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Georgia and South Ossetia at war
clearman Wrote:Russians go home. Georgia is a free state. Osetia and Abhazia belong to Georgia and Kosovo to Serbia. :evil

I agree - Kosovo to Serbia !!!!!!! Smile)))))))))))

Guys, who are you?! I am reading all these quotes and really don't understand what is going on? Have you ever read anything about Georgian-Russian history?
MF Stalin artificially created so called autonomous republics: Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Adjara. His decision had no historical justification or background. It was a "bomb" to destroy Georgia in case if Georgians would dare to call for independence (he grew up in Georgia and knew Georgians better than any Russian).
So it happened in 1990s Georgia dared to declare independence and, here we are, Russia used Stalin's inheritance - Abkhazia and South Ossetia. So, what I am trying to say here is that:
(1) both Abkhazia and South Ossetia are imaginary republics, they do not exist in the worlds reality, none of the international organizations or countries including Russia
(2) Russia has planned this long time ago – including well-organized hackers’ attacks to Georgian web-sites
(3) Georgia has not invaded South Ossetia, since according to international law South Ossetia is still Georgia’s region. There is no such a thing “invading” own territory.
(4) Russia invaded Georgian territory, including cities and villages hundred kilometers away from South Ossetia.
(5) And what is more important, all this is Russia’s answer to the world for Kosovo, to Georgia for being stubborn and trying to get out of Russia’s influence.
Please stop bull sheeting!!!

Hey Russians i have one qustion to you
Do you feed your soldier?
They are robing everything here in georgia, steling food, softdrinks, shoes, even uniforms of georgian sodlers..Some of them are wearing georgian military forms, as they said its more comfort! They are stealin even toilets!
Are they normal?
Have they ever seen civilization?
This is madness!
This is GEORGIAA!!!

Я Грузин, И пусть навеки враг запомнит, Что лишь тогда встаем мы на колени, когда целуем Грузинский флаг...

chena Wrote:Guys, who are you?! I am reading all these quotes and really don't understand what is going on? Have you ever read anything about Georgian-Russian history?
MF Stalin artificially created so called autonomous republics: Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Adjara. His decision had no historical justification or background. It was a "bomb" to destroy Georgia in case if Georgians would dare to call for independence (he grew up in Georgia and knew Georgians better than any Russian).
So it happened in 1990s Georgia dared to declare independence and, here we are, Russia used Stalin's inheritance - Abkhazia and South Ossetia. So, what I am trying to say here is that:
(1) both Abkhazia and South Ossetia are imaginary republics, they do not exist in the worlds reality, none of the international organizations or countries including Russia
(2) Russia has planned this long time ago – including well-organized hackers’ attacks to Georgian web-sites
(3) Georgia has not invaded South Ossetia, since according to international law South Ossetia is still Georgia’s region. There is no such a thing “invading” own territory.
(4) Russia invaded Georgian territory, including cities and villages hundred kilometers away from South Ossetia.
(5) And what is more important, all this is Russia’s answer to the world for Kosovo, to Georgia for being stubborn and trying to get out of Russia’s influence.
Please stop bull sheeting!!!

chena, i think that you are sitting now in the relaxing atmosphere, drinking tea or wine and discoursing upon Georgin's problems. And what about those 1600 died people in South Osetia? Is it a small problem for you?

chena Wrote:Guys, who are you?! I am reading all these quotes and really don't understand what is going on? Have you ever read anything about Georgian-Russian history?
MF Stalin artificially created so called autonomous republics: Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Adjara. His decision had no historical justification or background. It was a "bomb" to destroy Georgia in case if Georgians would dare to call for independence (he grew up in Georgia and knew Georgians better than any Russian).
So it happened in 1990s Georgia dared to declare independence and, here we are, Russia used Stalin's inheritance - Abkhazia and South Ossetia. So, what I am trying to say here is that:
(1) both Abkhazia and South Ossetia are imaginary republics, they do not exist in the worlds reality, none of the international organizations or countries including Russia
(2) Russia has planned this long time ago – including well-organized hackers’ attacks to Georgian web-sites
(3) Georgia has not invaded South Ossetia, since according to international law South Ossetia is still Georgia’s region. There is no such a thing “invading” own territory.
(4) Russia invaded Georgian territory, including cities and villages hundred kilometers away from South Ossetia.
(5) And what is more important, all this is Russia’s answer to the world for Kosovo, to Georgia for being stubborn and trying to get out of Russia’s influence.
Please stop bull sheeting!!!

