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A country we did not have a chance to live in
A ground for intervention or
A country we did not have a chance to live in


Any vicious problem we meet including political and economic crisis always have one principal firstprimary source (the instigator everything begins with), multiple current sources (what and to whom the firstprimary source allows to do), great amount of events (what happened as a result of realization of previous motives), and consequences (left with nothing). Well, usually we always see the consequences. Often the events that lead to the consequences. Seldom a reliable current source and next to never the firstprimary source.

It’s amazing what a great majority of problems comes out of it. One can be astounded how far from the evoked events the firstprimary source can be. And just wouldn’t believe that it is it. So much intricate way leads to it. And if you speak about even proved parental link between a problem and its source, you can easily pass for crazy. That is a great mystery, and to hide it various ideologies, propaganda and mass media worked hard and long at the public idea. But if you do dig down to the source, you can at one stroke once and for all get rid of thousand at first glance disconnected problems…


An interesting situation of a sudden stop in state development and screwing into economic recession can be seen not only in Russia but in the whole world. Judge for yourself, known to nearly everybody (at least by mentioning in mass media) historical chain of changing current political systems for more progressive ones (development convolution) suddenly was as if interrupted in the very moment when a new convolution should begin.

According to some theories it seemed to take place somewhere on the interval between 1970 and 2020. You will say the time limit is not up? What are we to do with brewing the situation? Time limit is a time limit, but signs of brewing should show themselves and they are not there. In Putin rule only degrading is seen ahead. Though the time is coming to an end. To tell the truth, the science regarding forecasting periods of historic convolution is very inexact. Might it be that the crisis is a sign of brewing? But then where and in what is stirring up masses?

That is where we should recall the situation we had at the ridge of 80-es and 90-es of the 20 century. It just confines itself to forecasting period. And the signs of situation, striving for changes were present, long before the situation itself came to changes in Russia. But the changes were somehow strange. Instead of moving to new relationships we rolled back to old ones. As if the development of civilization stopped. As if the systems more progressive than capitalism and socialism cannot exist and there is nowhere to move. Is what we reached the example of ideal order? Should you say after that that the civilization is inevitably progressing? In general possibly historic progress cannot be stopped but in some local stages it might be hampered. If one tries.

The progressive shift that started to form in the 80-es but did not realize itself, most likely this way or other sometimes will take place. May be after 2020. But it is really very interesting why it failed in the time when it was about to take place. And how and with the help of what exactly it was made to fail is also very interesting.

It is interesting that some difference between capitalism and socialism is in the fact, who has the right to own or to be in command of common property - means of production. In capitalism they are some private persons, and in socialism some state men. That is between them the antagonism could flare up, but not between peoples. Because regarding their own people capitalism and socialism secretly in an underhand way but fully close up one to the other both in property and labor matters as well as in the administrative and political ones.
The real base for both systems is in one and the same obligatory lines. First, persons working in common production by no means must own the right to the result of their labor. That is the circumstance that is the source of property oppression of masses, and it gives rise to their revolt from time immemorial and in any ever existing political and economic systems. Second, authorities and public figures must not enter into state labor structure together with their people (division of labor system). That is they must be not the state ones but corporative ones. It was brilliantly realized in both systems and was planned in communism too.

Of course at the ridge of 80-es and 90-es we did not understand such cunning and were happy as children that freedom for productive in itself work was dawning and the Yeltsins and the Chubaises will help there. At the beginning nobody had any ideas of any capitalism, nor of possible betrayal, fraud from the Yeltsins and the Chubaises. We were expecting simply good human life to come. But gradually, first from small talk and later in massive form from democratically elected deputy bodies via mass media the propaganda of capitalistic way of life poured upon the masses. And since we harked to our promoted workers with mouths widely open, instead of expected, more perfect than socialism and capitalism system, we were dragged into repetition of something that failed in our country once.

We were being convinced that the fail of soviet socialism is determined with bigger progressiveness of capitalism. But really the breakdown of socialism took place because of its own insufficient progressiveness. Everything took place in troubled waters of play upon words of new propaganda.

