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Kosovo constitution
The Kosovo constitution is to come in effect on June 15. Comment on Kosovo constitution

UNMIK has not yet received instructions from UN regarding transferring power to EULEX, the new mission and judicial police of the EU in Kosovo. :nonnon
15 june-EULEX isn't equipped, yet! :banghead

clearman Wrote:UNMIK has not yet received instructions from UN regarding transferring power to EULEX, the new mission and judicial police of the EU in Kosovo. :nonnon
15 june-EULEX isn't equipped, yet! :banghead
Eak, you are liking your own ears with your tung, Confusedlurp
that you hopping samthing will go wrong :quoi
but they are just testing things out, to se reactions from diferent distances you cowards! :haha :haha
----- Smile Smile Smile NEWBORN Smile Smile Smile ------

..[Image: albanian5zo0em.png]

You are wellcome to know the truth about Albanians!

Kosovo MPs to present constitution to EP 28 May 2008 bbj.huA

Kosovo parliamentary delegation will travel to the European Parliament (EP)
to present its new constitution, due to come into force on June 15.

Parliamentary Speaker Jakup Krasniqi will lead the delegation, while the meeting will also be attended by the Slovenian EU Presidency, the European Commission Enlargement Directorate, and Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Ram Manaj, says an EU statement. Kosovo’s Minister for Science and Education Enver Hoxhaj will also be in the delegation, as well as six other members of the Kosovo parliament. Delegation for South-Eastern Europe President Doris Pack will host an official dinner party for the Kosovo MPs. :love

The meeting will focus on the political situation in Kosovo, the international presence in the contry,
and the Kosovo authorities’ endeavors in the field of minority rights, concluded the statement from Brussels.
----- Smile Smile Smile NEWBORN Smile Smile Smile ------

..[Image: albanian5zo0em.png]

You are wellcome to know the truth about Albanians!

here's a link to Kosovo constitution <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... Kosovo.pdf</a><!-- m -->

if you guys are patient you can read it :livre
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Thanks terry, that's a nice thing. Smile

I’ll never examine this “Constitution” because "kosova" not exist for me! It's a puppet state, not a real one! :nonnon

clearman Wrote:I’ll never examine this “Constitution” because "kosova" not exist for me! It's a puppet state, not a real one! :nonnon
All this contries recognised Independent Kosova Republic, and now ewen EU parlament made special party for it,
and, I shall say to evil-serbia..., who are you jelous-bastard to comment on my

:mrgreen: :love INDEPENDENT AND SOWRANE KOSOVA REPUBLIC :love :mrgreen:

----- Smile Smile Smile NEWBORN Smile Smile Smile ------

..[Image: albanian5zo0em.png]

You are wellcome to know the truth about Albanians!

Serbia must not forget about Kosovo. I think in a little time, Kosovo will be the one begging for merging again with Serbia
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Steven Wrote:Serbia must not forget about Kosovo. I think in a little time, Kosovo will be the one begging for merging again with Serbia
I think you shall watch for your muth, and check your senses ;( and your alergie, because for the murder, masacres,torture,rape and humeliation of kosovars from Serb-terrorist regime :deg :evil , we kosovars have seek for allmoust 500.years for our freedom and independence, and now we got it, and we will be restored for that who we are in EU, so you Evil-Serbia you have to bear in to your mind that any are ewery atempt among the Kosovar territory are it's people, it will just make worst for Evil-Serbia and thos who suport evil-coruption! :deg :evil
----- Smile Smile Smile NEWBORN Smile Smile Smile ------

..[Image: albanian5zo0em.png]

You are wellcome to know the truth about Albanians!

what are you talking about fim, are there terrorists in Serbia? you're definitely exaggerating
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Constitution? It's a document written for the NATO needs...

