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Kosovo's independence...
Quote:Behkim Fehmi

born in Kosovo (Serbia)
and actor...in Serbia...

Gaga Wrote:
Gjergj Kasterjot (Skenderbeg)
Djurdj Kastriot, pravoslavac (ortodox)

Wow the greatest education that you got from your priest that says it all.

Sorry little dumb. Skenderbeg was not Orthodox, but catholic.

I can't believe it that serbs get stupid and stupid everyday. If he was Serb then he was going to unite the Serbs and not the Albanians, how much more stupid can you get.

gaga Wrote:
Quote:WHo was Kostandin the Great, maybe you should go and check his backgroud or I'll give you a hint Albanian.

Konstantin the Great, was born in Nais...Nish, city in the Serbia, not Albania

Hmm really are you sure that you guys were still alive at the time, and even if you were, what lands did you come too, and even the lands that you occupied illegally Kostandin the Great is knows as Albanian not as Serb.

I love how people make an ass of themselves.

gaga Wrote:
AuLoNa Wrote:Albanians the direct Illyrian descendants, even under many occupiers under Roman invasion, Serb invasion Greek and most Turk invasion, no matter how much they all tried to bury the people and their history and language, they never forgot who they were. Is the will That God gives us to survive even under the most horrible circumstances.

o, realy??????????

Yes really,

The Illyrians and Bosnia’s valley of Pyramids 12000 BC

Semir Osmanagic believes Pyramid was made by the the Illyrian people, who inhabited the Balkan peninsula long before Slavic tribes conquered it around A.D. 600. Little is known about the Illyrians, but Osmanagic thinks they were more sophisticated than many experts have suggested.
Illyria is a name that has been applied to the western part of the Balkan Peninsula but the origins of the Illyrians remain unclear. Archaeology has, though, been a little more helpful in explaining who the Illyrians were and ancient writings have provided clues as to their origins.
It is understood that the Illyrians were a tribal people governed by chieftains, but the ancient written records tell little else of their culture, their language and their origins.
It may be that the Illyrians were Indo-Europeans of an Aryan race - a Caucasoid people who are believed to have originated from the Caucasus Mountains in today’s Georgia republic south of Russia.
Other research into ancient texts suggests evidence of an Illyrian migration from what is now present day Turkey.
Albanian scholars and philologists alike contend that the meaning of the Illyrian name comes from the Albanian interpretation of the Illyrians, ‘Iliret’.
The root in ‘Iliret is ‘i lir’ which simply means, ‘free’. Thus, the meaning of ‘Iliret’ is ‘freemen’ and the meaning of Illyria is ‘land of the free’.
It appears that the Illyrians settled in the Balkan Peninsula at the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age, sometime in the middle to late second millennium BC, although there is also evidence of artifacts resembling Illyrian types that date much earlier.
The Illyrians were bearers of the Hallstatt culture - a period in history that denotes the transition from the use of bronze to iron in Central and Western Europe. Objects found in Illyrian burial places suggest more than average funeral rites; a known characteristic of the Hallstatt culture.
Some other things are known about the life of Illyrians. Human sacrifice, for example, played a role in their ceremonies. The ancient historian, Arrian, records the Illyrian chieftain, Kleitus, sacrificing three boys, three girls and three rams just before his battle with Alexander the Great.
Much of what we have learned about the Illyrians has come through archaeological exploration. The most common type of burial among the Illyrians was ‘tumulus’ or ‘mound’ burial. The kin of the first tumuli would be buried around that and the higher the status of those in these burials, the higher the mound.
Archaeology has brought forth numerous artifacts placed within these tumuli such as weapons, ornaments, garments, and clay vessels – items needed for the journey into the Illyrian afterlife.
Through archaeology, it is known that the Illyrians used many weapons and excavations have produced swords, javelins, battle-axes, bows and arrows as well as battle knives.
When it came to defences, the Illyrian military equipped itself with wooden and leather shields that were embossed with metal. Their defences also included breastplates, helmets and leg protection, but those were probably reserved for the military elite.
The geographical location of Illyria, deeply wooded and mountainous, made them a difficult race to conquer.
The Illyrians, who were known to be a warlike people, were naturally incorporated into the Roman military and Illyricum itself became a leading recruiting grounds for Roman legions. The Romans even used the territory of Illyricum as a strategic defence because of its mountain ranges and valleys.
In the late fourth century AD, when the Roman Empire became divided into the western and eastern empires, Illyricum would also be divided. The southern half of Illyricum was incorporated into the Byzantine, or Greek empire and northern Illyricum remained as part of the Roman, or Latin empire with the river Drin as the boundary between northern and southern Illyricum.
The Illyrians in the highlands were not as Romanized as their lowland counterparts and some Illyrian highlanders would continue to reject Roman rule or ignore it altogether, such as the Albani tribe, or the Albanians as they are modernly known.
The Roman geographer, Ptolemy, first records the Albani in the first century AD. Obviously, modern day Albania gets its name from them - although the Albani would soon be able to overthrow their Roman rulers.
During the fifth century, Rome was overrun by the Visigoths - Germanic tribes who ransacked everything in their path, eventually capturing the western empire and ending Roman rule in 476.
The Illyrians in the highlands were protected from these invaders and there was also little impact on the southern Illyrians, who were still under the protection of the Eastern empire.
Later, however, the Slavic tribes - the Serbs, the Croats, and the Slovenes - conquered all of what was once Illyria proper. The inhabitants of Illyria then had to adapt to Slavic domination and culture.

