Poll: What do you think about Danish government stance on this matter?
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I think they are doing the right thing.
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I think they're stubborn and act thoughtlessly.
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Denmark: riots over cartoons
Freedom of expression doesnot allow anyone to disregard one's religious beleif. it is extremely unacceptable. if denmark calls itself a civilsed country then i'm very sorry to say, they are not even close to being a civilsed nation!! what they are doing is over the limit. a civilsed community would never make fun of any prophet!
muslims respect other prophets and their prophet should be respected by followers of other religion as well.
danish government should apologise to the muslim community and immediately stop doing this henious deed.

hello every one. i m muslim. i and every muslim have respect for every religion. soo u dam danish people learn from educated people. and sham on urself. if some do against ur prophet then your emotion will hurt. but we muslim cant say any thing about ur prophet. because we also believe in ur prophet. if we ignor ur prophet then we r not complete muslims. learn something u foolish people. and never say anything wrong about any GOD prophet. we r not bad. ur govt propogandha about us. they make wrong computer grapic video about us.

This is not positive approach by Denmark Govt. All Govt. must give respect to all religions. It implies that they aren't civilized people. They must apologize from all Muslim Countries.

If muslim make a movie on non muslims devils of Denmark & Holland then how they feel ? what will their reaction? then why are they arresting muslims in the reaction of their henky penky... :?: I ask these devils why are you publish them again and again is that all preplanned.. if you found one muslim being in terrorism in the limits of your country then you direclty approach our most prestigious religious personalily?

I say to all the non muslims who support these publishing (specially in Holland & Denmark) they will suffer a lot ... INSHALLAH

Michael H. Hart, the American author of The Hundred: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, called Muhammad (peace be upon him) “the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.” To this, one can add a number of his other unique achievements such as the following:

There never was anyone like Muhammad (peace be on him) whose life has been recorded in such meticulous detail, and there never was anyone in history like Muhammad (peace be upon him) whose exemplary deeds are so closely emulated in their daily lives by so many people from so many countries and regions of this world, and to this day.

It was Muhammad alone, among the religious leaders, who could establish a government based on divine guidance for the first time in human history, and that, too, in a land where anarchy had reigned supreme for centuries. He brought law, order, and social justice to a people notorious for endless retaliatory conflicts. If anyone ever became an unchallenged ruler by divine right, it was Muhammad, and Muhammad alone. While he possessed power as absolute as humanly attainable, he remained ever humbler than any of his followers. He said, “I am merely a servant of God and I have been sent only as a teacher.”

It was Muhammad (peace be upon him) who for the first time taught people to give up alcohol, drugs and all kinds of unclean food. It was none other than Muhammad (peace be upon him) who for the first time in history established women’s rights by allowing them to own property, inherit, question authorities, reject arranged marriages, and seek divorce when they had reasons for doing so.

There never was such an unlettered man who put the wisdom of the scholars of all the later generations to shame. And there never was a religious leader like him who was so “modern” in his attitudes and policies. He condemned racism and nationalism; he established laws to protect animals, trees, and the environment; he established workers’ rights and banned interest.

In a brief span of 23 years of his prophetic life, Muhammad (peace be upon him) was able to transform the faith, morality, daily life, and the very mindset of all the varied tribes of Arabia. Within a hundred years his message had changed the hearts and lives of millions in different parts of the world.

The details of the Prophet’s personal life such as how he ate, drank, washed himself, and so on, can be learned from the volumes of Hadith, which form a treasure for such information on his lifestyle. Indeed, it would be impossible to give on this page a detailed account of the varied aspects of the personality of the man Muhammad (peace be upon him). Therefore, I would content myself by highlighting here just a few aspects of his personal life.

The Prophet was taller than average, of strong physical build; he was fair of complexion, had a prominent forehead, along with long and thick eyelashes. His face was genial and had a very attractive and pleasant smile.

When he spoke, he spoke to the purpose or else he kept quiet. He was the first to greet a person; and he was not the first to withdraw his hand from a handshake. He never liked people paying him too much respect and prohibited them from standing up when he entered. He visited the poor and the ailing and advised the Muslims to do likewise. He invited the poorest of the poor to partake of his scanty meal.

His wife `A’ishah said, "He always joined in household work and would at times mend his clothes, cobble his shoes, and sweep the floor. He would milk, tether, and feed his animals and do the household shopping" (Al-Bukhari).

The Prophet was of very clean habits and used to brush his teeth five times a day, before each of the daily Prayers. After midnight he used to get up for the Tahajjud Prayers (optional late night Prayer) which he never missed in his life (Al-Bukhari). He was not fastidious about his bed; sometimes he slept on his cot, sometimes on an ordinary mattress, and sometimes on the ground (Zarqani).

