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I think you've all figured I don't have much luck with men :-(
I have no difficulty in meeting men. But after a while, they tell me that they "don't want any committment." I have been out with guys for a year, two years, even longer... But they never want to marry me or have kids :x They make stupid excuses like: they don't want me to steal all their money (I am financially independent, and earn more than most men), they cannot afford an engagement ring (I've never asked for an expensive one), or they accuse me of stopping them going out with their friends (this is not true). Then we start arguing, and split up  I don't want this to happen again
I've tried to cultivate a feminine side: I have taught myself to cook and wear make-up and stuff, and I'm pretty much on a permanent diet. My friends joke that I will have to mail-order a husband from the 3rd World, or become like Madonna and buy some African orphan when I'm in my 50s :fi
I am not alone - last year a women's magazine ran an article on "scoring rock" (i.e. obtaining an engagement ring) - groups of business women were running brainstorming sessions, threatening to leave their boyfriend for a fictional new man, or pretending to have some terminal illness.
So, what do you look for in a wife?
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Hi Becka,
I'm really sorry for you and your lack of luck. It wouldn't be reasonable to give a useful advice without knowing your situation in details. However will try to tell you something.
Your relations will get longer if you don't push anything. Boys/men like mysterious girls. So, make them be crazy about you by telling mysterious things (maybe even lies). Make them be jealous, have you tried that?
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I don't feel comfortable to ask you this, but how old are you Becka? Just need that for giving the best advice I can.
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Becka, I understand you quite well. There are very few trustworthy men really deserving a woman's love. Don't worry about that. You are lucky not to have gotten married. I did, and now I'm divorced. :-(
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Keep a man by keeping the smile on your face! I love to see a smiling girl. This is as important as breathing the air.
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Maybe men like to be ruled by women. Becka, try to behave more autocratically, just as a boss behaves to his employees.
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Keep a man by cooking well!!! I would never pay attention at a girl that cooks bad.
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That's some odd situation. I don't understand why wouldn't they want to have any commitment. This is because I like when women are independent, and can be and act independent, with a character, and it seems that you can do this, if you've achieved financial independence. Don’t get me wrong, for me money are not important as I'm more than independent, so I seek for the character in order for my kids to be educated in a healthy way, because, as you might figured, I'm always out of time.
The feminine way (makeup and all the stuff), is very good I appreciate that too.
So this is about all. Drop us a line when something new is in sight.
Good luck to you!
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Make him want you, even by simulating facts or situations.
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Wow, Thank you all for the replies - I'm overwhelmed!
It's given me a few things to think about 8-)
M.Helen - I'm sad to hear about the divorce, and I hope things are going better for you now ;-) You are right - maybe I'm better off waiting for Mr Right! My Grandmother says that everyone's time will come
Nicholas - I totally agree with you! I think it's good for women to keep some independence and stay mentally active (I know working isn't practical for all women...), then they can be a good role model for their children. I was starting to wonder if I might have to change my job to a more typically feminine one (like becoming a teacher?) to attract a man - so it's really good to hear that there are guys in the world who don't demand this :-)
Terry - you should never ask a lady her age :lol: I will be 30 in a couple of months - so I'm freaking out a bit :roll: I guess I just always imagined celebrating my 30th with a big family... I usually get away with pretending to be younger :haha and I cook a wicked chilli :langue
Peter - you are a genius! I have tried talking a little less and smiling a little more, and guys have started looking at my chest :roll: . It's not quite the committment I was after, but it's a good start :haha :haha :haha
I'm a terrible liar, so I don't think I can make anyone jealous...
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Hi Becka and I'm glad you tried following my advice. I would never recommend it if I didn't know it for sure. You see, a girl's smile is her weapon. No, I would say it's better than a weapon. A weapon is heavy and big, while the smile is a girl's part. Tell me please then, why don't you use it? You should always keep it on your face. If you don't, then it's the same as trying to pull the trigger of an empty gun.
You said something about the chest
Remember that's another, not less important, gun. If your chest is big, it's great, if not it's OK. Earlier all men liked only big chests, now the fashion and trends have changed a little bit and men began to prefer any kind of chest. So, use it! Dress nice clothes that point out your chest. Usually the white colour will give a clear understanding for all the chest's wonders. :-P
While talking to a man, you can keep your hand near the chest when making gestures, so that would draw attention. Keep me informed about your successes!