Thus, the Illyrians became thoroughly Slavonized and by the late ninth century AD, they disappeared into Slavic society all together except for the Albanians.
As the last surviving tribe of the Illyrians, the Albanians have preserved a part of the Illyrian tongue and tradition that exists to this day.

Continue reading and learning is good for your brain, it will expand your horizons.

gaga Wrote:
Quote:Behkim Fehmi

born in Kosovo (Serbia)
and actor...in Serbia...

Kosova my dear is Albanian with Albanian population, and even the name and his blood is pure albanian. He did marry a serbian woman though.

Man what a shame that you guys are not anywhere close to any reality for being brainwashed by your own priests. The same thing happened to Greeks after the revolution, the forgot what their roots were and identify more with religion just like radical muslins.

AuLoNa Wrote:Kosova my dear is Albanian with Albanian population, and even the name and his blood is pure albanian.
And what does it mean? The name in Albanian?

Kosoi Wrote:
AuLoNa Wrote:Kosova my dear is Albanian with Albanian population, and even the name and his blood is pure albanian.
And what does it mean? The name in Albanian?

Bekim means Blessed in Albanian.


Quote:Sorry little dumb
I am little dumb, but you are a biggest dumber

AuLoNa Wrote:
gaga Wrote:
Quote:WHo was Kostandin the Great, maybe you should go and check his backgroud or I'll give you a hint Albanian.

Konstantin the Great, was born in Nais...Nish, city in the Serbia, not Albania

Hmm really are you sure that you guys were still alive at the time, and even if you were, what lands did you come too, and even the lands that you occupied illegally Kostandin the Great is knows as Albanian not as Serb.

I love how people make an ass of themselves.
KonstanTin the Great was a Roman, not Albanian, or Serb.


Potvrđuju mi se navodi Alda o haplogrupama i njihovoj prisutnosti na Balkanu.

Slika se kompletira. Tokom zadnjeg ledenog doba, odnosno paleolitika, otprije 25.000-40.000 godina, tri su evropska humana središta: (1) Iberijsko, u sjevernoj Španjolskoj sa Baskima kao najstarijim evropskim doseljenicima, zatim (2) Balkansko, južno od Save te (3) Ukrajinsko, oko Kaspijskog mora. Prva i treća kultura se moze arheoloski vezati za “Aurignacijskog” čovjeka, a Balkanska kultura pripada “Gravecijskom” čovjeku (koju slobodno možemo nazvati pra-Ilirskom kulturom).

Iz ova tri utočišta su se Evropljani raširili; njima su se, prije 9.000 godina, pridružili neolitski farmeri koji su došli sa Bliskog Istoka i koji čine preostalih 20% evropskog genetskog pula.

Skorašnja istraživanja na uzorcima balkanskih zemalja (“Prehistoric Gene Flow in Europe”, The American Society of Human Genetics”, May 2004) osvijetlili su frekvencije haplogrupa.

[b]Najveći postotak prisutnosti pra-Ilirske kulture u Evropi pripada Bosancima! [/b]

Oko 42% uzorka populacije u današnjoj BiH se može direktno vezati za paletolitskog čovjeka koji je na Balkanu prisutan barem 25.000 godina!

