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Church set in flames by muslim Albanians in Kosovo
Zelman Wrote:This is just not right!
I haven't seen Christians burning mosques..

well you remember the Bosnian War? which Christian soldier massacre the moslem people in Bosnian...many mosque was burned..moslem woman was rape and killed (more than 1000 womans), kids, think about that..

hehe, it is so sensational, Church Set in flames by Muslim Albanians in Kosovo!!!!

It starts with the sacred word Church, and continues with Muslim. Another example of how orthodox fundamentalism works, another example how a victim of failed regime thinks, another example of demonising albanians of Kosova.

They (the serbian regime and propaganda system) are using "churchburnings" since they laid their hand on Kosova in 1912. But the truth is far from it. Yes there some isolated cases in 2004, I would be a fool to deny it, but not in the way these creatures say it is. There were isolated cases. And most of the churches burned down, are churches who were built after 1990-ies. Built only to say to Albanians "we have occupied these territory and we want to serbify it". We had a chance to burn down all the churches already during world war 2. But we dont burn our churches, the CHurch of Decane for instance, built during Bysantine Empire, its albanian churche, Albanians were predominantly christian at the time, both catholics and orthodox albanians. But we do not burned it, or the church in prizren for instance. In 2004, yes there are some churches burned, but those were isolated cases and should be punished.

But how come nobody talks about Stupni Do for instance in Bosnia, or those hundreds of mosques burned down by Serbs in Bosnia and in Kosova? hehe, maybe it has something to do with the fact that christian serbs and croats did that? or it has to do with the fact that it doesnt matter, muslim centres may be burned down. it is a hipocracy by the starter of this thread, but I understand him, as orthodox christian, especially serbian orthodox christian, he is taught to hate. Serbians are a victim of their Church (which by the way was the main collaborator with the Ottoman Empire) and their Science Academy.

I can post here youtube clipps of serbians burning down mosques all over kosova and Bosnia, but I have dignity not to show those.

It is tragic to see the serbians behaviour. they show themselves as a victim of their own propaganda. Sad people.
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.

shumadija Wrote:Sorry man but that is basic lack of knowledge...First of all, Milosevic was an total communistic atheist, therefore wasnt interested in building churches anywere even here in Central Serbia where we asked for it...Further on, it is disgracefull and shameless of you to pronounce children murdered at Ibar river a muslims becuase (if not for the sake of the truth) a father of one of them is a close friend of mine, a dear friend and (obviesly) a Serb. I hope he will not read this cause of his blood pressure. Further on as your respectable religion forbids demolishing religios objects so does ours (needles to say specialy concerning our own!). In generally many of your statements are based on burning war "facts" which should be taken more carefully. Trust me, it was the Serbs that suffered from it and used it the most in the past damging their own people with "nacionalistic" an 2patriotic" reasons for making a war. There are no such things! Take it from us. The same stories youve heard about Serbs Ive heard about your people. Also visually very supported...

shut up please, what serb suffer from it is their own unabillity to think, the serb suffer from their stupidity. Yes, there are hundreds of churches built up around Kosova after 1990. Those stories you heard about our people, well I know absolutely everything they have told you about us, absolutely everything. And it is to laugh at. You have been taught we came as refugees from Albania after WW2, WRONG, you have been taught we as albanians massraped and killed serbs after WW2, grrrrrrrr WRONG! you have been taught that we are uncivilised, barbaric people, I can still read that in hundreds of your books about albanians in Kosova. but the thing is, we are not barbarians, it is your kind that is as such. Your kind. My grandmother used to say to me when I was 16 (1988) do not turn your back on a serbian, they will put their knife on it, I was a part of your filthy army in 1991, I saw what they did, I saw then in Kosova in 1999 what your filthy kind is capable of doing. Now that prooved to me that everything I heard about your kind is true. A coward people. Cowards. that is what you are. You have prooven it during the course of history. Cowards.

When you sing "Mars na Drini" read this, or by all means, read Dimitrije Tucovic, read what he had to say about your own kind.
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.

I agree with nasim akhtar,muslim and christians should debate,not burn churches or mosques

drag Wrote:I agree with nasim akhtar,muslim and christians should debate,not burn churches or mosques

I have nothing against that, but do not blend Kosova in this. Kosova war was not a religious war, maybe from serbs side, but from our side it was a freedom war. Albanians do coexist between each other even though we have adapted three religions, Catholic, Christian orthodox and Islam. We do not differ people out as muslim, christian or whatever, we are albanians. And if you treat us with respekt we simply give a shit on which religion or nationality you have. Do not fucking listen to their pathetic propaganda.
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.

