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On the way you solve conflicts, depends if you create an inner conflict in yourself or you create an inner peace. An outside conflict affects your inner world in a dramatic way. Why? Because the conflict resonances in your inner world. People with an emotional approach to conflicts may burn out too easily and get sick. Imagine for example the conflict at school between two children. You are the teacher at that school. How you will approach the conflict, and with what attitude? If you can keep the inner balance while solving the conflict, then you instill peace in school environment. And not only that! You recharge your own “batteries” with peace. If your approach is pure emotional one, than you will mess up the issue, will stir up aggression in the school, then you will end up with a broken heart, or you will burn out because of the self inflicted worries. If the situation will continue this way for a long time, you will be tormented by anxiety.

We leave in the world where conflicts arise so easily. Since many people don’t know how even to approach conflicts, their inner energy burns out, and they lose it in an instant. This is one reason why so many people are getting tied today: they burn out at the work place, at home, mainly because they really are lost when a conflict situation arises. So, if you are among those people, who react emotionally to conflict situations, you need to think seriously about what to do next, don’t you?

You are right. However I heard and I know it by my own experience that a negative energy of a person you are talking to, passes easily into you! That is difficult to control. You can't behave normally when those who surround you don't.

This is the most difficult thing to do: to block negative energy. Why is it so difficult? Because it requires something that we are not ready to do. More than that, it even appears not logical to do such thing! What is it? It is to respond with the good to the bad. This means that we have to hate the bad things that the person does, but we should never hate the person. And to separate bad things from the person who does bad things is not easy!

Many psychologists, including the most famous ones, try to develop various theories about how to block negative energy. They developed concepts of personal protective karma, magnetic fields protective zone etc. But they are wrong. Why? Because they look for sources of protection in technical and science aproaches, but not in simple eternal principles, refering to good, love etc. Because of this they end up in distress themselves, but they hardly recognise this publically.

Is it not true that the most correct solution is simple one, but the most difficult to apply?

The most correct solution is obvioulsy the most difficult to apply. Only naive people state the contrary.
As for separating people and the actions they do - it's a very nice idea, thank you. I will try to follow this principle

Have you saw how people percieved a conflict as the personal dramma. Their offender persuaded them anywhere, like a gost. Their life changed dramatically, just because someone decided to treat them as enemies.
But the question is:"If someone chosed to treat you as an enemy, why did you chose to accept him as your rival?" The reason I am asking this question is that by chosing him as your rival you honor him! Yes! And this is because you allow him to enter your inner world, whenever he wants. Don't you think so?

So in order not to have enemies we simply don't need to pay attention to them? OK, but what about cases when you feel that his deeds really stumble you?
“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”
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Suppose that he rejected your help. In this case you must respect his dignity, in a sense that you respect his choice to be the way he is. And you respect your own dignity by chosing to have nothing to do with this person. You chose not to be responsible for his deeds to the point of not judging him for what he does. After all, there are respective authorities to judge or correct him. You don't cooperate with him in correcting his deeds. So, you give him the freedom to see the concequences of his behavior, without you being around.

it requires a lot of patience. I mean, do you, personally, do that? I am a very energetic person, so I can't stand if somebody's bothering me

I think I know why do you ask this question. Because it's very difficult to follow the above mentioned advice. But it is worth of every effort. I couldn't do this myself for a few years till finally I mastered this skill. Why wasn't easy? Since It was like tempering a wild horse.

So we need years for acquiring these skills. I am always trying to be patient when solving a conflict. You are right Igor about the fact that, actually, there might be no conflict at all. Things are exaggerated by us and our mind, which needs to do something if it's free of thoughts.
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That's right! Little we know that some solutions to our problems are very simple!

euigorwithyou Wrote:That's right! Little we know that some solutions to our problems are very simple!

I think Putin and the president of Georgia should read this. This thread could be more usefull for them.

yes Karl, but it is not only them who make decisions. This concerns millions of Russians and Georgians. Each of them should learn how to solve conflicts, which is impossible!

Yes, that's why positive communication is so important. By the way, a New York newspaper wrote:"civilization appeared due to communication".

sure, communication can solve everything. But, along the history, millions died before their leaders managed to understand that.
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