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Love poems
My Sweetheart

So often when I am embracing you,
It seems that you exist in this world
only because of me and I exist because of you.

It's not easy to wander in this world
and not lose one's way,
but the greatest happiness of all
is in giving joy to one's beloved.

And if the king can have his throne,
and if the bird can have his Spring nest,
and God can have his heaven,
then I, my sweetheart, I can have you!


It Is You I Dream Of

A flower grows from beneath a blanket
Of fine and purest white
It reaches toward the sun for warmth,
For heat and for the light

My love for you grows stronger still,
Despite the surrounding cold
My heart is yours, bartered gone
For yours has it been sold

Its petals shine from morning dew
Its stem grows stiff and strong
It stands strong through the freezing cold
It stands the winter long

I long for you, for your soft touch
I miss the way you smile
The longer that we stay apart
The longer every mile

The flower stretches through the snow
It reaches toward the sun
And now without you the color is gone
The flower's petals, dun

But as we talk, and as we learn
The flower comes back to life
The snow now melts and goes away
As you take away my strife

Spring is here and growth abounds
As you and I are one
We are together, we are in love
The snow for now is done

I see the future, in dreams I have
Of our life, long and true
I see the times where all I need
Are comforting words from you

I see the times when winter comes
As winter tends to do
But we still love, and we still live
And I do still love you

And so we live, with children ours
And a life of much to see
With love we live, to live we love
Happy together are we

I see the flower, older now,
But still strong with fresh new leaves
I see it growing, tall and strong
Reaching to the eaves

We are now old, as years have passed
But old together are we
And strong our love still today
As strong as it can be
“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”
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A Love For All Time

Breathless kisses
Burning touches
Soft-spoken words of love
Urgently spoken words of passion.
A man and a woman
One complete love
Since time began
Predestined to be as one.
We've been together before
In other lifetimes
We've fought dragons
And have been torn from each others arms
Yet our love prevailed.
We've walked on this earth many times together
Perhaps for a moment
Perhaps for years
But our heart is one heart
And we were meant to be.
So when our time on earth
Once again comes to a close
Have no worries my dear
For we will find each other again
And again
And again.
For our love is ageless
A love for all time.

Soul Like The Vastest Sea

Your soul is like the vastest sea
And mine a darting fish:
I lose myself within your love;
I live within your heart.

I breathe your love: it is my air,
My element, my world.
I know no other ambiance;
I have no other dream.

I know there is outside your love
A world of rocks and sand;
And I could live there, too, but oh!
How poor and thin each breath!

How rich my world, how beautiful,
Alive within your love,
Each moment filled with dancing light
Refracted through your eyes!
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

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A path winding across the horizon
over mountains, across seas
through blue skies and gray
never ceasing, continuous.
My love for you.

You are my air
The sun in my day
The moon in my night
The spring in my step
You are my everything.

You are the stars in the sky
The birds in the trees
The shimmer, the sparkle, the shine.

Without the light you put into my life
I would be nothing
A single leaf on the ground in autumn,
Lost, forgotten, alone.

Before i knew you,
I was nothing.
Now I am everything,
With you at my side,
I am invincible!

Feel the same my baby,
You are loved so much,
I love you now and forever
You are my darling, my baby, my love
You are my everything
I love you so much.

The Way You Make Me Feel

You make me feel special,
You make me feel new,
You make me feel loved,
With everything you do.

You hold me close when I am sad.
You wipe the tears from my face.
Every time we are together,
It seems like the perfect place.

My eyes light up when you enter a room.
I smile when we are together.
No matter how bad things are,
You always make them better.

I love the way you kiss me,
The way you hold me tight.
I love the way you touch me,
I could be with you all night.

I love the way you can make me laugh
For absolutely no reason at all.
I love how no matter what I do,
You will be there to catch me when I fall.

I just want you to know,
That even though we sometimes fight,
I will always love you!
No matter what, day or night.

Our Sonnet

Sweet Lady, song of my heart,
Hold my hand, as this journey we start.
Lift me up in spirit of joy and gladness;
And shield my soul from heartbreak and sadness.
Steadfast, honest and true;
Your partner is here and will forever love you.

It is my prayer that I will always be;
The one who brings you joy and sets your spirit free.
With my love I’ll cover you and warm your soul with mine;
Give you pleasures – like none you will find.
Your Sweet Lady, song of your heart;
Will love you forever, together or apart.

So hear me Sweet Lady, and know in your soul;
That there is no better future than with you to grow old.
Endless caresses, touches and kisses;
Our passion a banner for our love’s true existence.
My hand I extend and my honor I offer;
For being with you my love, there is no greater pleasure.

Your hand I accept, and all your love as well;
My heart sings so loudly, all can tell
I am loved and in love with the man made for me
Hold my hand; let us walk through this life
Being what we were meant to be
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

What I Love About You

I love the way you look at me,
Your eyes so bright and blue.
I love the way you kiss me,
Your lips so soft and smooth.

I love the way you make me so happy,
And the ways you show you care.
I love the way you say, "I Love You,"
And the way you're always there.

I love the way you touch me,
Always sending chills down my spine.
I love that you are with me,
And glad that you are mine.

If I could have just one wish,
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
the touch of your fingers on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating with mine...
Knowing that I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than you.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
A really nice forum for Parisians

A gentle word like a spark of light,
Illuminates my soul
And as each sound goes deeper,
It's YOU that makes me whole

There is no corner, no dark place,
YOUR LOVE cannot fill
And if the world starts causing waves,
It's your devotion that makes them still

And yes you always speak to me,
In sweet honesty and truth
Your caring heart keeps out the rain,
YOUR LOVE, the ultimate roof

So thank you my Love for being there,
For supporting me, my life
I'll do the same for you, you know,
My Beautiful, Darling Wife.

