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What should be the position of UE about Kosovo?
What in you opinion should do UE about Kosovo?

EU knows that the whole thing was an illegality, and I believe EU wasn't very comfortable with it.
But OK, let's not fight a lost battle now.
EU should consider what is Serbia now and what this country should be. Is it a lost country or there is a future in the EU?
I mean, I'd like EU to focus more on Serbia now, because we do feel let down.
For a change, EU should support Serbia in something (just anything)...for once.

The EU should not recognize Kosovo as if it is does so it should also recognize Kurdistan which has a greater right to exist since the Kurds are tens of millions and they do not have even a single state whereas the Albanians have two. Stop splitting the Balkans apart, please !!! Why most Serbs left Kosovo, is not that ethnic cleansing conducted by the USA? :evil:

BG1,i agree with you that UE should not recognize Kosovo because in my opinion,it helds to a precedent and this precedent is very dangerous for separatists that want a separate country Sad
I mean that if UE recognize this new artificially created "country" it will lead to a political chaos Sad

Oaah you nutty guy's, the EU does not recognise any country no mater whot, just like the UN say to, they are not engaged to recognise countries ectra, but they say the job by UN in Kosovo will be replaced by EU administration and policy Mr.Ban Ki Mun said! Big Grin
----- Smile Smile Smile NEWBORN Smile Smile Smile ------

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You are wellcome to know the truth about Albanians!

Whatever EU wants to do with Kosovo it has to bear one very important thing on a mind. Kosovo IS NOT a EU member. Kosovo IS NOT a EU membership candidate. Kosovo IS NOT EVEN a EU partner. Therefore it is quite hard to legalize any sort of direct political activity, cause being in Europe physically does not necesseraly mean being in a EU political jurisdiction, wright? Even both sides would like it to be other way round...Ask Serbia....Smile))

shumadija Wrote:Whatever EU wants to do with Kosovo it has to bear one very important thing on a mind. Kosovo IS NOT a EU member. Kosovo IS NOT a EU membership candidate. Kosovo IS NOT EVEN a EU partner. Therefore it is quite hard to legalize any sort of direct political activity, cause being in Europe physically does not necesseraly mean being in a EU political jurisdiction, wright? Even both sides would like it to be other way round...Ask Serbia....Smile))
You must be maad on your head, or you just making wish your self halucinating about a big serbia..., week-up!

Kosovar Serbs are kosovars with gypsie atitude, a bit like ex-komunist serb aleat, but if this kosovar serb's come to serbia, the serbs will humeliete them by callin them "shiptare"(albanian), but this days serbia is using them for propaganda interes, and not because they care about kosovar-serb for sure!
After the WWII menu serb refuge kome to Kosovo to find place to live, becausee they was told the serbia is caling them traters, and we give them place to live, and they bring war and troubles from serbia! This is true story, because the history tell the truth, and our older people remember all this thing's hapen, they are withness, and here is a true map from balkan about a year 1817 the rusian diplomacy have it, than you will see today the big stretching serbia!
[Image: txwRjD040063-02.jpg]
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"KOSOVA WAS NEWER PART OF SERBIA..." right....You all came down from the Moon...

And how about you, bit farther away... saturn! :?:
----- Smile Smile Smile NEWBORN Smile Smile Smile ------

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You are wellcome to know the truth about Albanians!

The People of Kosova since 1990 declared as The Democratic State, before Slovenia and Croatia, and other countries that now are members of EU. Sorry, but Serbia and serbs are very far from democratic system.

I think the Republic of Kosova deserve the help and support from European Union.



Kosovar Wrote:The People of Kosova since 1990 declared as The Democratic State, before Slovenia and Croatia, and other countries that now are members of EU. Sorry, but Serbia and serbs are very far from democratic system.

I think the Republic of Kosova deserve the help and support from European Union.


I agry with you man!Smile

the serbs will humeliete them by callin them "shiptare"(albanian

how humeliete, if the albanians call them self shqiptar????????

Guest Wrote:
the serbs will humeliete them by callin them "shiptare"(albanian

how humeliete, if the albanians call them self shqiptar????????
Because serbs are arogant and untolerant, to much hating,
and they are used to hate allways nibghours, a specialy albanians to much and any meaning way
serbs could use hate and propaganda to demolish albanians, but now the truth is on the air,
the world suport us, because we chose peace and understanding, and respect to religions!
Now this kosovar serbs are friten to be that they hated the moust "Shqiptar"
even nobaddy ask them to do so, but serb ultranacionalists from serbia may call them
"Siptare" if any chose to go to serbia, and they may fear the danger from other serbs for them!

