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Imaginations on a constitution theme
Imaginations on a constitution theme
(With appendices and comments)


We, people of a planet the Earth, wishing the world and prosperity itself, to the children and the future generations of people, we accept this code of laws and the rules, prevailing over all other laws and the rules accepted and operating on what or territory of a planet the Earth.

The appendix 1

Position about the state

1. All states existing on a planet the Earth, are a part of the uniform state of a planet as the state formations.
2. Laws of the state formations will be co-ordinated with laws of the uniform state.
3. At will of the population of some territory it (territory) can be transferred in a direct control of the uniform state (free territory).
4. Separate inhabitants of free territory can keep the citizenship.

The comment

Division of a planet the Earth on the separate states contradicts the basic values of the human person and should die off.
The right of people to independence should be above indestructibility of borders, but should not lead to occurrence of new borders.

Section 1. Main principles

Article 1

The life granted to the person, is invaluable. Who has not the right to take away it from the person. All public and state institutes are obliged to provide necessary conditions for a survival of people.

Article 2

Any person is free in the affairs and acts until it does not break the rights of others if only it is not stipulated by the Constitution.

Article 3

Democracy is main principle of restriction of the rights and freedom of the person, as citizen of this or that state or being on any self-coping territory.

Article 4

Care of children, of the future generations - one of the basic senses of existence of a life.

Article 5

The person as a nature part, should exist in harmony with it, using a rule "do not do much harm" as the main thing.

Article 6

Research of world around and itself, development of a science and a scientific basis of practical activities - a basis of development and mankind prosperity.

Article 7

Preservation and development of culture of mankind as sets of various cultures - a unique way of preservation of mankind as kind.

Section 2. A life

Article 8

On a planet the Earth is forbidden conducting the military operations, able to cause a victim among people.

The appendix 2

The agreement on weapon destruction Mass defeat

1. The Available nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapon is liable to destruction to ../../....
2. Technologies and the industrial equipment on manufacture of the nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapon are liable to destruction to ../../....
3. Any works connected with manufacture of the nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapon or other means of mass defeat Are forbidden.
4. The Control over performance of the given agreement is assigned to Security council.

The appendix 3

The agreement on the armed and police forces

1. All states of a planet the Earth create the Uniform Army armed with a heavy military technology.
2. Armed forces of any state can have only easy weapon.
3. Number of armed forces of the state cannot exceed the established size.
4. Police forces of the state or free territory are supplied only with the weapon of paralysing action.

Article 9

Any inhabitant of a planet the Earth has the right to is minimum necessary quantity of air, water, food, clothes and habitation.

The appendix 4

The agreement on Service of the social help

1. All states of a planet the Earth create Service of the social help.
2. Any inhabitant of a planet the Earth has the right to receive is minimum necessary set of a foodstuff in corresponding points of Service.
3. The People who have received the help in points of Service, can be involved in public works.
4. The Account of the received help and the executed works is spent by means of electronic passports.

The comment

Means (money, products...), Services of the social help necessary for functioning, can be given by separate citizens in the form of the charitable help. Besides, they can overwork to (be made) by addressees of the help on public works.

Article 10

Any inhabitant of a planet the Earth has the right to high-grade, scientifically well-founded health services.

The appendix 5

The agreement on medical aid Service

1. The medical aid Service is financed completely at the expense of the budget.
2. Medical examination of people is made free of charge.
3. Each inhabitant has a special account on which collect (at the expense of annual receipts from the budget) monetary resources on payment of courses of treatment.
4. There are groups of people (the invalids chronically sick, pensioners) which treatment is carried out free of charge.
5. At shortage of money resources on the special account treatment payment is made at the expense of the credit.
6. At a retirement the rest of the means which are on the special account, passes to the pension account.

The appendix 6

Position about Medical model

1. The Medical model contains all volume of the objective medical data of the person, since the birth moment (conception?).
2. The Data of medical model is accessible only to the attending physician and (in the depersonalized kind) for the persons having the corresponding medical licence.
3. Each inhabitant has the medical passport containing the base data of its medical model. The given passport should contain the data necessary for rendering of urgent medical aid.

