10-11-2008, 10:01 AM
Are there any web links dedicated to British sense of humour?
Britons fail to understand German humour
The Guardian - United Kingdom. The Guardian looks into the
belief widely held in Britain that the Germans have no sense of
humour, and finds that German humour exists, but the British
fail to recognise it: "The trouble with joking in German, the
comedian Stewart Lee explained in the Guardian a couple of
years ago, is the grammar. It is hard to set up a punchline
when you have to put the subject of the sentence near the start
- and anyway, big, clunky compound nouns don't lend themselves
to the sort of double meanings that fuel British humour. If the
theory is right then Germans don't lack wit, just the sort of
wit that sounds good in English. That hasn't stopped
generations of British writers from claiming Germans are
humourless. ... But German humour is out there. The point is
that the British don't get it." (07/10/2008) +++
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/oct/07/germany">http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree ... 07/germany</a><!-- m -->
To save Britons' face, I must say I heard some official from Berlin say something like that German comedy is a bit of a paradox.

Britons fail to understand German humour
The Guardian - United Kingdom. The Guardian looks into the
belief widely held in Britain that the Germans have no sense of
humour, and finds that German humour exists, but the British
fail to recognise it: "The trouble with joking in German, the
comedian Stewart Lee explained in the Guardian a couple of
years ago, is the grammar. It is hard to set up a punchline
when you have to put the subject of the sentence near the start
- and anyway, big, clunky compound nouns don't lend themselves
to the sort of double meanings that fuel British humour. If the
theory is right then Germans don't lack wit, just the sort of
wit that sounds good in English. That hasn't stopped
generations of British writers from claiming Germans are
humourless. ... But German humour is out there. The point is
that the British don't get it." (07/10/2008) +++
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/oct/07/germany">http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree ... 07/germany</a><!-- m -->
To save Britons' face, I must say I heard some official from Berlin say something like that German comedy is a bit of a paradox.