In 1998 I had a talk with some young Serb refugees from Bosnia which fled at Kosovo and ask them are they trying to be frendly with Albanians, and how life is there. They told me that they tried to communicate with them, organized some curtural happenings to meet with people of similar age, and it went fine, until a Serb kid got a knife in back in a discoteque. They told me that in that time there was a office of Americas embassy in Priština and if you are from Bosnia or Croatia you get green card without much procedure and can go to USA.

Germany tried and sucsseded in moving more then 120.000 Albanians from its teritory back to Serbia and Kosovo. Why? Only Serbia was stupid and naive enough to tolerate "poor Albanians" until got a knife in the back. This is my perspective from Belgrade and I do not wish to offend anyone.

I think that big interests around crime and mafia connected with politics are here at play, and plain Albanians are gratest victimes of all this. Serbs has its weak country to go to, but Kosovo Albanians have noone to protect them from large scale crime now. Their fate is in the hands of criminals now, it is sad to see they burn churches of Serbs, just to express their fundamental unsatisfiction. It is their doom. They will never be openminded and free. They got an illusion of the freedom now. Serbia will be strong again, but with another perspective of their neighbours.

In Al Kuran Mohammed have spoken of great victories over more powerfull enemy, which looked like the victory in Kosovo. But he mentioned Christian askets which must be respected. Those vandals are obviously atheists which doesn't believe in "the Books".

After Socialism, generations emerged in ex-YU who new very little or nothing about religion. They are trying to find their paths, but the gap in their knowlage is so wide and deep, that they are afraid to learn about it in a proper way, or it is to hard to become religious after Atheistic raise in childhood. Most of the people are confused. With the mess in their minds and souls they often do stupid things. The moral principals are so low that they do even unthoughtable crimes. It is modern to be sociopate, and at fragile surroundings as Kosovo have, we could expect everything.

God help you all in Kosovo!
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?

sasha Wrote:In 1998 I had a talk with some young Serb refugees from Bosnia which fled at Kosovo and ask them are they trying to be frendly with Albanians, and how life is there. They told me that they tried to communicate with them, organized some curtural happenings to meet with people of similar age, and it went fine, until a Serb kid got a knife in back in a discoteque. They told me that in that time there was a office of Americas embassy in Priština and if you are from Bosnia or Croatia you get green card without much procedure and can go to USA.

Germany tried and sucsseded in moving more then 120.000 Albanians from its teritory back to Serbia and Kosovo. Why? Only Serbia was stupid and naive enough to tolerate "poor Albanians" until got a knife in the back. This is my perspective from Belgrade and I do not wish to offend anyone.

I think that big interests around crime and mafia connected with politics are here at play, and plain Albanians are gratest victimes of all this. Serbs has its weak country to go to, but Kosovo Albanians have noone to protect them from large scale crime now. Their fate is in the hands of criminals now, it is sad to see they burn churches of Serbs, just to express their fundamental unsatisfiction. It is their doom. They will never be openminded and free. They got an illusion of the freadom now. Serbia will be strong again, but with another perspective of their neighbours.

In Al Kuran Mohammed have spoken of great victories over more powerfull enemy, which looked like the victory in Kosovo. But he mentioned Christian askets which must be respected. Those vandals are obviously atheists which doesn't believe in "the Books".

After Socialism, generations emerged in ex-YU who new very little or nothing about religion. They are trying to find their paths, but the gap in their knowlage is so wide and deep, that they are afraid to learn about it in a proper way, or it is to hard to become religious after Atheistic raise in childhood. Most of the people are confused. With the mess in their minds and souls they often do stupid things. The moral principals are so low that they do even unthoughtable crimes. It is modern to be sociopate, and at fragile surroundings as Kosovo have, we could expect everything.

God help you all in Kosovo!

hahahahahhahahahahaha, you are so stupid and so ignorant it is really tragicomic to see. You are probably one of those who do not even know where Kosova lies geographically but hey you want to say something. All world knows the apartheid regime of yours, you stupid ignorant. go tell these tales in the mitings in Belgrade and then robb some stores.
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.

Quote:hahahahahhahahahahaha, you are so stupid and so ignorant it is really tragicomic to see. You are probably one of those who do not even know where Kosova lies geographically but hey you want to say something. All world knows the apartheid regime of yours, you stupid ignorant. go tell these tales in the mitings in Belgrade and then robb some stores.