Section 3. Freedom

Article 11

Any inhabitant of a planet the Earth has the right to become the citizen of a planet the Earth.

The appendix 7

Position about citizenship

1. The Citizen of a planet the Earth can be its any inhabitant who has reached of age of 14 years, observing the laws, having the positive characteristic of the instructor.
2. Any inhabitant at any age can have the instructor from among citizens of a planet the Earth. The decision on appointment of the instructor accepts Council of instructors about the reference of parents, teachers or the inhabitant.
3. The Instructor is responsible moral and moral development sponsored, supervises its behaviour, knowledge and observance of laws.
4. The Passport of the citizen of a planet the Earth can be received only under condition of successful passing an examination on knowledge of the Constitution and organic laws.

The comment

Introduction of the status "citizen" will allow to allocate those inhabitants, which on the personal qualities (the relation to people, to the nature...) can apply for imperious posts.

Article 12

Any inhabitant of a planet the Earth has the right to vote, which it can give to political party, social movement or the separate citizen, applying for participation in authorities. The inhabitants who have reached of age of 14 years, can do it independently. The persons not reached 14-year-old age or recognised incapacitated, realise the right to a voice through the trustee (parent).

The appendix 8

The agreement on voting system

1. Elections in all authorities and the statement of their major decisions are subject to Voting.
2. The voting System provides possibility to any, having the right to vote, to give or take away the voice. Voting is spent in constantly operating points equipped with POS-terminals.
3. Personification of the voting is made by means of an electronic card (the electronic passport). The account of voices is carried out in three independent Centers (election committee, parties and movements, the public).
4. Protection against falsification is provided with system of generation of a PIN-code (the PIN-code is valid only for one operation, in a mobile phone of the inhabitant the program of generation of the next PIN-code is stitched, from the processing Center new parametres of generation are periodically transferred).
5. The inhabitant can receive the Information on the correct account of the voice in information service of any Center.

The comment

The voter has the right to the voice always, instead of for one day of times in 4 years. It raises degree of influence of the voter on selected, raises a measure of responsibility of the last.

Article 13

Restriction of freedom of the inhabitant of a planet the Earth probably only on a judgement.

The appendix 9

The agreement on restriction of the rights

1. The Persons guilty of crimes against the person (murder, physical injuries...) are considered mentally sick and are subject to treatment in corresponding medical hospitals of the closed type.
2. The Persons guilty of plunders of the property, should indemnify a loss in the size exceeding stolen with established court by frequency rate.
3. The Persons condemned for the first time, can be partially deprived some rights and freedom (elective, residing places...) for the term established by court.
4. The Persons condemned repeatedly, lose a part of the rights and freedom for life.

The comment

The prison conceived as system of punishment and correction, in 20th century has turned to fastening system in criminal circle of new persons. The prison has created from separate criminals underworld, with the language, the laws and rules, the system of encouragements and punishments.
Isolation of criminals from a society is necessary, but it should be combined with scientific methods of psychological influence for the purpose of formation if it is possible, feelings of disgust to violence.
The person who condemned for violence and has received medical treatment, should not turn to the full citizen of a society automatically. Restoration procedure should be a lot of phasic with step-by-step rehabilitation and returning of the rights and freedom.

Article 14

Any inhabitant of a planet the Earth has the right to search, receive, transfer, make and extend freely the information in any lawful way.

The appendix 10

The agreement on the Internet

1. On a planet the Earth is created the Internet Support service.
2. All information placed on the Internet, is divided on popular and special.
3. The Special information is stored in the ciphered kind and is accessible only to the consumers which have entered into the special agreement.
4. The Persons placing the special information, should have the corresponding licence.
5. The Control over performance of rules of placing and access to the information carry out Service advisory councils.

The comment

By means of encoding it is possible to protect children from a pornography, patients from pseudo-doctors. It is possible to protect copyrights and to provide deductions for use of those or other products
Enciphering is the major part of any information system, whether it be the Internet, a mobile telephony or something else. If there are restrictions on access to the information, (it is natural!) there is a desire this information to receive (hacking will be always). It is impossible to think up perfect algorithm of enciphering. From "breaking" continuously developing system can provide reliability only. For example, such:
- Any person can offer the (primitive) algorithm;
- At the first level of system the analysis of offers is made, (are eliminated erroneous, and the best go on the following level (to their authors small compensation is necessary);
- At the second level high-class experts from selected "material" create, combining among themselves, professional algorithms and place them in the Database;
- Top-level systems distribution (casual) algorithms from Base on users is made.

