02-23-2008, 01:18 PM
See what's happening now?
Church set in flames by muslim Albanians in Kosovo
02-23-2008, 01:18 PM
See what's happening now?
02-24-2008, 08:46 PM
This is just not right!
I haven't seen Christians burning mosques..
02-24-2008, 11:25 PM
But let's just stay blind for these kind of things, 'cause albanians are now allowed to do whatever they want, wright? Seems like someone gave them more authority than they can handle...
02-24-2008, 11:55 PM
Definitely not an excuse, now that happened in 2004, I thought it happened now as vandalism will not be allowed.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=iZ2sckf-2mQ Kosovo za patike Kosovo for sneakers http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=5VWZoKWBYXE
02-25-2008, 12:11 AM
"Definitely not an excuse, but let's just see how 2. blondies >sell< Kosovo for sneakers,
that's much interesting for you, than to see how albanians destroy some church..." Well done AuLona, nice comparacy, Church VS. sneakers... What was the point? Illuminate us :!:
02-25-2008, 01:52 AM
Rocky Wrote:"Definitely not an excuse, but let's just see how 2. blondies >sell< Kosovo for sneakers, Which means that you guys are not that far when it comes to vandalism. I am not excusing them at all for that act, the problem is that you do not accept the most vandalism done to God, killing his most beautiful creation, human beings no matter what ethnicity or faith they are. Please be more logical. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.kosovaevidence.com/">http://www.kosovaevidence.com/</a><!-- m -->
02-26-2008, 03:57 PM
Which means that you guys are not that far when it comes to vandalism. I am not excusing them at all for that act, the problem is that you do not accept the most vandalism done to God, killing his most beautiful creation, human beings no matter what ethnicity or faith they are. Please be more logical.
I agree! What will happened with Serbian monasteries in the new Albanian Kosovo? ![]()
02-26-2008, 06:10 PM
mikhail Wrote:Which means that you guys are not that far when it comes to vandalism. I am not excusing them at all for that act, the problem is that you do not accept the most vandalism done to God, killing his most beautiful creation, human beings no matter what ethnicity or faith they are. Please be more logical. I think I already said that whatever damage was done is over, I do not think that the new government of Kosova will let things like that happened if they want to be and look democratic to the rest of the world. If they do I will be the first to condemn them.
03-01-2008, 09:45 PM
mikhail Wrote:I agree! If the "republic of Kosovo" is administrated according to the Ahtisaari Plan, the Serbian Churches would receive special protection. These sites would be part of protectorates and their normal functions respected. The land will belong to the Serbian Church. The churches that are damaged are being repaired...
03-01-2008, 09:55 PM
AuLoNa Wrote:mikhail Wrote:I think I already said that whatever damage was done is over, I do not think that the new government of Kosova will let things like that happened if they want to be and look democratic to the rest of the world. If they do I will be the first to condemn them. Agreed - and the ruling Albanian majority needs to wake up to its responsibility that the world - most especially the European Union - will not tolerate a Kosovo where some Kosovo citizens are without human rights and cultural rights. If some in the Albanian majority now thinks that the EU will tolerate a society based on "Albanian privilege" it is very wrong. The EU is not NATO's KFOR, which tolerated violence against Serbs. Some EU member states are hanging their recognition of "Kosovo independence" on the behavior of the Albanian majority in government (the Netherlands). ANY bad behaviour directed at the Serbian minority will look bad for those governments that gave recognition in the first place... If ANYTHING happens to the Serbian minority on the part of Albanians -that would be the end of the "Republic of Kosova." We can believe that Russia will be an EU member before Kosovo will be... ![]()
03-02-2008, 01:02 PM
euamerican, Russia will never be an EU member...
03-03-2008, 01:02 AM
Zelman Wrote:This is just not right! I agree with you. It is not right. in fact it is a crime. it is forbiden in Islam to burn a church even during fight! - But I disagree with you about christians not burning mosques US in Iraq has done that several times. and they closed the channel which prodcasted the events!
40 translation of Quran HERE
reading is the answer not burning !!
03-07-2008, 03:16 AM
Albanians in kosovo have not atack the churches juring the war, even kosovars was murdered, tortured, genocided, riped and mordered thier childring and woman from paramilitar-serbs and other ultranacionalist-seb grups, but then the war is ower after NATO intervention, and the serbs okupie the north of Mitrovica with rusian suport, and later stil serbs-luters seek for thier paradise to spred in kosovo, ass one excuse the churches, but idea was to continue with crime?
