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Communism vs Capitalism
The only democracy.

The tyranny directed in the feudalism.

The aristocracy (the rich, millionaire and powerful) direct in the Capitalism and Socialism.

And only the democracy directs in the Communism


Simply, because the Democracy is the power of the law and the rights of each citizen and of all.

A the laws of nature of the life, physical and scientific and on these builds the true democracy. No the laws of the aristocracy and millionaire deputies elite.

In Europe, in Russia, the laws of the Life have been formulated already and are open under the name of “Project of System of the Been Union”.

I can't see the connection between communism and democracy, since these are the contraries of each other.
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It depends how you define Communism. The original theory was that as people became educated and enlightened, society would move towards democracy and, eventually, an anarchistic utopia. :-)

Of course, what happened in most countries that claimed to be Communist was very different...

Democracy is a difficult thing. Most political ideologies offer democracy. Yet they are always susceptible to corruption of some kind :nonnon

Big_Becka, it seems that the crisis is really bad in UK...

Steven Wrote:I can't see the connection between communism and democracy, since these are the contraries of each other.

Mr. Steven:


The tyranny directed in the feudalism.

The aristocracy (the rich, millionaire and powerful) direct in the Capitalism and Socialism.

And only the democracy directs in the Communism

Full democracy is just a synonym for communism.

Why? simple, because, the Democracy is the power of the law and the rights of each citizen and of all.

Mario De Sandozequi, theSoviet Union tried to achieve Communism and it failed miserably.
What do you think they did wrong?
What is the right way to build a successful communist society?
Is it even possible?

Admin Wrote:Mario De Sandozequi, theSoviet Union tried to achieve Communism and it failed miserably.
What do you think they did wrong?
What is the right way to build a successful communist society?
Is it even possible?

Mr. Admin:


The former Soviet Union built an initial stage of socialism, not communism.
China, introduced an advanced stage of socialism, not communism.

Why?, Simply because the aristocracy is the directing and dominates in socialism.

The need to be more than some others, have more wealth and power than others and the desire to do whatever we want to prevent the introduction of the scientific communism.

The elite ruling classes (2% of the human species), require many luxuries are educated and not need them to stop, and need to continue to benefit from capitalism multiple privileges.

The scientific communism can only have a chance to put a lot of education, technological development for a long life and after the impacts of climate change.

John Wrote:Big_Becka, it seems that the crisis is really bad in UK...
The economic crisis? Yes.

It is surprising how many people change their views. People have been very self-centred - supporting a free market and criticising people on benefits - for years. Then we have this economic crisis and suddenly people wants the government to support the housing market, pay their mortgages and start nationalising banks and businesses :haha

People are basically greedy. The economy cycles between 'Boom and Bust,' and people cycle their political views correspondingly :nonnon

Communism was popular at the beginning of the 20th Century, because so many people were poor. Nowadays people are not content with a modest job, a rented flat, and basic healthcare. They want to be rich, to have their own mansion with five cars, white teeth and plastic surgery...

I am Russian, 22 years old, and I am a Communist, like many of us. Communism- it is a pure theory, about united community of the entire world, ( the world order if you want) with out rich and poor everybody has to do his/her job, not for Capitalism bosses or the companies, but for all humankind. One humankind, one state.
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

Newrussian town Wrote:I am Russian, 22 years old, and I am a Communist, like many of us. Communism- it is a pure theory, about united community of the entire world, ( the world order if you want) with out rich and poor everybody has to do his/her job, not for Capitalism bosses or the companies, but for all humankind. One humankind, one state.

Mr. Newrussian:


I agree with you.

"United community of the entire World".
"The World order if you want" (the Matrix or the Superstructor or The System)
"One humankind, one state" and one System for all: Communism (the only democracy).

