Poll: Do you favor Kosovo's independence? (register to vote)
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Kosovo's independence...
I believe that it is in the interests of the EU to urge the Kosovars to give up their independence. In return Serbia would be a devoted member of NATO and the EU. And the inhabitants of Kosovo would win from economical point of view. Without Serbia, Kosovo is doomed to remain poor without any hope to change the situation.

Now, Serbia is a democratic state. There are no any intentions to wage wars, oppress Albanians in any form. Kosovo could enjoy the widest autonomy and later could have separate membership in the EU. Why not?

So, I repeat it, it is in the interests of all parties to forget about the independece of Kosovo.

Greece 'Supports Kosovo's Democratic Path'

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.balkaninsight.com/en/main/news/16416/">http://www.balkaninsight.com/en/main/news/16416/</a><!-- m -->

In this issue, Greece will support the EU's opinion. As long as EU supports Kosovo's independence, Greece will do the same. It's risky for it to change its opinion

John Wrote:So what do you think about Kosovo's independence, which might be declared on 17-th of February?
o burra jau rrasem shkjeve ksaj here,urime 1 vjetori i pamvarsis
shadow Wrote:ooo vi ste barbari koji ne mogu da prihvate historiske pravde ali zivite u fantazima !!!
Serbia nece biti ni nije bilo ista nikada to sto vi ovde pokazujete sirbi su pirvo svoju familiju klali pa da imaju hrabrosti da se bore protiv albanaca sirbi su samo po poreklom rusikih belih cigana :banghead uzmite kakotreba knjige historije i naucite ko su iliri arbresi dardani pa onda brblajte a jos nesto tebi budalo bosnjaku ti si musliman dok su sirbi vasu majku jebali bili su losi a sad zivis sa njima i nemas guzu da otvoris usta bukvo jedna jadan ti prodana dusa i guzica vi ste samo muslimani koi su postali ispod maca sultana osmanskog carstva 500 godina ti jedes svinjetinu a molis se allahu sikmisler sizleri hepinizi osmanli devleti hiyar sopasi sikim sizin kaninizi gyaur götler.
Kosovo je Albanski Teritorium nije ni vas sirba bilo. :evil:

Everyone can say anything and whatever they wish, however facts are facts. Every negative predicted action predicted did not happen. Kosovo is moving on the right path and I just wish them all the best and with them fast integration in EU and NATO. In my believes, this was long over due, it should have happen when other Yugoslav entities gained independence as it would have been long forgotten. They celebrated with latitude, dignity and peace. They disappointed a lot of people in Koshtunica camp cuz not all serbs think or even care about Kosovo. Their goal is better life, no visas to EU as they are tired of wars starting in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo.
Balkan as no choice but to join EU and the boarder will be long forgotten however they will be governed by their own people so will Kosovo.

Again, congrats to all the people celebrating today in Kosovo!
It's a happy day after all those bad memories.

I am sharing your opinion AJ. When Kosovo separated, I thought it is not worth it, but now I can really see this country and its people are willing to progress. Nice job, keep on doing this. Confuseduper
And congratulations for its every supporter.
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shadow Wrote:ooo vi ste barbari koji ne mogu da prihvate historiske pravde ali zivite u fantazima !!!
Serbia nece biti ni nije bilo ista nikada to sto vi ovde pokazujete sirbi su pirvo svoju familiju klali pa da imaju hrabrosti da se bore protiv albanaca sirbi su samo po poreklom rusikih belih cigana :banghead uzmite kakotreba knjige historije i naucite ko su iliri arbresi dardani pa onda brblajte a jos nesto tebi budalo bosnjaku ti si musliman dok su sirbi vasu majku jebali bili su losi a sad zivis sa njima i nemas guzu da otvoris usta bukvo jedna jadan ti prodana dusa i guzica vi ste samo muslimani koi su postali ispod maca sultana osmanskog carstva 500 godina ti jedes svinjetinu a molis se allahu sikmisler sizleri hepinizi osmanli devleti hiyar sopasi sikim sizin kaninizi gyaur götler.
Kosovo je Albanski Teritorium nije ni vas sirba bilo. :evil:
In WWII Albanians,Croats And Bosnian muslims were on Nazi side.
Think about that :livre .