I know that between Kosovo and Albania are some high mountins, hard crossable, Shara Mountin, and Prokletije, and it is very logical that it was a natural border which divided tribes in past. Only in newer history there was massive move of people. It mainly happened under pressure of Enver Hodza's regime after WWII, and partly under Ottoman regime back from 15th to 18th century.

It is a shame what happened that day and some people who made problems that day will probably go to prison after the trials are over. We have here drug addicts, thieves, thugs and all kind of people, but eventually all of them are catched and brought to justice. What is crime situation in Kosovo? How many people from this video went to trial?

All in all, you have nice arguments Sad , I guess all your arguments are the same as this. I understand you, but I know that my understanding would make you mader, which is shame because I want to be friend and to start the process of buiding trust again.

Is my stupidity and ingnorance also an argument for burning christian temples down?
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?

sasha Wrote:
Quote:hahahahahhahahahahaha, you are so stupid and so ignorant it is really tragicomic to see. You are probably one of those who do not even know where Kosova lies geographically but hey you want to say something. All world knows the apartheid regime of yours, you stupid ignorant. go tell these tales in the mitings in Belgrade and then robb some stores.

I know that between Kosovo and Albania are some high mountins, hard crossable, Shara Mountin, and Prokletije, and it is very logical that it was a natural border which divided tribes in past. Only in newer history there was massive move of people. It mainly happened under pressure of Enver Hodza's regime after WWII, and partly under Ottoman regime back from 15th to 18th century.

It is a shame what happened that day and some people who made problems that day will probably go to prison after the trials are over. We have here drug addicts, thieves, thugs and all kind of people, but eventually all of them are catched and brought to justice. What is crime situation in Kosovo? How many people from this video went to trial?

All in all, you have nice arguments Sad , I guess all your arguments are the same as this. I understand you, but I know that my understanding would make you mader, which is shame because I want to be friend and to start the process of buiding trust again.

Is my stupidity and ingnorance also an argument for burning christian temples down?

your arguments are false, dont you get it???? They are simple case of falsifying history. My family for instance goes back almost 800 years in kosova and now you claim that there were no albanians there???? please do go and tell these tales to anyone with an IQ of 50. That is your countrymen.
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.

Quote:My family for instance goes back almost 800 years in kosova and now you claim that there were no albanians there????

I think you cannot be sure in this. Maybe you doubled it. Just be honest. I will be.

My knowlage of this period is mostly drawn from Ostrogorski's "History of Byzantine" and there are very little about Albanians there, even it is about this part of world. Setting fire on Serb monuments of history and culture is conducted because they are prove of Serbian history. Albanians have no such monuments at Kosovo. Maybe it is because of their Islamic culture which doesn't approve art, but what about christian Albanians which were majoriry in past? I do not know, just want to see some facts. You must use independant examples because I can't argue with you about age of your family, bacause it is personal. Nobody fell from Mars and some Flandrians was Cetics or Normans 1000 years ago. Some French grandfather, gave his life for England 500 years ago, and who knows. Maybe my grand grand child will call himself Albanian, and argue with your grand grand child - Greek about same questions. In the end it is important to except each other as we are, and to si\ee where are our points of contact, not departure.

who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?

sasha Wrote:
Quote:My family for instance goes back almost 800 years in kosova and now you claim that there were no albanians there????

I think you cannot be sure in this. Maybe you doubled it. Just be honest. I will be.

My knowlage of this period is mostly drawn from Ostrogorski's "History of Byzantine" and there are very little about Albanians there, even it is about this part of world. Setting fire on Serb monuments of history and culture is conducted because they are prove of Serbian history. Albanians have no such monuments at Kosovo. Maybe it is because of their Islamic culture which doesn't approve art, but what about christian Albanians which were majoriry in past? I do not know, just want to see some facts. You must use independant examples because I can't argue with you about age of your family, bacause it is personal. Nobody fell from Mars and some Flandrians was Cetics or Normans 1000 years ago. Some French grandfather, gave his life for England 500 years ago, and who knows. Maybe my grand grand child will call himself Albanian, and argue with your grand grand child - Greek about same questions. In the end it is important to except each other as we are, and to si\ee where are our points of contact, not departure.


