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We react to madness with madness, thus allowing madness to guide our life.
When we react with madness, it affects our inner life, like a flood a city.
It’s like allowing psychotic, demented and maniacal people to interfere with our inner life.
It’s interesting that people, even the healthiest, could manifest madness to some degree in their conduct and words. Then the issue of how to avoid madness is the really important one. Just don’t allow to be guided by other people's madness. Don’t get derailed from your path.
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Negative energy attracts and generates further negative energy, positive energy gives birth to continuous positive energy. So, it is said that the positive energy is stronger than the negative one and thereby if they meet in "equal quantities", the positive energy prevails negative. In this case, we could cover madness by watching things from another angle, with better view.
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euigorwithyou Wrote:Then the issue of how to avoid madness is the really important one I say embrace it!
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What do you mean by "embrace it". You mean allow madness to rule us? That's no way of thinking :nonnon
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One man's madness is another man's creativity. Was Van Gough mad? You bet. Edgar Allen Poe, Kurt Cobain, etc. It's madness to us, creativity to others.
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Let others gain creativity on their expense, not on our health. Remember that being mad means wasted energy and, consequently, spent in vain health. What is more important for you - others' creativity or your health?
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Here are some techniques that can help you express anger in a controlled and constructive manner:
1. Learn quickly relaxation techniques. Relaxation is a state that our bodies live only in special situations (such as sleep and meditation). It is necessary to give time to learn relaxation techniques in a few steps, so that if some type of anger or fear emotions, with intense physical signals, to make it not work the first pulse.
2. Learn to call yourself towards those situations that could be important for you and who fulfilled or violated other people, you could trigger a state of dissatisfaction expressed by angry behavior. Keep track of outbursts of anger and the accompanying feelings and try to note the circumstances that caused. When, why and who you were angry? Begins to outline a pattern?
3. After you have realized why you are angry and what is the pattern in which you express, you will be easier to learn to express yourself in an assertive manner towards other's feelings and thoughts.
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Anger is met with frustration, helplessness, anger, reproach, inadequacy. It occurs when the person no longer finds other ways to intervene in the situation to make things to be better than communicating emotion they feel. As such, feels helpless, but I think that someone should do something to make it feel good. If you are an adult, working in a competitive environment (and few work environments are not competitive these days), more driving and a car at our traffic every day, do you have and you go to extraresponsabilitati moments squeezed in program daily, then it's likely that your anger is an emotion quite popular, if not you, at least to others.
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Anger is an overwhelming emotion. It's not easy to keep a rein on. Its components are the physiological level (heart beats louder, breathe differently, body temperature may increase, may appear shaky, and many other symptoms that vary from one person to another. Sweating may occur, redness or paleness, restlessness or a feeling of weariness in the body. Prepares the body to handle a crisis and "packed engine, the psychological (a range of emotions that accompany anger) and cognitive (thoughts that we have now).
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Many say that anger can be kept "under control". The truth is that any emotion inhibited resulting in even greater tension in the body, and long-term effects may be some disastrous. The person frequently inhibit their anger may come to have uncontrolled reactions, have bouts of anxiety and psychosomatic problems (cardiac, digestive or respiratory disorders).
Emotions must be expressed, but in an appropriate manner with respect for those around us and after we understood the nature and source of anger our situation (we understand these things, the reaction itself may be lost, because we realize that we angry unnecessarily).
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f we aim only fixam to express our emotions, is very likely that next time, in the same situation, to have the same results, ie not solve anything. The well known "I told you a hundred times about coming here. Notice the anger is one of the most inefficient ways to get the result.
Then, anger often hide feelings of inadequacy and inferiority. Awareness and overcome their inner balance leads to a crisis resulting in the disappearance of anger.
Good luck...  uper
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one thing I do when I'm mad...i don't try to utter any word that comes in my mind because I'll definitely regret them