Albania had no choice. In 1939 when Italy conquered Albania, a movement called the Albanian Fascist Party was formed in the country.


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Quote:About 100 admirers of a World War II pro-Nazi Croatian leader have celebrated a mass in his memory in a Zagreb church, a local newspaper reported Monday.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.topix.com/world/croatia/2008/12/100-celebrate-mass-for-pro-nazi-croatian">http://www.topix.com/world/croatia/2008 ... i-croatian</a><!-- m -->
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Steven Wrote:you might be interested in this

Quote:About 100 admirers of a World War II pro-Nazi Croatian leader have celebrated a mass in his memory in a Zagreb church, a local newspaper reported Monday.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.topix.com/world/croatia/2008/12/100-celebrate-mass-for-pro-nazi-croatian">http://www.topix.com/world/croatia/2008 ... i-croatian</a><!-- m -->
I guess every country has a little bit of its dark part. 100 pro-nazis admirers' opinion doesn't reflect the opinion of the entire nation. Actually they must be punished for that.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

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Quote:I guess every country has a little bit of its dark part. 100 pro-nazis admirers' opinion doesn't reflect the opinion of the entire nation. Actually they must be punished for that.

no Benn, they can't be punished for that. That's because Croatia is now a modern state and it pretends to be democratic. Yet, such demonstrations must be forbidden to be carried out in public.
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Helen, it's important that such demonstrations which consist of 100 people don't grow in larger circles which could include thousands of people, which further may create conditions for nazism development there.
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Children are those who must be protected first. They are young, unexperienced. Children of today are rather TV friendly than book-friendly. If they receive bad education, there is a danger that distinguishing what is good (f.e. love) and what is bad (f.e. nazism) becomes difficult for them.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
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We Russians are know very well what the West was and what the West is. Many years ago it was a really good place, Democracy, freedom, good life; we crushed our own Empire to be like you to be with you. But 9 years ago we understood that it is a fixion,it is not true. And Western support of the terrorists in Chechnya, destruction of Yugoslavia, separation of Serbia, revenge in the Iraq, military training of the stupid government in Georgia, We thought that with the fall of the USSR it would come a peace and brotherhood for all humankind in a better free world. We were mistaken. Now with this crisis we have another change, what was it was, I hope that we realized all our mistakes.
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

I agree with Serbian people: "Kosovo je Srbja", but like many others from East, I dislike the former USSR policy. Russians, took your soldiers back home. :mrgreen:

Newrussian town Wrote:We Russians are know very well what the West was and what the West is. Many years ago it was a really good place, Democracy, freedom, good life; we crushed our own Empire to be like you to be with you. But 9 years ago we understood that it is a fixion,it is not true. And Western support of the terrorists in Chechnya, destruction of Yugoslavia, separation of Serbia, revenge in the Iraq, military training of the stupid government in Georgia, We thought that with the fall of the USSR it would come a peace and brotherhood for all humankind in a better free world. We were mistaken. Now with this crisis we have another change, what was it was, I hope that we realized all our mistakes.

so do you consider Kosovo's independce case to be as dark as the black cases you mentioned about the West? I think it deserves independence, it's one of the few good things supported by the US.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

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[so do you consider Kosovo's independce case to be as dark as the black cases you mentioned about the West? I think it deserves independence, it's one of the few good things supported by the US.[/quote]

Just look, Kosovo was more then just a region for Serbia, it was an ancient cradle of this nation. This land have been never belonged to the another nation. Do you think that it is normal to remove a part of your Motherland, just because the majority of population in your region are for example Chinese. We have a lot of regions in our country that populated by the another nations, they have their own culture, languages, ect, but this territories will be forever belong to Russia. But I think that we have a different philosophy in this question..
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

Benn Wrote:so do you consider Kosovo's independce case to be as dark as the black cases you mentioned about the West? I think it deserves independence, it's one of the few good things supported by the US.

