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Ingushetia Demands Independence from Russia!
Ingushetia demands Independence from Russia.

Now, its very interesting how will Russia, being a promoter of Inependence of Other Coutnries regions, will react to such request.

Indeed, there are already some steps taken:

Russian Opposition Leader Killed In Police Custody
September 2nd, 2008

Hundreds of people took to the streets of Ingushetia, one of Russia’s southern republics, after an opposition leader and businessman was shot and killed while in police custody.

Magomed Yevloyev, a fierce critic of Ingush President Murat Zyazikov, was detained Sunday as he landed in Nazran, Ingushetia’s main city. Police claimed that he tried to resist arrest, and was shot in the ensuing scuffle. Yevloyev’s attorney, meanwhile, said his client went peacefully into custody, and that he was shot while driving with police, and thrown from the car near a hospital. The opposition figure died while receiving care.

Yevloyev was the owner of an online news portal,, which was known for independent news and reporting from the republic. The website aired many views critical of the current Ingush administration, and reported on government corruption. Authorities had repeatedly targeted the site, which was branded “extremist” and ordered shut by a City Court in June. Its editor-in-chief, Roza Malsagova, fled Russia to seek political asylum in France after a number of politically-motivated criminal cases were launched against her. Malsagova said she had received threats from officials.

Ingushetia, which has a predominantly Muslim population, has experienced rising levels of violent crime, with frequent attacks on militsiya and security officials. Zyazikov’s administration has responded with a heavy hand, and has been accused of using excessive force against civilians and opposition activists.

A number of rights organizations, including Human Rights Watch, the Moscow Helsinki Group and Memorial, have called for a full investigation of Yevloyev’s death.

Local activists, meanwhile, said that Zyazikov may be directly involved. Yevloyev’s relatives have apparently called for a blood feud against Zyazikov and Ingush Interior Minister Musa Medov, vowing to avenge Yevloyev’s death. continues to publish material, and has relocated its servers to the United States.

Further reading: editor-in-chief Roza Malsagova accuses Murat Zyazikov of direct involvement in Magomed Yevloyev’s death in an open letter, published on the website.

An Open Letter to Murat Zyazikov, President of Ingushetia

Appealing to a murderer, whether an Ingush or the president of the republic, who shoots his own citizens in broad daylight, is immoral. There is no doubt that it was precisely you who gave the order for yet another extrajudicial execution. Doing this, you wanted to silence us, if you could, as during the times of the inquisition, you would have poured molten tin in our throats. I, the “commissar in a leather jacket,” as you deemed to call me, am telling you that God’s court will surely judge you. For every drop of spilt blood in the republic, you will have to answer before the Almighty, but first – before the Ingush, and if there are still men on this earth, first you will stand before them. Unlike you, Yevloyev was never a coward, he didn’t hide, he didn’t run away through back-door pathways. When militsiya officers were being shot, he didn’t hole up in the “President-hotel,” tucking in his rat’s tail. Giving interviews left and right about the “land of inter-ethnic friendship” and the “investment potential,” you assert that you know nothing about contract killings in the republic. Name at least one solved murder during the years of your tyrannical rule. What, did they solve the murders of the six-year-old Rakhim Amriev, Apti Dolakov, Kalimatov, Yandiev, Chakhkiev?.. Hundred have been killed during the time of your “rule,” with no one found responsible, with no killers. Only “terrorists” and “members of armed gangs!” Yevloyev wasn’t yet 37, and he leaves three small children, two of them sons!

If you still had something human in you, you would have at least though of them, before orphaning young children. “I am not saying that a blood feud is good, but it is a deterrent. It’s simply that if a person goes for it, he knows very well what he’s doing. Of course, it’s difficult afterwards for people to let him alone without a reaction, but none the less, there is no accidental moment.” (“Conversation without rules” [a Russian television show], featuring Ingush President Murat Zyazikov.) I think that you realized what you were heading toward, when you made the order to execute Yevloyev!

The independent news portal will continue its work in its current state until Zyazikov shoots us all, or until he is removed. There is no alternative.

Magomed Yevloyev will be put into the ground on the first day of the holy month of Ramadan.

Roza Malsagova, editor-in-chief of the independent internet-portal.
"Europe should switch to nuclear and use the old gas pipes as sewers. The destination should be the Kremlin." @ a reader at

With both heands I am for Ingushs independance! They were living in those palces during centyries.