Article 15

Any inhabitant of a planet the Earth has the right to a choice of a place of residing.

The appendix 11

The agreement on habitation building

1. In non-polluting zones of a planet the Earth sites for inhabited settlements (to 10000 inhabitants), built up with a little floor comfortable houses are allocated.
2. Each inhabitant of a planet the Earth has the right to lifelong rent of such house (a house part) or on rent of a free site for own house.
3. The Right of priority to rent families with children possess.
4. For economic reasons creation of the cities which are built up with many-storeyed houses is supposed.
5. In cities the inhabited and industrial zones separated from each other лесопосадками should be allocated.
6. Residing at cities of children is supposed in exceptional cases.

The comment

To the person, especially in formation of the person, freedom is necessary. Living conditions in a city promote development of rules of a "gregarious" life. The child to certain age should be in contact to the natural nature.
Even a modern information technology allows to carry out some working operations дистанционно. Hence, the residence and a work place can be dissolved. Еслт it is impossible for whatever reasons, is possible "вахтовый" an operating mode, when the city is time (for a week...) a residence.

Article 16

Any inhabitant of a planet the Earth has the right to reception of general educational or special knowledge.

The appendix 12

Position about Academy of knowledge

1. The Academy of knowledge consists of set of Schools of knowledge.
2. The School of knowledge on the basis of own, scientifically well-founded technique solves problems of training of inhabitants taking into account their age, physical and psychological features.
3. Exists two kinds of Schools of knowledge: general educational and professional. A result training in a vocational school can be the licence for professional work.
4. Any inhabitant can join in process of training from that level of knowledge which it has. This level is defined by testing of the entrant. Initial level is accessible always.
5. The Control over activity of Schools carries out Council of Schools which structure includes representatives:
- Academies of sciences;
- Schools of knowledge;
- The public.

The comment

The teacher, as well as the doctor, have not the right to refuse to "patient", and ignorance - not less dangerous illness, than a scarlet fever or a whooping cough. The education system should be really general
Different people have different abilities to information mastering. Глупповая (class) scheme of training is vicious and should be replaced by system of individual programs.
In training system all available information means should be used: the Internet, TV...

Article 17

Any inhabitant of a planet the Earth has the right to free and safe movement on all territory of a planet.

The appendix 13

The agreement on transport System

1. The Basis of transport system is made by a mobile armchair (МA).
2. Technical characteristics МA (the size of wheels, engine type...) are limited to corresponding norms.
3. Kompjuterizovannaja the control system allows to carry out movement МA by a principle of "item of mail" (the initial and final point is set).
4. In cities and settlements special paths for МA, equipped with stations for additional charge of accumulators should be laid.
5. All apartment houses, places of the general using (shops, theatres, libraries...) are equipped both lifts for МA, and electronic gauges for navigation.
6. МA are used for movement in inhabited settlement (microdistrict) where motor transport movement is forbidden.
7. For movement on the big distances special transport (cars, railway cars, planes is used...), adapted for transportation МA.

The comment

Small speed (to 20 km/h) and small wheels МA will allow to minimise a traumatism at movement in a sickly zone.
Use МA allows invalids and aged people to remain independent and high-grade in sense of a freedom of movement.
Equipment МA a parachute will allow to avoid victims at failures of planes.

Section 4. Democracy

Article 18

Inhabitants of a planet the Earth are organised in a homing democratic society.
The power system is formed by four independent institutes:
- Parliament;
- The government;
- Court;
- Security council.
Independence of institutes provides elective character of their formation.