If albanians call them self "Shqiptar" it means allmoust calling them self "God"
that's because the albanian real religion is "Shqiptaria" "albanianism" :mrgreen:
"Feja e Shqiptarit osht Shqiptaria" this code only true albanians understan and believe in it!
That's why we don't fight for religions, because we have it all, and all doors are open for us,
from our respected brothers around the world!
----- Smile Smile Smile NEWBORN Smile Smile Smile ------

..[Image: albanian5zo0em.png]

You are wellcome to know the truth about Albanians!

fim Wrote:
Guest Wrote:
the serbs will humeliete them by callin them "shiptare"(albanian

how humeliete, if the albanians call them self shqiptar????????
Because serbs are arogant and untolerant, to much hating,
and they are used to hate allways nibghours, a specialy albanians to much and any meaning way
serbs could use hate and propaganda to demolish albanians, but now the truth is on the air,
the world suport us, because we chose peace and understanding, and respect to religions!
Now this kosovar serbs are friten to be that they hated the moust "Shqiptar"
even nobaddy ask them to do so, but serb ultranacionalists from serbia may call them
"Siptare" if any chose to go to serbia, and they may fear the danger from other serbs for them!

If albanians call them self "Shqiptar" it means allmoust calling them self "God"
that's because the albanian real religion is "Shqiptaria" "albanianism" :mrgreen:
"Feja e Shqiptarit osht Shqiptaria" this code only true albanians understan and believe in it!
That's why we don't fight for religions, because we have it all, and all doors are open for us,
from our respected brothers around the world!

faith of albanians is albania....maybe great albania? :roll:

Guest Wrote:
fim Wrote:
Guest Wrote:
the serbs will humeliete them by callin them "shiptare"(albanian

how humeliete, if the albanians call them self shqiptar????????
Because serbs are arogant and untolerant, to much hating,
and they are used to hate allways nibghours, a specialy albanians to much and any meaning way
serbs could use hate and propaganda to demolish albanians, but now the truth is on the air,
the world suport us, because we chose peace and understanding, and respect to religions!
Now this kosovar serbs are friten to be that they hated the moust "Shqiptar"
even nobaddy ask them to do so, but serb ultranacionalists from serbia may call them
"Siptare" if any chose to go to serbia, and they may fear the danger from other serbs for them!

If albanians call them self "Shqiptar" it means allmoust calling them self "God"
that's because the albanian real religion is "Shqiptaria" "albanianism" :mrgreen:
"Feja e Shqiptarit osht Shqiptaria" this code only true albanians understan and believe in it!
That's why we don't fight for religions, because we have it all, and all doors are open for us,
from our respected brothers around the world!

faith of albanians is albania....maybe great albania? :roll:
If so, sou what! :geek:
Oh yeah, I allmoust forget that serbs had in mind to have exit in the Adriatic-sea thru cleanzing, and to make a grande-serbia for ally! :evil:
----- Smile Smile Smile NEWBORN Smile Smile Smile ------

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You are wellcome to know the truth about Albanians!

UE is just afraid of a future conflict so they just "froze" the hole thing,hoping that Serbia will accept Kosovo Sad
And in my opinion this is a wrong position Sad

Yeah certainly, you realise that, you are in wrong position, but not EU. :?
Great achivement! Tongue
----- Smile Smile Smile NEWBORN Smile Smile Smile ------

..[Image: albanian5zo0em.png]

You are wellcome to know the truth about Albanians!

to the guy who started this thread, please read this, and then after reading this tell me if EU should how you say it "support Serbia for once". Serbia was always supported and still is. But the injustices made toward albanian people was to big to remain as such. Serbia still has the support of many, but I suppose especially european countries are realising that this injustice should be corrected. Albanians were divided in 1878, were yet again divided in 1913, then again in 1919 and 1945. The course of history has changed though. We have always been trustful towards those who come with a smile at our home, we always defended those who came in our home, the most brilliant example are the jews during second world war, we defended them, even though we had a system whom collaborated with the nazis at the time. We never gave up our basic beliefes. During that time, all of the "noble Europe" together with many Balkan countries (incuding Serbia, Belgrade was declared the first city free of jews at the time) hunted jews down and killed them like sheeps, we on the other hand showed our true nature, we saved those who came to us.

