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niko Wrote:BelgradeBoy Wrote:Jovan82 Wrote:Kosovo and Metohija is part of Serbia since 9 century.
And it 'll be forever!!!
Albanians OUT!!! Well Jovan I'm ashamed of you and all serbian chetnik's. Please let Kosovo go and take look into our yard is fully with sh... If you think just like that you can get OUT one nation than this is not only stupid but is damnific and harmful for us serbians too. Please don't count on me to follow the stupid primeminister Kostunica and war criminals like Seselj & co. I'm pride to be serbian but i dont know how long will last this if you continue in this way....
You are not Serbian, and it would be better to go to Alona and take drugs together, because she has good stuff , see how she is so high.
WOW, not every Serbian is as idiot as you are. Maybe you should take a look in the mirror before leaving home... :lol:
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AuLoNa Wrote:oesophagus Wrote:In my humble opinion as ex KFOR solider, I think that Serbs and Albanians are right and wrong at the same time about Kosovo. There is a lot of B... S... about this subject, a lot of albanian and serbian propaganda. Thing that i know, things are not black and white in this matter and that we came to Kosovo to save ethnic albanian population from raging serbs, and we ended saving serbs from albanians.
I also noticed there some interesting (to me) facts: Oldest buidings on kosovo are serbian fortresses and churches from 9 th century, and albanian have 300 yrs old mosques. Albanians are large ethnic majority and serbs are minority. About time of 1st WW (1914) and serbs and albanians was 50 % of Kosovos population, and had good relations. Average albanian family have 4 or 5 children, and serb family has one or 2 children. Serbs are afraid of albanians, albanians are not afraid of serbs. Serbs familyes mostly are poor and live in small and old houses, and albanians are not so, and live in bigger houses. Older serbians and older albanians live together and help each other, at the same time young serbs and albanians hate each other. Most of populated places in Kosovo with ethnicly clean albanian population have serbian origin names, and old and half ruined serbian graveyards in centre. Word "Kosovo" on serbian means hills with tall grass, on albanian language means nothing.
And at the end I think that real bad guys in this sad story are US and EU administration. Instead to help them to find some acceptable solution for problem they decided to take one side in this conflict. Kososvo's independence is triumph of our force and clumsiness over justice, another big explosive mess up, just hidden under the carpet.
I would urge you not to read or hear propaganda, but do some deep research on this subject, if you want to be more knowledgeable and than come and talk here about right and wrong.
If you "urge" me not to read or hear propaganda, then i shouldnt read any of your posts on this forum. If something i said offended you, am sorry then. Things i said in my post are just simple facts that i "researched deeply" on the filed, during my service 2005 - 2006. If you know something different, enlight me please! 
If you are from Kosovo (province, republic, kingdom, califat or what ever) please tell me, is something different there now, i would like to know. And one more thing, even i in Finland know that Kosovo was part of Serbia, and Serbia was part of Yougoslavian federation. I even had chance to read in some post, someone claims, that modern albanian scientists discovered that they are Ilirians or Somerians ......Please, get a life :lol: :lol: :lol:
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niko Wrote:BelgradeBoy Wrote:Jovan82 Wrote:Kosovo and Metohija is part of Serbia since 9 century.
And it 'll be forever!!!
Albanians OUT!!! Well Jovan I'm ashamed of you and all serbian chetnik's. Please let Kosovo go and take look into our yard is fully with sh... If you think just like that you can get OUT one nation than this is not only stupid but is damnific and harmful for us serbians too. Please don't count on me to follow the stupid primeminister Kostunica and war criminals like Seselj & co. I'm pride to be serbian but i dont know how long will last this if you continue in this way....
You are not Serbian, and it would be better to go to Alona and take drugs together, because she has good stuff , see how she is so high. Brother Serbians, I hope you would discover your "black sheep" and show him some nice movies like you did with croatians, bosnians and albanians.
Long live brotherhod Serbia vs Rusia
I[qu Quote:Code: [list][list=][*][img][url][/url][/img][/list][/list]
ote="John"]So what do you think about Kosovo's independence, which might be declared on 17-th of February?[/quote]
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There is de facto partition of Serbia. Kosovo was an integral part of Serbia, not a separate state, such as Montenegro for example. Therefor, Montenegrin independence (for example) was normal and natural.
Kosovo, in the other hand, is a region in Serbia.
Kosovo's authorities would have to do much better if they wanna prove their independence wasn't an illegality.