What was Saakashwili planning? look how militarizated your country was. Who was supporting you? Of course our forces were prepared for something stupid from Saakashvili. BUT HE AMAZED EVERYONE. Yea the whole 100 Russian soldiers invaded Gori, i hope even your small country can withstand such "terrible invasion". If you are free so, take responsobility for actions of your insane criminal.

Tiporg Wrote:
chena Wrote:Guys, who are you?! I am reading all these quotes and really don't understand what is going on? Have you ever read anything about Georgian-Russian history?
MF Stalin artificially created so called autonomous republics: Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Adjara. His decision had no historical justification or background. It was a "bomb" to destroy Georgia in case if Georgians would dare to call for independence (he grew up in Georgia and knew Georgians better than any Russian).
So it happened in 1990s Georgia dared to declare independence and, here we are, Russia used Stalin's inheritance - Abkhazia and South Ossetia. So, what I am trying to say here is that:
(1) both Abkhazia and South Ossetia are imaginary republics, they do not exist in the worlds reality, none of the international organizations or countries including Russia
(2) Russia has planned this long time ago – including well-organized hackers’ attacks to Georgian web-sites
(3) Georgia has not invaded South Ossetia, since according to international law South Ossetia is still Georgia’s region. There is no such a thing “invading” own territory.
(4) Russia invaded Georgian territory, including cities and villages hundred kilometers away from South Ossetia.
(5) And what is more important, all this is Russia’s answer to the world for Kosovo, to Georgia for being stubborn and trying to get out of Russia’s influence.
Please stop bull sheeting!!!

chena, i think that you are sitting now in the relaxing atmosphere, drinking tea or wine and discoursing upon Georgin's problems. And what about those 1600 died people in South Osetia? Is it a small problem for you?
I wish I was sitting in a relaxes atmosphere...I am 50 kilometers away from Russian tanks. Where are you? How many kilometers from russian bombs? Why do you think that I am not sorry for ordinary citizens? If you talked to Georgian refugees (like I did), you would've seen that they are sorry for ossetians, despite the fact that ossetian and russian soldiers burnt their houses, killed relatives and so on. I am sorry for the ossetian people they are victims of the russian provokation as Georgians.

IamGEORGIA Wrote:Hey Russians i have one qustion to you
Do you feed your soldier?
They are robing everything here in georgia, steling food, softdrinks, shoes, even uniforms of georgian sodlers..Some of them are wearing georgian military forms, as they said its more comfort! They are stealin even toilets!
Are they normal?
Have they ever seen civilization?

I think that it is better to have the army like this, than the army that kills 1600 citizens when they are sleeping.
[Image: b_261435.jpg] [Image: b_261645.jpg] [Image: b_261644.jpg]

VeNoM2137 Wrote:Solo, r u crazy?! Just look: Ur army violated the peace agreement and invaded first into Ossetia. Ur GRADs were shooting the city without declaring the war, like german fashists in 1939-1942. Ur troops attacked Russian peacekeepers' camp first and killed 12 innocent soldiers. And don't lie, enough said! U started this conflict - u r guilty and u paid for it. Ur president has lost his honest name (however, I doubt he had one), lost all respect and was defamed forever. And please don't shout u were offended or unfairly attacked by russian army! If u do a crime - be ready to pay for this.

first of all be a little bit polite, please. look for crazy people in your family and neighborhood, pal!