Newrussian town Wrote:Communism- it is a pure theory, about united community of the entire world, ( the world order if you want) with out rich and poor everybody has to do his/her job, not for Capitalism bosses or the companies, but for all humankind. One humankind, one state.
It is refreshing to hear someone who is idealistic! Smile People here are so politically apathetic... I am surprised there are still Communists in Russia - is that allowed under the current government?

As a Russian, would you like to return to a Soviet State, or do you envisage something different? I ask because I believe that World Communism was abandoned by Stalin, because he did not consider World Communism practical, and chose to concentrate on consolidating the USSR.

How do we obtain any political change, when TV, religion and the education system all seem to encourage young people to be dumb? :nonnon And how can Communism ever be popular in western countries where the term is synonymous with oppression, genocide, corruption and poverty? I've even met young people who don't know the difference between Communists and Nazi's - expressing Marxist views can get you beaten up in my town!

You must have experience of three different regimes: how are they different in practice, and which was best?

BTW, Mario, what is "scientific communism" :quoi

Happy New Year!!! First of all I would like to say, we-Russians are not forgot our history and we are proud of it. USSR, I cannot say that it was right, I remember about people who had died. I don't want a Soviet system, like a modern communist I would like a hybrid between Western FREEDOM and Communism ORDER. Soon very soon we will realize that Communism is the best regime to survive for all humankind. We all are brothers, we don’t need to fight against each other, we just need to conquer all solar system, science and BROTHERHOOD it is the answer, WE MUST BE UNITED. I believe in council like a World government, and in communism for people. Modern Russia is a state of the Authoritarian system with the capitalism for business and socialism for people.
CAPITALISM you know it like a Union of freedom-They just gave you money, but now they took it off. You thought that you can choose your government, but you have realized that you cannot. It is a power for a couple not for all. We just don’t have resources for CAPITALISM system, 2/3 of humankind is poor.
We need to survive, Hummer and Sickle is the right chose for all of us. Do not see Communism like USSR, it is a theory, if you are disagree just read Marks, and try to understand. I am not Godless, and I am not a killer, I just want all humankind to be united for one common aim. Communism-Common the same words.
West can believe in communism, you think about Communism-you are western man. The only way I think that EU have to think by it's own head We-Russians can take EU's knowledge’s about Human rights and freedom (not USA's) And Russia can give to EU recourses and power. The USA is not an evil, but they are mistaking like the USSR. Russia has to reinforce EU by our recourses and power, and EU has to give us its historical wisdom. You see POWER+LAW= COMMUNISM the real communism (USSR was not a communist state)
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

DaPooka Wrote:
Newrussian town Wrote:Communism- it is a pure theory, about united community of the entire world, ( the world order if you want) with out rich and poor everybody has to do his/her job, not for Capitalism bosses or the companies, but for all humankind. One humankind, one state.
It is refreshing to hear someone who is idealistic! Smile People here are so politically apathetic... I am surprised there are still Communists in Russia - is that allowed under the current government?

As a Russian, would you like to return to a Soviet State, or do you envisage something different? I ask because I believe that World Communism was abandoned by Stalin, because he did not consider World Communism practical, and chose to concentrate on consolidating the USSR.

How do we obtain any political change, when TV, religion and the education system all seem to encourage young people to be dumb? :nonnon And how can Communism ever be popular in western countries where the term is synonymous with oppression, genocide, corruption and poverty? I've even met young people who don't know the difference between Communists and Nazi's - expressing Marxist views can get you beaten up in my town!

You must have experience of three different regimes: how are they different in practice, and which was best?

BTW, Mario, what is "scientific communism" :quoi


One of the initiators of the scientific communism, see: "N. Hrushchev.

The scientific communism are in the human intelligence, based on objective reality, as determined under the scientific method, based on knowledge and science in the political and economic system - energy - environment.

Those who have not studied, they may believe the views light on communism, spread by capitalists.