Kosovo precedent created all conditions for revision of the boundaries in Europe and change of the picture мироустройства on “right of strong”, developed after acceptance of Helsinki Final act of the СБСЕ. It became a quite natural total of экспансионистской politics which USA and NATO conducted in South-east Europe during the last decade. Already more than 20 countries officially admitted a new state which appeared on political Europe card. Among them Britain, Germany, France, Turkey and, of course, USA. In this connection official representatives of many unrecognized states already declared that given model should be applied with regard to all conflicts having similar political, legal and economical bases. Situation, when sovereignty object became an independent formation , created an additional opportunity for recognition of many territorial formations struggling for her(its) independence, including, and located on territory of the former USSR. Of intention to treat in the near future request to Russia and CIS countries of recognition of their independence from Georgia Republics South Ossetia and Abkhazia already declared. Pridnestrov'ya MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS as well extended an official application , in which it is said that “declaration and subsequent recognition Kosovo have a basic value, as new model of adjustment of conflicts, people right based on priority to self-determination is created. Under these conditions Pridnestrovskaya Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Moldavian Republic considers a prompt international recognition of independence of Pridnestrov'ya closing stage of peace and fair settlement of приднестровского conflict, contribution of international community to strengthening of regional stability and safety
With MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS application entirely leaders of leading Pridnestrov'ya political parties are solidary. At the same time, on application of the chairman Pridnestrovskaya's of Republic Consignment of Vladimir Rylyakov, situation in Pridnestrov'e shouldn't be separated from Kosovo. “Conflict at us, really, этнополитический, and if somebody asserts that negotiations with Moldavian party go at present successfully, it nothing more than deliberate misinformation”. According to opinion of the analysts, unrecognized states have the former USSR of much more of grounds to independence. First of all, because, for example, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Pridnestrov'e, as opposed to Georgia and Moldova, did not leave composition of USSR until his disintegration took place. It gives legislative grounds three whilst to unrecognized republics to issue de jure one's independence in connection with stoppage of existence of Soviet Union, as international law subject, as they were subjects exactly USSR, but in no way Georgia and Moldova. As opposed to unrecognized postSoviet republics, Kosovo after disintegration of Yugoslavia was part Serbia that however did not prevent edge to declare of one's independence and to create exit precedent of independent formation from the composition of sovereign state. Created precedent can result in accident all Europe and sharpening of in-Russian problems. After official recognition Kosovo, the same could be required by Basques and каталонцы in Spain, Corsica and Brittany in France. Recognition of Kosovo threatens by sharpening of separative mood and in Russia. Pushing Russia to recognition of South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Pridnestrov'ya, политтехнологи USA and West plan on this background to bring attention to the question of recognition of Chechen Republic, Tatarstan or Yakutia. In this sense, recognition of independence Kosovo of USA and Europe is designed, including on that to provoke similar processes and in Russia. In such a manner, current trend of new redistribution of Europe creates audit danger by interested forces under mask of the boundaries humanism of some European states, including Russia. It a lot is promoted as well by the position of leading European countries on recognition of independence of Kosovo which paralyses actions of the EC in the domains of external and defensive politics, reduces on “is no” role of UN in the decision of the problems of international safety and it becomes a best variant of development of events for USA, purpose of which still is domination on the world scene, maximum weakening of “European Union” and creation on Eurasian space of whole series of loosed quasistates, entirely Washington oriented on geopolitical interests
Independence Kosovo, announced February 17, caused in the world ambiguous responses. In spite of justified Serbia protests, Russia and some other countries of inadmissibility of unilateral edge declaration of independence, she was begun to admit the most USA faithful allies. By the first government which declared officially of recognition of Kosovo as independent state, became Afghan administration supervising relatively small part of the country territory with the aid of forces of NATO. Example shown by Afghanistan, was followed purely by Washington, as well as France and Turkey. These countries declared of recognition of independence of the edge , as well as readiness was confirmed to establish with Prishtina diplomatic relations. As reply to similar applications undermining sovereignty of Serbian state, Belgrade reacted practically instantaneously, withdrawing its representatives in these countries for consultations. Under indistinct diplomatic wording clearly Serbia intention is traced to go up to end in Kosovo question. Besides Serbian administration declared officially of what will interrupt diplomatic relations with all states acknowledging Kosovo as independent international law subject. In spite of demarche on the part of Belgrade, Washington declared that assist& to necessary financial and political young state, declaring at the same time that counts on structural continuation of relations with Serbia. This American application unexpectedly for the most White house caused a negative reaction in the European Union which was disturbed stability of its situation. Still yesterday the European Union under pressing of USA never was able to accept resolution of inadmissibility of infringement of the international law and blaming of actions of the separatists, therefore actually neglected all, granting each of countries opportunity to make decision independently on given question.
Besides on informal information, White house is going to insist on opening of the corridors for free movement of Kosovo citizens within the limits of EC zone. And it , most certainly, will not only undermine an economical situation in the European Union, but also substantially will complicate a criminogenic atmosphere. Already now all observers indicate that primarily to Kosovo are the most great the risks of ethnical excitements. Right now, when international forces KFOR are presented to condition of alertness, Albanian separatists “attack by ” their untrue applications of occurrence in the tanks edge with Serbian crews. Moreover, in areas of the enclaves inhabited by Serbs, Albanians destabilize atmosphere, declaring of as if regularly appearing here disguised Russian and unidentified armed persons who are ready to undertake provocations with regard to Serbs and косоваров, receiving the appropriate order from Moscow. Therefore force of the peacemakers frequently happen are atomised and it can be not able to prevent really starting ethnical cleanings. it is not secret and the fact that now to Kosovo the representatives of Albanian diaspora from the whole world gather, that on one's historical homeland should to celebrate decision accepted by the parliament of declaration of independence. The day before in the centre Prishtiny more than 30 thousand the person were going which with triumph and under hail of salutes and fireworks noted “historical day”, opening way to independence of the edge from Serbia. Addressing members of the parliament, the premier Kosovo Khashim Tachi declared that Prishtin heads for democratization and does not think one's future without integration with Eurounion. However experts understand well that iridescent political dreams of Kosovo administration are threatened more than by deplorable economical condition of the edge. Kosovo is a poorest Europe region: from two-million population of 80 per cent are unemployed. According to data of World Bank, average income per capita to Kosovo accounts for 1600 dollars per year, at the same time 37 edge population per cent lives in poverty, disposing daily incomes less 1,42 euro, and 15 per cent косоваров exist in general to 93 cents per day. Infantile death rate accounts for 55 persons by 1 thousand of newborn. At the same time it is planned that already in June UN administration which acted in edge from the 1999 will roll up its work, to change-over of which about 2 thousand policemen, judges and other workers of law system active under the aegis EC come. Exactly they together with government Kosovo will “control” edge. It is planned that in the first year expenditures to “europeanization will make” Kosovo of order of 190 million euro. By virtue of such circumstances significant for European Union many his members are not ready to support decision infringing with regard to Serbia international law founding principle - principle of territorial integrity. Moreover, such countries, as, for example, Spain, are afraid right that events on Balkan can provoke soon after separatism burst already on their own territory. Most likely, apart from Spain, independence Kosovo they will not start to admit Greece, Cyprus, Slovakia and Romania. Split in the European Union
Split in the European Union is established and by Russian diplomats. “European Union both was split on Kosovo, and it remains, - declared постпред Russia at EC Vladimir Chizhov. - But it does not change that situation that unilateral declaration of independence is to illegitimate and conflicting international law act “. “Plans of the EC to direct mission to Kosovo remain on shaky legal base”, - Diplomat emphasised. Besides it, EC countries Ministers of Foreign Affairs in the joint statement blamed violence acts in Serbia and Kosovo and called “authorities of Serbia and Kosovo to provide safety of European citizens”. In developed to shaky atmosphere, according to opinion of experts, it will be enough one incorrect movement , in order to provoke violence escalation in the region. On their evaluations, the administration of White house consciously shakes situation on Balkan, expecting to ease European Union and to deliver him to total dependence from Washington.
