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Holy Khalifah Addresses the Guests in 36-th Annual Convention at Messes, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Peace be on you…During his visit to Germany to attend 36 th annual convention of his community, the Holy Khalifah addressed to the general honorable guests. He mentioned that believers of his community who migrated to this country, now they are part of this society, they are working for the welfare of their new country. They are patriotic, their children are fully mixed in the society, they practice their faith and they are serving the country in various capacities. Love of the country is the part of the faith.

Religion is a personal matter. State is separate. Western society has learned it after bitter experiences of religious fanaticism.

Killing of one innocent person is like killing of all humanity, according to Holy Quran.( 5:33). Some people are practicing against the teaching of Islam. They are promoting unrest and hatred in society. Their fanaticsm is producing orphans and widows and they are destroying economies of nations and sickening the psychologies of citizens. Similary when governments throw bombs on people, many innocentslives are lost too. All such acts are all violation of human rights and the community of Khalifah definitely dislike it.

Some Islamic countries are mixing extremism with affairs of states which brings bad reputation to the peaceful religion.

Islam brings peace for all humanity as it guides through all walks of life. By the Grace of God, the Holy Qur’an remains pristine, as promised by God. Historians accept this fact.

The Holy Quran uniquely teaches that there should not be compulsion in religion. (2:257). When this verse was revealed, Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was already accepted as head of state. Treaties were made with Jews and other tribes. This commandment asks faithful to treat everyone with love and justice. Each citizen’s human rights must be taken care of.

O ye who believe! Be steadfast in the cause of Allah, bearing witness in equity; and let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be (always) just, that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah. Surely, Allah is aware of what you do. (5:9)

Justice is the key to world peace.

The Promised Guide, Mahdi- Messiah (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> ) says that the task for which God has appointed me is that I should remove the occurred separation in relationship between God and His creation and reinstate the relation of love and purity. And by bringing forth the truth, I should end the religious wars and lay down the foundation of peace. And I should show the religious truths which are lost from sight of world. And I should show the example of spirituality which is pressed under the darkeness of self. And I should explain the reality of divine powers which manifests through human, by way of attention and prayer, in reality, not by words. And above all, I should permanently plant into people, the pure and glittering Unity which is not mixed with any impurity of making associates with God. This all shall be done, not by my power but it shall be done by the power of God of heaven and earth.

His Khalifah observes that German laws are in harmony with Islamic laws.

The Holy Quran teaches to respect and love parents. A mother goes through lot of hardship for a longtime for her child; she loves the child. We are taught to love and take care our parents and pray for them and treat them with respect. With that teaching in effect, problems of many elderlies can be easily resolved in the West.

Parents are taught to raise children properly. They are assets for the nations. They should be well trained and well raised.

The Holy Quran teaches to help poors financially without hurting their feelings. Money should not be wasted.Orphans should be taken care and their wealth should be saved and given back when they grow up.

Islam teaches to exercise honesty in all maters. This religion asks the follower to be humble.

Whatever may be the physical explanations of increasing natural disasters in the world, spiritually saying, these incidences are reminders from God for humanity to come back to Him.

Convention in Messe, Karlsruhe, Germany ends today with concluding address by Holy Khalifah, which comes with live translations on <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> -
News about convention @

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