second, the fact is, that ossetian and russian bands started to bomb georgian villages (withought declaring that they gonna shoot and kill the civilians, my friend. got that?) and georgian government had to defend it's citizens from ossetian and russian bands, who were killing georgians! it was kokoiti's order to bomb and demolish georgian bluehelmets posts, in georgian villages. this order was announced in 5 th august, and russians did nothing to stop him, or to stop georgians untill it ended to full stage war, do you understand that? innocent peacekeepers, ha? How many civilians, from both sides, died just because they did nothing when they had to? Do you know what kulakhmetov said when he was asked to react when everything was just at the start? Do you know? now do not speak about honesty and remember who russian prime minister is ! he started with crimes, and yet he is continuing and he will do it again untill u russians wake up!

IamGEORGIA Wrote:Hey Russians i have one qustion to you
Do you feed your soldier?
They are robing everything here in georgia, steling food, softdrinks, shoes, even uniforms of georgian sodlers..Some of them are wearing georgian military forms, as they said its more comfort! They are stealin even toilets!
Are they normal?
Have they ever seen civilization?

They think that everything in this world is free for them. I hope that someday they will be proved the opposite.

Tiporg Wrote:
IamGEORGIA Wrote:Hey Russians i have one qustion to you
Do you feed your soldier?
They are robing everything here in georgia, steling food, softdrinks, shoes, even uniforms of georgian sodlers..Some of them are wearing georgian military forms, as they said its more comfort! They are stealin even toilets!
Are they normal?
Have they ever seen civilization?

I think that it is better to have the army like this, than the army that kills 1600 citizens when they are sleeping.
[Image: b_261435.jpg] [Image: b_261645.jpg] [Image: b_261644.jpg]