Code: I even had chance to read in some post, someone claims, that modern albanian scientists discovered that they are Ilirians or Somerians ......Please, get a life
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We bombed the wrong side?
Major General Lewis MacKenzie - Armed Forces of Canada (today retired)
Quote:Since the NATO/UN intervention in 1999, Kosovo has become the crime capital of Europe. ...
The Kosovo-Albanians have played us like a Stradivarius. We have subsidized and indirectly supported their violent campaign for an ethnically pure and independent Kosovo. We have never blamed them for being the perpetrators of the violence in the early '90s and we continue to portray them as the designated victim today in spite of evidence to the contrary. When they achieve independence with the help of our tax dollars combined with those of bin Laden and al-Qaeda, just consider the message of encouragement this sends to other terrorist-supported independence movements around the world.
Funny how we just keep digging the hole deeper!
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UN General Lewis Mackenzie
about present situation of illegallz seccesion of serbian Kosovo and Metohija
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oesophagus Wrote:AuLoNa Wrote:oesophagus Wrote:In my humble opinion as ex KFOR solider, I think that Serbs and Albanians are right and wrong at the same time about Kosovo. There is a lot of B... S... about this subject, a lot of albanian and serbian propaganda. Thing that i know, things are not black and white in this matter and that we came to Kosovo to save ethnic albanian population from raging serbs, and we ended saving serbs from albanians.
I also noticed there some interesting (to me) facts: Oldest buidings on kosovo are serbian fortresses and churches from 9 th century, and albanian have 300 yrs old mosques. Albanians are large ethnic majority and serbs are minority. About time of 1st WW (1914) and serbs and albanians was 50 % of Kosovos population, and had good relations. Average albanian family have 4 or 5 children, and serb family has one or 2 children. Serbs are afraid of albanians, albanians are not afraid of serbs. Serbs familyes mostly are poor and live in small and old houses, and albanians are not so, and live in bigger houses. Older serbians and older albanians live together and help each other, at the same time young serbs and albanians hate each other. Most of populated places in Kosovo with ethnicly clean albanian population have serbian origin names, and old and half ruined serbian graveyards in centre. Word "Kosovo" on serbian means hills with tall grass, on albanian language means nothing.
And at the end I think that real bad guys in this sad story are US and EU administration. Instead to help them to find some acceptable solution for problem they decided to take one side in this conflict. Kososvo's independence is triumph of our force and clumsiness over justice, another big explosive mess up, just hidden under the carpet.
I would urge you not to read or hear propaganda, but do some deep research on this subject, if you want to be more knowledgeable and than come and talk here about right and wrong.
If you "urge" me not to read or hear propaganda, then i shouldnt read any of your posts on this forum. If something i said offended you, am sorry then. Things i said in my post are just simple facts that i "researched deeply" on the filed, during my service 2005 - 2006. If you know something different, enlight me please! 
If you are from Kosovo (province, republic, kingdom, califat or what ever) please tell me, is something different there now, i would like to know. And one more thing, even i in Finland know that Kosovo was part of Serbia, and Serbia was part of Yougoslavian federation.
I even had chance to read in some post, someone claims, that modern albanian scientists discovered that they are Ilirians or Somerians ......Please, get a life :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thank you for proving my point, that once again you are an ignorant when it comes to real history.....Cheers..
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The Indictment "Kosovo"
Factual allegations:
The Second Amended Indictment, confirmed on 29 October 2001, alleges that, between 1 January 1999 and 20 June 1999, forces of the FRY and Serbia acting at the direction, with the encouragement, or with the support of the Accused, executed a campaign of terror and violence directed at Kosovo Albanian civilians.
It is alleged that the operations targeting the Kosovo Albanians were undertaken with the objective of expelling a substantial portion of the Kosovo Albanian population from Kosovo in an effort to ensure continued Serbian control over the province. The Indictment goes on to describe a series of well-planned and coordinated operations undertaken by the forces of the FRY and Serbia.
Approximately 800,000 Kosovo Albanian civilians were expelled from the province by their forced removal and subsequent looting and destruction of their homes, or by the shelling of villages. Surviving residents were sent to the borders of neighbouring countries. En route, many were killed, abused and had their possessions and identification papers stolen. Furthermore, specific massacres allegedly committed by Serb forces in places such as Djakovica/Gjakovë, Suva Reka/Suharekë, Racak/Reçak, Bela Crkva/Bellacërkë, Mala Krusa/Krusë e Vogël, Velika Krusa/Krushë e Madhe, Padaliste/Padalishtë, Izbica/Izbicë, Vucitrn/Vushtrri, Dubrava/Dubravë Prison complex, Meja/Mejë and Kacanik/Kacanik are listed in the Indictment.
The Accused are charged by virtue of their positions, as follows:
Slobodan Milosevic as President of the FRY, Supreme Commander of the VJ, President of the Supreme Defence Council and pursuant to his de facto authority;
Milan Milutinovic as President of Serbia, member of the Supreme Defence Council and pursuant to his de facto authority;
Dragoljub Ojdanic as Chief of General Staff of the VJ;
Nikola Sainovic as Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia;
Vlajko Stojiljkovic as Minister of Internal Affairs of Serbia.
The Indictment charges Slobodan Milosevic, Milan Milutinovic, Dragoljub Ojdanic, Nikola Sainovic and Vlajko Stojiljkovic on the basis of individual criminal responsibility (Article 7(1) of the Statute) and superior criminal responsibility (Article 7(3) thereof) with:
one count of violations of the laws or customs of war (Article 3 - murder), and
four counts of crimes against humanity (Article 5 – deportation; murder; persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds; other inhumane acts)
The Indictment "Croatia"
Factual allegations:
The Second Amended Indictment was filed by the Prosecution on 26 July 2004 and ordered the operative Indictment by the Trial Chamber on 28 July 2004. According to the Indictment, Slobodan Milosevic participated in a “joint criminal enterprise” between at least 1 August 1991 and June 1992. The purpose of this enterprise was the forcible removal of the majority of the Croat and other non-Serb population from approximately one-third of the territory of the Republic of Croatia, an area he planned to become part of a new Serb-dominated state. This area included those regions that were referred to by Serb authorities as the “Serbian Autonomous District (“SAO”) Krajina”, the “SAO Western Slavonia”, and the “SAO Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srem” (collectively referred to by Serb Authorities after 19 December 1991 as the “Republic of Serbian Krajina (“RSK”)) and “Dubrovnik Republic”.