He was gentle and kindhearted, always ready to overlook the faults of others. Politeness, generosity, simplicity, and sincerity were the hallmarks of his character.

In dispensing justice, he was firm, but his severity was tempered with compassion. His charming manners won him the affection of his followers. Though he was the Messenger of Allah, and virtually became the ruler of Arabia, he never was proud, and never did he assume any air of superiority. Fear of Allah and humility were deeply ingrained in his heart.

He always received people with courtesy and showed respect to older people. He said, "To honor an old man is to show respect to Allah."

He was very kind to animals. Once during a journey, somebody picked up some bird’s eggs. The bird's painful note and fluttering attracted the attention of the Prophet (peace be upon him), who asked the man to replace the eggs (Al-Bukhari).

Also as his army marched towards Makkah to conquer it, they passed a female dog with puppies. The Prophet (peace be upon him) not only gave orders that they should not be disturbed, but posted a man to see that this was done.

The Prophet loved the company of the poor people; and he used to pray, "O Allah, keep me poor in my life and at my death, and raise me at resurrection among those who are poor" (An-Nasa’i).

His house was a hut with walls of unbaked clay and a thatched roof of palm leaves covered by camel skin. He used to sleep on a rough mattress. Once his disciples noticed its imprint on his back. They wished to give him a soft bed, but he declined the offer, saying: "What have I to do with worldly things? My connection with the world is like that of a traveler resting for a while underneath the shade of a tree and then moving on."

He advised the people to live simple lives and himself practiced great austerities. When he died there was nothing in his house except a few seeds of barley left from a mound of the grain (Al-Bukhari).

The Prophet said about himself, "Allah has sent me as messenger so that I may demonstrate perfection of character, refinement of manners, and loftiness of deportment" (Malik).

And when he died, he did not leave a cent, nor any property except his white mule, his weapons, and a piece of land which he had dedicated for the good of the community (Al-Bukhari).

Allah says in the Qur’an what means:

*{You have indeed in the Messenger of God [Muhammad] a beautiful pattern [of conduct] for anyone whose hope is God and the Final Day.}* (Al-Ahzab 33:21)



Caricatures in cartoons recently published in Denmark have caused great distress in the Muslim world. However, it is all too obvious that the figures pictured in these caricatures are the artists themselves.

A number of caricatures reflecting the dark mindsets that support violence, drawn by artists with Darwinist and materialist views, have been published by a joint decision of the British and French Masonic Lodges’ Supreme Councils.

The caricatures in question are actually a camouflage for the dark and murky worlds of certain atheists, representing only a visible part of the dark, wide-ranging moves that Global Freemasonry has initiated against Muslims. People need to know that the most effective—and permanent—solution to such attacks is a joint struggle against Darwinism and materialism.

Our Prophet (saas) possessed such superior moral values, and communicated the message of Islam—a religion of peace, love and brotherhood—that it is impossible to equate him with caricatures of this kind. Like the other messengers sent by God—such as Prophets Abraham, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them all)—our Prophet (saas) was a superior, benign and exceptionally beautiful individual.
All Muslims are aware of this fact and all publications of this kind are totally in vain. Clearly, atheistic materialism can never overcome
Islam by such cheap means.

The consequences of daring to mock the prophets are revealed thus in the Qur'an:

Messengers before you were also mocked, but those who jeered were engulfed by what they mocked. (Qur'an, 6:10)

The external appearance of Prophet Muhammad (saas) was full of the beauties of creation. The companions of our Prophet (saas) have handed down many details of the outward physical beauty manifested in this blessed individual by God—from the majestic dignity that so impressed those who saw him to the light in his peerless countenance, from his dignified posture to his serene laughter.

Some of the outward features of Prophet Muhammad (saas), sent as a moral role model to all humanity, are set out below.

You can find comprehensive information on this subject in the book The Prophet Muhammad (saas) written by Harun Yahya and available on the website: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.theprophetmuhammad.org">http://www.theprophetmuhammad.org</a><!-- w -->

1. The Matchless Appearance of Our Prophet (saas)

Narrated by Ibrahim b. Muhammad (ra), one of the grandchildren of Ali:

“. . . One who strove to convey his superior traits and impressive qualities simply confessed his impotence and incompetence in describing him by stating that he has never before him or after him seen anyone comparable to him. May God's salat (prayer, prayer made to our Prophet, asking God for forgiveness, God’s mercy, establishing prayer) and peace be upon him.”