I'm reading the posts from fim and i would like to laugh but i cannot... Because my cousin was killed on Kosovo and Metohija and his murderers were never found. Because i had the possibility to see how serbs live in enclaves - totally isolated, in fear for their lives - in so called democratic europe in 21st century. Because my great-grandfather had to flee from there to save his life some 100 years ago ( probably because of Milosevic oppression...). Because of may many things... so just one message - be happy - while you can. But this will not last long.

fim Wrote:
Steven Wrote:Serbia must not forget about Kosovo. I think in a little time, Kosovo will be the one begging for merging again with Serbia
I think you shall watch for your muth, and check your senses ;( and your alergie, because for the murder, masacres,torture,rape and humeliation of kosovars from Serb-terrorist regime :deg :evil , we kosovars have seek for allmoust 500.years for our freedom and independence, and now we got it, and we will be restored for that who we are in EU, so you Evil-Serbia you have to bear in to your mind that any are ewery atempt among the Kosovar territory are it's people, it will just make worst for Evil-Serbia and thos who suport evil-coruption! :deg :evil
God sayed man(Fim)...!

Ass 4 you "isihija", all I can tell you is?
Keep your threats and lies for your self, they are uselles!
Before the last war evil-serbia created in Republic-Kosovo, there was NOOOO enclaves,
but this was created after the war, where serbs have morder and genocide minority people
like gorans, roma, and of course Albanians and captured their homes,
because the owners dont exist anymore,
then the enclaves you created in grups from fears of revenge, because you serbs comited crimes!
Go search for any document are news dating before the war if there is mantion "enclave"?
So don't come in here telling us "mama, papa" and lies like that,
because here is all about Kosovar Constitution, and nothing for Evil-Serbia! :banghead

... what's next - you'll try to convince me that a Santa claus exsists and that Elvis was abducted by aliens? I have to agree about one thing though, there were no enclaves, because there were much more Serbs, which were expelled during the years. With this pattern i can clearly see the day when some smart ass will claim that the of march 2004 never really happened and that this is a part of evil serbian propaganda. You're mentioning revenge? Ok, let's talk about revenge... where should we start... we don't have to go to far away, let's say maybe 100 years back - Qerime Halil Galica, Skenerbeg division, ... many , many more. Your european values like besa might be really welcome in your society but they're not part of Serbian mentality.
Freedom? You really believe that what you have is freedom? Take a look around yourself: you live in a country which exsists only on paper, it's beeing run by a bunch of criminals, de facto occupied by NATO, unemployment rate is sky-rocketing... Freedom? When do you think NATO will leave Kosovo? If/when they do, what do you think will happen next?
About your last sentence - i must disagree with you once again - this is lawfully Serbian territory and therefore - Serbian bussines. And there is nothing that you can do to change this.
Kosovo constitution? You got to be kidding me...

So to conclude, among Santa claus believers, and Elvis fans, now we got the people that believe that Kosovo is a state...

roki Wrote:Before the last war evil-serbia created in Republic-Kosovo, there was NOOOO enclaves,
but this was created after the war, where serbs have morder and genocide minority people
like gorans, roma, and of course Albanians and captured their homes,
because the owners dont exist anymore,
then the enclaves you created in grups from fears of revenge, because you serbs comited crimes!

The official United Nations definition of "ethnic cleansing" is "rendering an area ethnically homogeneous by using force or intimidation to remove from a given area persons of another ethnic or religious group"
It was used in this context in Yugoslavia as early as 1982, in relation to the policies of the Kosovo Albanian administration creating an "ethnically clean" territory (i.e. "cleanly" Albanian) in the province. :livre

Former U.S. ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, said, in an interview given to Interfax agency as recognition by Washington of Kosovo independence was a mistake that will lead to the escalation of tensions in the Balkans. According to Bolton, the support given to Kosovo by the United States would have had the effect only 15 years ago and Americans do not have any vision about the new state of Kosovo, the U.S. position is, in full, the "opera" of State Department.

Clearman, are you shame of your self when you lie! :nonnon
I gues you are unamoral as, just like the rest ultranationalist serb! :evil:

I'm sorry for you to disappoint, but this "lie" is a public statement...everybody can found it. :oO

Terry Wrote:what are you talking about fim, are there terrorists in Serbia? you're definitely exaggerating
Exactly in serbia is hiding terrorists, in north Mitrovica to, they murder UN-police piece mission officer!
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..[Image: albanian5zo0em.png]

You are wellcome to know the truth about Albanians!

Hi Fim, I'm glad you came back, where have you been? Probably arranging pro-Kosovo movements or something Smile
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