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To a better world
In the Hot Topics section we often have discussions that affect two or more conflicting parties which often result in heavy arguments.

I would like to ask everyone, please try to be polite and respectful to each other. In the end we are all humans. All of us try to avoid pain and suffering, and we all love our close ones and want to be happy.

I am addressing all the intelligent people, with flexible minds that can view the situations from the stand points of both arguing parties. Please try to mediate the conflicts, be a wise peace keeper, focus your intelligence to generate fair win win ideas for everyone.

It will be a challenging and difficult task, often ungrateful but after all very rewarding.

Words can be more powerful than weapons and if at least one man changes his ideas to more positive ones it's already a big step to a better world.

This forum can be more than a place where conflicts are inflated, it can be a place where conflicts are solved.

With great respect,

EU forums Administrator

Smile 100% agree

Nowadays everything states the common weariness of the mankind. Add the intensive hi-tech progress to it and you’ll get the acceleration of a human estrangement (I hope, the meaning of this word is clear for you).
The mankind should overcome its laziness, intellect and emotional ones inclusive. One scientist, if I am not mistaken, said the most terrible human sin is the absence of curiosity.
No doubt, the only chance for mankind to survive in the future is to unite. But the problem lies in the fact we all entered the new century having not settled a problem while living in the previous one. The Utopia is impossible since the usual nature of human beings. But – read Strugatsky Brothers or Isaak Asimov. I think – I’m sure – they’ve found the way to make the better world and to live in it. But be curious.

The approach to "a better world" presupposes a human evolution based upon the fundamental laws of dialectics. Let's assume that the base of human society, according to Marxist theory, are economic relations. Thus the urgent purpose of each state in the present world should become a creation of a qualitively different world economy system leading to equal rights for all countries of the world.
Another urgent purpose could be searching a common idea that could unite and strengthen the world community. This common idea has to be based upon eternal human being's aspiration towards creative activity and dicovering of unexplored spaces.
Every passing hour brings the Solar System forty-three thousand miles closer to Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules - and still there are some misfits who insist that there is no such thing as progress.

I do agree with u!! but still '' but'' some can't realize that we are all humans, as an example Russians call georgians, armenians and azerbaijani and to NOrth caucasian ppl '' black ass monkeys'' after this how can it be a beginning of the better world! the agreement and peaceful relationships come from respect! we SHOULD respect each other no matter which tribe or province or little country they are from .. for me the peace is based on consideration..
How can an imperial, national, chauvinistic ideology be more veluable then one's life ...

Mata Hari Wrote:I do agree with u!! but still '' but'' some can't realize that we are all humans, as an example Russians call georgians, armenians and azerbaijani and to NOrth caucasian ppl '' black ass monkeys'' after this how can it be a beginning of the better world! the agreement and peaceful relationships come from respect! we SHOULD respect each other no matter which tribe or province or little country they are from .. for me the peace is based on consideration..
How can an imperial, national, chauvinistic ideology be more veluable then one's life ...
Americans, for example, call everyone in the world "black ass monkeys" and, to this, shoot these "monkeys" down. Still I'm in love with their literature and cinema. And I believe they are able to change in a better way when become more curious. And don't express your attitude towards Russians if you are not Russian. "Due" to people like you this world will never become better for there is too much shallow malice and envy in you. I think, you should find a boyfriend and start for Paris.
Every passing hour brings the Solar System forty-three thousand miles closer to Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules - and still there are some misfits who insist that there is no such thing as progress.

Quote:I think, you should find a boyfriend and start for Paris.

Thank you haney u r so kind, would u be mind if i choose u as my bf? :-) :-) :-) :lol: :lol:

Kusnetsov Wrote:The approach to "a better world" presupposes a human evolution based upon the fundamental laws of dialectics. Let's assume that the base of human society, according to Marxist theory, are economic relations. Thus the urgent purpose of each state in the present world should become a creation of a qualitively different world economy system leading to equal rights for all countries of the world.
Another urgent purpose could be searching a common idea that could unite and strengthen the world community. This common idea has to be based upon eternal human being's aspiration towards creative activity and dicovering of unexplored spaces.

