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quote="GAMS"] chena Wrote:GAMS,
Для вас важно только то,что войдет ли Абхазия в состав России или нет?А то,что Грузия уничтожала мой народ вам наплевать?
Killing civilians is not honorable for any nation including Georgians and Abkhazians. As forr "unichtozhala" the reason why tens of thousands of ethnic Abkhazs are living in Turkey is not Georgian policy but Russian imperializm (mudzhakhestvo) since 19th century, if you knew your own history you've noticed that. Or if you were an anctual Abkhaz.
However, strangly but after 1990s Georgians have more than 200 000 IDPs, not abkhazs. Not telling about about thousands of killed and tourtured. I also know that a lot of ethnic abkhazs were helping Georgians to survive (unlike "new" abkhazs: kazaks, russians and etc, who are just claiming that are Abkhazs). You know why? Because ehtnic Abkhazs and Georgians have been living together for centures and Abkhazia were bi-ethnic territory.
It is not about do I care whether Abkhazia would be part of Russia, it is about the REAL motivation and motivators/manipulators - Russian goverment. If it was will of Abkhazian people to be independent I would've respect their will, but not the will to be part of another country... which is bullshit. Ethnic Abkhazians remember what it is like to be under Russian goverment as well as Chechens remember. Considering this only Russians could be willing to join Russia. That is all, and when you tell that Abkhaz people fought for their independence make sure you are talking about REAL Abkhazs doing so back in 19th century and not Russians in 20th.
If you do not respect your indepence how anybody could do so?[/quote]
Georgia is fully under control America.Them prezedent gets pay-envelope from America.They do everything that talks America.And do you name this country free?
Абхазия входила в состав Грузии только при СССР.Ее присоединил насильно Сталин.Вы ститаете диктатора Сталина справедливым?[/quote]
I am not going to provide the long article about history of Abkhazia (since it has been done couple time). Abkhazia was the integral part of Georgia for centures (and not one or two!).
As for Stalin:
1. He did create the artificial republics on the territory of Georgia
2. I do not think he was fair
3. He is the idol for Current and Forerver actual President of Russia Mr. V. Putin. So you should ask him and his followers this question.
The only thing that aggression from Abkhazian side proved that this whole war was long- and well-planned by Russian goverment. That's all.
As for independence, I also think that Abkhazia can be independent, but the statements your goverment is making show that you are not going to be. That's what makes me doubt about the will of Abkhazian people for independece. As for Georgians, they might be under big influence of the US, but still legaly are independent and are not asking to join the USA. also, did anybody asked ethnic (real ) Abkhazs do they want their country to be part of Russia? The ones whos fathers and grandfathers have been kicked out from their land by Russians?
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chena Wrote:GAMS Wrote:chena Wrote:GAMS,
please also explain me the following fact:
How did it come that abkhazian alphabet was created by Gunia (georgian) in 20th century? Абхазкий алфавит в 20 веке создал абхаз.До этого у нас был древнеабхазкий алфавит и Византийский.Который никогда не был похож на грузинский.
Coud you name that Abkhaz? The one who actually did create in was GUNIA he was Georgian! Could also provide some examples of a least coins with Abkhazian writing on it? Гулия(GULIA) был - абхазом!
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Абхазия была в составе Грузии только при СССP.Я-абхаз!Я знаю свою историю.У нас нет ничего общего с грузинами.
Не мы начали войну!
К нам пришли с оружием в руках.Убивали стариков,женщин,детей.Грузинские фашисты говорили:
"Мы уничтожим всю абхазкую нацию".После всего этого мы должны жить вместе с этими фашистами?
Мой народ,моя Родина имеет право на независимость!И мы,благодаря РОССИИ стали свободными от рабства грузин!
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Quote:Killing civilians is not honorable for any nation including Georgians and Abkhazians. As forr "unichtozhala" the reason why tens of thousands of ethnic Abkhazs are living in Turkey is not Georgian policy but Russian imperializm (mudzhakhestvo) since 19th century, if you knew your own history you've noticed that. Or if you were an anctual Abkhaz.
В то время Грузия уже входила в состав России.И принемала активное участие в изгнании абхазкого народа.
Quote:However, strangly but after 1990s Georgians have more than 200 000 IDPs, not abkhazs. Not telling about about thousands of killed and tourtured. I also know that a lot of ethnic abkhazs were helping Georgians to survive (unlike "new" abkhazs: kazaks, russians and etc, who are just claiming that are Abkhazs). You know why? Because ehtnic Abkhazs and Georgians have been living together for centures and Abkhazia were bi-ethnic territory.
На нас напали,нас убивали.Мы взяли в руки оружие,что бы защитить свой дом,свои семьи.У нас не было выбора.Если бы мы не победили,абхазкий народ был бы уничтожен.
Мы выбрали независимость.Наша страна-свободна!И никуда мы присоеденяться не будем!
Quote:I am not going to provide the long article about history of Abkhazia (since it has been done couple time). Abkhazia was the integral part of Georgia for centures (and not one or two!).
Абхазия была в составе Грузии только при СССP.Не надо изменять историю!