2. The Beauty of Our Prophet (saas)

His companions described the beauty of the Prophet (saas) in these terms:

“The Prophet (saas) had a most handsome constitution. Some likened the beauty of his smile to that of the full moon . . . His nose was thin . . . His face was smooth . . . His beard was thick . . . His neck was most beautiful . . . If the rays of the Sun fell on his neck, it appeared like a cup of silver mixed with gold . . . The expanse between his shoulders was wide.”

3. The Majesty of Our Prophet (saas)

Narrated by Hasan:

“Our Messenger of God was, by nature, imposing and magnificent.”

4. The Radiant Face of Our Prophet (saas)

Anas bin Malik (ra) says:

“The Prophet (saas) was neither tall nor short. He was handsome. His hair was neither delicate nor curly. On the other hand, the color the face of Mubarak (upon whom Divine goodness is bestowed, one who is given abundantly, the Beneficial, the Auspicious), was of a splendorous white.”

5. The Powerful Body of Our Prophet (saas)

“His neck was most beautiful, neither long, nor short. If the rays of the Sun fell on his neck, it appeared like a cup of silver mixed with gold. His chest was broad. It was even like a mirror and white like the moonlight... His shoulders were wide. His palms were softer than wool.”

6. The Stature of Our Prophet (saas):

Baraa bin Aazib (ra) relates:

“I never saw someone more handsome than the Messenger of God. His hair reached his shoulders. The portion between his two shoulders was wide. He was neither very tall nor very short.”

7. The Beautiful Eyes of Our Prophet (saas):

Abu Huraira (ra) describes him:

“His forehead was wide, and the place between his eyebrows was bright like pure silver, and his eyes were very beautiful and his eyes’ pupils were black. The hairs of his eyelashes were profuse . . . ”

8. The Complexion of Our Prophet (saas):

Abu Huraira (ra) reports:

“He was reddish-white . . .”

9. The Hair of Our Prophet (saas):

Aisha (ra) reports:

“The blessed hair of The Messenger of God (saas) was longer than those that reached the earlobes, and shorter than those that reached the shoulders.”

10. The Beard of Our Prophet (saas):

“He had a thick, dense beard.”

11. The Beautiful Mouth of Our Prophet (saas):

“His teeth were as white as pearls and bright, and the light gleamed from his front teeth as he spoke. When he laughed, it was as if his mouth gave off rays like soft lightning . . .”

12. The Manner of Dress of Our Prophet (saas):

Jundub ibn Makith (ra) said:

“Whenever a delegation came to meet the Messenger of God, he would wear his best clothes and order his leading companions to do likewise.”

Another hadith relates:

“You are going to visit your brothers, so repair your saddles and make sure that you are dressed well.”

13. The Manner of Sitting of Our Prophet (saas):

Qaylah bint Makhramah (ra) reports:

“I saw the Messenger of God (saas) in the mosque (in a very humble posture) sitting. Due to his awe-inspiring personality, I began shivering.”

14. The Manner of Speaking of Our Prophet (saas):

“The Prophet (saas) was the greatest of the Arabs in oratory and beauty of speech. He said: ‘I am the greatest orator among the Arabs.’”

15. The Smiling Face of Our Prophet (saas):

As recalled by Ali:

“The Messenger of God (saas)... was the one who smiled the most and the most joyful of all.”

16. The Glances of Our Prophet (saas):

Hasan, the grandson of our Prophet (saas), described the way he looked at things as follows:

“The way he looked was extremely expressive . . .”

17. The Pleasant Scent of Our Prophet (saas):

Jaabir bin Samura (ra) states:

“Whenever the Holy Prophet tread on any path, when someone passed by later, they could recognize that the prophet had passed by there because they could smell the fragrance of his body.”

18. The Affection for Others of Our Prophet (saas)

Anas bin Malik (ra) relates: “I remained in the service of the Messenger of God (saas) for ten years. He never once told me ‘Ugh.’ When I did something, he never asked me, ‘Why did you do so?’ When I failed to do a certain task, he never asked me why I did not do it.”

19. The Superior Moral Values of Our Prophet (saas):

“God’s Messenger (saas). When he shook hands with anyone, he did not withdraw his hands till the other man withdrew his. Similarly, he did not turn away his face from anyone till that man turned his face to the other side. And he was never seen to put forward his knees in front of one with whom he was sitting.”

“. . . He used to call his companions by their surnames with honor and he used to give one surname who had no surname.”

20. The Modesty of Our Prophet (saas):

“. . . Everyone thought that the Prophet honored him more. Whoever came to him could see his face . . . Yes, the way he sat, listened, his words, graceful jests and attention were always for those with him. Besides, the meetings he held with friends was marked by decency, modesty and security.”