You have no facts

The United States have decided to show even greater diplomatic activity in support of the Georgian management. The American humanitarian cargoes and a political reinforcement go to Tbilisi on behalf of state secretary Kondoliza Rajs.
It not Iraq and not Afghanistan but to mix simply. The American soldiers in the field form speak, that have brought in Tbilisi the humanitarian help. Containers thus are tightly closed. By tone of applications of Georges Bush, there can appear not only canned food and blankets. " The United States support demokratic the selected government of Georgia. We insist on respect of its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Russia declares, that it does not have purpose to derthrow the government of Georgia. The United States hope, that Russia will constrain this promise. Last years Moscow tries to be integrated into diplomatic, political, economic space of XXI century.The United States supported these efforts. Actions of Russia in Georgia mismatch principles of modern international institutes ", - the chapter of the White house considers.
About to what there correspond actions in Georgia of the United States, Georges Bush to extend did not become. In speech of the American president in general was much malfunctions. Speakwriters from the White House have made out in Poti the Russian armies which there never was. Negligence in the analysis can be written off only on one: the American administration is afraid to admit to itself, that the project under the name " the Georgian democracy " goes to pieces. " The present Georgian management is a special project of the USA. And to see the ward in such absolutely unattractive kind, certainly, it is insulting.It is insulting for the project, it is insulting for efforts which have been spent, for means which have been enclosed. And, probably, it is possible to understand humanly, that here so were enclosed, and the exhaust is visible to all on screens.As soon as Michael Nikolaevich appears on TV, opens a mouth - and all it is clear, with whom we deal ", - Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov makes comments on a situation.
The Georgian president accuses the western countries of inactivity, at all not hiding, that waits for the military help because of ocean. Psychological it already receives the help. On advanced this wars - the state secretary of USA Kondoliza Rajs." It not 68 year when, having rushed to Czechoslovakia, Russia could grasp capital and throw off the government. And in fact all to it escaped punishment. Now other times. That Russia has made, leaves far for frameworks of protection of peacemakers and local residents ", - it has declared.
The state secretary so actively protecting Sааkashvilli, has somehow forgotten, that more recently, being in Tbilisi, received from it promises to behave well. But on the whole turn about it today has recollected influential " New York Тimes ".The Russian party is not surprised - for the American partners double standards always were in the nature of things. " Three years ago, summer of 2005, remember, Саакашвили tried to begin already war in South Ossetia but then it has not got such scales and it has quickly been stopped.And after such displays we again and again reminded each time to our American colleagues of the fears. Us assured, that from Tbilisi Washington constantly works, keeping it from similar adventures. And last conversation on this theme took place well literally one month ago ", - emphasizes Lavrov.
On this background the conflict in South Ossetia for the American politicians has already turned to a change card in fight for the voter. And if candidate-democrat Obama has peacefully a rest on Hawaii John Makkejn today is far from a condition of rest. The senator-republican has called to exclude Russia from "eight" and WTO, and NATO - to accelerate discussion of reception of Georgia and Ukraine in the numbers.
Has named the president of Georgia Mike, and in the end of speech has agreed up to absolutely obscure things: " I today talked to the president of Georgia Mike Saakashvilli whom I know many years in the morning.It knows, that ideas, prays and support of American people - with its brave small democratic country far from the USA which struggles today for freedom and independence. And it asked to thank you for it from the bottom of the heart.And I have told to it, that I speak on behalf of all Americans. I have told to it: " today all of us are Georgians ".
The abbreviation Transatlantics an alliance to which John Makkejn gives advice, owing to its efforts однопартийцев from present the Washington administration again has got in headings of news. Advice of NATO because of the American veto the second time could not gather in Bruxelles." Now it is necessary to make everything that Americans who, obviously, see how their project under the name " Mike Saakashvilli thaws on eyes, at last have understood, that they here too - not owners, in NATO.It is the organization where 26 countries, and are the states which prime ministers have made the important applications actually in support of the Russian right to self-defense ", - has declared постпред Russia at NATO Dmitry Rogozin.
The European estimation of events, in the meantime, appears much more constrained, than a position of the USA. And in it, perhaps, the main miscalculation of administration of Bush. To voices about political isolation of Russia, sounding of Washington, all is more difficult to master a position of other world." There is no unity in the international community. The rhetoric which is imposed on interests of present pre-election campaign in the USA, sooner or later will be replaced by practical comprehension of that, the first, crimes against humanity cannot remain meek and unpunished (I in this case speak about the crimes accomplished by mode Saakashvilli), and the second, that Russia was, is and will remain for the so-called West the partner ",- the chapter of the Russian delegation Konstantin Kosachev is assured of the PASE, chairman of committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the international affairs.
In the meantime in Tbilisi gathers Kondoliza Rajs. Saakashvilli for certain counts on the indulgence. So, the arrival of the American state secretary will be hardly similar to flight of the pigeon of the world.

Tiporg wrote:
IamGEORGIA wrote:
Hey Russians i have one qustion to you
Do you feed your soldier?
They are robing everything here in georgia, steling food, softdrinks, shoes, even uniforms of georgian sodlers..Some of them are wearing georgian military forms, as they said its more comfort! They are stealin even toilets!
Are they normal?
Have they ever seen civilization?

I think that it is better to have the army like this, than the army that kills 1600 citizens when they are sleeping.

You have no facts

YOU think so? :quoi
THEN WATCH YOUR SOLDERS, which seems make you so proud :haha
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IS IT ENOUGH PROVEMENT FOR YOU? If not just tell us we will provide you further more. Smile

guys is it the WWIII starting?
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"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

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Just right now one russia citizen from moscow told me frankly what the most of population think in russia:

most of them want to come in Tbilisi (pay attention Tbilisi) and wanna kill all georgians, burry them very deep in land, and cover all the tbilisi with our blood?
Is he normal now? :haha

If most of russians think so, how can ve be any kind of friends from now?
No chance of it..
For us russia is the enemy N1 perhaps..because of it dangerous and aggresive citizens..
Its very bad ..
This is madness!
This is GEORGIAA!!!

