good and multiple choices dont forget PSN.

I hate it when people say WoW is the "same game". It's not, there's so much you can do, pve, pvp, dungeons, questing, achievements, different races and classes. You can reach 80 on a toon and still not come remotely close to doing everything. But to answer your question...perhaps do both? My sister has both and alternates back and forth depending on what she feels like playing. Buy the PS3 and play WoW when you feel like it. Pay by the month and $15 a month for a game the offers so much is not a lot. I personally find it to be well worth it.

I agree do both so say you get bored playing one, if you have friends you know that also play it you can go join them and the PS3 is just like a bonus

world of warcraft, its cheaper and more things to do!!!!! We have a wii, ps3, 360 you name it we never play ANY OF THEM wow is so much better...

I have the same dillema i have a 360 (but ya know... they're crap)
Get the PS3 man.

if ur bored of xbox360 or pc games. here are some things u can do if u buy a ps3

1. watch free movies (screw netflix, but netflix is available)
2. listen to free music
3. watch free anime
4. watch free tv shows
5. play PS HOME - online virtual community, go chat with people, play free games along with a MMO, join in on certain events to get free games or other items from Sony, watch ur avatar interact and do emoticons like in WOW, etc. stay within sony's terms of agreement.
- so far, i know sony gave out free copies of warhawk, rag doll kung fu, diner dash, siren, from participating in certain events from PS HOME. maybe more, im not online everyday so....

6. games excluding metal gear for PS3:

god of war 3
god of war collection
heavenly sword
heavy rain
uncharted 1 + 2
resistance 1 + 2
little big planet
killzone 2
yakuza 3
socom 4 (fall, 2010)
agent (TBA)
the last guardian (fall,2010)
ninja gaiden sigma
gran turismo 5 (fall, 2010)

RPG games:

valkyria chronicles
cross edge
last rebellion
white knight chronicles
final fantasy versus 13 (TBA)
final fantasy 14 (2011), here's square enix version of world of warcraft
trinity universe (June, 2010)
ar tonelico 3 (2010)
atelier rorona (2010)
demon soul's
disgaea 3

PS1 classics: includes hit games from the PS1 era

other PS3 features coming, in the near future:
1. playstation move
2. 3D gaming

*all games stated above are currently PS3 exclusives with the exception of cross edge, cross edge has been announced for the 360 but it hasnt been released on the 360 yet.
**of course, there are more exclusive games, but either its not really worth mentioning, or i cant think of anymore at the moment.

Playstation is constantly growing and become better.
I think it's brushing past all other competition and they are technically much more ahead and aware than microsoft.

I would go for a PS3.


well if you word it like that "been sober from WoW" then clearly you don't feel as though you should get back into it. You know what you want to do and should do then. get yourself a ps3.
edit: let me just say i adore WoW, you can be end game leet and still only play 3 days a week. it's true! i personally think you should get back into wow it's so much fun it's so in depth etc, BUT because you worded it as though it was an addiction? i had to say get yourself a ps3

id say world of warcraft over ps3 any day. my reasons :

* why spend like 50-60$ on a game when u can play wow for like 30$ for 2 months .

* world of warcraft can never be beaten , a ps3 game can .

*ps3 can break easy. The only breaking about wow is the ocational patch day .

*(this is if u don't have ps3 online) ur alone when u play ps3 , ur not alone when u play wow.

* with wow u can customize your ingame counter part. In games like god of war, u can't (atleast none i know of ) .

* i don' know of any ps3 game that has cool mounts like wow .

* wow has so much to do. if u play ps3 , u beat a game, then u have to go out and buy a nother for like 50-60$

I could go on and on but i think 7 reasons is enough

I dont know, ps3 is expensive, I bought mine and I played for a few weeks and that was it lol

PS3...end of lol

There is no point in getting both consoles so just go back to playing WOW

well imo PS3

im not really into MMORPGs, but my brother is....ive played MS (omg its terrible, i seductively whip myself for ever thinking about trying that piece of crap out), Silk Road, Ultima Online, and a few others alone with WoW...and i just cant get into them...

my brother on the other hand just plays the hell out of it...raiding, battlegrounds, just going around dueling and ish....idk what keeps him playing :\....BUT he now cherishes WoW over family so f him lol.

the PS3 had many good exclusives such as GoW3, Uncharted 1 and 2, Demons Souls (DS is a BEAST), MAG, along with many other kick-ass games. but idk, PS3 just seems like a better investment.....

BUT if you do end up choosing WoW....just dont let it take you over.....

DUDE I'm in the EXACT same poisition as you. I'm thinking of getting a ps3 and I quit wow exactly 5 months ago. If u can't take advice from someone who's exactly like u then I don't know who u can take advice from.

WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW every ducking time. Wow fuckd up my school marks and stuff and since next year is grade twelve which I kinda need to graduate I'm not restarting wow and I'm getting a ps3. But as soon as I graduate... I'll see u online man

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