It is alleged that, during the above period, Serb forces, comprised of the Yugoslav People's Army ("JNA") units, local Territorial Defence ("TO") units and TO units from Serbia and Montenegro, local and Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs ("MUP") police units and paramilitary units, attacked and took control of towns, villages and settlements in the territories listed above. After the take-over, the Serb forces, in cooperation with the local Serb authorities, established a regime of persecutions designed to drive the Croat and other non-Serb civilian population from these territories.
This regime included the extermination or murder of hundreds of Croat and other non-Serb civilians, including women and elderly persons, the deportation or forcible transfer of at least 170,000 Croat and other non-Serb civilians and the confinement or imprisonment under inhumane conditions of thousands of Croat and other non-Serb civilians. As a result, virtually the whole of the Croat and other non-Serb civilian population were forcibly removed, deported or killed in the "Serbian Autonomous District ("SAO") Krajina", the "SAO Western Slavonia", and the "SAO Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srem" regions.
Further, public and private property in all the relevant areas was intentionally and wantonly destroyed and plundered, including homes, religious, historical and cultural buildings.
According to the Indictment, during the relevant period, Slobodan Milosevic was President of the Republic of Serbia and as such exercised effective control or substantial influence over the participants of the joint criminal enterprise and, either alone or acting in concert with others, effectively controlled or substantially influenced the actions of the Federal Presidency of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia ("SFRY") and later the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ("FRY"), the Serbian MUP, the JNA, the Serb-run TO staff in the relevant territories, and the Serb volunteer groups.
The Indictment charges Slobodan Milosevic on the basis of individual criminal responsibility (Article 7(1) of the Statute) and superior criminal responsibility (Article 7(3) thereof) with:
nine counts of grave breaches of the 1949 Geneva Conventions (Article 2 thereof - wilful killing; unlawful confinement; torture; wilfully causing great suffering; unlawful deportation or transfer; extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly),
13 counts of violations of the laws or customs of war (Article 3 thereof - murder; torture; cruel treatment; wanton destruction of villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity; destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to education or religion; plunder of public or private property; attacks on civilians; destruction or wilful damage done to historic monuments and institutions dedicated to education or religion; unlawful attacks on civilian objects), and
10 counts of crimes against humanity (Article 5 thereof - persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds; extermination; murder; imprisonment; torture; inhumane acts; deportation; inhumane acts (forcible transfers)).
The Indictment "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
Factual allegations:
Individual Criminal Responsibility (Article 7(1) of the Statute)
According to the Amended Indictment filed on 22 November 2002 and confirmed on 21 April 2004, from 1987 until late 2000, Slobodan Milosevic was the dominant political figure in Serbia and the SFRY/FRY. It is alleged that Slobodan Milosevic, acted alone and in the joint criminal enterprise in the following ways:
(a) He exerted effective control over the elements of the Yugoslav People's Army ("JNA") and the Yugoslav Army ("VJ") which participated in the planning, preparation, facilitation and execution of the forcible removal of the majority of non-Serbs, principally Bosnian Muslims and Bosnian Croats, from large areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
(b) He provided financial, logistical and political support to the Bosnian Serb Army ("VRS"). These forces subsequently participated in the execution of the joint criminal enterprise.
© He exercised substantial influence over and assisted the political leadership of the "Republika Srpska" in the planning, preparation, facilitation and execution of the take-over of municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the subsequent forcible removal of the majority of non-Serbs.
(d) He participated in the planning and preparation of the take-over of municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the subsequent forcible removal of the majority of non-Serbs. He provided the financial, material and logistical support for such a take-over.
(e) He participated in the formation, financing, supply, support and direction of special forces of the Republic of Serbia Ministry of Internal Affairs ("MUP"). These special forces participated in the execution of the joint criminal enterprise.
(f) He participated in providing financial, logistical and political support and direction to Serbian irregular forces or paramilitaries. These forces participated in the execution of the joint criminal enterprise.
(g) He controlled, manipulated or otherwise utilised Serbian state-run media to spread exaggerated and false messages of ethnically based attacks by Bosnian Muslims and Croats against Serbs intended to create an atmosphere of fear and hatred among Serbs living in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina which contributed to the forcible removal of the majority of non-Serbs.
Superior Criminal Responsibility (Article 7(3) of the Statute)
The Indictment further alleges that Slobodan Milosevic, while holding positions of superior authority, is also responsible for the acts and/or omissions of his subordinates, pursuant to Article 7(3) of the Statute. A superior is responsible for the criminal acts of his subordinates if he knew or had reason to know that his subordinates were about to commit such acts or had done so, and the superior failed to take the necessary and reasonable measures to prevent such acts or punish the perpetrators.
According to the Indictment the Federal Presidency had effective control over the JNA as its "Commander-in-Chief" and other units under the supervision of the JNA. Generals Veljko Kadijevic and Blagoje Adzic, who directed and supervised the JNA in Bosnia and Herzegovina, were in constant communication and consultation with the Accused.
On 27 April 1992, the Supreme Defence Council was formed. As a member of the Supreme Defence Council and as President of the FRY, Milosevic had de jure and de facto control over the JNA and later the VJ.
The Indictment also alleges that Milosevic exercised control over key figures in the Serbian MUP as well as in the State Security (Drzavna bezbednost, DB). The MUP and the DB directed the actions of the special forces and Serb paramilitary groups operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Indictment charges Slobodan Milosevic on the basis of individual criminal responsibility (Article 7(1) of the Statute) and superior criminal responsibility (Article 7(3) thereof) with:
Two counts of genocide and complicity in genocide under Article 4 of the Statute;
Ten counts of crimes against humanity involving persecution, extermination, murder, imprisonment, torture, deportation and inhumane acts (forcible transfers) under Article 5 of the Statute;
Eight counts of grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 involving wilful killing, unlawful confinement, torture, wilfully causing great suffering, unlawful deportation or transfer, and extensive destruction and appropriation of property under Article 2 of the Statute, and;
Nine counts of violations of the laws or customs of war involving inter alia attacks on civilians, unlawful destruction, plunder of property and cruel treatment under Article 3 of the Statute.
