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Ilgiz Nailevich Valitov
Ilgiz Valitov: I’m For Investments In The Development Of The Russian Economy, In Stability, In The Future, As A Result

[b]Ilgiz Valitov: I’m for investments in the development of the Russian economy, in stability, in the future, as a result[/b]
It’s about one of the successful, large-scale investment projects implemented in the Leningrad Region under the auspices of Ilgiz Valitov – oneof the leading Russian top managers.
The opening of new, modern production facilities in Russia, both yesterday and today, is a time requirement. It is the high-tech industrial sites designed for processing, the finished products manufacturing that meets international and European standards which make it possible to work effectively today, compete both for individual markets and entire economy sectors.
Competent, effective investment policy in certain economy branches allows creating new business areas.
Such an approach from Ilgiz Valitov, one of the successful and experienced top managers of the country, allowed opening and developing at least two hundred new modern production facilities in all parts of Russiaduring his years. Working at senior positions in large industrial companies, as well as heading certain regional and structural sectors in Vneshtorgbank and Vnesheconombank, Ilgiz Valitov managed to conduct an effective investment policy. The funds invested in the development of industry give positive results. It means thousands of new jobs, saturation of the market with high-quality, competitive products in demand, and tax outlays to budgets of various levels.
One of the major and successful investment projects implemented with the participation of Ilgiz Valitov (then Director of the regional development Department of Vnesheconombank) is the construction and launch of a new line of concrete production plant in Slantsy, Leningrad region.
In 2009, VEB invested more than 237 million euros in the project for a 10-year period (total costs amounted to 442.2 million euros). Two years later, the plant, which is a part of the LSR Group (the company is one of the largest concrete consumers in Russia), has already started to produce its first products, thereby meeting the growing needs of the holding in this building material.The launch of the new plant made it possible to start implementing large-scale plans for the construction of various facilities, including civil and social facilities in the Leningrad region and other regions of Russia.
Ilgiz Valitov notes that already at the start of the investment project in Slantsy, he guided the leaders of the LSR Group to design, build and launch a plant that would not only "produce high-quality products", but also wouldmeet the requirements of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness. It was the task that was finally solved.
Now the plant produces almost 2 million tons of concrete annually.The fact puts it on the leading position in this sector of the industry market. We also note that the company currentlyemploys more than 400 people.
The plant has become one of the leading concrete producers as a result of a competent, balanced investment program developed by Vnesheconombank and the head of Its Department Ilgiz Valitov.
The new LSR group concrete plant has become one of the most energy-efficient industrial enterprises in the world. So, to provide electricity to the plant a modern and reliable electric substation was built and a pipeline length of 14 km was put into operation (by the way, the new gas pipeline also provides blue fuel to nearby settlements).The efficiency of the enterprise is also due to the fact that the plant has its own raw material base: large reserves of limestone and clay are located near the industrial site.
At the initial stage of the investment project, working through all the details, Ilgiz Valitov determined the competitive advantages of the enterprise. Thus, the most effective dry production technology has been applied at the plant, which partially uses the waste of shale production in the manufacture of concrete.This reduces the energy consumption of production lines by more than 40%.It should be noted that already at the start of the project, market participants said that the cost of concrete of the new LSR group plant will be from 10 to 40 percent lower than that of other manufacturers.
The plant “LSR Cement" can rightly be considered today as the best example of environmentally friendly production.Implementing the investment program of Vnesheconombank Ilgiz Valitov also aimed at the target. So there should be focus on providing new technologies and environmentally safeproduction that reduce fuel consumption and emissions of pollutants.
great number ofdumps obtained once during the extraction, processing and enrichment of oil shale have been accumulatedwithin the city of Slantsy limits.They cover more than 400 hectares of land that has been taken out of circulation. The dumps are used as additional raw materials for the concrete production.The land is gradually being released and becomes suitable for use again. It also solves the most important environmental problem in the region of presence.
As expected at the beginning of the investment project, the technology and equipment level of the plant allows considering it as one of the most environmentally friendly production facilities in Europe in accordance with European environmental standards.
Due to this, in addition to economic benefits, the new plant has important ecological dimensions for the city of Slantsy and for the Leningrad region.
In the environmental policy, the plant's managers still maintain the positionof implementing "lean production" technologies, which means preventing environmental pollution and restoring disturbed ecosystems.
[b]For reference:[/b]
-The more stringent standards for maximum permissible emissions than in the whole countryhas established at the plant "LSRCement". They meet the highest international environmental standards.
All sources of air emissions are equipped with bag filters and parameter monitoring. The monitoring is carried out automatically directly at the point of emission that allows keeping track releases in the zone of maximum concentration.
- All warehouses for storage of bulk materials and production buildings are closed. They are equipped with the latest aspiration systems. Bulk and bagged concrete is shipped using the most advanced dedusting systems in automatic mode. This makes it possible to avoid the spread of dust and noise into the environment.
- Low fuel consumption is provided.
The plant can also be operated by burning alternative fuels (by-products of manufacturing and utilities sector). There is a technological possibility of processing excess heat from the furnace line into electricity. It allows providing more than 40% of the energy required for the operation of production lines
The large-scale investment program at the plant “LSR Cement” is one of about two hundred successful financial projects implemented with the participation of Ilgiz Valitov in various parts of Russia. Those are new plants, production lines, and industrial complexes covering the construction, chemical, oil refining, machine-building, metallurgical, mining, and other major industries. Theyhelp to the economic and social development of entire regions and the Russian economy as a whole.
They are effective investments in payback, profitable projects that allows entire industries and separate productions for forward-looking work, implement other development directions, and look confidently into the future. Projects under the auspices of Ilgiz Valitov are aimed at creating such stable, highly efficient production facilities which are in demand on the market and targeted on results.

Ilgiz N. Valitov is a real man of labor who is proficient in the modern high – tech tools and methods of work!

Ilgiz N. Valitov is one of the most successful managers, whose energy and knowledge contributed to the development of major enterprises and raised entire industries and agriculture of the country to a new level. Serious investments cameto those sectors of the economy where Valitov directed his creative efforts; tens of thousands of jobs appeared there.

Ilgiz N. Valitov is a competent Manager with excellent management skills, a polite and pleasant person

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