The appendix 14

Position about Parliament

1. The Parliament is a power legislature.
2. The Parliament consists of several chambers:
- Political, consisting of representatives political
Parties and separate politicians;
- Territorial territories consisting of representatives
- National, consisting of representatives various
3. Projects of laws are discussed by members of chambers of parliament and prinimajutsja/are rejected by them as a result of voting.
4. During voting the member of parliament operates with that quantity of votes which have been given it at the moment of voting, or the voices, given to party if it is the representative of the party.
5. Discussion and voting can be spent both in internal, and in the correspondence form for what Internet conference means are given to a member of parliament.

The comment

The political chamber of parliament should consider projects of laws from the state point of view. Representatives of the political parties having a uniform position, a party position should be the basic participants of discussion. Participate in discussion the separate politicians who having the program and have typed a quantity of votes can also.
In the event that the quantity of members of chamber will be very big that can (theoretically complicate decision-making process, it is necessary to enter norm on the minimum poll of voters for possibility of participation in discussion. The members of chamber who are not possessing a necessary poll, will be compelled to unite in fraction
For territorial chamber interest of the population (local government) should be the basic priority. Representatives of corresponding public organisations here should appear.
The national chamber should, first of all, will attend to culture problems.

The appendix 15

Position about the Government

1. The Government is a power executive office.
2. The government structure includes heads of the ministries and departments.
3. The government Structure, as well as parliament structure, is defined by national voting.
4. Political parties and social movements offer structure and the government program, and the voter gives/takes away the voice for/at this or that variant.
5. The Chairman of the government can be selected together with the government or be defined by already chosen ministers.

The comment

Government change is a change of tactics. Strategy is defined by parliament. For an exception of "leapfrog" of the governments it is possible to grant to parliament the right to postpone change of the government in case of falling of its popularity. It will allow parliament to influence performance necessary, but not popular measures.

The appendix 16

Position about Judicial system

1. The structure of judicial system includes following courts:
- The constitutional;
- The arbitration;
- The civil;
- The criminal;
- The juvenile.
2. Each of above listed courts represents the hierarchical system consisting from:
- The Supreme court;
- Territorial court;
- Local court;.
3. Into structure of any court enter:
- Judges;
- Lawyers;
- Assessors.
4. The Assessor can become the citizen living in territory of given judicial district, reached the established age (40 years?), possessing abilities to the psychological analysis, proposed the candidature on voting.
5. The people having corresponding (legal) education are appointed To a post of the lawyer of court.
6. Judges are selected for certain term from structure of assessors of the given district. For election the candidate should receive a necessary poll from number:
- Inhabitants;
- Assessors;
- Lawyers.
7. The Judgement is taken out by the judge on the basis of the decision of assessors taking into account opinion of lawyers.

The comment

Court - the major tool of a life. It is a ruler with "good" and "harm" divisions. Who and how uses this ruler? Moral health of a society depends on it.
The court is independent of other branches of the power, but the decision within the limits of the law makes. Excessive detailed elaboration of the law, attempt of legislators to reduce variety of reality situations to some hierarchy of offences removes from the judge of a problem of a moral choice, a psychological estimation and reduces it on level of formal logic, (something like ЕГЭ).
The judge should be the psychologist, instead of the lawyer. For legal subtleties lawyers-advisers are sufficient. Experience of the psychological analysis of criminals and crimes should be not "book". For this purpose the candidate for the judge should pass school in a role of the judicial assessor where during discussion with other assessors, and also at adjudication and the analysis after a judicial life of the defendant, it will develop the principles of the judge.

The appendix 17

Position about Security council

1. The Security council provides safe existence of inhabitants in a peace time and will organise activity of a society in the conditions of an emergency situation.
2. Into security council enter:
- The president;
- Heads of "power" departments (army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the
Ministry of Emergency Measures).
3. Councillors of safety get out public voting.
4. In the conditions of an emergency situation the president becomes the power supreme body.
5. During "peace" time the president is "guarantor" of the constitution: is responsible for execution of the rights and freedom of inhabitants.

Article 19

Any inhabitant of a planet the Earth, the worker in this or that organisation, has the right to participation in decision-making on its management.