The Proceedings
Amicus curiae:
On 30 August (for the Kosovo case), 30 October (for the Croatia case) and 23 November 2001 (for the Bosnia case), the Trial Chamber issued orders inviting the Registrar to designate counsel to appear before it in the three cases as amicus curiae considering that it is "desirable and in the interests of securing a fair trial", that an amicus curiae be appointed as permitted by Rule 74 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, "not to represent the accused but to assist in the proper determination of the case". The amicus curiae are to assist the Trial Chamber by:
1) Making any submissions properly open to the accused by way of preliminary or other pre-trial motion;
2) Making any submissions or objections to evidence properly open to the accused during the trial proceedings and cross-examining witnesses as appropriate;
3) Drawing to the attention of the Trial Chamber any exculpatory or mitigating evidence; and
4) Acting in any other way which designated counsel considers appropriate in order to secure a fair trial.
On 6 September, 7 November and 27 November 2001, the Registrar of the Tribunal, Mr. Hans Holthuis, appointed Mr. Steven Kay QC, Mr. Branislav Tapuskovic and Prof. Michail Wladimiroff to act as amici curiae in the three cases.
On 10 October 2002, the Trial Chamber instructed the Registrar to revoke the designation of Prof. Michail Wladimiroff as amicus curiae. On 22 November 2002, it designated Mr. Timothy McCormack to act as amicus curiae.
On 27 June 2003, the Trial Chamber ordered that the appointment of Branislav Tapu{kovi} as an Amicus Curiae was to end at the conclusion of the Prosecution case. The appointment of Mr. Steven Kay as Amicus Curiae continued and Ms. Gillian Higgins was appointed as Amicus Curiae effective on the start of the Defence case.
On 1 February 2002, the Appeals Chamber ordered that the three Indictments concerning Kosovo, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina be tried together in one single trial.
The trial commenced on 12 February 2002 with evidence relevant only to the charges relating to Kosovo. The Prosecution concluded its case regarding Kosovo on 11 September 2002. On 26 September 2002, the Prosecution started the presentation of its case regarding Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. It rested its case on 25 February 2004. The Defence case commenced on 31 August 2004 (see Press Release No. 870).
On 12 April 2004, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Kofi Annan, signed an order appointing Lord Bonomy as a Judge of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Lord Bonomy, whose appointment is effective as of 1 June 2004, replaces Richard May who retired due to ill-health (see Press Release No. 838).
Trial Chamber III:
Judge Patrick Robinson (Presiding), Jamaica
Judge O-Gon Kwon, South Korea
Judge Iain Bonomy, United Kingdom
Counsel for the Prosecutor :
Geoffrey Nice
Hildegard Uertz-Retzlaff
Dermot Groome
Dirk Ryneveld
Counsel for the Defence:
Steven Kay
Gillian Higgins
Amicusi Curiae:
Timothy McCormack
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The ravages of war
Pauline Alakija
From September to November 1999 I took a leave of
absence from my job as Assistant Chief Medical Examiner
for southern Alberta to participate as a forensic
pathologist on a Canadian team that investigated war
crimes in Kosovo on behalf of the United Nations. Organized
by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and funded
by the Canadian International Development Agency, our
team worked under the direction of the International
Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Professionally,
I wanted to gain new experience and to perhaps testify
in (or at least make a written contribution to) international
court. My personal reason for agreeing to work in Kosovo
was simply to see the truth through my own eyes.
The Canadian Forensic Investigation Team consisted
of 2 forensic pathologists, a forensic anthropologist with
extensive experience in archeology, 2 pathology autopsy
technicians, 2 homicide investigators, 3 homicide “ident”
officers and a homicide police officer with special training
in computers and data collection. We lived in a tent on a
Canadian Engineering Regiment Base on the outskirts of
Prisv tina, and our daily work took place in 3 small villages
selected by the tribunal in the area of Lipljan (each a short
drive from Prisv tina). We examined the bodies and investigated
the circumstances and manner of death of Albanian
civilians from those villages who were allegedly killed as a
result of war crimes committed by Serbians in 1999. After
talking to numerous witnesses, studying multiple crime
scenes and performing many forensic examinations on exhumed
bodies, we were able to identify 68 victims and to
determine the cause and manner of death of 67 of them.
The ages of the victims ranged from 7 to 97 years; many
were children, teenagers and elderly people; a large proportion
were female. The vast majority of the victims died
of (usually multiple) gunshot wounds. The local people (all
Albanian) were friendly, respectful and eager to cooperate
with our investigations. Witnesses of the deaths were often
women or children. We rarely had an opportunity to speak
with Serbians, because people of Serbian heritage had left
Kosovo or were living in villages or buildings guarded by
NATO for fear of revenge attacks by Albanians. Attending
the funerals of some of the victims, I was touched by the
grief displayed by the community but also disturbed by
threats of revenge. Our completed reports were submitted
to the tribunal in December 1999. At this time, I do not
know when or if my personal testimony will be required. It
is my hope that our documentation will lead to the prosecution
of those who committed these crimes. Accurate
documentation may also protect those who did not commit
war crimes and who are the target of rumours and
false accusations.
Although our team interviewed witnesses and family
members extensively, the exact number of deceased people
(or survivors) who endured rape is unknown. A teenaged
girl witnessed her sister being raped before being killed;
this was the only incident reported to us. As Drs. Leslie
Shanks and Michael Schull describe in this issue (page
1152), there are many barriers to identifying living victims
of rape. Similarly, there are many barriers to identifying the
dead victims of rape. In Kosovo the decomposing condition
of the bodies made examination for evidence of rape impossible
in many cases. Earlier examination of some of
these bodies may have made recovery of rape evidence possible,
but the circumstances of such investigation would
probably have been too dangerous to the investigation
team. Some deaths were not witnessed. The combination
of an unwitnessed death and extensive decomposition of
the body makes it impossible to determine whether rape
occurred. Police officers and forensic medical personnel
trained in homicide investigation are keenly aware of the
problem of rape in war, and we know that there are potentially
many cases that are unreported, unwitnessed or lack
physical evidence. Unfortunately, the fact that rape cannot
always be detected or proven makes it an extremely effective
means of creating terror in war.