Quote:The only thing that aggression from Abkhazian side proved that this whole war was long- and well-planned by Russian goverment. That's all.
Агресия была со стороны Грузии!
Quote:As for independence, I also think that Abkhazia can be independent, but the statements your goverment is making show that you are not going to be. That's what makes me doubt about the will of Abkhazian people for independece. As for Georgians, they might be under big influence of the US, but still legaly are independent and are not asking to join the USA. also, did anybody asked ethnic (real ) Abkhazs do they want their country to be part of Russia? The ones whos fathers and grandfathers have been kicked out from their land by Russians?
Какая независимость у Грузии,если они полностью зависят от США?В какой свободной стране в правительстве сидят граждане других государств?В какой свободной стране,армия другого государства,может без разрешения передвигаться по всей стране?В какой свободной стране презедент получает зарплату от другой страны?В какой свободной стране отключают TV,отключают интернет,сожают в тюрмы людей за то что они cвободно думают?
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chena Wrote:GAMS Wrote:chena Wrote:GAMS,
please also explain me the following fact:
How did it come that abkhazian alphabet was created by Gunia (georgian) in 20th century? Абхазкий алфавит в 20 веке создал абхаз.До этого у нас был древнеабхазкий алфавит и Византийский.Который никогда не был похож на грузинский.
Coud you name that Abkhaz? The one who actually did create in was GUNIA he was Georgian! Could also provide some examples of a least coins with Abkhazian writing on it? Гулия(GULIA) был - абхазом![/quote]
 As far as I know names ending on -IA or -AVA are Georgian. So, name gulia Gulia is a georgian one. I just noticed spelling error in my previous posts.
The only reason why Gulia, Shonia or others could be reffered as Abkhaz is the policy of Russians to force Georgian take Abkhaz nationality.
And btw, he created abkhazian alphabet together with Matchavarian (definetly georgian)
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to your refence about ancient abkhaz alphabet:
Абха́зская литерату́ра — как письменная литература на абхазском языке возникла лишь в начале XX века.
Художественной литературы и прессы не существовало вплоть до 1920—х. До 1905 года учебная литература ограничивалась одним абхазским букварем («Апсва анбан»), составленным знаменитым русским востоковедом бароном П. К. Усларом.
К первому десятилетию XX века относится энергичная деятельность так называемого Переводческого комитета, ограничивающаяся однако школьной продукцией: был разработан алфавит, изданы книги по закону божьему и «Книга для чтения».
Пионером абхазской литературы можно считать Дмитрия Иосифовича Гулия, известного и сочинениями на русском языке, в частности «Историей Абхазии» (Тифлис, 1925).
Гулия совместно с К. Мачавариани также является автором абхазской азбуки (1892), а кроме того собирателем и исследователем абхазского фольклора («Абхазские пословицы, загадки, скороговорки» (Тифлис, 1907), «Абхазские народные приметы о погоде» (Сухум, 1922), «Культ козла у абхазов», «Абхазские заклинания» переведено на русский язык в 1925, «Охотничий язык у абхазов и боги охоты» (1926), «Сухум не Диоскурия» и пр.).
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Я смотрю вы знаток абхазкой культуры,истории и языка.  hock: Вы абхаз?Мне интересно какой вы национальности.Исходя из этого мне будет легче разговаривать с вами.
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GAMS Wrote:Я смотрю вы знаток абхазкой культуры,истории и языка. hock: Вы абхаз?Мне интересно какой вы национальности.Исходя из этого мне будет легче разговаривать с вами.
Ukraine - Russian
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В какой свободной стране отключают TV,отключают интернет,сожают в тюрмы людей за то что они cвободно думают?[/quote]
V rossii
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В какой свободной стране отключают TV,отключают интернет,сожают в тюрмы людей за то что они cвободно думают?[/quote]
V rossii[/quote]
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GAMS Wrote:chena Wrote: В какой свободной стране отключают TV,отключают интернет,сожают в тюрмы людей за то что они cвободно думают? V rossii[/quote]
You want to persuade us you are Abkhaz?
you are just a simple russian Kolkhoz guy contaminated with the conspiracy theories delivered in the russian schools where you got the EDUCATION. :livre
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Platon Wrote:GAMS Wrote:chena Wrote: В какой свободной стране отключают TV,отключают интернет,сожают в тюрмы людей за то что они cвободно думают? V rossii Бендеровиц?[/quote]
You want to persuade us you are Abkhaz?
you are just a simple russian Kolkhoz guy contaminated with the conspiracy theories delivered in the russian schools where you got the EDUCATION. :livre[/quote]
Stop blaming the only Abkhazian who can post common opinion of his people at this forum. You, guys, don't care that thousands of civilians were killed, if georgia would murder all ossetians and abkhazians you would be happy as it would be done in a democracy way. I beg my pardon but you are really dumb f*ckers who are under anti-russian propaganda. THOSE WHO CONTINUE TO SUPPORT GEORGIA AND DON'T SEE ITS HUMAN CRIMES ARE ALSO WAR CRIMINALS
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chena Wrote:GAMS Wrote:chena Wrote:GAMS,
please also explain me the following fact:
How did it come that abkhazian alphabet was created by Gunia (georgian) in 20th century? Абхазкий алфавит в 20 веке создал абхаз.До этого у нас был древнеабхазкий алфавит и Византийский.Который никогда не был похож на грузинский.