Be able to compare it with Nazism, confusing it with Socialism, or Poverty, but for those citizens of the world who are lucky enough to train and study, these unusual views on communism did not cheat and are hurt by the laughter and Lack of education objective of those who defend them.

It is also an example of gross misinformation and manipulation of information and freedom in the capitalist world, who tries at all costs slander of Communism modern, scientific and updated.

It should be noted that no country has managed to establish communism, not to confuse it with socialism aristocrat or meritocracy, please do more research on this fundamental difference.

The implementation of the scientific community update in my opinion, it is not feasible in the short term (50 years), perhaps the impacts caused by capitalism to the environment and climate change could transform the future of capitalism in communist scientific updated.

This is because two thirds of the world's population and ecosystems are in danger of imminent death by the impacts of climate change in this century.

If this happens, the few surviving humans can understand what the maximum exploitation of nature and human beings and obtaining maximum profits in the shortest possible time (or Capitalism).

As it is very possible that the rich, (powerful and almost all millionaires notable academics and owners of factories and businesses) are those with the resources needed to cope and survive in their Bunkers ecological the impacts of climate change (caused by 80% or but they), can implement an economic system, political, energy, science-based and real and full equality of rights and freedoms of every citizen and all, namely: the scientific communism updated for XXII century.

Excuse my translation errors.

I understand that Communism is a beautiful theory but how can it be implemented in practice?
Some practical questions about communism:
Who is creating the laws in a communist society?
Who sees that the laws are respected by people?
What motivates people to do their job better?

Who is creating the laws in a communist society?
Who sees that the laws are respected by people?
What motivates people to do their job better? [/b][/quote]

1) Communism is something different with Anarchy
2) Ideologically, creating laws and sees for them is the share of the Communist Party. (The council of the best representatives of the humankind- greatest scientists, people from culture, ect some kind of UN council but with the less of politics)
3) But what can motivate people to do their job better? It's a very good question, The Capitalism is based on egoism and people's greediness, and these things are the very powerful motivation. And I can say nothing to people who wants to have a better life for them and for their children. But you see, our planet has no resources for all of us, this aim-Capitalism, left milliards in poverty and millions in riches, but now we can see that the middle class are not going to be rich, they are increasing another side. But you know it. It is unstoppable. Any way the Capitalism is no longer to be a cure. And what about Communism? What can it suggest?

Communism- first of all, it can help to simple people to receive the same standards of life for every one. (In USSR we had simply no homeless or poor people, every body received job after he\her graduating the University or Collage. If you received the military education the state would give you a base position in the army, if you received a historical education you would be a teacher of history or scientist ect. The education was fully free.
You could change your mind and became somebody else. Yes we didn’t have a resources to give a car for everyone but everybody had a flat, food, entertainments ect. So this is just a small part of examples. The main thing here is stability. Of course if you are a dishwasher and I am an engineer, we are not the same one, but even dishwasher could have his\her own flat, enough money for food, the state would care about children, and the son of engineer or the high rank military officer had his summer and winter holydays in the same place and in the same conditions as a son\daughter of the dishwasher. People were not alone they were together.ect.ect.ect. Do you know that the budget of USSR is just a half of Modern Russia budget? But most of us live worse then under the Communists. Of course the USSR was not a beautiful state. But we must use its experience for people. And create a new communism, with out fear; we have to mix all the strong sides of each regime to create a new world for all of us.
Confusedweat :lol:
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

In former USSR those that wanted to achieve more were limited in possibilities and those that did nothing where pushed by the society. And the stability is bullshit - why the USSR died if it was this stable?
When the ruling communist party disappeared everybody where lost and didn't know what to do.

In capitalism it's like in a wild nature the fittest is surviving and it is a continuous evolution. There are problems like today economic crisis... but after some adjustments and tweaking of laws, after the non effective companies become bankrupt the capitalist economy becomes only stronger.

You can always see how the market is self adjusting. There was nothing like this in USSR.
USSR stability was possible only due to heavy censorship and lack of information.
It was also possible because there were huge natural resources... now the situation is different.