Like Darwins theory of evolution which helps to explain why a particular physiological change persits, dialectics simply provides a tool for which helps to explain but not to predict the unfolding of discrete human events. It is certainly not a law in any sense of the word. Dialectics, like evoution requires unpredictable and ultimately inexplicable random mutations and periods of punctuated equilibrium. For all of Marx's insights, and there are many, it appears more likely that the basis for human society is socio-biological: hedonistic neurons expressed and perpetuated through tribalism --not quantitative economic relations. One of the most pervasive and I think damaging illusions/delusions that people have, especially highly intelligent people with creative curious minds, is the belief that everyone has or should have or could have the same capacity for understanding and enjoyment of life that they do. The simple fact is that not all brains are structured to be curious or to aspire to creative activity or even to be rational (in a formal/syntactical sense. The purpose of our existence is simply that - existence. (Which for me is a source of contant wonder, amazement and on a deep level, joy.) For many people it is not enough to simply "be", to answer the simple question "why" with a simple "because." People appear to need to be "something" , to live for "something" to fill in the gaps created by their own questions. Unfortuantely, if history including the present moment, is any guide, and if logic has any value, then any attempt to give our existence a concrete meaning, a specific goal, a shared meaning, is to create dialectic conflict. But its fun as long as we remember to laugh at ourselves, and perhaps that is all that is needed to make a better world.)

Kusnetsov Wrote:Americans, for example, call everyone in the world "black ass monkeys" and, to this, shoot these "monkeys" down. Still I'm in love with their literature and cinema. And I believe they are able to change in a better way when become more curious. And don't express your attitude towards Russians if you are not Russian. "Due" to people like you this world will never become better for there is too much shallow malice and envy in you. I think, you should find a boyfriend and start for Paris.

This is a surprisingly uncharacteristic, chavinistic and even childist comment ---unless someone else is using your nick here. I detected no "shallow malice and envy" in MataHari's posts, only the sense of bewilderment at human behavior that you yourself have expressed --but without the cynicism you attribute to the world (but not to yourself.) And since you instruct MataHari not to "express her attitude towards Russians if you are not Russian" I am forced to conclude that you must yourself be an American engaging in self-criticism! As for "black assed monkeys" - I believe the reference is to a Russian language idiom which has no real equivalent in English, like the expression "pied noir" in French. Never having heard the expression in English before, I was not aware that Americans consider everyone in the world "black ass monkeys" --if they do, then they are also referring to themselves since Americans ARE from everywhere else in the world --including Russia. Lastly, advising MataHari to find a boyfriend is not only presumptious but gas decidely sexist connotations. And why Paris? Kyiv or St. Petersberg for that matter are much nicer.

GUEST Wrote:
Kusnetsov Wrote:Americans, for example, call everyone in the world "black ass monkeys" and, to this, shoot these "monkeys" down. Still I'm in love with their literature and cinema. And I believe they are able to change in a better way when become more curious. And don't express your attitude towards Russians if you are not Russian. "Due" to people like you this world will never become better for there is too much shallow malice and envy in you. I think, you should find a boyfriend and start for Paris.

This is a surprisingly uncharacteristic, chavinistic and even childist comment ---unless someone else is using your nick here. I detected no "shallow malice and envy" in MataHari's posts, only the sense of bewilderment at human behavior that you yourself have expressed --but without the cynicism you attribute to the world (but not to yourself.) And since you instruct MataHari not to "express her attitude towards Russians if you are not Russian" I am forced to conclude that you must yourself be an American engaging in self-criticism! As for "black assed monkeys" - I believe the reference is to a Russian language idiom which has no real equivalent in English, like the expression "pied noir" in French. Never having heard the expression in English before, I was not aware that Americans consider everyone in the world "black ass monkeys" --if they do, then they are also referring to themselves since Americans ARE from everywhere else in the world --including Russia. Lastly, advising MataHari to find a boyfriend is not only presumptious but gas decidely sexist connotations. And why Paris? Kyiv or St. Petersberg for that matter are much nicer.
I see.
Every passing hour brings the Solar System forty-three thousand miles closer to Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules - and still there are some misfits who insist that there is no such thing as progress.

BK Wrote:
Kusnetsov Wrote:The approach to "a better world" presupposes a human evolution based upon the fundamental laws of dialectics. Let's assume that the base of human society, according to Marxist theory, are economic relations. Thus the urgent purpose of each state in the present world should become a creation of a qualitively different world economy system leading to equal rights for all countries of the world.
Another urgent purpose could be searching a common idea that could unite and strengthen the world community. This common idea has to be based upon eternal human being's aspiration towards creative activity and dicovering of unexplored spaces.