Coud you name that Abkhaz? The one who actually did create in was GUNIA he was Georgian! Could also provide some examples of a least coins with Abkhazian writing on it?
Did Russia have coins in 7-10 centuries? it did not. Does it mean anything?
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Platon Wrote:GAMS Wrote:chena Wrote: В какой свободной стране отключают TV,отключают интернет,сожают в тюрмы людей за то что они cвободно думают? V rossii Бендеровиц?[/quote]
You want to persuade us you are Abkhaz?
you are just a simple russian Kolkhoz guy contaminated with the conspiracy theories delivered in the russian schools where you got the EDUCATION. :livre[/quote]
You rights!
I will not argue with a donkey, which does not look farther, than the ears.
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EU1 Wrote:Stop blaming the only Abkhazian who can post common opinion of his people at this forum. You, guys, don't care that thousands of civilians were killed, if georgia would murder all ossetians and abkhazians you would be happy as it would be done in a democracy way. I beg my pardon but you are really dumb f*ckers who are under anti-russian propaganda. THOSE WHO CONTINUE TO SUPPORT GEORGIA AND DON'T SEE ITS HUMAN CRIMES ARE ALSO WAR CRIMINALS
Stop blaiming?
did you like his comment that georgians are Fascists? This is not the way of communication my sweetheart.
and you are under anti-USA propaganda, maybe living in EU and bored from good life.
get it dumb zombie?
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EU1 Wrote:Stop blaming the only Abkhazian who can post common opinion of his people at this forum. You, guys, don't care that thousands of civilians were killed, if georgia would murder all ossetians and abkhazians you would be happy as it would be done in a democracy way. I beg my pardon but you are really dumb f*ckers who are under anti-russian propaganda. THOSE WHO CONTINUE TO SUPPORT GEORGIA AND DON'T SEE ITS HUMAN CRIMES ARE ALSO WAR CRIMINALS
If Georgia started the conflict, it is still not an argument for Russia to move father the conflict zone. Georgia didn't bomb Moscow you know
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GAMS Wrote:You want to persuade us you are Abkhaz?
you are just a simple russian Kolkhoz guy contaminated with the conspiracy theories delivered in the russian schools where you got the EDUCATION.
You rights!
I will not argue with a donkey, which does not look farther, than the ears.
I see you have better experience whit donkey.
this is 21 th century and this is not the right time to rewrite the history and trying to establish you one. In caucasus there are more ethnics. Are you ready to help Cherkazes, Abases, Adigeian and kabardinians to be independent?
and one more thing. How could you blame georgians being fascists, it is not nice.
listen to AKHRA SHUA often it helps a lot than russian propaganda info, believe me.
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GAMS Wrote:Georgian fascism We present a set of photographs from the war in South Osetia made by Arkady Babchenko
GAMS I am not enemy of your ethnicity at all, that's why I am upset. If your enemy brother was eaten by crocodile it doses not mean crocodile is your friend.
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Platon Wrote:GAMS Wrote:I see you have better experience whit donkey.
this is 21 th century and this is not the right time to rewrite the history and trying to establish you one. .
That's you who try to rewrite the history distorting it
Platon Wrote:In caucasus there are more ethnics. Are you ready to help Cherkazes, Abases, Adigeian and kabardinians to be independent?
No one made genoside against those ethnics. They live in peace and as I know don't want to leave Russian Federation
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They wanted to destroy peaceful people
Not we began war!
Attack on us.We were on a defensive.We want to live in the world.But dictator Saakashvili wants, that we all perished!
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EU1 Wrote:Platon Wrote:GAMS Wrote:I see you have better experience whit donkey.
this is 21 th century and this is not the right time to rewrite the history and trying to establish you one. .
Platon Wrote:In caucasus there are more ethnics. Are you ready to help Cherkazes, Abases, Adigeian and kabardinians to be independent?
No one made genoside against those ethnics. They live in peace and as I know don't want to leave Russian Federation
I see how good you are in the history.
There is nobody left to resist and you said they are in piece. Mama mia.
read the history first, I hope you learn what happened with this people in north caucasus.
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Platon Wrote:[ I see how good you are in the history.
There is nobody left to resist and you said they are in piece. Mama mia.
read the history first, I hope you learn what happened with this people in north caucasus.
They may have some tensions between them but no one is bombing them or makes genocide there. Or maybe developping your crazy ideas Russia is doing so?
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EU1 Wrote:Did Russia have coins in 7-10 centuries? it did not. Does it mean anything?
Nice one. 
Russia didnt exist in 7-10 centrury.
Abkazia have coins, the kings depicted name, title in Georgian, not Abkhaz.
Abkhazian claims that there is no Georgian basis exist for Abkhaz statehood, ever, is groundless.
"Europe should switch to nuclear and use the old gas pipes as sewers. The destination should be the Kremlin." @ a reader at