The appendix 18

Position on Joint-stock company

1. The management Supreme body is the Meeting of owners of actions of Joint-stock company (joint-stock company).
2. There are two kinds of actions:
- The investment (I-actions), which owners have enclosed in The given joint-stock company some means (monetary, property).
- The working (R-actions), which owners have enclosed in the given joint-stock company Own knowledge, abilities, skills.
3. I-actions can address in the corresponding market. The owner of I-actions can (according to the joint-stock company charter) to return. The means enclosed in joint-stock company.
4. R-actions are nominal and can exchange only on other R-actions at transition from one joint-stock company in another. The quantity of R-actions at the shareholder depends on quality of its work. Distribution of additional issue of R-actions is accepted on Meeting of R-shareholders.
5. R-actions cannot be descended.

Article 20

Equal work should have an equal estimation in an every spot on the globe the Earth.

The appendix 19

Position about Monetary system

1. Money resources on a planet the Earth exist only in uniform currency and only in a non-cash kind.
2. The Central bank of a planet the Earth is engaged in Regulation of volume of money resources.
3. At movement of funds under the account it is registered as a source of receipt or the expenditure purpose.
4. All "large" transactions of the purchase/sale should pass only in the special organisations (shopping centres, stock exchanges...).

Section 5. Children

Article 21

Moral and physical health of children - the primary goal of mankind.
The basic element of a society providing the decision of this problem, the family is.

The appendix 20

Position about family Service

1. The family Service provides registration of families, preparation of parents, supervision of development of children.
2. The Family is created by inhabitants for the purpose of joint residing, housekeeping and education of children (own or reception).
3. Preparation of parents includes:
- Training to primary medical rules of care of children;
- Training to bases of psychological and moral development Children;
- Training to bases of pedagogics of elementary education of children.
4. The Control over processes in a family is assigned to service of instructors.
5. The Service of a family has the right to apply penal sanctions to parents or a family as a whole, and also to address in ювенальные courts.

Article 22

Each child should receive, depending on age and a physical and psychological condition, the minimum volume of knowledge.

The appendix 21

Position about Academy of knowledge

1. The Academy of knowledge consists of set of Schools of knowledge.
2. The School of knowledge on the basis of own, scientifically well-founded technique, solves problems of training of inhabitants taking into account their age, physical and psychological features.
3. Exists two kinds of Schools of knowledge: general educational and professional. A result training in a vocational school can be the licence for professional work.
4. Any inhabitant can join in process of training from that level of knowledge which it has. This level is defined by testing of the entrant. Initial level is accessible always.
5. The Control over activity of Schools carries out Council of Schools which structure includes representatives:
- Academies of sciences;
- Schools of knowledge;
- The public.

The comment

The training system should include all means of reception of the information ("live" dialogue, means...). It is impossible to "exhaust" all in "classes" and to learn under the uniform program. The individual program of training in which basis this or that variant of a technique lies is necessary for formation of the person.
Disease process of transition of the small child from the environment "family" on Wednesday "collective" should be softened. In child care centres (a kindergarten, an elementary school...) instead of groups (classes) "the pseudo-family" mode is necessary.

Section 6. The nature

Article 23

Nature resources belong to all inhabitants of the Earth.

The appendix 22

Position about natural resources

1. The Separate states can maintain natural resources only as rent.
2. The Control over performance of rules of rent is assigned to Council about natural resources at the Government of a planet the Earth.
3. Infringement of service regulations of natural resources with drawing of harm to the population of the Earth is pursued under the law, up to compulsory liquidation of the state.

Article 24

Well-being of mankind completely depends on well-being of the nature.

The appendix 23

Position about natural parks

1. All territory of a planet the Earth is divided into natural parks.
2. The Permission to work to park territories gives Advice of the given park.
3. Into park Council enter:
- Representatives of the population living in territory of park;
- Ecologists from Academy of sciences;
- Representatives of local authorities.
4. Sale of sites of park Is forbidden. Any works in park territory are spent exclusively as rent. The lifelong form of rent is possible.

Section 7. A science

Article 25

Scientific community - the democratic organisation . The top echelon of this organisation is the Academy of sciences.

