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What provides good F2P crafting xp?
I have 58 attack defence strength and hitpoints.these are my queries. Whats a good place for OSRS gold 100k strength xp per hour? Whats a good place for 100k attack xp per hour? What spell should use at 51 mage? What if I range in 42 range? Off Topic- Whats great runecrafting xp? Whats the breakpoint level for lobsters? What provides good F2P crafting xp? What gives good mining xp in 55 mining? And pretty much finishes my queries, if I have more, ill edit. P.S., im F2P, also if I get p2p items, ima go insane!

Green Dragons in the Chaos Tunnels are full of Baby Black Dragons, which burn through your food supply. Wilderness just has Green Dragons, but there is a risk of Revenants. The Chaos Tunnels are extremely close to the Grand Exchange and Edgeville, and the Green Dragons from the Wilderness are a rather long walk to Varrock, but a shorter walk to Bounty Hunter.

Green Dragons in the Wilderness generally have a number of people in them, but about 10 Green Dragons. Green Dragons in the Chaos Tunnels have few folks, but just 3 Dragons. From the Chaos Tunnels, there is always a risk of the portal being naughty and hauling you to a random area. [Open the Spoiler for a map that shows the duration of Green Dragons in the Wilderness to some bank, compared to the Grand Exchange or Edgeville throughout the Chaos Tunnels]

I'd probably suggest starting with the plants above Varrock, afterward, if a bit unhappy with the amount of people/banking times, switching into the Chaos Tunnel greens. For your green drags in level 20 over varrock, your best choice is to find a few games necklaces, then teleport into clan wars, and walk a short distance east till you locate the dragons. Then, after your full, just teleport to bounty hunter using the games necklace, bank, and then teleprot into clan wars and repeat. It saves lots of Old School RuneScape Gold walking, and games bracelets are inexpensive and easy to buy, or make if you've got a few spare sapphires.

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