Independance for INgush people!


As I understand people requires justice but not independence.

EU1 Wrote:As I understand people requires justice but not independence.

Ранее сообщалось, что оппозиция Ингушетии рассматривает возможность обращения к мировой общественности с просьбой "отсоединить" республику от России. Об этом сообщил в эфире радиостанции "Эхо Москвы" руководитель оргкомитета общенационального митинга протеста Магомед Хазбиев.

"Нам нужно просить Европу или Америку, чтобы нас отсоединили от России. Если мы неугодны этой стране, что дальше делать, мы не знаем", - сказал Хазбиев. Он добавил, что необходимо также "остановить геноцид ингушского народа, осуществляемый Кремлем".

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 40837.html</a><!-- m -->

Eka, why are you so happy? You know that armenians and azerbaigans diasporas in Georgia threatened to get independence if georgian government don't stop oppress them. First of all, this diaspors want to have a possibility to study school program on their native languages.
By the way, Vanga (bulgarioan soothsayer) answered a georgian question 'bouth georgia as follows: " Georgia? I don't see such country!" ... Therefore your malicious joy at the minimum isn't appropriate.

when GEORGIA was created there was no origin of russians, and when Georgia had its Renessanse Russians were climbing on trees and livin in caves, so respect! this is one of the oldest country on the earth..
i'm very curious and can anybady explane me?! why we have discussion at all to this people called Russians: they have never seen toillet seats, have no idea using FAX, and so answer can such a nation living in imperialism and nationalism have adequate actions?! this people cant realise facts and arguments, they only believ what thei Kremli says, they still live in serfdom and they still remain brainwashed.
Russia_ Imperialism 100 %
Nationalism 100%
democracy 0 %
Tolerance 0%

Giovane Wrote:Eka, why are you so happy? You know that armenians and azerbaigans diasporas in Georgia threatened to get independence if georgian government don't stop oppress them. First of all, this diaspors want to have a possibility to study school program on their native languages.
By the way, Vanga (bulgarioan soothsayer) answered a georgian question 'bouth georgia as follows: " Georgia? I don't see such country!" ... Therefore your malicious joy at the minimum isn't appropriate.

:haha :haha :haha This is really silly. I am sure Russian TV s have not informed you about this: Armenian and Azerbaiganian diaspors supported Georgia in this war...By the way, thanks Russia for this....If till now there was some tensions about them, you managed and you killed such tensions...I was participant of Armenian diaspor protesting against Russia, So before you say anything funny, plz just write - it is a joke - otherwise people will think that you live in "izolated" country...

Giovane Wrote:Eka, why are you so happy? You know that armenians and azerbaigans diasporas in Georgia threatened to get independence if georgian government don't stop oppress them. First of all, this diaspors want to have a possibility to study school program on their native languages.
By the way, Vanga (bulgarioan soothsayer) answered a georgian question 'bouth georgia as follows: " Georgia? I don't see such country!" ... Therefore your malicious joy at the minimum isn't appropriate.

:haha :haha :haha What did she say about Russia?

By the way, Vanga (bulgarioan soothsayer) answered a georgian question "bouth Russia as follows:"Russia? This is country of Future superpower! :haha :haha :haha :haha

Gush! These people are getting crazy

If the majority of Ingusheti wants independence, it should get it...But before a kind of referendum will be carried...Two bombs will explode in Moscow, and Russian policy will prove that terrorizm was planned by Ingushetians.....Than russia will invade, they will destroy a lot of people and only reasanble way for Ingushetian people in order to survive will be to be the part of Russia..Is it what what have you seen before? Yes, it is...But it will not happen.....As tensions about Russia in the world is increased, No one will allow russia to make second Chechnya in Ingusheti.....

First of all right now it is obvius that there are no rules in "integrity" thing. Right now it is right of strength, can keep than you keep cant keep than you loose it. International law failed twice already and as i recall Georgia and its western supporters are standing for right of country for integrity at least officialy. Smile .

SiD Wrote:First of all right now it is obvius that there are no rules in "integrity" thing. Right now it is right of strength, can keep than you keep cant keep than you loose it. International law failed twice already and as i recall Georgia and its western supporters are standing for right of country for integrity at least officialy. Smile .

