Let's talk about the free time. How are you relaxing, where do you go when you have a free time and what are your favorite places to spend free time.
If talking about me, I spend my free time staying at home and watching an interesting movie. How about you?
Some advices how to spent free time:
1) Visit a friend you haven't seen in a long time, or have a nice, long, indulgent phone conversation.
2) Cook for someone else. Experiment with ingredients
3) Take in an afternoon movie.
Nowadays is not difficult to find a place where free time can be spent. For example you can go for a walk in the park, or go on a picnic in the forest, or together with friends play some interesting games or even go to the cinema. As for me I prefer going to a picnic with my friends, make a barbecue and rest at the fresh air especially on summer because all the nature is green and full of freshness.
In my free time I love to go on the theater to watch a spectacle. I love arts and everything which is linked with that, it is interesting to go on a gallery to visit a museum and do some things that makes you happy. Just experience with your imagination and it will be the best free spent time.