[quote="3xhra6y"]In former USSR those that wanted to achieve more were limited in possibilities and those that did nothing where pushed by the society. And the stability is bullshit - why the USSR died if it was this stable?

The USSR died because of greediness. One of our general said-" The USSR will fall not because of Western armies, but because of their pants and gum." It died because we sold it. We don't loose the war or something, we just had sold it. I think that the world have no chance, this so called "Freedom" is a real bullshit. Everywhere is war. But this system is not longer to be. Soon the people of the world will rise, they are rising even now. And about nature, wild life and connections with capitalism, so I always think that wild life is for the animals only.
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

Communism is like "peace in all the world" looks good but isnt working in practice. And your talk about some great unity seems odd. We, humans, ARE DIFFERENT. I do not think that even if that were only clons of 1 man on earth they would be unified. And your if i can call that formula POWER + LAW is suitable for tirany either (law enforced by power). Humans are not some hive of beas everyone is unique and we have good and bad sides, communism is like all people are good, generous, wise, kind and so on but they arent there is greed , hatred, ambitions, pride, agression. How would unified society deal with people who will say: i do not want be like everyone else, i want to achieve more, or just i hate those hippies ?
Besides we know how it worked in USSR Smile
it was same standart for everyone exept for party, oh they had everything they wanted.

can you imagine doctors having the same salaries as teachers and room cleaners? Well that is what communism means. Communism is an utopia. People were not motivated to work qualitatively. So it's not advantageous living in communism

Peter, I agree that people are not motivated to work qualitatively. But a capitalist society is not necessarily a meritocracy.

In the UK, now, Teachers, Engineers and some Health and IT professionals earn less money than Lorry Drivers! (£20-30k, as opposed to £32-39k). We have severe shortages of Teachers (esp. Maths and Science) and Nurses. Teenagers are often heard to say that they see no point in studying. There are stories of IT Managers retraining as Plumbers!

The highest salaries are paid by the wealthiest industries: e.g. the financial sector, where even a new graduate can earn a salary over £40k (more than experienced professionals in other fields).

In addition, there is still unofficial nepotism, sexism and racism in companies. Although these things are illegal, a white male from the correct background, who goes to the correct church or golf club, can do very well for himself...

20 thousand pounds for a UK teacher is little indeed. Plus, pound has depreciated a lot during the last several months, so teachers must be really deprived of motivation to work qualitatively with students. Aren't there syndicates? Don't they plan strikes?
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The government must ensure at least the average salary for teachers. In UK it makes up between 21 and 24 thousand pounds. Teachers have their important part in the society, so it's a pity to disregard this.
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Terry Wrote:The government must ensure at least the average salary for teachers. In UK it makes up between 21 and 24 thousand pounds. Teachers have their important part in the society, so it's a pity to disregard this.

thank you for appreciating that, my mother is a teacher. I know how it makes her tired having classes all day long. It's more difficult than staying in your chair and gambling with shares.

M.Helen, the teachers salary has been effectively reduced over many years, by not increasing the salary in line with inflation. Teachers have also been given more work (lesso plans, etc) for the same salary. There is a large teaching Union (NUT, and NASUWT) and periodically they will threaten strike action.

Teachers do have some bonus' - for example, they can get help buying a house, they have longer holidays, they get a payment of £1000 when they start work, and additional payments to work in "challenging" schools. They also have a set salary scale, so they will be promoted over time: in industry, you are not guaranteed promotion and, in some industries, women in particular can find it hard to get promoted. Teaching is still a fairly popular career choice for parents - especially women - because they can spend more time with their children.

But still, it is not enough to attract sufficient graduates into teaching :nonnon

I would motivate teachers with other things but salary. For example, due to spending much time with children, many teachers get nervous. So many of them should simply be offered psychologists that would be paid from state budget.
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