SiD just we have to make one thing clear... If a small nation has historical arguments for independence and the majority of the people votes for independence, it should get it...None of this happened in the case of Georgia...

lashachochua Wrote:SiD just we have to make one thing clear... If a small nation has historical arguments for independence and the majority of the people votes for independence, it should get it...None of this happened in the case of Georgia...

You can find "some" people who think otherwise Smile . That is why wenn there is no clear international approach there is only right of strength. West is for integrity now it was for independance in Kosovo, that are no rules or laws its just double standarts.

SiD Wrote:
lashachochua Wrote:SiD just we have to make one thing clear... If a small nation has historical arguments for independence and the majority of the people votes for independence, it should get it...None of this happened in the case of Georgia...

You can find "some" people who think otherwise Smile . That is why wenn there is no clear international approach there is only right of strength. West is for integrity now it was for independance in Kosovo, that are no rules or laws its just double standarts.

You do not see the difference between Kosovo and Georgia? And also what will happen when Russia will loose it power very soon?
Smile Smile Smile

lashachochua Wrote:If the majority of Ingusheti wants independence, it should get it...But before a kind of referendum will be carried...Two bombs will explode in Moscow, and Russian policy will prove that terrorizm was planned by Ingushetians.....Than russia will invade, they will destroy a lot of people and only reasanble way for Ingushetian people in order to survive will be to be the part of Russia..Is it what what have you seen before? Yes, it is...But it will not happen.....As tensions about Russia in the world is increased, No one will allow russia to make second Chechnya in Ingusheti.....

Well said Lasha Confuseduper This sounds exactly like it is.

Russia will promote all kind of independence claims outside its own territory even with a minority of people supporting it, but reject for one or another reason all kind of independence claims which would dare to make the Russian Empire smaller Sad

lashachochua Wrote:You do not see the difference between Kosovo and Georgia? And also what will happen when Russia will loose it power very soon?
Smile Smile Smile

I see differences, but it is just details. Want to use double standarts youself? Smile

SiD Wrote:
lashachochua Wrote:You do not see the difference between Kosovo and Georgia? And also what will happen when Russia will loose it power very soon?
Smile Smile Smile

I see differences, but it is just details. Want to use double standarts youself? Smile

No...I want to see the same thing here in Georgia too. When the true referendum will be held...You know to tell the truth, if Russia has not supported separatists, these two problems have been already sorted out...But do not blame me that I see Russia in every problem...I came to this decesion after many years of hard thinking.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

If any territory will want to leave a state there will be chaos in the world, many countries have such problebms including Western Europe, France, the Uk, Spain and so on. For instance, the UK occupies Northen Ireland and what? why our georgian friends don't cry about it?

Salomo Wrote:
lashachochua Wrote:If the majority of Ingusheti wants independence, it should get it...But before a kind of referendum will be carried...Two bombs will explode in Moscow, and Russian policy will prove that terrorizm was planned by Ingushetians.....Than russia will invade, they will destroy a lot of people and only reasanble way for Ingushetian people in order to survive will be to be the part of Russia..Is it what what have you seen before? Yes, it is...But it will not happen.....As tensions about Russia in the world is increased, No one will allow russia to make second Chechnya in Ingusheti.....

Well said Lasha Confuseduper This sounds exactly like it is.

Russia will promote all kind of independence claims outside its own territory even with a minority of people supporting it, but reject for one or another reason all kind of independence claims which would dare to make the Russian Empire smaller Sad

100% agree

EU1 Wrote:If any territory will want to leave a state there will be chaos in the world, many countries have such problebms including Western Europe, France, the Uk, Spain and so on. For instance, the UK occupies Northen Ireland and what? why our georgian friends don't cry about it?

OOOO really? the wisdom touched you? What about russia's decesion? or we have to leave with this case as it is and keep living in old way?

Giovane Wrote:Eka, why are you so happy? You know that armenians and azerbaigans diasporas in Georgia threatened to get independence if georgian government don't stop oppress them. First of all, this diaspors want to have a possibility to study school program on their native languages.
By the way, Vanga (bulgarioan soothsayer) answered a georgian question 'bouth georgia as follows: " Georgia? I don't see such country!" ... Therefore your malicious joy at the minimum isn't appropriate.
No Ivan I am not hppy at all and I put smile there. ( It means that it was a joke) Of course, if there wil be referndum with all population of Ingushs and russians who are living there and if majorit will be for indepaendance it will be serious matter.