Я Грузин, И пусть навеки враг запомнит, Что лишь тогда встаем мы на колени, когда целуем Грузинский флаг...

stop spreading lie! Russians don't think like that! Russians are very friendly people, and, generally, this is a political game, you can't involve here neither common Russians' nor Georgians' opinion!
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

Web Design Forums - Server-Side Web and Software Development discussions

IamGEORGIA Wrote:Just right now one russia citizen from moscow told me frankly what the most of population think in russia:

most of them want to come in Tbilisi (pay attention Tbilisi) and wanna kill all georgians, burry them very deep in land, and cover all the tbilisi with our blood?
Is he normal now? :haha

If most of russians think so, how can ve be any kind of friends from now?
No chance of it..
For us russia is the enemy N1 perhaps..because of it dangerous and aggresive citizens..
Its very bad ..

Look Saakashvili IS NOT CITIZEN FROM MOSCOW and his disiers for georgian people are not ours. He has almost succeded but we wont play his game. You have already tried to do such thing with S Osetians. Our forces are there to DEFEND not to conquer.
Interesting if in times of ww2 people had internet would we have same discussion with nazi?
Could we explain to the germans that they are suffering becouse of Hitler and his crimes?
But times are changing and this conflict could not be compared with ww2 still there is entire country suffering becouse of foolishnes of one man not to mentiom suffering he brought to others.
Some of our population howewer could be EXTREAMLY angry with your country and hates georgians, as well some (if not more) of yours hates russians. It is normal actualy (no need to comment reasons). I can understand how georgians feel (not you becouse you suprisingly happy). I hope some solution could be found to maintain georgia united but nothing could be accomplished by Suck-ASHvilli.
If S Osetia and Obhazia will remain parts of Georgia ( unfortunatly i dont see any reason for them to want that) they would need LARGE if not LARGEST AUTONOMIA from Georgia the world ever seen and of course Russian troops nearby to prevent history from happening 3rd time. of course Georgia must be OFF NATO. It would be safer for everyone really. When you will be electing new president remember what was "accomplished" by Saakashvili. But it would be your people choice not ours.

Hakan G Wrote:
IamGEORGIA Wrote:Hey Russians i have one qustion to you
Do you feed your soldier?
They are robing everything here in georgia, steling food, softdrinks, shoes, even uniforms of georgian sodlers..Some of them are wearing georgian military forms, as they said its more comfort! They are stealin even toilets!
Are they normal?
Have they ever seen civilization?

They think that everything in this world is free for them. I hope that someday they will be proved the opposite.

I think that everething is free for US. They want Irak - please welcome, they want Afganistan - please welcome, they want Kosovo - please welcome, they can do everething with the help of false PRESS. And of course its good for you. Its big money and oil. The next will be Iran.

IamGEORGIA Wrote:Hey Russians i have one qustion to you
Do you feed your soldier?
They are robing everything here in georgia, steling food, softdrinks, shoes, even uniforms of georgian sodlers..Some of them are wearing georgian military forms, as they said its more comfort! They are stealin even toilets!
Are they normal?
Have they ever seen civilization?

I'm not Russian but i'll answer.

All the same i've heard about georgian soldiers when they captured Tskhinvalli in the begining of the war. That they were maraud in Tskinvally. And kolled a lot of civillians and wounded.

Then who is right? Don't you think it could be only propaganda from both sides? Did you see these facts by your own eyes?

Then maybe it could be too silly to believe what TV says to you. There's no freedom of media nor in Russia nor in Georgia. All the world knows the story of the last year when Saakashvili closed the independent TV channel in Tbilisi who was critisizing him. The same we know that there's no free TV in Russia. No freedom of media in USA.

Stop believe in all what TV says to you! Don't be a one of the flock of sheep

clearman Wrote:Russians go home. Georgia is a free state. Osetia and Abhazia belong to Georgia and Kosovo to Serbia. :evil

Georgia has ceased to be free state since your lunatic president sold it for US geopolitical interests. And ever since then Georgia is nothing but an instrument to hold Russia. This is one point. Another one: your american friends broke Kosova away from Serbia, so you should thank them for what's going on. And the third one: you should thank your marinette president and the same kind pocket opposition - they did all until now to have NEVER S.Ossetia and Abkhazia as parts of Georgia. the mechanism is launched. And you can only say to them Bye-bye!!!