you say albanian have no such monuments, well you see, you have to read not only Ostrogorski, you have to read others too. I must say one thing, there are approximattely 1000 books written against albanian between 1981-1990 only in serbia and by serbia paid writters abroad. you say everything about albanians.

now back to monuments, well, those churches you mention as your monuments, those were albanian built churches and some of them built during the tsar dusan era and maaaaaaaaaaany of them built after 1990. our monuments were often destroyed by ottoman empire in collaboration with your church. it is a true fact, and there are many documents that say that the main ottoman collaborator in Balkan was serbian Orthodox church together with the greek one. We did fight ottomans all the time even though many of us did have to convert to Islam. the pressure on us was so huge that only by converting some of the pressure was taken of. Our villages, towns, everything albanian was so damaged during these dark ages that its tragic. LOL, I dont have to go back so far, only your last regime did burn many many monuments of ours, and what is more important, they took many historical archives from almost every city in Kosova and the main historichal museum and archive in prishtina, and everything is lost today.

One thing can not be contested though, albanians are tough to conquer and assimilate. >God damn look at the albanians in Sicilia, who fled after Albania did fall on ottoman empire in the end of 1400-ies. They speak albanian even today. Look at albanians deported with force in turkey, many of them speak albanian today, albanians in Zadar region (who also did run from ottomans) they still speak albanian after 300-400 hundred years. if not this should tell you one thing. Religions do come and go, but Albanians stay.

try to widen up your spectra instead of listening to the lies planted by your schoolars.

Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.

You are eithter paranoid or you deliberatly try to fabricate this. I do not want to talk about Miloševićs time because we have no real time distance from those dark days. It is shame on our side and I admit it. But before his time it wasn't so. I am proud as Yugoslavian that my country was build on trust and brotherhood of all of its parts. It was practicaly evolutionary jump to become Yugoslavian from original nation. I am Yugoslav even now, but it is another story...

I want to belive in your tale, but it is to thin. I really think that there is more mach with truth in mine than in your version of the past. It is more than fantastic when you said that EVERYTHING is destroyed. It couldn't be. There must be some hidden parts in somebodys chests... It is too unbeliveable ever to blame Ortodox church for destroying enything Albanian, specially in the period of Islamic rule over Serbia.

There not 1000, but more books agenst your standing point, not because sombody have deliberatly trying to whipe Albanians from history, but there was no Albanians before Serbian emperor Dušan. There are just wild guess where your people came from, but nobody really know for fact. I can let you correct me because I was not looking deribelatly for Albanian history. Maybe there was some better theories, but as far as I know there are theorys that Albanian have been Kosacs which was personal bodyguard of Byzantinian emporer, then, a tesis that they are in fact Ilirian, then, that they was lost Serbian tribe, and so on... enything from it could be true or false. We could draw a line between 11000 and 1200 AD, and before that time there was no Albanians in this region. Serbs came here in the time of Byzantine emperor's Iraclios war with Persians, in 7th century. It was one huge war wich drew all power from Byzantine and they was not able to destroy Serbs at this moment. Serbs became good servants of Byzantine empire, and later stayed on Balkan because of it. Even Islam, on other part of the world, could thank this huge war for its existance, it was why Arabs with Islam came later so easy and settled in wast, low inhabited and devastaded, land wich remainded after Bizantine-Persian war.

You see, there are no spectacular things, everything is logical and have its preconditions and causeses. You cannot deny that Kosovo is Serbian land, as nobody can deny that Albanians have all rights to live there side by side with others.

I tell you that firs thing we must do is to give up hate, then to stop being afraid of each other, then we must redescover what are facts about our past, and you as well as we must be prepared for truth, even it say that all we know is a lie. But first we must STOP hate each other, and second we must STOP being afraid of each other. I offer my love and uderstanding for Albanians, but in respect to my Serbian grandfathers I can not offer land of my predcessors.

who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?

sasha Wrote:You are eithter paranoid or you deliberatly try to fabricate this. I do not want to talk about Miloševićs time because we have no real time distance from those dark days. It is shame on our side and I admit it. But before his time it wasn't so. I am proud as Yugoslavian that my country was build on trust and brotherhood of all of its parts. It was practicaly evolutionary jump to become Yugoslavian from original nation. I am Yugoslav even now, but it is another story...

I want to belive in your tale, but it is to thin. I really think that there is more mach with truth in mine than in your version of the past. It is more than fantastic when you said that EVERYTHING is destroyed. It couldn't be. There must be some hidden parts in somebodys chests... It is too unbeliveable to blame Ortodox church for destroying enything Albanian ever, and specially in the period of Islamic rule over Serbia.