One of the most important observations that Shanks and
Schull make is that it is essential for a large proportion of
field workers in conflict zones to be female. When the 9
male members of our forensic team visited a village, only
men appeared to talk to them. However, when the 2 female
members accompanied the group, the women in the villages
left their houses and spoke first with the female members
and then, as they became more comfortable, with the
male team members. Female translators provided to our investigators
by the tribunal were also instrumental in helping
to develop rapport and trust with the women in these
villages. An interesting observation made by one of our
homicide investigators was that, on initial interview with
some families, women and girls would not be allowed to
speak. He would have to ask for separate interviews with female
family members to get essential witness information.
After seeing that our homicide investigators worked closely
with the women in our team, the female witnesses usually
appeared comfortable talking with him (especially since a
translator was always present). Asking to talk with women
and girls separately may be essential in questioning possible
rape victims.
Because I worked in small villages near Prisv tina, I had
ample opportunity to observe the day-to-day environmental
conditions in both urban and rural areas. Although I am
not an expert at evaluating environmental conditions, many
problems were obvious. Some were directly related to the
war; others were not. However, when all money and resources
are channelled toward war efforts and postwar survival,
little time or effort can be invested in improving preexisting
poor environmental conditions. Dr. Jennifer
Leaning’s article on the environmental impact of war (page
1157 of this issue) is timely, and I would predict that more
studies on this topic are not far behind, especially as more
civilian groups become aware of the permanent scars left
on the environment by war. Thankfully, I saw no evidence
of biological or chemical warfare in Kosovo. But all members
of our forensic team constantly commented on the
poor air quality, the risks posed by land mines, the garbage
filling streams and wells, the hectares of land leveled for the
use of military camps and the ruined state of bombed and
abandoned buildings. Soft coal burned in a plant downwind
of the city generated intermittent power in Prisvtina. We
would awaken every morning to a thick coat of black soot
on our white UN vehicles. As we drove through many
small villages, it was obvious that many houses were missing
roofs or walls. Some of these buildings were abandoned;
in others, families were living in the basement. We
were constantly reminded of the threat of unmarked antipersonnel
land mines by craters in the ground where mines
had exploded, stories of local children wounded by mines
and hectares of unused crops.
I am a forensic pathologist, and so examining horrible
wounds on a body or observing the gruesome effects of decomposition
are part of my daily work, whether in Kosovo
or in Calgary. What I found shocking in Kosovo was witnessing
the intense hatred that can occur between groups
of people during and after war. The strong emotions and
desperation caused by war foster a social environment in
which women and children are vulnerable to sex crimes and
abuse. The degradation of the physical environment by the
devices of war is also tragic. Both sexual abuse and environmental
damage are integral parts of war, and physicians
working in postwar areas in any capacity cannot avoid confronting
their aftermath.
Dr. Alakija is Assistant Chief Medical Examiner, Southern Region, Alberta, and
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alta.
Competing interests: None declared.
Correspondence to: Dr. Pauline Alakija, 4070 Bowness Rd. NW,
Calgary AB T3B 3R7; fax 403 297-3429
Seek an
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The Nazis of Serbia.
During WWII, Serbia was governed by the "Vlada Nacionalnog Spasa" (Government of National Salvation), headed by Milan Nedic. General Nedic was a former CHIEF OF STAFF of the Royal Yugoslav Army. Under his direct command were the Serbian SS Volunteer Corps, the Serbian Gestapo, the Serbian State Guard, and the Department of General Police, Also allied with the Germans were two chetnik groups, the chetniks of Kosta Pecanac and those of Draza Mihailovic. Mihailovic, btw is still wildly popular in Serbia.
Serbian SS Volunteer Corps (Srpski Dobrovoljacki Korpus) - Formed on 15 September 1941, by Dimitrije Ljotic from Chetniks and his Zbor Movement activists. In January 1943, it had five 500 man battalions - four volunteer and one Chetnik Assault battalion, an armored car battalion, cavalry squadron and 6 aircraft - at strength of around 3,000 men. The formation was fully equipped by the Germans who where impressed by its performance.
In 1944, it had five 1200-man regiments with 500-man artillery battalion, under German tactical command but reporting to General Nedic. On 21 June another regiment was formed - 2nd Iron Regiment (2. gvozdeni puk), total strength has risen to around 9,000 men. The strength of the SS Volunteer Corps in August 1944 was 9.886 men, according to Bundesarchiv (RH 19 XI/31)
Serbian Gestapo - On 1 April 1942, the German Gestapo started the formation of '1st Belgrade Special Combat detachment'. Members of that unit called themselves 'Serbian Gestapo'. Recruitment of personnel was carried out by commander Strahinja Janjic and his deputy Svetozar Necak. Recruits were found amongst Gendarmerie, Ljotic men's and individuals of Nazi believes. Acceptance was done by members of Belgrade Gestapo central, in front of whom candidates would write their autobiography and take an oath. At the end of 1942, the detachment was largest and had 147 men.
The Serbian State Guard (SDS) - Armed formation created on 3 March 1942, as addition to the civil police to keep order and lighten the burden on the German forces. Mostly created by expansion of former Yugoslav Drina and Danube Gendarmes Regiments and police detachments, which were already serving German authorities, with some active officers and NCO's of former Royal Yugoslav Army. In January 1943, it had a total number of 36,716 men including support services and armed village militia. First commander was Colonel Jovan Trishic replaced by Major General Borivoje Jonic. Recruitment was done by mobilization, also from ranks of chetniks of Kosta Pecanac and later from Chetniks of Draza Mihailovic which by 1944 completely merged into SDS.
SDS also had, amongst other, an intelligence section, and was divided into:
- Municipal State Guard (Police) serving in Belgrade and other major cities of Serbia,
- Rural State Guard (Gendarmerie) which carried out duties across entire territory with exceptions of cities covered by Municipal State Guard, and typically reinforced by some 20 armed village militia.
- Border State Guard which carried out border duties.
On 6 October 1944, 5,000 members of SDS, under Lieutenant-General Stefan Radanovic joined command of Draza Mihailovic as 1st Serbian Assault Corps (Prvi Srpski Udarni Korpus - SUK), later joined by 2nd Assault division and 3rd Frontier Guard Division.