Anything socially and politically new in reality did not even blow. Calloused capitalism was just robed in fine-looking dress and was waved as a banner on barricades. And since nobody of us even smell the amenities of capitalism, so we were caught on gullibility. That is what we are supping with full cup. We were caught on glitter of unconcealed forgery of phrase-mongering and demagogy. Capitalistic propagandists described in glowing terms equal opportunities to become rich at the cost of ones own talents. They trilled away like a nightingale about self-actualization and own technology and production leap of the country. But they kept silence that it can be said only about probability for several persons and not a guarantee to apply ones talents for everybody. And becoming rich at the cost of ones own talents and only them, proved to be a lie.

You see? A possibility to become rich thanks to your work formally as if exists separately for anyone (nobody forbids), but all together and at the same time cannot really ever become rich. The product they make all together is not enough for everybody to become rich in the sense we understand it now. All together have no powers and possibilities to make such mass of valuables. Neither nature has. But what is made by all together can be fully enough for wealthy life for all. However artificially made property and labor defect hinders it.

Well, we were caught on an empty hook quite masterly. There is nothing to say. The only thing they did not lie about is hard times for people. But with a hook of radiant outlook. The hook we swallowed, but did not wait till promised prospective come. Within the years of waiting and overcoming difficulties the activity of people and its unity gradually faded down. What was needed for dragging capitalism through laws. Because if on the wave of activity of masses it came up that they are being lead by the nose, then swindlers would have had it, and most likely we should be having a more perfect than capitalism and socialism system.

Though possibly we wouldn’t. I mean we might have something but not for long. Even rudimentary appearance somewhere in the world a more favorable for people political and economic system would mean quick approaching crash of capitalism. More quick than moving to it now, if we take into consideration inevitable historic process of changing systems.

For apologists of capitalism development rules are absolutely of no importance. It is important for them not to lose the current state of things at any cost. Intervention aiming to destroy a system that discredits capitalism most likely would be inevitable. Taking into consideration means of destruction that are concentrated by capitalist system and paranoiac vindictiveness of those who are in charge of that means, the consequences of the intervention would be disastrous for all the civilization.

However fascinating general talk might be, it would be still desirable to find out what exactly progressive properties should be owned by a system more progressive than capitalism and socialism. That is what I cannot say exactly. Hardly anyone else knows that. Even democrats, liberals and libertarians. Their ideas, this way or other, include discredited elements of existing systems.

As for me, I can say that just to abolish administrative, political, material and labor defects, where existing systems close up, will be more than enough to form a very productive system of a new type that has no even presumable name. Well, what are the defects, which I from time to time indistinctly mention here, and from which we should get rid of to pass into a new social and historic quality?

If not to go into details (word-for-word law formulas), then the matter more or less is particularly in the following. First, state authorities work, come into contact with citizens in working, office hours. Consequently as a fact the relationships between authority and citizens are labor ones. However at the same time state authorities are not members, parts of the state labor division system. They lead themselves out of it with special administrative law regulations. It is the condition under which the activity of those at power is not covered with typical and obligatory for labor division system principles of evaluation, signs of social usefulness of labor.

Hence any persons of power can partly and sometimes fully as they please and absolutely unpunished neglect fulfilling the state functions and duties for the good of the people and the country. That is , the bodies, nominally declared the state ones and meant for fulfilling state functions in reality are not the state ones but at least corporative if not self-styled. As a result fulfilling at least to some extent useful for the country and people work is for functionaries a forced camouflaged measure. Without its public presentation or more often its imitation it is difficult to prove ones belonging to state bodies, fulfilling state functions and have grounds for a post.

How did they manage to single out into a corporation of doubtful state system? Very simply. Here is the wording of Law “About Foundations of State Service in the Russian Federation”. It is written here “A state official is a citizen of the Russian Federation executing in order defined by Federal Law duties on state post of state service for remuneration paid at the cost of federal budget or budget of corresponding subject of the Russian Federation”. You see? State machinery is paid from the budget they allot themselves. That is they pay themselves undependably of the quality of their work.