Like Darwins theory of evolution which helps to explain why a particular physiological change persits, dialectics simply provides a tool for which helps to explain but not to predict the unfolding of discrete human events. It is certainly not a law in any sense of the word. Dialectics, like evoution requires unpredictable and ultimately inexplicable random mutations and periods of punctuated equilibrium. For all of Marx's insights, and there are many, it appears more likely that the basis for human society is socio-biological: hedonistic neurons expressed and perpetuated through tribalism --not quantitative economic relations. One of the most pervasive and I think damaging illusions/delusions that people have, especially highly intelligent people with creative curious minds, is the belief that everyone has or should have or could have the same capacity for understanding and enjoyment of life that they do. The simple fact is that not all brains are structured to be curious or to aspire to creative activity or even to be rational (in a formal/syntactical sense. The purpose of our existence is simply that - existence. (Which for me is a source of contant wonder, amazement and on a deep level, joy.) For many people it is not enough to simply "be", to answer the simple question "why" with a simple "because." People appear to need to be "something" , to live for "something" to fill in the gaps created by their own questions. Unfortuantely, if history including the present moment, is any guide, and if logic has any value, then any attempt to give our existence a concrete meaning, a specific goal, a shared meaning, is to create dialectic conflict. But its fun as long as we remember to laugh at ourselves, and perhaps that is all that is needed to make a better world.)

Not bad. It's a dialectic conflict in your disagreement with my statement. Still I'm not agree with some moments in your text. Try to look for some other ways to a better world.
Every passing hour brings the Solar System forty-three thousand miles closer to Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules - and still there are some misfits who insist that there is no such thing as progress.

Mata Hari Wrote:
Quote:I think, you should find a boyfriend and start for Paris.

Thank you haney u r so kind, would u be mind if i choose u as my bf? :-) :-) :-) :lol: :lol:

Bad idea for today. I have a fierce "boodoon".
Every passing hour brings the Solar System forty-three thousand miles closer to Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules - and still there are some misfits who insist that there is no such thing as progress.

While the truth is only one, and this truth is not for profit, it is JUST TRUTH..... Truth cannot be changed for anybody's profit
It can be truth for creation or truth for destruction: destruction can be for profit, but creation is always for humanity. There are not just countries; there is one human society… If people ruin, they can change their truth in words, but their motivation is still the same …because truth is not for some country, or some political power and destruction in one country cannot be a ground for happiness in another country.

Ukrainian Wrote:While the truth is only one, and this truth is not for profit, it is JUST TRUTH..... Truth cannot be changed for anybody's profit
It can be truth for creation or truth for destruction: destruction can be for profit, but creation is always for humanity. There are not just countries; there is one human society… If people ruin, they can change their truth in words, but their motivation is still the same …because truth is not for some country, or some political power and destruction in one country cannot be a ground for happiness in another country.

I wish I could agree with your vision of Truth. As for me, I do not know if Truth has objective or subjective nature. I'm eager to consider It to be of objective nature, i.e., Truth doesn't depend upon human beigns activity. Nonetheless, a state of facts shows that Truth could be varied. Though I consider it unnatural.
For today the category of Truth has become a philosophic category. I think, it has always been just a philosophic category. That is why to understand who is right in their activity is difficult enough.
Every passing hour brings the Solar System forty-three thousand miles closer to Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules - and still there are some misfits who insist that there is no such thing as progress.

Administrator Wrote:I would like to ask everyone, please try to be polite and respectful to each other. In the end we are all humans. All of us try to avoid pain and suffering, and we all love our close ones and want to be happy.

I am addressing all the intelligent people, with flexible minds that can view the situations from the stand points of both arguing parties.

Mata Hari Wrote:as an example Russians call georgians, armenians and azerbaijani and to NOrth caucasian ppl '' black ass monkeys'' .... How can an imperial, national, chauvinistic ideology be more veluable then one's life ...

Calm Down everybody!! there is no need to be used such kind of words at all!! Smile

Tamara_Georgia Girl Wrote:Calm Down everybody!! there is no need to be used such kind of words at all!! Smile
Tell about your vision of a better world and the ways to reach it.
Every passing hour brings the Solar System forty-three thousand miles closer to Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules - and still there are some misfits who insist that there is no such thing as progress.