Now about armenians and azers.I want to asure you that they have those possibilities you are so warning. It is very bad that you dont know reallity here. They have not only schools, but theatres, newspapres and TV-channels in there nativ language. And Armenian Theatre actors were among first who began to protest agains russian aression in Gerogia. Thsi year the had possiiblity to have georgian national exams in nativ language for universities.
About Vanga _ no coments. its fanny. Smile And who asks her Putin?

So Ivan again -2. Smile

lashachochua Wrote:
EU1 Wrote:If any territory will want to leave a state there will be chaos in the world, many countries have such problebms including Western Europe, France, the Uk, Spain and so on. For instance, the UK occupies Northen Ireland and what? why our georgian friends don't cry about it?

OOOO really? the wisdom touched you? What about russia's decesion? or we have to leave with this case as it is and keep living in old way?

I don't care about Russia and what it decides. I speak about the situation in general. Many countries have national territories that want to be independent and what? As for Russian decision, thank your US government that made the same thing with Kosovo, armed and coached your army and encouraged to begin war to destabilize the situation in Caucasus. I am sorry that your country was a pawn in the game of others. Blame Bush and your president for this situation. And ask Ossetian people to forgive you, it would be good.

Can you give me some information regarding where Ingushetia is?
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

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1) So, I'm glad that you understand that it wasn't seruious. In the next time, I'll be write that it joke
2)This question asked a georgian delegation
3)So I' mrealy happy that this 2 diaspors have supported you, and it means that Vanga was wrong)))) And it means that her many prophency 'bout flood is wrong. Eeeeee

Giovane Wrote:1) So, I'm glad that you understand that it wasn't seruious. In the next time, I'll be write that it joke
2)This question asked a georgian delegation
3)So I' mrealy happy that this 2 diaspors have supported you, and it means that Vanga was wrong)))) And it means that her many prophency 'bout flood is wrong. Eeeeee
IIsuppose it was not govermental delegat to Vanga? But some crazy ladys who wants to know when and whom they marry? Smile

yeah, caucasian region is siting on the russian made bomb! you have to be careful to avoid detonation and hide your ambitions for the moment! Unfortunately, georgia being huked up on russians provocation. It was well planed invasion of russian trups a long time ago. one positive sign-they have very simple and easy understanding writing,means you can follow some logical calculations, but only for short term planes yet!
Leave it to Georgians and don't think that is good idea to blow up the region.
I think, Georgians can show to all caucasians russian's mistakes made in this crisis, then add chechenian experience,add dagestanian experinces and little bit more patience. I am very proud that I was born in this region.Caucasians are very clever and vice people. ofcource there can not be any families without an invalid,brainless and etc. person, like in large house named Caucasia, doesn't make any difference is it north or south, alltogether. Russians have the same dishonorable writing every where in all over the world. Does it make any sience? wery soon you, caucasians, will learn more and more, making long term prognoses by reading these trucks left by barbarians and in some day, as was mentioned by person named as "white fox",you know hem, Russia will receive back his Evil as bumerang which will be a hundred times dangerious and full of condencated energy than he have used in Caucasia since he stepped at first time cupple of centuryes ago. after that, I hope, will fall all his anclaves as well as MotherEvil and you'll begin to treat and give proper therapy to all enjured by viruses, poisoned and braine damaged members of this big society,which were lost for us. Russians are allways hapy to see Caucasia bleeding by internal wars.Only unstabile image of this region permited Russians to step in, to make a final shot at fallen down Titan. Then was comming a long silent... A lucky chance to wear mask of piecekeeper on his blody face.They are proffies in this bussines, providind its famous rule " devide and manage" and enjoy that. But now is comming something different, a huge mutant child of green-red Evil, hungry for fresh blood and ready to swollow everything toward him.We must be ready for any kind of scenarios.This Monster is able for any kind of violence, depends on fatasy in different variations, but the same style of acting-marking everything by death, death. We have to stop this "New recreation of cholera" which is keeping all his hostages in unforgetebol stress and horror! We must defeat it once and forever, be ready alltogether for the Last Battle.
This Evil will terminate all bloodseeking generals and soon we well see one more fallen khrushchev or Yeltsin, trown far- far away in the same style as they've become to the Trone. And this act will provided by the New Russians, bussinesmen and other clean generation which are facing big loses,crushing image and damaged reputation with Europeans, constructed not by V.Putin and his generals, well trained only for stiling of toilets and beds.

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