Eto, u parapamčad ode teza o većinskom Slavenskom porijeklu naroda Balkana.

Drugi značajan utjecaj na bosansku populaciju je onaj sa istoka: Ukrajinsko-zakavkaski (40%).

Slican je omjer i kod drugih nacija:[b] Slovenci imaju 38% Ilirske krvi, 20% istočnoevropske, a 11% srednjeevropske. Hrvati sa 38% potiču od Ilira, a 31% iz istočno-evropskih krajeva.[/b]

[b]Vrlo visok postotak Ilirskog porijekla je i kod Švedjana (40%) i već pomenutih Norvežana (40%[/b]).

U ovom početnom stadiju razvoja antropološke genetike, rizično je vezati genetski materijal za određene kulture (barem onako kako ih definiše arheologija i historija).

Međutim, poređenja se nameću sama od sebe. Tako se za Iberijsku grupu veže Aurignacijska kultura čiji su dobro znani primjeri genijalne pećinske umjetnosti u Francuskoj i Španjolskoj.

Na drugoj strani, Gravecijskoj (Ilirskoj) kulturi pripadaju na primjer figurine Venere iz doba paleolita. Ova knjiga će se, u daljem toku, fokusirati i na druge, mnogo veće i značajnije dokaze.


<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.alternativnahistorija.com/AH8.htm#5.1">http://www.alternativnahistorija.com/AH8.htm#5.1</a><!-- m -->

gaga Wrote:hahahha

I can see you are loosing it... :roll:

gaga Wrote:
Quote:Sorry little dumb
I am little dumb, but you are a biggest dumber

Sorry you can't use my line or you will be doing plagiarisms. Wink

gaga Wrote:KonstanTin the Great was a Roman, not Albanian, or Serb.

Konstantin the Great was of Albanian origin...


Potvrđuju mi se navodi Alda o haplogrupama i njihovoj prisutnosti na Balkanu.

Slika se kompletira. Tokom zadnjeg ledenog doba, odnosno paleolitika, otprije 25.000-40.000 godina, tri su evropska humana središta: (1) Iberijsko, u sjevernoj Španjolskoj sa Baskima kao najstarijim evropskim doseljenicima, zatim (2) Balkansko, južno od Save te (3) Ukrajinsko, oko Kaspijskog mora. Prva i treća kultura se moze arheoloski vezati za “Aurignacijskog” čovjeka, a Balkanska kultura pripada “Gravecijskom” čovjeku (koju slobodno možemo nazvati pra-Ilirskom kulturom).

Iz ova tri utočišta su se Evropljani raširili; njima su se, prije 9.000 godina, pridružili neolitski farmeri koji su došli sa Bliskog Istoka i koji čine preostalih 20% evropskog genetskog pula.

Skorašnja istraživanja na uzorcima balkanskih zemalja (“Prehistoric Gene Flow in Europe”, The American Society of Human Genetics”, May 2004) osvijetlili su frekvencije haplogrupa.

[b]Najveći postotak prisutnosti pra-Ilirske kulture u Evropi pripada Bosancima! [/b]

Oko 42% uzorka populacije u današnjoj BiH se može direktno vezati za paletolitskog čovjeka koji je na Balkanu prisutan barem 25.000 godina!

Eto, u parapamčad ode teza o većinskom Slavenskom porijeklu naroda Balkana.

Drugi značajan utjecaj na bosansku populaciju je onaj sa istoka: Ukrajinsko-zakavkaski (40%).

Slican je omjer i kod drugih nacija:[b] Slovenci imaju 38% Ilirske krvi, 20% istočnoevropske, a 11% srednjeevropske. Hrvati sa 38% potiču od Ilira, a 31% iz istočno-evropskih krajeva.[/b]

[b]Vrlo visok postotak Ilirskog porijekla je i kod Švedjana (40%) i već pomenutih Norvežana (40%[/b]).

U ovom početnom stadiju razvoja antropološke genetike, rizično je vezati genetski materijal za određene kulture (barem onako kako ih definiše arheologija i historija).

Međutim, poređenja se nameću sama od sebe. Tako se za Iberijsku grupu veže Aurignacijska kultura čiji su dobro znani primjeri genijalne pećinske umjetnosti u Francuskoj i Španjolskoj.

Na drugoj strani, Gravecijskoj (Ilirskoj) kulturi pripadaju na primjer figurine Venere iz doba paleolita. Ova knjiga će se, u daljem toku, fokusirati i na druge, mnogo veće i značajnije dokaze.


