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Here are some phrases that are easy to use and give good results:
- Miss, can you guess what's your name?
- Miss, during this daytime, what wine would you prefer?
- Have anybody ever groveled at your feet?
- Miss, let's bet 100$ that I will invite you to spend the night with me and you will refuse!
- Could you tell me why an elephant needs a trunk?
- Girls have you seen here a phone "Nokia"? Ahhhhh, what a bad luck - yesterday car keys, today Nokia...
- Miss, I'm sorry, does your mother need a son-in-law?
- I looked up in the dictionary the synonyms for the word "beautiful". Your name was there either.
- I'm sorry, I forgot my phone number, can you borrow me yours?
- Miss, how do you think - what words should a young man tell a girl he wants to get acquainted with on the street so that the girl doesn't refuse him?
- Miss, could you tell me how can I find the road to your heart?
- Miss, do you happen to know what is the frying pan "Tefal" good for? It's good for heating the head of the one who's like a pain in the ass, and since you don't have yet such a frying pan, I decided to ask your name and phone number.
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Here are some more funny pickup phrases for men.  uper
Can I borrow a quarter? ["What for?"]
... I want to call my mom and tell her I just met the girl of my dreams.
In a market:
Pick up a pack of sugar that actually says, "sugar" on it and say to her, "You dropped your nametag!".
Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
Do you believe in the hereafter? Well, then I guess you know what I'm here after.
Are you a parking ticket? (What?) You got fine written all over you.
Are your legs tired, because you've been running through my mind all day long.
Do you have a Bandaid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.
Girl, you better have a license, cuz you are driving me crazy!
Damn, if being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged!
I must be in heaven because I'm standing next to you!
You must be from out of space cause I can see the stars in your eyes.
Can I have directions? ["To where?"] To your heart.
Do you have a map? Because I just keep getting lost in your eyes!
Is there an airport nearby or is that my heart taking off?
Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?
Turn to the girl sitting next to you at the bar and say...
"I'm not really this tall....I'm sitting on my wallet."
When I saw you from across the room, I passed out cold and hit my head on
the I'm going to need your name and number for insurance reasons.
What does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl in this room?
More lines! :gni
Baby did you fart, 'cause you blow me away!
Hi, I'm Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me.
If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together.
There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can't take them off you.
You know what? Your eyes are the same color as my Porsche.
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All these pickup lines are funny when you read them here - but using them in real life is something totally different. First of all you need an optimistic/ironic mood for this. If you are afraid and nervous these lines just won't work. Try to remember what happens when you see the girl of your dream and you just freeze incapable of opening your mouth, not even mentioning of starting a flirt with a pickup phrase like those above.
Many pick up gurus think that a guy freezes because he keeps telling himself that he doesn't deserve her, That she will dump him and so on. Or even worse the guy keeps imagining this in bright colors.
As a result the physiology responds to his mental state and he just freezes... then the person starts justifying his inaction with total crap.. well enough about doing things wrong.
Here are some useful tips that I gathered from different pickup gurus and NLP masters:
1. Be optimistic, even if you fail, the worst that can happen you will gain more precious experience and become stronger. Don't fail only people that do nothing... and that is the greatest failure in life, to wake up when you are old and realize that you did nothing worthwhile in your life because you were afraid.
2. If you are nervous think of N1 then take a deep breath and exhale slowly, do it several times. Straighten your spine, rise you chin and imagine how would you look and feel after you did successfully what you intended. Try to imagine yourself clearly in bright colors, how happy and proud of yourself you are - and move the image closer and closer, if you do it right you should start feeling great and be ready to accomplish your dreams.
3. If it is still difficult for you to start a conversation and you keep justifying yourself for not doing it.. There is a nice method called "jumping into it". Just call her/his name aloud if you know it, or address her in any way that would oblige you to continue the conversation...
It works greatly in many situations not only when you are getting acquainted. It feels like you have jumped from a plane and now you don't have other options but to open the parachute.
4. Creating a rapport with her/him. In an nutshell, rapport is the quality of harmony, recognition and mutual acceptance that exists between people when they are at ease with one another and where communication is occurring easily. In general, we gravitate towards people that we consider similar to us. Rapport is an essential basis for successful communication - if there is no rapport there is no real communication! We naturally experience rapport with close friends or in the company of those with whom we share an intense common interest. However the ability to create rapport is a skill that can be learned and which can be used to facilitate our relationship with anybody, in any setting, and even with those with whom we profoundly disagree.