There not 1000, but more books agenst your standing point, not because sombody have deliberatly trying to whipe Albanians from history, but there was no Albanians before Serbian emperor Dušan. There are just wild guess where zour people came from, but nobodz really know. I can let you correct me because I was not looking deribelatlz for Albanian history. Maybe there was some better theories, but as far as I know there are theorys that Albanian have bean Kosacs which was personal bodyguard of Bysantinian emporer, then a tesis that they are in fact Ilirian, then, that they was lost Serbian tribe, and so on... enything from it could be true or false. We could draw a line between 11000 and 1200 AD, and before that time there was no Albanians in this region. Serbs came here in the time of Bzyantine emperor Iraklije occupation with Persians, in 7th century. It was one huge war wich drew all power from Byzantine and they was not able to destroy Serbs at this moment. Serbs became good servants of Byzantine empire, and stayed here because of it. Even Islam on other part of the world could thank this huge war for its existance, because Arab with Islam came later and settled in wast, low inhabited and devastaded, land wich stayed after Bizantine-Persian war.

You see, there are no spectacular things, everything is logical and have its preconditions and causeses. You cannot deny that Kosovo is Serbian land, as nobody can deny that Albanians have all rights to live there side by side with others.

I tell you that firs thing we must do is to give up hate, then to stop being afraid of each other, then we must redescover what are facts about our past, you as well as we must be prepared for truth, even it say thet all we know is a lie. But first we must STOP hate each other, and second we must STOP being afraid of each other. I offer my love and uderstanding for Albanians, but in respect to my Serbian grandfathers I can not offer their land.


I dont give a shit about your grandfathers nor any serbian in Kosova, artificial serbian trace in kosova. I dont hate serbians nor I do care anymore for them. Serbia means ZERO for me. Kosova is not sebian land, nor it ever was. All these tales you come with, are tales. You are denying the existence of Albanians in Balkan you idiot.
you mentioned Yugoslavia built on brotherhood, lol, only slavic brotherhood, Albanians are not slavic, we were occupied. Kosova was occupied by Yugoslavia. You stupid ignorant.

About the books, 99% of those books are vanished by now because most of them were such lies that it was laughable. Most of intelligentia in europe laughed at those books.

You idiot, hahahhaa, there were no albanians before dusan, hahahahhaha. grow up you fuck and start learning questioning your history as it is written. Because it is a fucking lie. hahahahha albanians are extraterristerials.

you dumb fuck
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.

You have no right to mention Serbian churches in this topic and you have no nead to use that kind of language here.

Did you burn these books to? Real democracy on display. And you say it was lies, and you are truthfull and honest man(or woman)...
We must believe if YOU said, right? :roll:

I have never said you did not exist or that you are extraterrestrial, but I have never read a serious historical data about this, I admit I haven't tried to found one, but sure that you could give me some direction. I asume that it would be somebody neutral, like Albanian or American of Albanian origin :mrgreen: .

I would not answer to your future insults, even it is obvious that you do not now to communicate in other way.

Is here a moderator? Can you warn this member to stop insult others.

>>for all others: Illyricum Sacre has an habit to insult others - better avoid him<<
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?

sasha Wrote:You have no right to mention Serbian churches in this topic and you have no nead to use that kind of language here.

Did you burn these books to? Real democracy on display. And you say it was lies, and you are truthfull and honest man(or woman)...
We must believe if YOU said, right? :roll:

I have never said you did not exist or that you are extraterrestrial, but I have never read a serious historical data about this, I admit I haven't tried to found one, but sure that you could give me some direction. I asume that it would be somebody neutral, like Albanian or American of Albanian origin :mrgreen: .

I would not answer to your future insults, even it is obvious that you do not now to communicate in other way.

Is here a moderator? Can you warn this member to stop insult others.

>>for all others: Illyricum Sacre has an habit to insult others - better avoid him<<

well, I will give you a starter, it is not written by an albanian, start here

and then buy this book, Albanians: An Ethnic History from Prehistoric Times to the Present by Edwin E. Jacques, after reading this book, you may come back to me and I will provide you with more. Now, as i said, go to your POP and tell him to not lie anymore.
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.

Quote:well, I will give you a starter, it is not written by an albanian, start here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

and then buy this book, Albanians: An Ethnic History from Prehistoric Times to the Present by Edwin E. Jacques, after reading this book, you may come back to me and I will provide you with more. Now, as i said, go to your POP and tell him to not lie anymore.