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it does not lie, do not betray, do not deceive his aspects, love him and support him always, and he will reward you for it with the his love .... and you will not have to apply tactics to keep near you ... but once a man refuses to love you anymore nothing will help, sooner or later it will happen as what you fear - will go...
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It's a very good question. I think first of all you should try to understand him, to order all the emotions with him. Also they love very much to be lauded, to tell him how special is it to you, to offer him love and understanding. To show him that he is the only one man for you in this life. I guarantee that just in this way this man will be just yours, of course if it loves you at least a little.
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Laurentine and Lorry - thank you for your advice, but I cannot agree with you! Every time I treat a guy well and try to tell him that I love him, he just takes advantage of me.
The more you love a guy, the more other girls he can sleep with! :lol: He can make a mess of the house, he can refuse to pay his share of the rent, he can mock you and bully you - tell you that you are fat and ugly and stupid - and he can manipulate you into doing whatever he wants. :evil: And if you complain, he knows that you will not leave him, because you have already told him how special he is ;-)
Then, when I do leave, they start crying or begging or acting cute - because they did not think I was serious about leaving. :roll:
I am now ready to kill all men with a machine gun... :-D
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I am Branda from UK, I need to share the good story of my life with everyone in this forum, that's why am posting this. I met a spell caster who helped me in solving my problems with my Husband, and this man helped fixed it back. It happens that my husband who i really love and he loves me as well, he always make me happy, we are living a happy family life. Last year when he changed his beviour started to play funny when he met my long time friend, He suddenly changed to and he do not come home all the time, and he told me he is no longer interested in me, i tried all i can to get him back to me but i couldnt, someone told me about spells i tried some but they scammed me, i now later met a spell caster online and he promise to help me, i thought he wanted to scam me like others, he asked for my name and pics and i gave to him and he told me about my case,he made me realized that my friend is casting spells on me and my Husband, that she is jealous of our relationship thats why he placed the spells, he said i should buy some items and ship to himbut i can't get them and he help me get the items. He helped me cast the spells and i start to see the results in 3 days, it was like a dream to me, my husband called me and he said he his coming home to see me, so when he came he start to confess to me about all that happened and he beaged me.. My friend confessed too....surprisingly he did not collect any service charge, he said i should send it as soon as i see results, and he told me to tell people about his good work, he said he can solve any kind of problem...if there is anyone who is going through any kind of problem should go to him, i am so sure of his power, he helped my friends recently, his email is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> and you can also get me on <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
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Whatever you do, don't do any of the things mentioned in the women's magazine: "...threatening to leave their boyfriend for a fictional new man, or pretending to have some terminal illness."
Telling your man lies is not going to win his heart.
I am happily married but didn't tie the knot until I was in my early 40s. Just wasn't ready in my 20s or 30s. I think plenty of other guys are like that. Getting married is a potential threat to our lifestyles. Having kids is the end of our lifestyles.
I married my wife because I feel happy and relaxed when I am with her...and she was the first one who was crazy enough to have me :-)
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Faw_Peter Wrote:Hi Becka and I'm glad you tried following my advice. I would never recommend it if I didn't know it for sure. You see, a girl's smile is her weapon. No, I would say it's better than a weapon. A weapon is heavy and big, while the smile is a girl's part. Tell me please then, why don't you use it? You should always keep it on your face. If you don't, then it's the same as trying to pull the trigger of an empty gun.
You said something about the chest
Remember that's another, not less important, gun. If your chest is big, it's great, if not it's OK. Earlier all men liked only big chests, now the fashion and trends have changed a little bit and men began to prefer any kind of chest. So, use it! Dress nice clothes that point out your chest. Usually the white colour will give a clear understanding for all the chest's wonders. :-P
While talking to a man, you can keep your hand near the chest when making gestures, so that would draw attention. Keep me informed about your successes! 
I used to smile on every person I met on the road or on every place I go because before I believe that with my smile maybe he/she has a heavy heart at least with my smile it will lighten his/her spirit but sadly some men think it on a different way.
But your advice to Becka is really cool.