I can't take the words of "being under Russian bombs" seriously. If you were really afraid, you would have been in bombshelters or cellars or basements, not sitting in your room and surfing the Web. If you're really afraid - then you can't come out the streets and go visit Gori and see what really happens there.

We could give you lots of evidences, photo, video - any - about Georgian violence in Tskhinvali, about refugees, about funerals of civilians, about destroyed houses and streets. But I haven't seen a single photo of Russian and Ossetian soldiers killing civilians during this war. Don't tell me that international reporters have no access to Tbilisi, Gori and other Georgian areas.

We hear only words from you, sitting in front of your monitors in your rooms - sooo afraid.

Tiporg Wrote:Dear friends, if your opinion is based on CNN and BBC news, it's not right. As they show only what is favorably for US goverment - and you tell us that it is FREE PRESS. And you think that everething on TV is the truth. I am from Moscow and I have a lot of friends in South Osetia - and my opinion based not on TV - they tell me about the genocide. Georgian soldiers started to attack South Ossetian capital, that caused killing of 12 Russian Peace-Keepers, and 1600 civilians were killed by Georgian Army. And nobody tells about it. Why did not CNN and BBC show the reports from South Osetia? Why did not they show video and photo from blasted Tskhinvali ??? And we hope that Europe will help them like Russia does it. Germay, France, Italy please hark to our opinion.

Who are you trying to persuade and in what? The fact that no-one Georgian here on this forum expressed pity or condolescence for the massacred Ossetians, but many on the contrary fiersly denied the facts of the massacre in Tskhinval is very illustrative by itself.

Gift Wrote:I can't take the words of "being under Russian bombs" seriously. If you were really afraid, you would have been in bombshelters or cellars or basements, not sitting in your room and surfing the Web. If you're really afraid - then you can't come out the streets and go visit Gori and see what really happens there.

We could give you lots of evidences, photo, video - any - about Georgian violence in Tskhinvali, about refugees, about funerals of civilians, about destroyed houses and streets. But I haven't seen a single photo of Russian and Ossetian soldiers killing civilians during this war. Don't tell me that international reporters have no access to Tbilisi, Gori and other Georgian areas.

We hear only words from you, sitting in front of your monitors in your rooms - sooo afraid.

we are not afraid of your bombs..
when russian troops were moving towards tbilis, 200 000 people were stayinh at central squere with flags, shouing GEORGIA!
Your goal to bring here fear..You cant do that...You canb bomb anything you want, but you cant kill georgian spirit..thats why you are looser and will everytime be looser whenevr you try to occupy us..

"peacekeeper" russians...

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Russian Soldier..(This is called peace operation) :deg

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This is madness!
This is GEORGIAA!!!

Я Грузин, И пусть навеки враг запомнит, Что лишь тогда встаем мы на колени, когда целуем Грузинский флаг...