But, they stil believe the NATO and EU are kind of fullish for them??? than they provoke by murdering thre childring in river Iber, to reminde to albanians that "we serbs kill albanian childring again" to reminde a pane of war! Most of the churches at 2004 serbs burn them sels and left kosovo, thinking they will newer return! All the old churches in kosovo is true albanian-katolik and albanian-orthodox, but in the comunist era serb-secret genocide time after time around in kosovo..., than they just fixed the churches a bit for them self to make thier ovn paradise elsewere! When Milosevic apear in power around 1985, he ordered hundreds of churches to be built in Republik of Kosovo to pruve serb existence!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() :love INDEPENDENT KOSOVA REPUBLIK :love .. ![]() You are wellcome to know the truth about Albanians! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPsTDQ3US_A
03-07-2008, 01:31 PM
Sorry man but that is basic lack of knowledge...First of all, Milosevic was an total communistic atheist, therefore wasnt interested in building churches anywere even here in Central Serbia where we asked for it...Further on, it is disgracefull and shameless of you to pronounce children murdered at Ibar river a muslims becuase (if not for the sake of the truth) a father of one of them is a close friend of mine, a dear friend and (obviesly) a Serb. I hope he will not read this cause of his blood pressure. Further on as your respectable religion forbids demolishing religios objects so does ours (needles to say specialy concerning our own!). In generally many of your statements are based on burning war "facts" which should be taken more carefully. Trust me, it was the Serbs that suffered from it and used it the most in the past damging their own people with "nacionalistic" an 2patriotic" reasons for making a war. There are no such things! Take it from us. The same stories youve heard about Serbs Ive heard about your people. Also visually very supported...
03-07-2008, 11:04 PM
shumadija Wrote:Sorry man but that is basic lack of knowledge...First of all, Milosevic was an total communistic atheist, therefore wasnt interested in building churches anywere even here in Central Serbia where we asked for it...Further on, it is disgracefull and shameless of you to pronounce children murdered at Ibar river a muslims becuase (if not for the sake of the truth) a father of one of them is a close friend of mine, a dear friend and (obviesly) a Serb. I hope he will not read this cause of his blood pressure. Further on as your respectable religion forbids demolishing religios objects so does ours (needles to say specialy concerning our own!). In generally many of your statements are based on burning war "facts" which should be taken more carefully. Trust me, it was the Serbs that suffered from it and used it the most in the past damging their own people with "nacionalistic" an 2patriotic" reasons for making a war. There are no such things! Take it from us. The same stories youve heard about Serbs Ive heard about your people. Also visually very supported...- Thanks for yr reason, I know a serbian woman far away from the conflict, She was affected by the serb's media that she had totally faulse picture. - I hope peace will be stronger than all the past griefs. ![]()
40 translation of Quran HERE
reading is the answer not burning !!
03-07-2008, 11:34 PM
fim Wrote:Albanians in kosovo have not atack the churches juring the war, even kosovars was murdered, tortured, genocided, riped and mordered thier childring and woman from paramilitar-serbs and other ultranacionalist-seb grups, but then the war is ower after NATO intervention, and the serbs okupie the north of Mitrovica with rusian suport, and later stil serbs-luters seek for thier paradise to spred in kosovo, ass one excuse the churches, but idea was to continue with crime?I just want to include this true map from rusia about the balkans and it's ally serbia with it's true borders they had at a year 1817! Where the Kosovo-Mitrovica lays now on the map, the true serb borders was about 100Km away from Kosovo-Mitrovica, see that! ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() :love INDEPENDENT KOSOVA REPUBLIK :love .. ![]() You are wellcome to know the truth about Albanians! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPsTDQ3US_A
03-08-2008, 01:51 PM
Exacly, but what I am trying to say is that false pictures were made on both sides, for the sake of political objectives, once we all realize that peace will come smoothly...best...
03-10-2008, 04:36 AM
Zelman Wrote:This is just not right! Yes, i have seen in Belgrade: serbs burning the Mosque. Also, in Kosovo during war, they destroy more than 200 (two hundred) mosques. Yes, frankly, i haven't seens Muslims burning Churches, nor in Kosovo. That "Churche" wasn't a really church, but a place where the killers of children, blessed!; also, not burned. God helps the truth! Peace!