I would also like to request the people of Denmark and europe as well to please educate yourself first before you ask for the wrath of Almighty allah in this world and in the life hereafter.

May god bless you with the wisdom and foresight and to the right path, ameen

I am a Muslim and I feel proud being a Muslim.
I just want to say those gays who had done such a ridiculous act, had you got anything by doing this.
If you got anything by doing this crappy act, would u like to show us.
No......Nothing because you just made the insult of humanity.
Our Prophet (PBUH) loved all the human beings without any difference of Religion, Colour, Status etc.
He (PBUH) taught us to respect all humans even non-muslims too.
He (PBUH) said dnt interfere in the religion of other people, because their religion is only for them and what kind of act they do good or bad, will get their reward/ result at judgement day.
He (PBUH) preached us only show the right path to others and do good acts too.
You people did a hateful act and continuously doing, which is not acceptable in any condition. If we did this thn what kind of feelings you had for us. Think about it..................place yourself on ours and think, if we draw a cartoon of ur loved ones or your prophet in such a disgusting way thn wat kind of feeling do you have for us...............Think
I simply request you, dnt do that.............Because We Love our Prophet and ll'b loving him till our death.
We try our best to stop this, in our own way.

i just wanna say that whoever defames our prophets especially Hazrat Muhammad SAW, MUST BE EXECUTED... and basically the courage for drawing such cartoons comes from the fact that we muslims are not united and west can exploit us in any way they want,, and when we react WE ARE CALLED TERRORISTS, y dont these non mulim idiots (not all, only those who are involved in hurting muslims) understand that all the violence by muslims is in self defence and in reply to such inconsiderate remarks and initiatings of west,, and yes for non muslims they are merely cartoons, i know they cant understand whats wrong with these cartoons but atleast they know that they hurt us, and even republishing was to hurt muslims again and again and in order to conceal this motive, they give it the name of freedom of expression... shame on such ppl

John Wrote:Here are some newsquotes on Situation in Denmark:
Quote:COPENHAGEN, Denmark - Police have arrested 50 people after mobs of youths torched cars and lobbed rocks at officers and firefighters in a sixth night of violence in Danish cities.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://canadianpress.google.com/article/ALeqM5g3zl03ekDqgTt-qnltxnSAj6SwoQ">http://canadianpress.google.com/article ... xnSAj6SwoQ</a><!-- m -->

Quote:Denmark's foreign policy committee which was to visit Iran next week says it will not apologize to Iran because it would be a 'violation of freedom of expression'.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=43416&sectionid=351020606">http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=43 ... =351020606</a><!-- m -->

What do you think about these events?
People who are involved in doing such activities that can hurt other people, targeting a specific religion, should be dealt with strong hands. The Danish government should have punished that cartoonist and if the govt. can not punish that person then it should not punish those who are doing it in retaliation, as this is their freedom of expression. I strongly believe that the person who did this cruel act would be punished by Allah, if it is not punished by the Danish Govt. itself.

In the interest of one or two countries or cruel act of some people we are making this world, a hell and yes, we are moving towards the day of Judgment and nobody can deny from this fact.

Dear Reader,
So Far Making fun of any god Massengers has been prohibited on All Religous books.

I recommend read all religous books at the end all holy books and Massengers preach and taught good education,peaces,love to humanbeing towaed each others.

In Islam Quran is muslims holy book if you read soon find out God has mentioned all his beloved Massengers names and their Histories.

Every humanbeing must respect each other feeling and idealogy.

Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is bleesing and set a way of life for all humenbeing, Provide extremely high respect to womens and introduces new laws which still exist and guratee of sucess.

God mentioned in all Holy book beloved Prophet names ( Bible,jew books)

Few bad and irrogant people deprive from comman sense creating rift between muslams and all religiuos people.

How ever made cartoon his a sick and dead mind person.

I request to the all nation respect each other religion.

Denmark Goverment and respected socity must take action againts these type of devil people and prove they are the civilized nation of the world.

In Euorp every year Holy Bible is modify and republised in new version sorry to expressed
Those nation holy book is not preserved in Orignal Condition,How Do we expect them to respect God and our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (pease upon him) and other Massengers.

Many Thanks

Its not the first time that the enemies of islam tried to hurt the feelings of muslims.what else can they do?they are defeated by muslims everywhere.our religion is the most widely spreading religion of the world despite of all the efforts of our enemies.the republishing of these cartoons has given a great rise to islam.the muslims have awaken from their deep sleep.alhamdulillah.

There must be proper Rules for such people. You cannot go and disgrace Prophets. One must respect.