So you think that US and thier supporters are to deside who deserves independence and who do not? Who should have human rights and who should not? What nation can maintain its territoryal integrity and what cant? That is exactly what must be resisted at every turn and with any means possible. With independence of Kosovo they have shown everyone what they think about UN and that only garantee of independence and territoryal integrity nowdays is the ability to defend this things not international law.

Quote:Serbia, it was an ancient cradle of this nation. This land have been never belonged to the another nation. Do you think that it is normal to remove a part of your Motherland, just because the majority of population in your region are for example Chinese.

If, for example, the majority of population in a certain region are the Chinese, this means the history and circumstances made them live together in that region. What is the sense to live together with them if they don't share anymore your traditions, your way of thinking? They are different from you

Andrewz Wrote:
Quote:Serbia, it was an ancient cradle of this nation. This land have been never belonged to the another nation. Do you think that it is normal to remove a part of your Motherland, just because the majority of population in your region are for example Chinese.

If, for example, the majority of population in a certain region are the Chinese, this means the history and circumstances made them live together in that region. What is the sense to live together with them if they don't share anymore your traditions, your way of thinking? They are different from you

It is not a reason to divide entire country. If for example Chinese don't want to live in one of my regions as the others one and want to separate my country, I better say Russia-love it or leave it, nobody will be cry.
If you don't like to live under Serbian rule, go to your national country Albania, why I have to give them my land?
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

Quote:If you don't like to live under Serbian rule, go to your national country Albania, why I have to give them my land?

it's not that simple. Did you know that almost 2,000,000 Albanians live in Serbia? It's not just a community, it's a solid part of the population (10 million). So I think they have the right to claim for their rights.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

Benn Wrote:
Quote:If you don't like to live under Serbian rule, go to your national country Albania, why I have to give them my land?

it's not that simple. Did you know that almost 2,000,000 Albanians live in Serbia? It's not just a community, it's a solid part of the population (10 million). So I think they have the right to claim for their rights.

I am sorry Benn, it seams to be that we are loking on the world by different eyes. We have many regions where the main population are not Russians, but we will have never allowed them to be without Russia. I cannot explain it to you, may be the word-MOTHERLAND. If we will say that we are not RF but Russian Empire, nothing will changed, the meaning of this word is-An empire is a State with politico-military dominion of populations who are culturally and ethnically distinct from the imperial (ruling) ethnic group and its culture [4] — unlike a federation, an extensive State voluntarily composed of autonomous states and peoples. As a State, an empire might be either territorial or an hegemony, wherein the empire’s sphere of influence dominates the lesser state(s) via divide and conquer tactics, i.e. “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”, (cf. superpower, hyperpower).

What physically and politically constitutes an empire is variously defined; it might be a State effecting imperial policies, or a political structure, or a State whose ruler assumes the title of “Emperor”, thus re-denominating the State (country) as an “Empire”, despite having no additional territory or hegemony, e.g. the Central African Empire. The terrestrial empire’s maritime analogue is the thalassocracy, an empire comprehending islands and coasts to its terrestrial homeland, e.g. the Athenian-dominated Delian League.

Unlike an homogeneous nation-state, an heterogeneous (multi-ethnic) colonial empire usually has no common tongue, thus, a lingua franca is most important to governing (administratively, culturally, militarily) to establish imperial unity. To wit, the Macedonians imposed Greek as their unifying, imperial language, yet most of their subject populations continued speaking Aramaic, the overlord’s lingua franca of the preceding Persian Empire. The Romans successfully imposed Latin upon Western continental Europe, but less successfully in Britain and in Eastern Asia; in the Middle East, the Arab Empire established politico-cultural unity via language and religion; the Spanish Empire established Spanish in most all of the American continent, but less so in Paraguay and in the Philippines; the British Empire established itself with English in northern North America; elsewhere, despite Russian not supplanting the indigenous tongues of the Caucasus and Central Asia, the Russian’s learned the tongues of their imperial subjects.
We are an empirel nation as a Britons, but they don't want to be an empire again.
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

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