Department of General police - Carried out duties of political police and territorial counter-intelligence service. Form middle of 1941 it was renamed into Department of Special Police. It was mostly engaged in combat against Communist Party of Yugoslavia in which its members showed brutality against arrested communists and later activists People's Liberation Movement (NOP). Special Police had 30 investigators and 150 agents also under its requests at disposal were further 52 officers and 1550 members of Municipal Guard. Special Police operated its own prison, Glavnyatcha in Belgrade.
Serbian antisemitism
In August 1942, Dr. Harald Turner (the chief of the German civil administration in Serbia) announced that Serbia was the only country in which the 'Jewish question' was solved and that Belgrade was the 'first city of a New Europe to be Judenfrei.' Turner himself attributed this success to Serbian help.
The fight against the Jewish influence had started six months before the German invasion when the government of Serbia issued legislation restricting Jewish participation in the economy and university enrolment. Fully six months before the Nazi invasion of Yugoslavia, Serbia had issued legislation restricting Jewish participation in the economy and university enrolment. One year later on 22 October 1941, the rabidly antisemitic 'Grand Anti-Masonic Exhibit' opened in occupied Belgrade, funded by the city of Belgrade. The central theme was an alleged Jewish-Communist-Masonic plot for world domination. Newspapers such as Obnova (Renewal) and Nasa Borba (Our Struggle) praised this exhibit, proclaiming that Jews were the ancient enemies of the Serbian people and that Serbs should not wait for the Germans to begin the extermination of the Jews. A few months later, Serbian authorities issued postage stamps commemorating the opening of this popular exhibit. These stamps, which juxtaposed Jewish and Serbian symbols, portrayed Judaism as the source of world evil and advocated the humiliation and violent subjugation of Jews.
The involvement of the Serbian Orthodox Church as a whole is well documented. The Serbian Orthodox Church openly collaborated with the Nazis, and many priests publicly defended the persecution of the Jews. On 13 August 1941, approximately 500 distinguished Serbs signed 'An Appeal to the Serbian Nation', which called for loyalty to the occupying Nazis. The first three signers were bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church. On 30 January 1942, Metropolitan Josif, the acting head of the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church, officially prohibited conversions of Jews to Serbian Orthodoxy, thereby blocking a means of saving Jewish lives. At a public rally, after the government Minister Olcan 'thanked God that the enormously powerful fist of Germany had not come down upon the head of the Serbian nation' but instead 'upon the heads of the Jews in our midst', the speaker of these words was then blessed by a high-ranking Serbian Orthodox priest.
A most striking example of Serbian antisemitism combined with historical revisionism is the case of Bishop Nikolaj Velimirovic, revered as one of the most influential church leaders and ideologists after Saint Sava, founder of the Serbian Orthodox Church. To Serbs, Bishop Velimirovic was a martyr who survived torture in the Dachau concentration camp. In truth he was brought to Dachau (as were other prominent European clergy), because the Nazis believed he could be useful for propaganda. There he spent approximately two months as an 'Ehrenhaftling' (honour prisoner) in a special section, dining on the same food as the German officers, living in private quarters, and making excursions into town under German escort.
Indenpendence of KOSOVO was inevitable,it was just a matter of time...I mean Historicaly...
Look at the early maps and look at the population and as most important look back at the history of balkans and U`ll C...
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AuLoNa Wrote:Thank you for proving my point, that once again you are an ignorant when it comes to real history.....Cheers.. 
You had a point???  Good for You!
Have a nice day.
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Am reading this and .... :evil:
Bunch of brainwashed, evil blinded, nacionalististic morons speaking nothing but crap. Who killed who? Who raped who? Serbs invaded europe from China. Albanians are higher race then srbs. Serbs raped 100000000 albanians. Albanians burned this, burned that....
You NAZI MF bastards, am really sorry that you are still existing :twisted: :twisted:
I hope you serbs and albanianas will exterminate each other in near future. And i hope you will never join EU!!!
Good Luck!
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Romel Wrote:Am reading this and .... :evil:
Bunch of brainwashed, evil blinded, nacionalististic morons speaking nothing but crap. Who killed who? Who raped who? Serbs invaded europe from China. Albanians are higher race then srbs. Serbs raped 100000000 albanians. Albanians burned this, burned that....
You NAZI MF bastards, am really sorry that you are still existing :twisted: :twisted:
I hope you serbs and albanianas will exterminate each other in near future. And i hope you will never join EU!!!
Good Luck!
Wow, what a nice words. :roll:
OK, and now we should be tolerant for statements such as this one above? OK, I can tolerate... but Romel, r u sure u're not a NAZI?
Greetings from someone...who's NOT.
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Romel Wrote:Am reading this and .... :evil:
Bunch of brainwashed, evil blinded, nacionalististic morons speaking nothing but crap. Who killed who? Who raped who? Serbs invaded europe from China. Albanians are higher race then srbs. Serbs raped 100000000 albanians. Albanians burned this, burned that....
You NAZI MF bastards, am really sorry that you are still existing :twisted: :twisted:
I hope you serbs and albanianas will exterminate each other in near future. And i hope you will never join EU!!!
Good Luck!
Im with u Romel dude! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Romel Wrote:Am reading this and .... :evil:
Bunch of brainwashed, evil blinded, nacionalististic morons speaking nothing but crap. Who killed who? Who raped who? Serbs invaded europe from China. Albanians are higher race then srbs. Serbs raped 100000000 albanians. Albanians burned this, burned that....
You NAZI MF bastards, am really sorry that you are still existing :twisted: :twisted:
I hope you serbs and albanianas will exterminate each other in near future. And i hope you will never join EU!!!
Good Luck!
Albanians did this --Serbs did that.... :roll:
These are not responses that are indicative of being pro-Europe.
The ideas about European values that are of a European orientation are tolerance and putting behind past hate and hostilities of other groups and nations.
If this would have never happened in Europe, we could be back to France fighting Germany....