Since rapport is a long topic here are some online resource you can study about it:
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> - this is quite detailed (recommend)
5. Another way of becoming more confident with really beautiful girls is looking at her and thinking of where on her body you would love to kiss her.
This is enough for now. If you know other tips or would like to share your thoughts and experiences about these tips, you are welcome to do so.
Cheers! :geek:
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Can anyone write what The Girl's answer might be???
Would be ineteresting...
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The main rule in getting acquainted with a girl says: If you don't shoot, you will definitely miss!
... you cleared your name, allegedly you're hastening somewhere, or "it's not gonna work, with my dumb face, and weak body... Look at her, she's so beautiful, well-dressed, her face is severe, she's waiting for somebody (that's non-sense, in 80% of cases, girls wait for their friends, as boys don't use to late) etc."
But, if you don't approach, you'll never know!
It doesn’t make sense to be tied up by a single girl, that’s the point – girls are many, and you have a big choice. If you make at least 3 attempts per day, one month will make up 90 attempts, and if 10% of these attempts succeed, this means – 9 girls in a month – not bad, right.
The talk beginning (attempt) might be different. There are direct (Hi, would you like to drink a cup of coffee with me?) and indirect (I’m sorry Miss, could you tell me what time it is?) attempts. Both of them are good. It’s recommended to use your humour. Use your smile, it “disarms” the majority of girls.
The fastest and most successful attempt is the direct one, along with smiling – “Hi, it’s not by accident I approached you, I wanna know your name”. If she wouldn’t like to talk to you just keep talking, giving different stupid (but not too dumb) questions like “Did you know that…”, “Whom are you waiting for…”. It’s essential that you DON”T PUSH, don’t insist on getting acquainted with her instantly, after a five minutes of talk you can ask her phone number and say “Maybe we can arrange a dinner together, we can have nice time?”. Besides, there is a rule – after the first “no” only common guys give up, BUT WAIT, real men must sort things out. This is the rule of “30 seconds”. It is believed that the first impression about a person is formed within the first 30 seconds. These seconds must be used at full capacity, that is clothing, voice tone, face expression; you have to speak uninterruptedly within these 30 seconds, of course not forgetting to follow the feedback, as you can spoil everything.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."
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send me those phrases plus more.
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Here are some phrases which are less funny and can give you more chances to get acquainted with a girl:
- Let me give you a ride, it's better to be in a car than staying outside during such frost. (if you're in a car)
- Catch this! (you throw her a ball on the beach)
- Could you rub my back with cream so that the sun doesn't burn me? (On the beach, in parks)
- Do you believe in love at the first sight? (typical, but it's important to use your smile when you ask this question).
- Let me help you park your car. (if she has problems with that)
- Are you chasing me? (she entered the same elevator with you)
- Would you like to leave to a quieter place where we can have a drink and discuss?
- I'm sorry, which of the ties fits more for my shirt? (In a mall)
- Would you like to dance? (club)
- How is the water? (after she comes out of a swimming pool)
- What does such a beautiful girl like you do in a place like this?
- I have been learning for the whole day and need a rest, I think you need it either. (at college/university)
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lile_lile Wrote:Can anyone write what The Girl's answer might be???
Would be ineteresting... Hehehehe :lol:
If you call a girl "Miss" she will probably want to have sex with you. You don't need the rest of the line :haha
Quote:“Hi, it’s not by accident I approached you, I wanna know your name”.
- she will kick you in the balls, spray you with pepper dust and scream for the Police.
Quote:after the first “no” only common guys give up, BUT WAIT, real men must sort things out.
Broadly true, but you must assess the severity of the "No" - you don't want to be arrested for harrassment.
For what it's worth, I think an indirect approach is best, and don't be pushy. It is nicer to be friends with someone for a while - someone who is polite and respectful - than to have some creepy guy staring at your chest. A little old-fashioned chivilry does the trick: even fairly hard-core feminists go mushy if you open a door for them, help them with heavy bags / some kind of IT problem, or offer them your umbrella - so long as it is done respectfully (you don't want to make a girl feel stupid and weak).
