11-16-2009, 05:25 PM
Irish capital City Centre Apartments provide guests a sumptuous choice to hotel accommodation. Completed to the highest international criteria, it is perfect for both short and long stay guests who want something only that little bit dissimilar.
Hotel details:
![[Image: ivyexhangelounge.jpg]](http://www.dublincityapartments.ie/images/ivyexhangelounge.jpg)
![[Image: marl2.jpg]](http://www.dublincitycentreapartments.com/images/marl2.jpg)
Сountry: Ireland
Сity: Dublin
Hotel Rooms: 10
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dublincitycentreapartments.com/">http://www.dublincitycentreapartments.com/</a><!-- m -->
You are welcome to share your experience of your stay in Dublin City Centre Apartments
Hotel details:
![[Image: ivyexhangelounge.jpg]](http://www.dublincityapartments.ie/images/ivyexhangelounge.jpg)
![[Image: marl2.jpg]](http://www.dublincitycentreapartments.com/images/marl2.jpg)
Сountry: Ireland
Сity: Dublin
Hotel Rooms: 10
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dublincitycentreapartments.com/">http://www.dublincitycentreapartments.com/</a><!-- m -->
You are welcome to share your experience of your stay in Dublin City Centre Apartments