I am pacifist ! and i think, that if there are problems with the foreign policy and If main powers of world want to solve them, there is a good choice called Diplomacy, but unfortunatly this way of partnership is used only after the wars, or massacres... negotiaions begin only becouse of increasing influance and not becouse of making real decision for the good to humanity! I support the idea of people's diplomacy, which means cultural, scientific exchanging, for drawing complitely different nations together!! The only will of reasonable man can't be weapon, that's why the choice is not insulting or threatening ''I'm the superpower and i can step over u'', but the will of preserving peace, respecting each others point of views and etc. "
The reason of this Forum ,I think is Not tensing relationship among people, but listening their mind (not agressive positions), which might be used for changing a world bit better...

Tamara_Georgia Girl Wrote:I am pacifist ! and i think, that if there are problems with the foreign policy and If main powers of world want to solve them, there is a good choice called Diplomacy, but unfortunatly this way of partnership is used only after the wars, or massacres... negotiaions begin only becouse of increasing influance and not becouse of making real decision for the good to humanity! I support the idea of people's diplomacy, which means cultural, scientific exchanging, for drawing complitely different nations together!! The only will of reasonable man can't be weapon, that's why the choice is not insulting or threatening ''I'm the superpower and i can step over u'', but the will of preserving peace, respecting each others point of views and etc. "
The reason of this Forum ,I think is Not tensing relationship among people, but listening their mind (not agressive positions), which might be used for changing a world bit better...

Fully agree.
Every passing hour brings the Solar System forty-three thousand miles closer to Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules - and still there are some misfits who insist that there is no such thing as progress.

GUEST Wrote:
Kusnetsov Wrote:Americans, for example, call everyone in the world "black ass monkeys" and, to this, shoot these "monkeys" down. Still I'm in love with their literature and cinema. And I believe they are able to change in a better way when become more curious. And don't express your attitude towards Russians if you are not Russian. "Due" to people like you this world will never become better for there is too much shallow malice and envy in you. I think, you should find a boyfriend and start for Paris.

This is a surprisingly uncharacteristic, chavinistic and even childist comment ---unless someone else is using your nick here. I detected no "shallow malice and envy" in MataHari's posts, only the sense of bewilderment at human behavior that you yourself have expressed --but without the cynicism you attribute to the world (but not to yourself.) And since you instruct MataHari not to "express her attitude towards Russians if you are not Russian" I am forced to conclude that you must yourself be an American engaging in self-criticism! As for "black assed monkeys" - I believe the reference is to a Russian language idiom which has no real equivalent in English, like the expression "pied noir" in French. Never having heard the expression in English before, I was not aware that Americans consider everyone in the world "black ass monkeys" --if they do, then they are also referring to themselves since Americans ARE from everywhere else in the world --including Russia. Lastly, advising MataHari to find a boyfriend is not only presumptious but gas decidely sexist connotations. And why Paris? Kyiv or St. Petersberg for that matter are much nicer.
You summed up everything i wanted to say... well done!

To me, a better world means waves of friendship among people. I've noticed that nowadays it has even become fashionable to "emit" positiveness. Girls look much nicer and boys are more attractive for girls when kindness, humour and respect is shown towards each other. Confuseduper
“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”
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To : Admin

Could you re-move " Russia- Ukraine gas conflict"topic it is very misleading .
Last 5 pages are compeletly off the topic.
Conflict is over for everyone besides Sid :lol:
Thank you

manro1 Wrote:To : Admin

Could you re-move " Russia- Ukraine gas conflict"topic it is very misleading .
Last 5 pages are compeletly off the topic.
Conflict is over for everyone besides Sid :lol:
Thank you

Hah, check out wenn i last posted ther and you will find out that it is over for me too, so please next time spent a little time to check before write nonsense.

I see nothing bad in the fact that Sid is interested in the so-called "hot topics". You see, such conflicts as the one we recently witnessed leaves plenty of consequences, so they can't simply be "over" for everyone.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

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Benn Wrote:I see nothing bad in the fact that Sid is interested in the so-called "hot topics". You see, such conflicts as the one we recently witnessed leaves plenty of consequences, so they can't simply be "over" for everyone.

I am here with Manro1 russia-Ukraine gas conflikt topic should be canned.
It is not about SId at all. Go Sid go. It is about mysleading topic suggesting to discuss Gas conflict insted ,it is talking about Russain cars.

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