France did this...Germany did that...which is now rendered pointless. :lol:
What is even more maddening is that this is on a forum that is called a "European Union Forum." :o
Pod patronatom četiri najjača mafijaška klana iz Albanije kojima rukovode porodice Kula, Abazi, Borici i Brokaj, albanski mafijaši sa Kosova uspeli su da postanu druga vodeća narko-mafija u svetu. Tridesetak albanskih mafijaških porodica sa Kosova kontrolišu svetske tokove organizovanog kriminala: šverc droge, oružja, cigareta, kradenih vozila, prostituciju, reketiranje, pranja novca, ucene...
Put droge
Najopasniji mafijaški klan u Albaniji čini porodica Kula, koja kontroliše promet narkotika iz Turske, švercuje oružje i imigrante u Italiju. Šverc droge i oružja glavni je biznis i porodice Abazi, dok klan Borici, osim droge drži primat u prostituciji u saradnji sa italijanskim kriminalnim bandama. U grupi Brokaj su bivši političari i nekadašnji pripadnici tajne službe Sigurimi. Delatnost ove grupe je droga, oružje i prostitucija.
Ove porodice razgranale su kriminalne mreže mafijaških porodica kosovskih Albanaca, od kojih su najjači klanovi Keljmendi, Šabani, Luka...
Dileri mafijaških albanskih porodica sa Kosova mesečno prokrijumčare četiri do šest tona heroina, čija je vrednost na godišnjem nivou dve milijarde dolara.
„Taj profit, prema podacima nemačke, italijanske, češke i ostalih evropskih policija pere se kroz više od 200 privatnih banaka i menjačnica, koje su u rukama albanskih mafijaških porodica. Novac peru i kroz lance parfimerija i salona otvorenih u Italiji, Velikoj Britaniji, kao i kroz brojne kafane po Zapadnoj Evropi. Najviše kriminalno zarađenog novca legalizuje se u Albaniji, koja slovi za najveći centar za pranje novca, ali i trgovinu drogom na Balkanu. Deo novca je pran i u Španiji. Interesantno je da u toj zemlji nije legalizovan samo novac zarađen na švercu droge već i keš zarađen u pljačkama albanskih mafijaša po Nemačkoj“, navodi se u izveštaju srpske policije o organizovanom kriminalu na Kosovu i Metohiji.
Glavni biznis albanskih mafijaša, prema policijskom izveštaju, i dalje je šverc droge.
- Od ukupne količine droge koja stiže na svetsko tržište, 65 odsto prelazi preko KiM, dok se na evropsko tržište 90 odsto heroina prokrijumčari preko tog područja. Albanske kriminalne grupe sa Kosova kontrolišu više od 80 odsto trgovine heroinom u Evropi. Od 38 miliona dolara, koliko je albanska mafija zaradila 1999. godine na švercu droge, profit ovih narko-grupa u poslednjih desetak godina popeo na nekoliko milijardi dolara - navodi se u izveštaju.
Albanska mafija narko-mrežu raširila je u Italiji, Švajcarskoj, Austriji, Nemačkoj, Skandinavskim zemljama... U Americi, albanski mafijaši pod svojim patronatom drže 40 odsto heroinskog tržišta.
- Za kratko vreme, albanska mafija u Italiji uspela je da potisne turske trgovce drogom. Od kurira, Albanci su postali organizatori krijumčarskih mreža i partneri sicilijanskoj Koza nostri, napuljskoj Kamori i kalabrijskoj N’dragenti. Sedište albanskih mafijaša je u Kalabriji, u Milanu, dok u kantonu Tićino, na granici Italije i Švajcarske, Albanci kontrolišu šverc droge, ali i milionski isplativo krijumčarenje ljudi. Kriminalnu aktivnost u Švajcarskoj Albanci su, prema podacima tamošnjih bezbednosnih službi, iskoristili za ilegalnu kupovinu „kalašnjikova“ i „uzija“. Sedište crne berze oružja, kako se navodi u dokumentu, bilo je u Bernu i Bazelu. Albanci su oružje kupovali i u Švedskoj i Norveškoj, gde njihov narko-klan pod patronatom drži 80 odsto tržišta droge - navodi se u izveštaju.
Albanci sa Kosova već deset godina su glavni distributeri grčkog tržišta kokaina, heroina i kanabisa, proizvedenog u Albaniji. Transfer ka Grčkoj Albanci koriste i za krijumčarenje migranata iz svoje zemlje i Kosova, ali i ilegalaca iz Turske, Pakistana, Sri Lanke, Kine... Pod njihovom kontrolom je i transfer preko Jadranskog mora, od albanske obale do Italije.
- U ovom poslu, albanska mafija ima čvrste veze sa turskim, afričkim i italijanskim kriminalcima. Ilegalne migrante u ovakvim situacija Albanci koriste i kao kurire za prenošenje droge.
sutra: Najmoćnije albanske mafijaške porodice
Kosovo centar trgovine drogom
Glavni trgovci drogom na Kosovu su porodični klanovi, navodi se u juče objavljenom izveštaju Stejt departmenta o strategiji kontrole narkotika. U izveštaju se navodi da je Kosovo tranzitna tačka za drogu preko koje se heroin proizveden u Turskoj i Avganistanu prenosi u zapadnu Evropu. Glavni tranzitni punktovi, prema izveštaju su Gnjilane, Prizren i Mitrovica, iako je do oktobra 2007. najveća količina droge zaplenjena u Prištini.
- Velika količina droge ilegalno ulazi na Kosovo preko susednih zemalja. Na Kosovu se droga „razbija“ u manje paketiće, pre nego što ode dalje
u zapadnu Evropu. Kosovo i samo ima malo i „perspektivno tržište droge“, a interesantna je saradnja trgovaca drogom s Kosova, iz Srbije i Albanije - navodi se u izveštaju.
Javne kuće uz granice
Kao tranzitni punkt u transportu ilegalno kupljenog oružja, koji je iz skandinavskih zemalja išao na Kosovo, Albancima su služile javne kuće koje su kao ugostiteljske objekte otvarali duž granice Češke sa Austrijom i Nemačkom. Do radnih dozvola i dozvola za trajni boravak u ovoj zemlji, Albanci su, prema podacima češke policije, dolazili lako, mitom koji su davali lokalnim političarima, službenicima, policajcima...
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Kosovo is Serbia, Serbia is Europe!!!
You can lie, you can steal from us, you can kill us, but we can remeber and wait....
Give back George Bush his watch! Give back Serbs their land! Give me back my car!