<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.alternativnahistorija.com/AH8.htm#5.1">http://www.alternativnahistorija.com/AH8.htm#5.1</a><!-- m -->

Great, you just made the point yourself, just like your own historians admitted, that everything is in sllavic language, and none of them learned another language, cause it wasn't in their interest to read and compare or find truths about the other side.

Now read some real history, not the myths that your priests taught you.

Have fun :lol:

AuLoNa Wrote:
gaga Wrote:
Quote:Sorry little dumb
I am little dumb, but you are a biggest dumber

Sorry you can't use my line or you will be doing plagiarisms. Wink[/quote

and you are original? Big Grin

AuLoNa Wrote:
gaga Wrote:
AuLoNa Wrote:Albanians the direct Illyrian descendants, even under many occupiers under Roman invasion, Serb invasion Greek and most Turk invasion, no matter how much they all tried to bury the people and their history and language, they never forgot who they were. Is the will That God gives us to survive even under the most horrible circumstances.

o, realy??????????

Yes really,

The Illyrians and Bosnia’s valley of Pyramids 12000 BC

Semir Osmanagic believes Pyramid was made by the the Illyrian people, who inhabited the Balkan peninsula long before Slavic tribes conquered it around A.D. 600. Little is known about the Illyrians, but Osmanagic thinks they were more sophisticated than many experts have suggested.
Illyria is a name that has been applied to the western part of the Balkan Peninsula but the origins of the Illyrians remain unclear. Archaeology has, though, been a little more helpful in explaining who the Illyrians were and ancient writings have provided clues as to their origins.
It is understood that the Illyrians were a tribal people governed by chieftains, but the ancient written records tell little else of their culture, their language and their origins.
It may be that the Illyrians were Indo-Europeans of an Aryan race - a Caucasoid people who are believed to have originated from the Caucasus Mountains in today’s Georgia republic south of Russia.
Other research into ancient texts suggests evidence of an Illyrian migration from what is now present day Turkey.
Albanian scholars and philologists alike contend that the meaning of the Illyrian name comes from the Albanian interpretation of the Illyrians, ‘Iliret’.
The root in ‘Iliret is ‘i lir’ which simply means, ‘free’. Thus, the meaning of ‘Iliret’ is ‘freemen’ and the meaning of Illyria is ‘land of the free’.
It appears that the Illyrians settled in the Balkan Peninsula at the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age, sometime in the middle to late second millennium BC, although there is also evidence of artifacts resembling Illyrian types that date much earlier.
The Illyrians were bearers of the Hallstatt culture - a period in history that denotes the transition from the use of bronze to iron in Central and Western Europe. Objects found in Illyrian burial places suggest more than average funeral rites; a known characteristic of the Hallstatt culture.
Some other things are known about the life of Illyrians. Human sacrifice, for example, played a role in their ceremonies. The ancient historian, Arrian, records the Illyrian chieftain, Kleitus, sacrificing three boys, three girls and three rams just before his battle with Alexander the Great.
Much of what we have learned about the Illyrians has come through archaeological exploration. The most common type of burial among the Illyrians was ‘tumulus’ or ‘mound’ burial. The kin of the first tumuli would be buried around that and the higher the status of those in these burials, the higher the mound.
Archaeology has brought forth numerous artifacts placed within these tumuli such as weapons, ornaments, garments, and clay vessels – items needed for the journey into the Illyrian afterlife.
Through archaeology, it is known that the Illyrians used many weapons and excavations have produced swords, javelins, battle-axes, bows and arrows as well as battle knives.
When it came to defences, the Illyrian military equipped itself with wooden and leather shields that were embossed with metal. Their defences also included breastplates, helmets and leg protection, but those were probably reserved for the military elite.
The geographical location of Illyria, deeply wooded and mountainous, made them a difficult race to conquer.
The Illyrians, who were known to be a warlike people, were naturally incorporated into the Roman military and Illyricum itself became a leading recruiting grounds for Roman legions. The Romans even used the territory of Illyricum as a strategic defence because of its mountain ranges and valleys.
In the late fourth century AD, when the Roman Empire became divided into the western and eastern empires, Illyricum would also be divided. The southern half of Illyricum was incorporated into the Byzantine, or Greek empire and northern Illyricum remained as part of the Roman, or Latin empire with the river Drin as the boundary between northern and southern Illyricum.
The Illyrians in the highlands were not as Romanized as their lowland counterparts and some Illyrian highlanders would continue to reject Roman rule or ignore it altogether, such as the Albani tribe, or the Albanians as they are modernly known.
The Roman geographer, Ptolemy, first records the Albani in the first century AD. Obviously, modern day Albania gets its name from them - although the Albani would soon be able to overthrow their Roman rulers.
During the fifth century, Rome was overrun by the Visigoths - Germanic tribes who ransacked everything in their path, eventually capturing the western empire and ending Roman rule in 476.
The Illyrians in the highlands were protected from these invaders and there was also little impact on the southern Illyrians, who were still under the protection of the Eastern empire.
Later, however, the Slavic tribes - the Serbs, the Croats, and the Slovenes - conquered all of what was once Illyria proper. The inhabitants of Illyria then had to adapt to Slavic domination and culture.

