It's the same as being happy! I'm normally a happy person, so I think i can help you out with that. :mrgreen: Just start! You have to start!! Man, it doesn't matter if you are feeling like crap, or feeling dead or tierd.... If you start, 5 minutes later you'll feel better.... Snowball effect!! Except here it's summer and the weather is amazing

lurp If you start it, then you'll gradually feel better and better every second. Just start thinking about some things that make you happy, and go for it! You'll start filling up.
It doesn't matter if it's something stupid, the brain doesn't care, you can CHOOSE to be happy. Even if your laughter is false, or your happiness is false, it doesn't matter for the brain. Trick it. :mrgreen: It will get more and more real in no time. You can just say to yourself: And I have amazing eyes! But it's the emotion that matters... You can say it normally, but REALLY PROUDLY say it. Find always reasons to be happy, even if it's just durning 5 or 10 minutes.... Other people don't know how good CAN they feel, so that's why they feel bad\normal usually. But good news you're starting to wake up... It will be worth it, you don't even know the result.... So try try it! It improves your health, and happy people are crazy magnetic. Easiest thing ever for me. The ahrdest thing is starting, but now that you've read this post, you have already started starting.... Just by thinking on the outcome (Which you can't!) give it a shot! Go on, see if you can do it, which you can, so see how good can you do it! :mrgreen: