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Spots on your nails is not only a cosmetic deficiency, but it's also a sign about troubles with health.
These spots usually appear at people with strict and unbalanced diets. Lack of vitamins and microelements. Nail spots have different shape, size, direction.
The foremost reaosn is the shortage of zinc, calcium let alone the vitamins A,E and C.
I was talking about white spots. If on your nails black spots appear, this can be happening due to a haemorrhage if you hit your nail. It's the most met case. In other cases it could be a sign for your heart shortage.
Do you have nail spots?
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."
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OMG, I found out that my father's thumb has a black spot, Benn.
So, is it the warning of heart related diseases?
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I have white nail spots and I had them all my life.
I heard many versions of what causes them.
Benn what are your sources?
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I have these white spots since I remember myself. As I can see it in the mirror everyday, thank God, I'm healthy and don't have problems such as lack of vitamins. As for dark spots, I had them everytime I hit my nail... uhhhhhhh  weat it hearts...
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Yeah, I've always had white spots on my nails too. I was told they are a sign of stress? They certainly seem to get worse when things aren't going well...
Just this winter, I got horizontal ridges on my nails. Very weird... But nearly gone again now :?
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unfortunately these spots don't disappear themselves. They are as if printed on nails, and you only have to wait until the nail grows and then cut it.
By the way some people say this brings luck
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I have plenty of white spots. Sometimes very big white spots appear. I never liked when people notice this, and then they ask "Oh, what's wrong with your nails? You must be ill!" I can't stand this, because I know I am healthy
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."
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Doctors proved that white spots are nothing but bubbles of air under nails. They are forming during periods of stress, concerns, problems etc.
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white spots on nails could be a sign of misbalance of the central nervous system, while yellow spots are signs of certain deviations of mental activity
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Shape, color, cuticles and any other feature of the nail reflect a person's health. Not every sign, necessarily notice a serious disease, but may be and an external factor which can affect the nail surface and structure. The general appearance of the nail, taken as a whole and separately for each finger, says more about the health of everyone. Thus, colors, streaks, points or streaks on the nails in different shades of those normal may be considered meaningful signs and alarm on the nail health.
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Usually, a healthy nail has a pinkish color, straight, glossy, with the crescent of the nail of white color, visible and of variable width. Vertical streaks on the nail does not always indicate a problem unless they are very pronounced. If nails are cut in a certain way since childhood (rounded or square), you will not take into account their aspect.
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There are also hereditary or birth defects of the nail (thickening, swelling, various defects in growth and positioning). These signs can not be counted, unless, if are correlated with other diseases and, subsequently discovered that define a worsening of inherited diseases or other health problems nail has.
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Colors that are correlated with body disease: red - indicating a malfunction of the heart, problems in the blood or arterial circulation, blue - indicating a weak peripheral blood, lung disease such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, white - indicating increasing the number of leukocytes in the blood and may be a sign of leukemia, but in general may indicate anemia (hemoglobin deficiency), malfunctioning of the spleen and liver and kidney ailments, yellow - liver and digestive system or brain. Yellowish color, especially at forefinger and middle finger nails, can occur to smokers - Nicotine having the role of yellow nails in time or to submit in the form of spots.
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The points on nails are the subject of several theories. It is believed that this means a lack of calcium, but these may be due rather to lack of zinc. Also, some points of the nails can occur in response to periods of the slower peripheral circulation, or may be caused by strokes. Generally, the spots disappear after a while. If persist too much, you should be doing a diagnostic to detect any diseases.
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Other signs on the nails, that could be a warning sign, are streaks that can occur to people with cold extremities. Also, other signs are streaks on the nails, which can have an external cause (shots) or internal (arthritis, digestive problems, fever, severe diets, liver disease or mental-anxiety and depression) - especially if the grooves are deep.
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Cleft are signs on the nail that lead the thoughts to a poor vascularization nail and to body fluids need, if they were not caused visible due to a strike at the root of the nail and nail errors. If it is not a disease, nails can grow easily waved, when cuticles are pushed to the root with a metal object.
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Nail health is directly correlated with hand colorizing and with lines from the palm of your hand. If your nail color is white, and so is the palm, then it is certainly an anemia. If the hand is red, and nails have different strains or show signs of redness, it is a heart disease. If in your palm are visible veins and blood vessels, and nails have a pale or bluish color, there are lung problems or, in cases more frequently, a high level of carbonic acid in the body.
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Watch your nails carefully and not neglect their general appearance: any sign of the nails can give you valuable clues about the health of nails and your entire body. Take care of your health and You, always will look good!  uper
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White spots , also known as leukonychia , can be the cause of vitamin and mineral deficiency. Sometimes such a spots can indicate an anderlying infection, but more commonly, it is the result of injury. Some common myths associated with white spots on fingernails claim they are the result of calcium deficiency while these spots can be the result of zinc deficiency.Sometimes some white spots on fingernails can be the result of allergic reaction to a product used on the nail, such as nail polsh , polish remover...
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it is a sign that your nervous system is not good, it has a deregulation. Maybe you are very nervous person. In this case you should consult a doctor because it can bring to much more harm to your nervous system and it can not be cured anymore.
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When i was a kid i had a lot of such spots on the nail and believe me that i wasn't a chaste boy, i always did some things for what i was punished with lack of a lot of sweets. It was horrible but I deserved that. Now, i don't have any spots on my nails, i think i became more calm.