I live in Russia and I know the truth! It was a Georgian agression! It is Georgia who is the first started to destroy Southern Ossetia! Its' soldiers destroyed everything, they killed everyone: oldmen, children, women with their babies! They blew up the houses, shot the people, burned them alive in their own houses! It was terrible!
We were watching TV all day long and were seeing everything. But I was shocked knowing how western press reacted. It was desinformation! It was a provocation! Georgian made their own reports. They shot their OWN guns, bombing Ossetia, and showed all the world that RUSSIA bombs Georgia!!!!!! Georgia showed you destroyed (by themselves!!!!!)houses in Osetia and declared that RUSSIA did this!!!! It was a lieing!!!! And the USA knew it!!!!I think you know that Georgia is going to join the European Union. For that reason they needed to make their country united. Abkhazia and Ossetia didn't want to become a part of Georgia. At this point Saakashvilli decided to press them or just destroy the nation at all(and he knew that there was 80% of russian citizens!)
So, there could be reached 2 aims: 1) Georgia is in the EU, 2) The USA built his military bases near the Russian Federation.
It was the USA goverment's plan! Saakashvilli was supported by the USA. The USA trained Georgians soldiers, supplied them with gun and regulated the conflict! It was the USA who wanted this war, the war with Russia! They are afraid of us, Bush is afraid of us! The Unated States wanted all the Europe turned away from Russia. The USA want to enslave Russia but they'll never do this!
Western Mass media, where is yours objectivity?! Why did your journalists not visit Southern Osetia but only "poor" Tbilisy??? You, journalists, must be in the epicenter of the war!!! But you were sitting in the Europe and just watchining Saakashvilli's speech! You, journalists, why did you not check all this information????Why you did not ask Osetians who began this war?!
Saakashvili betrayed his people! Georgian didn't want this war!!!
On the territory of the S.Osetia is more than 80% citizens of Russian Federation. Russia is a constitutional country and it must save its citizens everywere! In this war Russia just fulfiled its debt! The USA and another European country, I think would do the same, wouldn't they?

Ann from Russia Wrote:I live in Russia and I know the truth! It was a Georgian agression! It is Georgia who is the first started to destroy Southern Ossetia! Its' soldiers destroyed everything, they killed everyone: oldmen, children, women with their babies! They blew up the houses, shot the people, burned them alive in their own houses! It was terrible!
We were watching TV all day long and were seeing everything. But I was shocked knowing how western press reacted. It was desinformation! It was a provocation! Georgian made their own reports. They shot their OWN guns, bombing Ossetia, and showed all the world that RUSSIA bombs Georgia!!!!!! Georgia showed you destroyed (by themselves!!!!!)houses in Osetia and declared that RUSSIA did this!!!! It was a lieing!!!! And the USA knew it!!!!I think you know that Georgia is going to join the European Union. For that reason they needed to make their country united. Abkhazia and Ossetia didn't want to become a part of Georgia. At this point Saakashvilli decided to press them or just destroy the nation at all(and he knew that there was 80% of russian citizens!)
So, there could be reached 2 aims: 1) Georgia is in the EU, 2) The USA built his military bases near the Russian Federation.
It was the USA goverment's plan! Saakashvilli was supported by the USA. The USA trained Georgians soldiers, supplied them with gun and regulated the conflict! It was the USA who wanted this war, the war with Russia! They are afraid of us, Bush is afraid of us! The Unated States wanted all the Europe turned away from Russia. The USA want to enslave Russia but they'll never do this!
Western Mass media, where is yours objectivity?! Why did your journalists not visit Southern Osetia but only "poor" Tbilisy??? You, journalists, must be in the epicenter of the war!!! But you were sitting in the Europe and just watchining Saakashvilli's speech! You, journalists, why did you not check all this information????Why you did not ask Osetians who began this war?!
Saakashvili betrayed his people! Georgian didn't want this war!!!
On the territory of the S.Osetia is more than 80% citizens of Russian Federation. Russia is a constitutional country and it must save its citizens everywere! In this war Russia just fulfiled its debt! The USA and another European country, I think would do the same, wouldn't they?

haha you know the truth of course.. :haha
Western press reacted as it shoul jave reacted..

It will happen very soon..sooner then before..and thanks russia for ot..
You really helped us to join NATO..
This is madness!
This is GEORGIAA!!!

Я Грузин, И пусть навеки враг запомнит, Что лишь тогда встаем мы на колени, когда целуем Грузинский флаг...

The country will never join to NATO untill it has point at issue on the territories question.

This is the rules of NATO. I think all aware of it. That's one of the point why Saakashvilli started the war. It's clear. He wants to join NATO this autumn, as he said.

IamGEORGIA, please be polite and constructive in debates.

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