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What is it that you would like others on the politics section to say / understand?
What is your hope for YA Politics users?

Mine is to have people understand that America should leave others alone and learn from others instead of imposing their rule over them. I also hope people come to understand that all people are equal and all lives are valuable, not just westerners.

What is your hope for YA Politics answerers?
Political Enigma: Very good answer!
Barn Owl: And what of American serial murderers and Africans like my good friend from Cameroon who's fluent in 4 languages and works for the European Space Agency?

I think we should take over completely. Those who want our rule will have it, those who do not, shall have it rammed down their throats.

I wish the partisan sheep would remove the blinders from their eyes and acknowledge the fact that NEITHER party is inherently good nor inherently evil. Both sides have their fair share of good and bad. It is simply ignorant that so many continually condemn those they oppose for the very same behavior they condone in those they support.
Partisan blindness is a blight on our country and bears a great responsibility for the current state of our nation.
Go ahead sheeple, thumb me down and prove what I say to be true.

Understand this:

Capitalism is the most internally and externally stable economic system, but in order to maintain it's health, the power elite must certain societal behaviors:

1. Diversity of cultures and methods.
2. Open competition and free trade.
3. In times of plenty: support for non-economically productive creativity.
4. In times of need: distribution of resources.

We as a nation have the power to craft the most perfect capitalism-based economic system on the planet that still keeps everyone happy.

Well, I'm glad that you think you're equal to an African that rapes 6 month old babies to cure themselves of AIDS because I'm not. They're still in the stone-age.

I would particularly like the Fox news watchers to provide me with the following;

1. Credible evidence that Ahmadinejad has ever said he wants Israel wiped off the face of the earth
2. Credible evidence that Ahmadinejad has ever denied the Holocaust
3. Any kind of proof whatsoever that IranAir 655 was loaded with frozen bodies and deliberately flown at the USS Vincennes to trick it into shooting the plane down (yes, people really have said that, on numerous occasions)
4. Credible evidence that Israel's military tries to minimise civilian targets, when the evidence (ie thousands of dead civilians) says otherwise
5. Credible evidence that Hugo Chavez is a dictator
6. Credible evidence that Iran is developing nukes
7. Credible evidence that Iraq had WMDs pre-2003
8. A good explanation why it was legal and justified to bomb defenceless Cambodia for 4 years, and kill over half a million civilians
9. An explanation of why Colin Powell & Condi Rice's pre-9/11 assertion that Saddam Hussein did not have WMDs was never brought up when The Idiot started beating the war drums.

and finally...

10. Why it is ok for US troops to kill civilians by the truckload, but not ok for those civilians to retaliate.

For one, I want people to know that the United States has the ability to be the peacemaker of the world, yet fails at everything it does due to an aggressive foreign policy that promotes violence, mass murder, torcher, racism, greed, pornography, and radical religious ideologies. I also want them to know that republishit or democrap, it makes no difference. Every president since World War 2 has just been a puppet for the international bankers and oil companies. Day after day, more people die from things that people in the U.S. take for granted as they get more brainwashed and it makes me more and more angry and depressed. I was just watching the cholera outbreak in Haiti, and thinking about the 100000000000000000 ways in which the U.S. could have prevented this. The first step would have been to not overthrow the president of Haiti in the 1900s who would have helped the people a lot. I wish more people would wake up to this so we can use the U.S. to its true potential before it is too late. That is one of the biggest reasons I come on Yahoo Answers - to get my frustration out.

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