I saw this and I am impressed of fact that someone can be so unobjective. It is in fact an Albanian site (note alb-net in its name), and surname of author:Juka could be Albanian. So that could not be excepted as objective source in this discussion. If anything is plain lying propaganda, than that text is real paradigm of it. You can do better than this!

For other people: "POP" is a priest in Serbian lenguage. For you: please do not speak of churches or priests at this topic. You should be ashamed. Do you think that burning the church was a deed of righteous people? Sad Do you have any excuse for the deed?

Do you have another link to some <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> also where is shown the book in wich Serbian churches are evil places where all evil came from, and a boogie-man who lived in XVIII century was invention of Serbian priests and Nikola Tesla who wanted Albanians to be afraid and run from Kosovo(they all was Albanians - except boogie man ) :oops: ?
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?

sasha Wrote:
Quote:well, I will give you a starter, it is not written by an albanian, start here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

and then buy this book, Albanians: An Ethnic History from Prehistoric Times to the Present by Edwin E. Jacques, after reading this book, you may come back to me and I will provide you with more. Now, as i said, go to your POP and tell him to not lie anymore.

I saw this and I am impressed of fact that someone can be so unobjective. It is in fact an Albanian site (note alb-net in its name), and surname of author:Juka could be Albanian. So that could not be excepted as objective source in this discussion. If anything is plain lying propaganda, than that text is real paradigm of it. You can do better than this!

For other people: "POP" is a priest in Serbian lenguage. For you: please do not speak of churches or priests at this topic. You should be ashamed. Do you think that burning the church was a deed of righteous people? Sad Do you have any excuse for the deed?

Do you have another link to some <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> also where is shown the book in wich Serbian churches are evil places where all evil came from, and a boogie-man who lived in XVIII century was invention of Serbian priests and Nikola Tesla who wanted Albanians to be afraid and run from Kosovo(they all was Albanians - except boogie man ) :oops: ?

hahaha, yet again, Leo Freundlich wrotte that book that I gave you to read. Albanian Golgotha.

some fucking albanian idiots did burn 4-5 churches in kosova, or maybe not fucking idiots, but maybe someone who have lost everything they had both material and spiritual. Come on mate, you are a nation that sing about raping women and killin kids and you call them songs as "songs of heroes". Come on now, you are a simple tragic pityful nation. I feel sorry for your kind dude. really. But as I said in some of my earlier posts, I hope you continue to be like that, bcause you will go down. you will only harm yourselves. Now its Vojvodinas turn soon. You stole that land too, by expelling magyar people.

idi i zali se kod popa. Ajde artemije. I myself believe in God but dont believe in religion, i believe in two things, my lovely Flamuri (google it) and God. While you believe in some pictures and lies. jebi se

Why dont you tell peopple how many catholic churches and mosques you burned down in kosova with your POP-s blessing?????
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.

You are pathetic and hopeless. I have done with you. Probably you have said all that you have and nothing is true. You are full of insults and frustrations. Go and treat your mental illnes in another place! Or better stay here, and I am going away...
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?

sasha Wrote:You are pathetic and hopeless. I have done with you. Probably you have said all that you have and nothing is true. You are full of insults and frustrations. Go and treat your mental illnes in another place! Or better stay here, and I am going away...

well, mental illnes I might have, but it is caused by your paranoid coward regime that i lived from when i was borned until 1999. when you live ruled by cowards who are afraid of you, maybe you develope mental illnes, I dont know. Frustrations I might have too, I lost many dear friends killed by you, cowards, I lost loved ones killed by serbian cowards, i have myself seen kids as little as 8 months babies killed and molested by your cowards. I have seen raped women who were raped and then massacred, who caused that, Serbs did, i have seen all that, so it causes frustration that I did not have the power to stop them.

Am i insultive??? really? you perceive me like that??? ha bamboocha? if you perceive me as insultive then it is your problem. But I lived with insultive occupiers that came from your country, so maybe I did develope such a habbit. but when you are ruled by barbarian cowards, well, it is like this. as I said, odjebi se

you live in a country that hailes childrapers and childkillers. you praise them as heroes you dumb fuck.
Pellasgian by roots, Illyrian by blood, Albanian by heart.

Serbs saw and felt all theese things too, and even worse, so we all must overcome our illness...
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?

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