And how is the labor in the system of labor division paid? Quite in different way. The system of labor division is a system of socially useful labor, if so then the usefulness of labor is evaluated not the person who applies it, but the one for whom this labor is meant – consumer. If the quality of labor is foul, the consumer would not accept it, would not pay for it. If somebody’s defective activity is imposed on somebody by force or fraud, then the damage is levied by court. It is the main principle of the system of labor division and discrepancy to it means one does not belong to the system of labor division. In other words one does not belong to state system. That is, it is not surprising, that provision of administrative service for people is defective.

Second, by some absolutely exact whims of juridical wording, in laws the right for ownership of new things (the ones we make constantly for our own life support), turn out to appear not for the reason of CONNECTION of someone to making them by applying one’s labor or capital as it ought to be by natural law. But for the reason of OWNERSHIP of old property (capital) that others do not have. Hence, we are having unnatural, abnormal loss of property rights by majority of those who make the property. And they are the ones who appear to have what is called the deficit of purchasing capacity – loss of property.

It might be useful to demonstrate how exactly property fraud concerning labor looks like in Law. Here is the wording of Article 218: “Property right for a new thing made or produced by a person for himself observing legislation is acquired by this person”.

For those not well-informed I am explaining this system making legislative trick simply and easily established in this country some crazy capitalism. We all of us live and work in the system of labor division. That is we make things by socially useful labor not for ourselves but for others and those also make things not for themselves and we exchange them via money out of our wages. In other words according to this Article no hired worker has a property labor right for new things at this simple reason that he makes them not for himself. What is the difference in work applied in the things made for oneself and not for oneself? No difference at all.

In the Soviet Union it was claimed that new things belong to the state and here in capitalism that they cannot belong to the person who makes them. For people it all comes to the same thing. They did not have anything there and do not have here. In the very fundamental aspect of economics and politics of all times and peoples – labor property right there is no difference between capitalism and socialism. That right simply does not exist, though everything is made by labor and by nothing else. This circumstance is confirmed by any normal book on economics: “Existing of material benefits is a result of man’s activity. Only live labor is able to make instruments, machines, buildings and with their help material benefits and other valuables. Labor and means of production (instruments, machines, buildings) are inalienable from each other factors of production. Absence of means of production makes appearance of material benefits difficult and absence of labor makes it impossible at all”.

Consequently, taking into consideration greatness of the scope of property unnaturally redistributed and arbitrariness of public administration, local and global defects and collisions are inevitable. Inasmuch as the defects are the results of legislative tricks in acting law then for their elimination we need neither revolutions nor financial or product manipulations. Just exchange of fake formulas for natural and normal ones. Who and how will hamper it is another question. It is important that establishing of progressive social relationships does not need any bloodshed, any repartition of property, any war with “the bourgeois”, unless they begin it themselves. But what the adversaries of progress will undertake and with what dressing, God help us, so to say. Though it’s hard to recall when God was on common people’s side on such cases.

Well, what other important things must be mentioned? Oh, yes, about concrete nature of demands and understanding their nature. All the trouble in failure of demands of masses in all the times is in their vagueness. Because of which it is impossible to define the usefulness of what is being presented as their satisfaction. Demands of justice, abolishing of oppression, stealing, corruption are so immaterial in their contents that cannot be exact and unambiguous directives for execution. Consequently execution as it is can be neglected, exchanged for imitation of violent activity. And often even no imitation is demonstrated. That is, abstract demands lead to their abstract satisfaction. And that in its course to the next growth of indignation with putting forward abstract demands again. And so without end.

If you have a close look at typical repeating in ages and up to now demands of people, then, irrespective of their quality and appearance, all of them in their essence clearly fall apart into two groups. The demands to stop administrative and political oppression and demands to stop property and labor oppression. Correspondingly the great majority of most different abuse and problems that fall upon people from above can be distinctly divided into the same two groups.

What is the conclusion? It’s very simple! One should concentrate not on abolishing of mountains of falling on us problems but on abolishing their sources. Problems are falling in great majority and the sources are only two.

