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Products that burn calories
Grapefruit - regularly consuming grapefruit, or at least 150 grams of grapefruit juice can reduce the weight by 2 kg in two weeks. It is believed it happens due to one reason - Grapefruit lows down the insulin level, which, in turn, dispose you of the mood to eat something.

Green tea - this plant gives a lot of positive effects to your health (including prevents cancer, improves the immune system). One of its features is to help your body metabolism.

Skim diary products. The calcium and acid contained by diary products helps you keep a normal weight of the body and reduce the weight essentially. The lost weight represent namely the fat of your body, it doesn't affect your muscles.

Spicy food. Spicy food helps burning calories, since they help your body sweat, increase heartbeating, which, in turn, propels metabolism.

Water. If you don't drink much water it will be difficult for you to lose weight. Lack of liquid in organism impedes the metabolism process.

Cinnamon. A quarter of teaspoon of cinnamon, eaten with normal food, helps the body assimilate sugar faster and more effective and reduce the sugar level in the organism. It's very important, because the sugar level in your blood creates new depot fats. Cinnamon can also be used instead of sugar, as it have a natural sweet taste.
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Good advice Helen. I should make clear some things. These products are not efficient unless you add a little physical training. Don't think that just consuming them will help you lose weight. If you have a sitting job, try to make pauses and move a little
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Yeah Terry it's true Smile. I forgot to mention the apples and apple vinegar which also destroys fat in our organism.
Also, we should renounce of the junk food such as hamburgers, hot dogs; eat less sweets.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
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All foods do have some calorie content but these are foods that actually require more calories to breakdown and digest than the actual food contains.

Vegetables: Asparagus, beets , broccoli, cabbage (green), carrots, cauliflower, celery , chicory chili peppers, cucumbers, endive, garlic, lettuce , onions, spinach, turnip, zucchini

Fruit: Apples, cranberries, grapes, lemons, mangos, oranges, papayas, pinapples, raspberries Strawberries, tangerines
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
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ALL foods contain calories and when you eat more but burn less, then fat deposits increase. No matter how healthy you eat, it is just possible that your calorie intake increases.

So though certain foods help you to burn a greater number of calories than the calorie value of the food itself, thus resulting in a possible weight loss, the focus should be on eating the right kind of food and burning calories through movement and exercise.
However, that being said, let us turn our attention to the kind of foods that may be called as “fat burners”.

Foods that are rich in Vitamin C have the properties of acting as fat burners. Limes, lemons, oranges, grapefruit and vegetables like, broccoli, cabbage, celery, carrot, watermelon and apple fall into this category. Broccoli and cabbage contain high quantities of calcium and vitamin C, and is also fibrous.
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these products dear Helen burn fats but if they prevail 2 times the quantity required of a body when no such products does not help. those who want to weaken will have to make sport and to follow a diet proposed by dietolog! add these advice to those who realize they want to weaken! Confuseduper

i'v heard that onion and garlic destroy fat, and in America the per cent of people who buy these products has grown up in two times after these news :|

hellodear Wrote:i'v heard that onion and garlic destroy fat, and in America the per cent of people who buy these products has grown up in two times after these news :|

Yes you a right... this products also burn fat. I can add also spices like pepper,red peppers,paprika, a word everything that is peppery. Smile

Celery is also considered to consume more calories during digestion then it offers.

Pill-miracle: you can eat whatever you want, you not gain weight without any effort! According to researchers at the University of Michigan, the new miracle pill would allow people to eat favorite foods, no longer worried about his figure. The new drug would have also, and the effect of preventing certain diseases such as diabetes, the liver and those caused by unhealthy eating habits. This discovery is based on identifying the "main switch" of metabolism, a gene that controls body weight. Mice that were made tests, in the body had not this gene, called ikke and remained weak, despite the fact that they enjoyed eating a variety of food. They have developed no liver diseases associated with unhealthy diet and nutrition seemed to be protected against diabetes. Researchers believe that this gene produces a particular enzyme, called a kinase, which helps regulate metabolism. The suppression of this gene - and implicitly of the enzyme kinase - metabolism is accelerated and the body burns more calories.

never will take pills to lose weight and, to you the same advice, all times can be side effects, and nobody will be able to help you cause nobody prescribe them to you. :banni

I probably would try weight loss pills if I overweight (of course after a medical consultation and under his advice) do not think that will damage the body, just after you complete the course not to be so you to gain weight faster than you weak and even with more kg than you had. ;(

One of the most publicized plant for weight loss is also Ephedra distachya (a Chinese herb that 5000 years ago one used to treat asthma). But recently it was discovered and its usefulness in weight loss. The safety of these plants is quite controversial, because in high doses causes hypertension and heart beat fast and irregularly.
Other fairly common plants and considered helpful in fighting the pounds are:
Psyllium is a fibrous cereal, even if it is related to wheat. Use with plenty of water before each meal to create a feeling of fullness. You can buy the fiber in the form of pills or powder (eg, Metamucil).

Of cayenne peppers (hot pepper of Cayenne) The bark and seeds to cayenne peppers, after being dried and ground, prepare "Cayenne pepper, a red powder that looks like a pepper, but a few times more pepery. In moderate amounts, may be useful in the treatment of weight loss. Studies have shown that a teaspoon of red cayenne pepper can help you burn more calories by 25%. Green tea, ginger and mustard seeds have the ability to accelerate metabolism.

Because they contain enzymes, pineapple stomach to help digest food much better (especially fats and proteins in them). Add a few pieces of pineapple in your daily diet and vitamins and you will enjoy it contains.
I cut my appetite cumin and is recognized for its role in absorbing fats.

Alfalfa, dandelion, corn silk and parsley
These plants are rich in vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial influence on digestion and regulates body functions in a natural way. Their diuretic properties help to eliminate fat. You have two solutions: to drink tea made from these plants and take them in pill form.
These plants and pineapples can give you a helping hand to weak cure. But it is advisable to consult a doctor before deciding the quantity of plants that you want to administrate.

One good product which burn calories is the pepper, while using it as a condiment you should know that too much pepper can damage to your health, there should be a little of it in everyday eating and then there will be results.

You can turn your body from burning carbohydrates to burning fat by decreasing starches and sugar and increasing fat (and protein) in you meals.

Energy to digest than fat as so eat low calorie dairy products, beans, whole grains.Raw meat and raw vegetables — the two biggest sources of food-borne illness. Products such as whole wheat bread, oatmeal, and brown rice are good increased risk for food borne illnesses for different reasons.

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