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Quote:you must assess the severity of the "No" - you don't want to be arrested for harrassment.
you are right Becka. However it depends on the country and region you live in. The girls who are dressed very well and have nice make-up are used with the fact that boys want them. So, will never call for the police.
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This can be dangerous assumption, Andrewz, but you don't need me to tell you that! ;-)
(My friends often persuade each other to dress up for a night out, and then have to run away from men :haha )
What I really want to know is if you have used the lines you posted :lol: and what is meant by "good results" :langue
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Yes Becka, I am young and have many girls. I use these phrases and many others for getting acquainted with them. The point is that these phrases are not said seriously and learned by heart, as a poem. You should feel free to use them and never be afraid of a refuse.
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OK, I suppose boys wil be boys... ;-)
I saw a brilliant 'visual line' this week - it might be fun to try :lol:
A guy walked into a supermarket, to do some shopping. Cradled in his arms was the cutest little black kitten you ever saw. He had wrapped it in a fluffy pink blanket, and was letting it look at passers by. EVERY girl - young and old - was looking at this little kitten, and quite a few started talking to him  He did his shopping, and I saw him leaving the shop with a very attractive young lady...
Later, I realised that it was a bit strange to take your kitten shopping like this. Did this man not have a more macho blanket?!
The gypsy boys in my home town used the same trick - they would carry a small puppy in their pocket, and offer to let girls stroke it...
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Big_Becka Wrote:OK, I suppose boys wil be boys... ;-)
I saw a brilliant 'visual line' this week - it might be fun to try :lol:
A guy walked into a supermarket, to do some shopping. Cradled in his arms was the cutest little black kitten you ever saw. He had wrapped it in a fluffy pink blanket, and was letting it look at passers by. EVERY girl - young and old - was looking at this little kitten, and quite a few started talking to him He did his shopping, and I saw him leaving the shop with a very attractive young lady...
Later, I realised that it was a bit strange to take your kitten shopping like this. Did this man not have a more macho blanket?!
The gypsy boys in my home town used the same trick - they would carry a small puppy in their pocket, and offer to let girls stroke it...
Very nice approach indeed. However only desperate men, who are not confident with their powers, can make these actions. Would it work on you, Becka?
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I am ashamed to admit it... I looked at the kitten too :mrgreen: It did something strange to my hormones, stopped me thinking :roll: But you do need to follow up a 'line' like that
Now there was the other guy who tried to get acquainted recently: it was my friend's hen night, and a man in the nightclub decided it was a poor hen night with no strippers... You can imagine the rest!
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Hehehe :haha
I used to be a stripper some years ago. Really, I liked this job, and couldn't count how many girls I have!
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Terry Wrote:Hehehe :haha
I used to be a stripper some years ago. Really, I liked this job, and couldn't count how many girls I have! I don't believe you, Terry :nonnon You will have to post a photo...  lurp
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A photo?  Well, I'm afraid I could get banned for that
No, really, I was a stripper indeed. From early years I discovered the talent of being a good dancer, so when I grew up, I needed "easy money" and I was hired by a night club for the dancer position.
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A nice phrase for you boys:
Hey beauty, do you believe in love at first sight, or should I stick around here more?
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Terry Wrote:A photo? Well, I'm afraid I could get banned for that
No, really, I was a stripper indeed. From early years I discovered the talent of being a good dancer, so when I grew up, I needed "easy money" and I was hired by a night club for the dancer position. Nah... put it on flicker or picasa as an anonymous user and just post here the link..... we'll go along with the joke...
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hey girls, you wanna see real strip here?
Here you go
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If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."
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Stop gnawing your nails, finish smoking, give your face a "slack confident" look and approach her.
While talking to her, look into her eyes, don't stare at her boobs hock:
Smile and don't pay attention to other girls!!!
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Important is to remember her name. If you ask her name the second time, all your efforts will be spent in vain, they don't like inattentive guys.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."
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1. Learn to continue dialogues
2. Learn the truth about bars and restaurants
3. Learn some good and funnyjokes
4. Read literature for "single"
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."
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Essential is to be in very good mood. No girl will like you if you're in bad mood. Girls don't like pessimists, they like men who are able to be strong when others are weak.