Thus, the Illyrians became thoroughly Slavonized and by the late ninth century AD, they disappeared into Slavic society all together except for the Albanians.
As the last surviving tribe of the Illyrians, the Albanians have preserved a part of the Illyrian tongue and tradition that exists to this day.

Continue reading and learning is good for your brain, it will expand your horizons.

You see same name in your post? SEMIR OSMANAGIC...

Who wrote text on english? An Albanian? Only you can say REAL history?

gaga Wrote:and you are original? Big Grin

Well we are original, we don't steal others peoples national heroes when the world knows about it.. Wink

gaga Wrote:Yes really,

The Illyrians and Bosnia’s valley of Pyramids 12000 BC

Semir Osmanagic believes Pyramid was made by the the Illyrian people, who inhabited the Balkan peninsula long before Slavic tribes conquered it around A.D. 600. Little is known about the Illyrians, but Osmanagic thinks they were more sophisticated than many experts have suggested.
Illyria is a name that has been applied to the western part of the Balkan Peninsula but the origins of the Illyrians remain unclear. Archaeology has, though, been a little more helpful in explaining who the Illyrians were and ancient writings have provided clues as to their origins.
It is understood that the Illyrians were a tribal people governed by chieftains, but the ancient written records tell little else of their culture, their language and their origins.
It may be that the Illyrians were Indo-Europeans of an Aryan race - a Caucasoid people who are believed to have originated from the Caucasus Mountains in today’s Georgia republic south of Russia.
Other research into ancient texts suggests evidence of an Illyrian migration from what is now present day Turkey.
Albanian scholars and philologists alike contend that the meaning of the Illyrian name comes from the Albanian interpretation of the Illyrians, ‘Iliret’.
The root in ‘Iliret is ‘i lir’ which simply means, ‘free’. Thus, the meaning of ‘Iliret’ is ‘freemen’ and the meaning of Illyria is ‘land of the free’.
It appears that the Illyrians settled in the Balkan Peninsula at the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age, sometime in the middle to late second millennium BC, although there is also evidence of artifacts resembling Illyrian types that date much earlier.
The Illyrians were bearers of the Hallstatt culture - a period in history that denotes the transition from the use of bronze to iron in Central and Western Europe. Objects found in Illyrian burial places suggest more than average funeral rites; a known characteristic of the Hallstatt culture.
Some other things are known about the life of Illyrians. Human sacrifice, for example, played a role in their ceremonies. The ancient historian, Arrian, records the Illyrian chieftain, Kleitus, sacrificing three boys, three girls and three rams just before his battle with Alexander the Great.
Much of what we have learned about the Illyrians has come through archaeological exploration. The most common type of burial among the Illyrians was ‘tumulus’ or ‘mound’ burial. The kin of the first tumuli would be buried around that and the higher the status of those in these burials, the higher the mound.
Archaeology has brought forth numerous artifacts placed within these tumuli such as weapons, ornaments, garments, and clay vessels – items needed for the journey into the Illyrian afterlife.
Through archaeology, it is known that the Illyrians used many weapons and excavations have produced swords, javelins, battle-axes, bows and arrows as well as battle knives.
When it came to defences, the Illyrian military equipped itself with wooden and leather shields that were embossed with metal. Their defences also included breastplates, helmets and leg protection, but those were probably reserved for the military elite.
The geographical location of Illyria, deeply wooded and mountainous, made them a difficult race to conquer.
The Illyrians, who were known to be a warlike people, were naturally incorporated into the Roman military and Illyricum itself became a leading recruiting grounds for Roman legions. The Romans even used the territory of Illyricum as a strategic defence because of its mountain ranges and valleys.
In the late fourth century AD, when the Roman Empire became divided into the western and eastern empires, Illyricum would also be divided. The southern half of Illyricum was incorporated into the Byzantine, or Greek empire and northern Illyricum remained as part of the Roman, or Latin empire with the river Drin as the boundary between northern and southern Illyricum.
The Illyrians in the highlands were not as Romanized as their lowland counterparts and some Illyrian highlanders would continue to reject Roman rule or ignore it altogether, such as the Albani tribe, or the Albanians as they are modernly known.
The Roman geographer, Ptolemy, first records the Albani in the first century AD. Obviously, modern day Albania gets its name from them - although the Albani would soon be able to overthrow their Roman rulers.
During the fifth century, Rome was overrun by the Visigoths - Germanic tribes who ransacked everything in their path, eventually capturing the western empire and ending Roman rule in 476.
The Illyrians in the highlands were protected from these invaders and there was also little impact on the southern Illyrians, who were still under the protection of the Eastern empire.
Later, however, the Slavic tribes - the Serbs, the Croats, and the Slovenes - conquered all of what was once Illyria proper. The inhabitants of Illyria then had to adapt to Slavic domination and culture.