To tell the truth for abolishing the sources of collisions one should conceive what will cover them. The essence of the sources was described above. If the defective source is fraudulent wording of Law then you should know how normal wording must look like and demand including in into the Law word for word as you demand. I’ve stopped on giving and explaining some existing spurious wordings in Law. Now I’ll say how they must look like in normal, natural form. Administrative arbitrariness stands upon fraud in Administrative Code and the property one on the fraud in Civil Code. And the Constitution is just a mist of general declarations for distraction of attention.

In Administrative Code there must be eliminated the text that officials are paid from budget. And included must be the text approximately like that:

“Monetary remuneration for state officials is formed by obligatory direct payment by citizens to different levels of power separately. Payment of one or another state body can be interrupted per curiam opinion, if the body violates rights of the payer. Obligatory payment is recommenced with restoration of violated rights and reparation of damages, caused by a state body. All property levies are realized from receipt into wages fund of the state body. If filling of wages fund lessens more than 25% the body is subjected to reorganization”.

Such wording automatically brings state officials back where they long ago ran away from – to the bosom of state system of labor division with all the consequences of applying to their activity of rules, evaluations, criteria of socially useful labor. As to all managers. Arbitrariness becomes hard to realize and inevitably punishable.

How to make payments of the bodies is no need to think of. It is known to everybody in this country from times of the Soviet Union and has not changed up to now. The prototype is payment of services through municipal receipts. Every month we receive bills of necessary payments and there it is written down to whom for what and how many we are to pay. We successfully pay them and no catastrophe happens. Court can relieve us from payment for any service, if it was not provided or was defective. Not payment leads to compulsory debt recovery.

In Civil Code the contents of the article concerning the rights for product of persons involved in its making must copy the idea of above economic wording of participation of different parties in existing of benefits and be LITERALLY as follows:

“Property right for a new thing made or produced observing legislation is acquired by every person taking part in producing it with his labor or property, and the right is in proportion with the value and scale of participation applied”.

That uncomplicated and simple in their essence wordings we must demand to introduce into Law instead of fake ones that are now introduced there. Slogans describing the wordings to make them popular in masses are also simple: “Stop paying state officials from budget, exchange it for direct paying by citizens” and “Establish the right of labor for its result”

These are the formulas of far-reaching results and global shifts in society. Do not look doubtfully at their seeming simplicity. Their negative antipodes also do not appear dangerous and significant. Nevertheless, it is they that include both exorbitant richness and unimaginable poverty. World wars and local terrorism. Fascism and slavery. Banditries and vandalism. Corruption and arbitrariness. There is no event, circumstance in society that is not influenced by false wording and legal principle just in that two cases. One should not disparage them. That, as we see, ends very badly.

And do not think that above said concerns only Russia. The same events take place everywhere. Consequently, they have the same sauces. Laws can have different words but their essence and results are the same.

Andrey Basov, St.Petersburg, January 2009

no country on earth is perfectly organized from all points of view! so a right and perfect place to live it doesn't existe! are and will always be rules to be respected! otherwise the man lose control! Laws are written not only to punish! people still are violating the interdictions! imagine what will happen if there would be no laws, no rules and no interdictions?

Faw_Peter Wrote:no country on earth is perfectly organized from all points of view! so a right and perfect place to live it doesn't existe! are and will always be rules to be respected! otherwise the man lose control! Laws are written not only to punish! people still are violating the interdictions! imagine what will happen if there would be no laws, no rules and no interdictions?

Look around and you will see, that happens when false laws operate. Conversation not about that there were no laws.

Yes, laws in any country are imperfect! But responsibility of the power is necessary for a normal society life. And each person also should live under public laws. Whether there is a responsibility of the power in the European countries or the USA? I cannot judge it. But the slightest infringement of laws in these countries leads to the most severe violence from the power. In Russia responsibility of the power has not enough, and responsibility of people constantly grows.

I think that in this category of countries we may introduce that kind of countries where political and economical domains are not stable, there where is dangerous to live, to walk on the streets. A good country to live is a country with maximum safety first of all.

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