Serbs started the colonisation of albanian territories they gained in 1912 almost immediattely. Our nation, despite all that hatret and killings, never hated them, they colonised us, they tried to demonise us in the eyes of others, they did everything possible to try to break us down, we still did not hate them. During the period of Yugoslavia and Tito, 1945-1968 were dark years for albanians in Kosova. Massraping in Dukagjini area by UDBA and military is a known fact in Kosova, massdeportation to Turkey, massjailing of people, all this done by the regime of Tito at the time. We still do not hate them. We are albanians, hate is not for us. Maybe I am romanticising my nation a bit you might think, but I firmly believe that the history of Albanian shows that we are not able to hate. We never invaded another country, apart from Scanderbeg forces helping the king of Tarant in Italy vs the venetians in 15 century, we are not known for masskilling of innocent people such as our neighbours are, we are not known for falsifying history, such as they are. We are freedom loving people that put humanity at first base.

Serbs are crying through out the world about their "craddle" Kosova. But it was never theirs, nor it will ever be.

The position of EU should be to recognise its mistake made already in 1878, 1913, 1919 and correct the mistakes made towards albanians. All of them should recognise Kosova.

Someone from Serbia mentioned "great Albania". Well, natural borders of Albania make her Great. We albanians live in homogen boarders in Balkan. This should hint something to you. Albania is great already, but with help from Europe she became crippled, Kosova and Cameria and parts of FYROM were taken from her.

Greetings from Dardania.
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.

BG1 Wrote:The EU should not recognize Kosovo as if it is does so it should also recognize Kurdistan which has a greater right to exist since the Kurds are tens of millions and they do not have even a single state whereas the Albanians have two. Stop splitting the Balkans apart, please !!! Why most Serbs left Kosovo, is not that ethnic cleansing conducted by the USA? :evil:

most serbs left Kosova because a huge percentage of them were thieves and looters, childrapers and killers. And most of them were refugees from Krajina area in Croatia. After the croats did burn your sorry as then these serbs came to Kosova. That is why they left, it is not ethnic cleansing. Most of criminals left. EU is not splitting the Balkans, EU is simply putting things right as they should be, EU did not want Kosova to join Albania then she has to accept us as a state. By the way, Kosova was never recognised as part of Serbia, since 1945 it was never recognised as a real part of Serbia.

Yet again to answer your question why serbs leave from Kosova. Most of them are simple thieves, criminals, rapers and killers. That is why. Now continue crying and lying. I hear Vaso Cubrillovic is turning himself over in his grave and saying "God damn, they revealed our lies planted in serbian history".

Kosova never was serbian apart from occupied by Serbia. It was albanian, is albanian and will forever be albanian.
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.

"Great Albania" :lol: you are dreaming with eyes opened Wink

drag Wrote:"Great Albania" :lol: you are dreaming with eyes opened Wink

And, how about you?
You are dreaming with your blind eyes, grande-serbia! :? :evil:

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :roll: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
----- Smile Smile Smile NEWBORN Smile Smile Smile ------

..[Image: albanian5zo0em.png]

You are wellcome to know the truth about Albanians!

drag Wrote:"Great Albania" :lol: you are dreaming with eyes opened Wink

as I mentioned it in another thread, Albania is already great, our natural boarders do make up a large territorie in Balkan. And as I mentioned before, Europe did cut us apart, but we are still ONE body that will eventually grow up to be just that, ONE body witout boarders.
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.

the position of EU should be not to hesitate to recognise Kosova. And to impose sanctions on those EU countries who do not want to recognise the right of Albanains in Kosova for freedom

It is EU-s fault that things went to this level

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In the last war in Kosova, the Serbian Criminal State killed around 14,000 Albanian people. Near 90% of them were unarmed civilians. The defenseless. Mainly children, women and old-aged men. Around 3.000 people were kidnapped and are still missing. The overwhelming number of them are killed and burried in massgraves in Serbia. Near to 20,000 women were raped. 740,000 people were violently expelled. 120,000 houses were destroyed or damaged by the Serbian Criminal Army.

The distinctive aspect of the war was the destruction of Kosova's economy. The extreme exploitation and robbery of the 1990s culminated with purposeful destruction during the war.

now, should some EU countries really hesitate????

fucking slavic cowards, they are not able to face their own kinds cruelty, czechs, slovaks, bulgarians and stupid romanians should know better. As for greeks, well, they do not now better. They are born stupid.
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.

Hey fim,i support Serbia,so shut up :lol:
Illyricum Sacre,maybe you were born stupid? Wink try to convince me that i am wrong Smile

drag Wrote:Hey fim,i support Serbia,so shut up :lol:
Illyricum Sacre,maybe you were born stupid? Wink try to convince me that i am wrong Smile

Drag, I am born whatever you want me to be born as. Some things I am not though, I am not a coward, childraper and childkiller, I am not a rapist, I am not a terrorist and I am not a hater. Simple. Now it is your right to support whoever you want to, it is nice to see you support childrapers and childkillers.
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.

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