Thus, the Illyrians became thoroughly Slavonized and by the late ninth century AD, they disappeared into Slavic society all together except for the Albanians.
As the last surviving tribe of the Illyrians, the Albanians have preserved a part of the Illyrian tongue and tradition that exists to this day.

Continue reading and learning is good for your brain, it will expand your horizons.

You see same name in your post? SEMIR OSMANAGIC...

Who wrote text on english? An Albanian? Only you can say REAL history?[/quote]

Yes and what he wrote about it, do you know how to read or are you blind, or do you want me to spell it to you word for word... :lol:

Albania Wrote:HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY to all the Albanians!!
I'm Russian!
Мы ,русские, дадим вам всем пизды скоро!
Вы дождетесь, Пидарасты ебаные!
(иди сука ищи словарь и переводи что я вам написал!)


Guest Wrote:R
Albania Wrote:HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY to all the Albanians!!
I'm Russian!
Мы ,русские, дадим вам всем пизды скоро!
Вы дождетесь, Пидарасты ебаные!
(иди сука ищи словарь и переводи что я вам написал!)

This is the translation what you wrote you idiot:

We, Russian, give you all soon pussy!
You expect, Pidarasty ebanye!

[Image: laughing5.gif]

How much more idiot can you be. Is ok we accept that our albanian boys get all the russian pussies and you can do each other, you faggets.

Как гораздо более идиот вы можете быть. Является ли хорошо мы согласимся, что наши мальчики албанский получить все русский pussies, и вы можете сделать друг друга, вы faggets.


You are right, Serbs are your brothers and belong in Russia, not in the Balkans and in the Ilyrian peninsula. The little monkeys that still act like apes in a modern world. Fucking gypsies of Russia. Try it fucking Russians, we will throw your ass out just like we did in the 1960's from Albania, and you even left submarines and military stuff, not to be embarrassed to be kicked your ass by the Albanian nation. Ask your parents they may know better those years.


Вы правы, сербы ваши братья и относятся в России, а не на Балканах и в Ilyrian полуострове. Маленькие обезьяны, которые по-прежнему ведут себя как обезьяны в современном мире. Фукинг цыган России. Попробуйте это чертовски русские, мы будем выбрасывать из осла, как мы это сделали в 1960 г. в Албании, и вы даже покинул подводные лодки и военные кадры, не должно быть стыдно ногами ваших осел на албанской нации. Спросите у родителей, они могут знать лучше тех лет.

Cheers.. :lol:

Kosovo is Serbia! WE (russian people) are with Serbs forever!

Провозглашенная независимость - беспредел, который творит Америка и её прихвостни. Всем известно для чего это делается, и не ради албанцев стараются америкосы, они преследуют только свои интересы.

Quote:we will throw your ass out just like we did in the 1960's from Albania, and you even left submarines and military stuff,

yes, and now, you will get the american submarines and military stuff....

So, the only real history was writen by the albanian nacion? Only? In the all world? Big GrinDDDDDDDDDDD

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