03-10-2008, 02:05 PM
KosovarMuslim Wrote:Yeah that's right, serbs after atrocities they comit..., than they put in front propaganda with popes and croses so religious!Zelman Wrote:This is just not right! Who knows, maybe this kind of popes they show on propaganda, thay mai have teil under that black dres??
03-10-2008, 07:38 PM
Well balkanians, you are very weird and freak people! On everything you are trying to blame each other. As far as I know Albanians are very tolerant by religion because their origin is Catholicism. Due to wars and atrocities against them, they have been converted into Islam by Turks and some into orthodox by Greeks. Even today the inter religion tolerance is well know among Albanians and their neighbors. The Kosovar Conflict hasn't anything to do with religion; it's only mythology and nationalism. Kosovars for centuries protected Serbian churches and monasteries when Serbian Church was not manipulated by state nationalism. Just confirm text above please read what a speach of Kosovar (albanian ) catholic priest:
Speech by Don Shan Zefi, Chancellor Opening of Interfaith Conference on Peaceful Coexistence and Dialogue Monastery of Pec Patriarchate Peja / Pec, May 2 - 3, 2006 Don Shan Zefi, Chancellor Brothers and Sisters, Honorable participants, On behalf of the Catholic Church I have the honor to compliment this Interfaith Conference on Coexistence and Dialogue organized by the Serbian Orthodox Church and Norwegian Church Aid here in Peja / Pec Patriarchate on 2nd and 3rd May 2006. We express our gratitude to the host of the Conference Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro, to the senior religious leaders who jointly initiated this event, which came in the right time and which is much needed. Unfortunately among us today is not the late Bishop Mark Sopi, whose contribution and commitment to dialogue and ecumenism was outstanding. We believe that he is spiritually today with us as he was a person who promoted this kind of initiatives. Even before arriving at this event today, just by seeing the agenda and the list of invited participants who are senior religious leaders and international officials, we felt a need to pray to God to lighten up the minds of all participants in order that we can find out what we have in common and what divides us, in order to move forward with one spirit of brotherhood. And that we may concretely identify initiatives which will make this conference to represent something of importance for peace, for mutual respect, for coexistence, for interfaith and inter ethnic collaboration, and above of all, for the brotherly love between communities because also we are obliged to resemble the Creator, Him who is a love. In the time before the years of war in 99, we had very poor formal mutual interfaith relations, but fortunately the situation changed immediately after the war, which undoubtedly shows a new direction in the renewal of reconciliation even though war in it self was not of a religious character. We should not forget the various inter religious meetings inside and outside the country, in Prishtina, Vienna, Amman, Oslo, Sarajevo, Ankara and Tirana. Those meetings positively represented a release of the general tensions in our society and therefore the main feeling of gratitude goes towards the World Conference of Religions for Peace (WCRP) and to Norwegian Church Aid. Even today we can still remember the scenes of forced displacement in the past, during and after the war, massacres and demolitions of religious sites, which were not a part of our tradition. Memories about the past should even more represent incentives for a continuous theological progress for honest dialogue and not for hypocritical rhetoric, and it should help us in the empowerment of brotherly relationships here in Kosovo among Catholics, Orthodox and Muslim brothers. Believing in interfaith dialogue and in ecumenism as a basis at the start of this new millennium where there is a lot of discussions and writings about possible clashes of civilizations, cultures and religions, interfaith meetings have a specific value and cannot be neglected at all. Therefore, I really wish that the next meetings should be more focused on essential content rather than in formalities, or as we say “ just for sake of it” , and to be more focused on actual issues and orientated towards the future in order that we can improve mutual understanding. The holy and very desirable proverb, “ut unum sint”, which vas very often stated by his holiness Pope John Paul II, represents an obligation towards one union of all people of good will, guides us not to divide, but to unify citizens and religious communities in the one and only God in whom we believe. The theological points of view which I have mentioned above should motivate us in order that the meetings during this 2 day conference will not be just gestures of courtesy, but sincere answers to the various challenges in the society with the purpose that causes which are still separating us will be jointly alleviated as far as possible for us as human beings. The accumulated conflicts after the wars in the past disable us to look ahead clearly, and is naturally aggravating mutual understanding and the understanding of faith. I hope that there will be no obstacles on our road of good will; we should be allowed to walk forward with strong hope and with God’s help, especially during this year when we expect that the Kosovo issue to be solved in favor of all Kosovo citizens. In this regard we should give our contribution, a contribution which consists of peace and dialogue. In the end we wish this conference to be accompanied with our prayers in order that it may be as fruitful as possible. Don Shan Zefi, Chancellor