The appendix 24

Position about Academy of sciences

1. The Academy of sciences includes three basic parts:
- Academy of sciences about the lifeless nature;
- Academy of sciences about wildlife;
. Academy of sciences about conceiving beings.
2. Each of academies consists of scientific branch institutes.
3. Economic activities of Academies and scientific institutes are carried out by corresponding divisions of the government.

The comment

The scientific community should be released from economic activities routine. The head of scientific division should be engaged in the organisation of scientific process, instead of repair or equipment delivery.
The similar approach should be in medicine and education. The head physician of hospital should be engaged in the organisation of medical process, and the director (the main teacher) schools - educational process.

Article 26

The science carries out function of the expert at acceptance of the major decisions for activity of authorities.

The appendix 25

Position about Scientific examination

1. The Scientific community is obliged to spend an expert estimation of the major decisions of the power and to lead up it to mass media.
2. The Scientific community at the desire of imperious or public structures can expertise to projects of decisions.
3. The Scientific community will organise activity of Expert groups according to quality of consumer goods.

The comment

Scientific examination should change an essence of present advertising. Advertising should turn to the inquiry on the characteristics of the given subject confirmed with scientific examination. Advertising placing is authorised only in special mass-media (catalogues).

Section 8. Culture

Article 27

State language on a planet the Earth is Synthetic Language of World Dialogue (SLWD).

The appendix 26

Position about Service of languages

1. All languages existing or existing on a planet the Earth, are registered in Service of languages.
2. The Service of languages is responsible for existence and correctness of transfer from any language on SLWD and on the contrary.
3. Mastery of a language SLWD is obligatory for all citizens of the Earth.

The comment

Uniform language of the international dialogue will allow all people of a planet to understand each other, will raise degree of trust and will help to prevent set of conflicts.

Article 28

Originals of works of art should be stored in special storehouses and cannot be a trade subject.

The appendix 27

Position about Works of art

1. Any original product can apply for an accessory to Works of art.
2. The Decision on a recognition is accepted by corresponding Academy of arts. Product is redeemed, if it is necessary, to the author (owner) and is transferred in storehouse.
3. For access to Products of arts corresponding exhibitions will be organised, and also copies which take

It's very nice your dream! but too beautiful to become a reality. The world is too big and too diverse to be subjected to a single constitutions!
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

Web Design Forums - Server-Side Web and Software Development discussions

Too good, too much happiness and freedom for a world that does not know what to do with all this. We are too selfish, materialistic and too bad for such a constitution! we don't deserve it.

this is your dream? people can not say thank you therefore will not have more than worth it! But that would be wonderful to have the same constitution, to be united to live well ,in peace and happyness!

Dear opponents!
You are right in that, as the existing world and people occupying it - are far from an ideal. But whether it means, what we are doomed to "cloning"? Can be it is necessary to formulate at least problems which our children will try to solve? Certainly, my imaginations are rough and primitive. But, maybe, in them there are which what ideas which realisation will benefit already now? For example, an election system?

elsher0 Wrote:Dear opponents!
You are right in that, as the existing world and people occupying it - are far from an ideal. But whether it means, what we are doomed to "cloning"? Can be it is necessary to formulate at least problems which our children will try to solve? Certainly, my imaginations are rough and primitive. But, maybe, in them there are which what ideas which realisation will benefit already now? For example, an election system?

Your thoughts are not primitive at all. You trying to show that people can become good and perfect. For this we must thank you and try, just how much we can, to do something. The constitution is not enough it is necessary a brain wash of bad and selfishness. :-P Confuseduper

I thank for kind words in my address, but most of all I would be glad to constructive criticism under those approaches and decisions which I have stated in "Imaginations". Most of all I am am excited with the problems connected with formation of the person, with formation and education of new generation. I do not know, how at you in Europe, but at us in Russia ever less young men wishes to be engaged in really creative activity. Type commerce buy - sell, management of the personnel, bank activity - here the most "prestigious" spheres. Roots of it lie, basically, at school. Any person is born with enormous aspiration to knowledge, to all new. Parents, teachers should help with school only to the small little man, stimulating its creativity. Unfortunately, the overwhelming number of graduates of schools does not have aspiration to creativity, to knowledge. It seems to me that deprivation of the person of the creative beginnings - a way to mankind degeneration.

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