I m a muslim and being a muslim I can't tolerate such cartoons as these are against our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD PEACE BE UPON HIM. And there was no need to republish these bad cartoons here, it should be removed, a very shameless act. I think there is nothing to entertain in it but only to hurt the feelings of muslims and create such situation in which muslims start hating the west, and to show that muslims are aggressive. Why shouldn't be we aggressive about such bad bad bad cartoons. In last a message to non muslims that just put yourselves in our shoes and you will understand what is going on.

this is the satan at its best. if the same act in the name of freedom of expression is practiced by muslims by depiction of holocaust and crucifixion of Jesus (pbuh), this would lead to a complete stampede and add to hatred between humans. also then why passion of christ by mel gibson is banned in certain parts of the world. an international law should be made immediately so that blasphemy be prohibited. i found it disgraceful to the humanity as a whole by endorsing to such profligateness

this is such a shameless act done by the danish government.This is such a poor way, May GOD show them the right path.

being a muslim what i think is those people who are involved in such activities don't deserve to be a human being
they are acting just like animals.

ALLAH knows every thing happening on this earth and Hell fire is waiting for such people they know that Islam is the only
true religion and that is what they are afraid of so they are making such stupid things, but they don't know how much
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is loved by the Muslims.

so i really protest what they are doing

be a muslim i just wud like 2 say that..!
We love our Bloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD PEACE BE UPON HIM n Almighty Allah make this universe just bcoz of our PROPHET PEACE BE UPON HIM..!
n Allah iz seeing everything what is happening in this world "Earth,sky,mountains,air,seas,even in space" everywhere is Allah..!
that time is not much far when they stupid pplz "enimies of islam" ll be punished by Allah in this world n also in day of judgement...!n inshallah all world ll c the result of insult of our PROPHET PEACE BE UPON HIM..!

The basic difference between animal and human being"is to be human"but the non muslims who hav forgot this difference are publishing such cartoons infact depicting their mind.now they shud beter know vat to be called??animal or human??answer is very clear!!

This is really disappointing to see that western media repeatedly increasing the tension among different civilized societies in the name of freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

Now i think they should learn to respect the religion and feelings of the othe people with great care

The last and the authentic HOLLY BOOK QURAN gives the message of ALLAH that HAZRAT MUHAMMAED MUSTAFA PEACE BE UPON HIM send as a MERCIFUL for the whole WORLD. So please dont do these types of RUBBHIS again.

I am a muslim and i feel proud of our beloved Leader and Nabi SallAllah o Alai hi Wa Sallam.

I think these denish pepole made a biggest mistake of this world and life,Govt of Denmark shoud apologize from All Muslims and that cartonist should be hand over to PAK for punishment and his punishment should be only his death order from a muslim or world Court.

I also want to say that Islam is a peaceful relegion and according to ISLAM's and Muhammad SallAllah o Alai hi Wasallam's teaches us also that we should respect all others relegions and their Preachers,we beleive in peace and love but these kind of mistakes can break our silence and muslims can and will do anything for respect of their beloved NABI MUHAMMAD SallAllah-o-Alai hi Wasallam, because the respect of HIM is important for us more then our lives/more then our blood and more then anything of the universe.


Faisal Satti

8-) there should be a respect for every religion in the world, it is a teaching of islam and all Messangers sent by God are respectful and Muhammad (pbuh) is on the top. he who tries to defame the last prophet esp. and any other prophet will be defamed. it's the promise of the God the Great.

Dear Readers,

kindly note; whatever denmark is doing, their each act is pre-planned in my perception because in this way they are making us angry and we muslims always shows our anger in our own country. we always destroy our own things . . we should raise our voice through a strong media where internationally people listen to us and we should do something for our religion islam. . WE SHOULD NOT USE DENMARK PRODUCTS .. BECAUSE THIS IS THE BEST WAY TO SHOW OUR ANGER .. ATLEAST IN THIS WAY THEY WILL FACE PROBLEMS IN THEIR REVENUES..

This is very offensive.They should not do this.They even dont know the name of their own fathers how they dare to do such things.May Allah give them punishment for this.Pls all Muslims dont use the products of denmark

world is full of things, men and scenes.there are vast topics to be depicted.but the people are vaery cruel,nonsense,idots n lots more..................non muslims have only one mission in their lives to tease Muslims they don,t have knowledge about islam they dnt beleive on Allah THEY DONT HAVE RIGHT TO TEASE US they have made cartoons of OuR BELOVED PROPHET SAW.they are stupids n will get revenge from ALlah INSHALLAh.we can only protest Allah is watching n who can love PROPHET MOHAMMAD saw more than Allah?WAHO ALLAH WHOSAMIULALIM

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