03-10-2008, 07:54 PM
Now the speach of Serbian Priest:
Peć Patriarchate, May 2 / April 19, 2006 Interfaith Conference on Peaceful Coexistence and Dialogue Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral Welcoming Remarks Respected participants of this Interfaith Conference on Peaceful Coexistence and Dialogue, I welcome you in the name of the God of Love and Peace in front of this ancient holy shrine, conveying the blessing and prayers of His Holiness the Archbishop of Peć, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch Pavle, the primary host of this holy house, for success in the work of this Conference. We are in a holy shrine that is almost fifteen centuries old. Its youth, in the words of God’s prophet and emperor of old Israel David, the spiritual root of all of us gathered here today, has been and continues to be renewed like the youth of the eagle. It was especially renewed and built in the time of Archbishop Arsenije of Peć (in the 13th century) and his successor archbishops and Serbian patriarchs to this very day. The mystery of this renewal and its key lies in the mystery of witnessing and the eternal purpose of a holy shrine of this kind. This holy shrine, namely, is dedicated to the God of Love and is a centuries-old witness of God’s love, stronger than death and impermanence. As such it emanates love to people near and far. It is a call to love and eternal communion to all those who visit it, as well as to intransient human dignity, realized with God’s love and mutual love among individuals and peoples. As the House of the Bread, that descends from heaven to give the world life, this holy shrine calls on us who are gathered here today that we, too, feed upon this and such love, toward God the All-Maintainer, the Creator of heaven and earth and the unique human race; and love toward each other, created as we are each and every one of us on earth in accordance with and in God’s Image. Was not the entire human race kneaded out of one blood and did not God ordain for all individuals and all peoples a place and a time in which to bear fruit, enriching the earth and each other? An ancient man of God who dwelt in the desert left us his prophecy, which is binding upon us and which states: “You have seen your brother, you have seen your God.” Looking upon you with the eyes of this holy shrine and its witnessing, I see before me my brothers according to God the Creator and my eternal brothers-in-arms. As such I welcome you with love and respect, in the hope that in your dialogue with God and with each other you will help the healing of our common wounds in this Kosovo region, the overcoming of hatred among brothers and division, and the establishing of justice, communion and peace, in accordance with the will of God and our human calling and vocation before God. Peace to you and to all residents of Kosovo and Metohija and to all individuals and peoples of the world. Welcome and God bless you! Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral
03-10-2008, 07:56 PM
The speech of Mufti Terrnava , President of the Islamic Community of Kosova,
The speech of Mufti Terrnava , President of the Islamic Community of Kosova, on the occasion of the conference concerning the coexisting peace and inter religious dialogue in Kosovo Peja ,2-3 May,2006 Excellencies : - Mitropolit Amphilohije representative of the Serbian Orthodox Church - Representatives of the Religious Communities - Representatives of Liaison offices in Prishtina - Respected participants , ladies and gentlemen: I am extremely pleased that our meeting of today is a continuation of many other previous meetings between our religious communities. These meetings took place in different occasions in difficult times through which Kosovo had to go through. Today we are meeting in this place .The specific of this meeting is that we are together here in religious site which belongs to Serbian Orthodox Church of Kosovo. As a matter of fact ,the Serbian orthodox church is the host of this meeting. This has a significant meaning for us ,as religious leaders of religious communities in Kosovo and beyond that for people of Kosovo in these decisive moments . I am saying this based upon the facts that Peja as a town and as a region was severely effected be it in human loses or in infrastructure. Let me just mention this that out of 34 religious object that Peja and the region had before the war, they were all destroyed or burned from the Serbian police forces. The total number of destroyed or burned mosques in Kosovo reaches 218. Respected participants, dear friends ! We all know the difficulties and the terrible time through which Kosovo and it people had to go through during the last decades of the 20th century. We as religious leaders know this best because we were close to people all the time. There is no doubt that every war leaves behind a lot of destruction and terrible consequences to deal with for those who survive . This is not only our destiny alone. Such was the destiny of many nations world wide in the past and in the present. Now, Kosovo seven years after the war is still feeling these war consequences .Especially those families which were directly effected like loosing their beloved ones, missing persons, property loses and so on. How can we turn towards the future ? With the burden of all this pain, difficulties and sufferings, We must find energy and encouragement - together with the international factor here in Kosovo to overcome the past and to turn over towards our future . The past should not be forgotten simply because it shout serve as a lesson : not to let it happen again. Such situations are not easy to overcome. It needs courage and good will of all population. Especially the side which coursed the aggression .It had the power and mechanism and had exercised violence, crime and destruction over the unprotected population . For the same reason , in this period of time we need truth and justice .It is time to knowledge the new reality in Kosovo .Then it would come the next step ahead , which is the return of the mutual trust in each other which essential and very important for the coming faze in which Kosovo society is entering. This is the area were we as religious leaders could and should play and important role. Now ,there is a question which comes by itself: Which is the role and the contribution that can be played by religious leaders to return the mutual trust ? Based on our experience, I am confident that among our three traditional faiths , and based on religious teachings and principals : there is a consensus among us that we as religious leaders should give what is needed from us in this crucial time. These are our moral obligations after all, as well as the interest of our citizens and believers. We have to and we must use our moral authority in order to return the mutual trust among our peoples who live in Kosovo. Because by doing this we help to create a suitable climate for coexistence and the conditions for normal life in Kosovo for all, regardless of their belief or language or nationality. By doing so, we will give grate support to both national and international politicians to create chances for a better life in Kosovo. We religious leaders must give our contribution among our supporters and believer to promote human and progressive values .Advise them to respect our democratically elected institutions .We must advise our people to be supportive to our institutions by fulfilling our obligations towards these institutions as citizens of Kosova. It should have been wise that in official talks with Belgrade, even the problems of the Muslim population of Serbia be on the table .It is evident that a certain number of them is being moved under the pressure or even change their names. Just for illustration: Medvedja region before 1999 had around 7500 Albanian inhabitants . Now this number is reduced in 750. I would seize this opportunity to reconfirm my sadness for the March 2004 events . Kosova government has allocated some money from its budget for the reconstruction of the damaged religious orthodox sites .We regret that such an action was never taken by the government in order to restore mosques and other Muslim religious sites. Many of these mosques were unique and of uncompensated historic and cultural values. The question is : what next? For the sake of a better future for coming generations we believe tha there are necesery steps to be taken: 1. The Albanian majority should take the responsibility for better care for all minorities who live in Kosovo , and the Serb minority in particular. 2. The Serb minority should acknowledge the reality which has been created in Kosovo. It has to build its future in Kosovo . 3. The Serbian Orthodox Church of Kosova by its actions has to show that it is a spiritual representative of the Serbs in Kosova and to be less involved in politics. 4. All three traditional religious communities by their public activities together with their supporters must promote common values based on Islam and Christianity to promote tolerance ,peace and justice. 5. Religious communities should encourage their supporters to meet their obligations towards the authorities be it at municipality level or central level. 6. All messages which come out of the religious communities should be messages of peaceful living in a tolerant and mutly- confessional and multy- ethnic society. 7. All religious sites should be rehabilitated be it mosques or churches. 8. The international community in Kosovo should push harder for the privatization process to go further. This will provide a secure environment for investment and creation of new jobs for youngsters in Kosova. 9. The inter faith dialogue to be continued and I suggest that Islamic Community be the host and organizer of next meeting. 10. The final status of Kosova to be resolved considering the will of the majority population of Kosova by providing strong guarantees for the minorities. This will secure peace stability and well being for Kosova and the region. Than you
03-10-2008, 08:01 PM
I'm praying GOD!
Don't let nationalist talking in name of the people who knows and practice religion in your name and for benefit of all mankind.
03-11-2008, 09:45 PM
The fire is ignited from a source
Giving shape to emotions in dis way is wrong Should sit n debate n win d mental game by ruling n changing d views but not in dis way
03-14-2008, 06:26 PM
I think that this kind of actions should be strictly punished by authorities in order to avoid future incidents
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