A stranger you were once.
Then, with a gentle look you took my hand.
As our lives engaged,
you lit my life and I held both your hands.
Now that decades have passed,
ours souls have indeed become one.
How fortunate we are
that we have found the love so true
that everyone dreams about.
“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”
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Why is it that some people who find love,
handle it with such carelessness?

Some people search for love all their lives.
When it is found, why put it down and forget about it,
only to realize how much it meant when it is gone?

When you find love, hold on to it,
celebrate its feelings,
drown in them every day,
be consumed by them...

I am consumed by you Sharon.

I will never set aside my love.
I will never look for it only when it is lost.

I love you.
I will show you and tell you every day.


What Is There,
To Believe In During Life,
Nothing Lasts,
Aside From Strife,
Life May Perish,
Life May End,
Our Soul We May Give,
Our Soul We May Spend,
But Our Love,
That Eternal Flame,
Will Never Dim,
Will Never Change,
It Will Forever Last,
When All Other Lights Leave,
For You Light My Life,
You Make Me Believe.
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

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Courting Cambria

Autumn eyes stare out at me,
Silky locks of burnished brown,
Poise, elegance and aristocracy,
Statuesque, splendor, and magnificence,
All words pale,
All words fail,
To bind the beautiful Cambria

Beauty be not lonely,
Virtue is her friend,
Gentle, sweet, with wits abound,
Her voice so sweet, has songbird sound,
Yet the Lexicon pales,
The language fails,
To bespeak beguiling Cambria.

I'd cross not mountains for her,
I'd move them one by one.
I'd walk not burning sands,
Instead I'd seed her lands.
Her world would fill with statues,
And gardens at her feet.
These things I say would happen,
Each time we came to meet.

She makes a man become a man,
Makes him strive for more.
She makes him wish for worthiness,
Remake his very core.
Thus I pay my homage,
Poetic tribute not mere prose.
I give to her this piece of me,
And not some dying rose.

An Entrapment

My love, I have tried with all my being
to grasp a form comparable to thine own,
but nothing seems worthy;

I know now why Shakespeare could not
compare his love to a summer’s day.
It would be a crime to denounce the beauty
of such a creature as thee,
to simply cast away the precision
God had placed in forging you.

Each facet of your being
whether it physical or spiritual
is an ensnarement
from which there is no release.
But I do not wish release.
I wish to stay entrapped forever.
With you for all eternity.
Our hearts, always as one.

Inside Of Me

If you could see inside my soul
see inside my heart
you would know how I long for you
whenever we're apart

If you could see inside my head
if thoughts were things to see
you would know how I cherish you
how much you mean to me

In all the ways you comfort me
the way you hold me near
the way you know just what to do
to chase away my fear

The sparkle in your beautiful eyes
your smile, laugh, your touch
are just a few of many reasons
I love you oh so much

Knowing I can talk to you
about any and everything
and knowing together we will get
through whatever life may bring

I could search the whole world over
and this I know is true
I would never find another love
like the love I found with you

Though with each new day, each sunrise
we can't know what's in store
there is one thing I know for sure
each day I love you more

So if you could see inside my head
if thoughts were things to see
you would know I blessed I feel
to have you here with me

- Written and owned by Jay Scott -

Whispers in the Wind

Your whispers are gentle echoes
that sway ardent winds of harmony
and in the symphony of life
each word is wrapped in rhapsody.

We travel separate roads of life
gather flowers along the way and
share the music of their fragrance.

We exist between two winds,
I here under a pale moon
you, the other end of somewhere.

Sometimes when wind blows through trees
I pause to listen and in its passing
I hear the tenderness of your voice
that fills the spectrum of my soul.

You are the chime of warm rain,
the moon that glows through the trees
and within the luster of evening
your aura fills the scene.

I hear the whispers of the wind
see the stars shine in the sky,
but I hold the sunrise in my pocket.

Dance with me within the wind,
then just let me love you.

- Orania Hamilton -
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

You And I

You and I are connected
in a way that goes beyond romance,
beyond friendship,
beyond what we've ever had before.
It has defied time, distance,
and changes in ourselves
and in our lives.
It has defied every explanation.
Except one:
Pure and simply, we're soul mates.

I can't explain, I just feel it.
It's there in the way my spirits lift
whenever we talk.
The sound of your voice brings me home,
in a way I can't explain.
It's in the delight I feel, when we laugh
at exactly the same things.
When I'm with you,
it's like a tiny piece of the universe
shifts into place.
A place it's supposed to be,
and all is right with the world.

These things and so many more,
have made me understand
that this is a once in a lifetime,
forever connection.
A connection that could only exist
between you and me.
And deep in my soul,
I know that our relationship
is a rare gift.
One that brings us
extraordinary happiness
all through our lives.

- Anita Higgins -

A Heart Remembers

A memory burned within, from a heartfelt second long ago
a moment... one single moment, that only a heart can remember
a fleeting thought, gone astray, but the feeling looms inside you
a boy and a girl... so far apart, so long the days
that it took their hearts to remind them...
how fortunate they are, that a heart...
can return a fleeting thought,
one single moment, or a memory burned within...
so they can now live as one
as only inside true love, can such a past remain
until... it's found again

- Desi D. Williams -
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
A really nice forum for Parisians

Unlicensed Love

On a summer's day long, long ago
I fell in love and I'll never know
Just what it was that made me feel
So drawn to her, what the appeal
That set my pulses so to race
When e'er I gazed upon that face
Of one who was scarce but a child
Yet even then could drive me wild
I'll never know the how's and why's
I lost my heart to Hazel Eyes
But when I got that long sought kiss
I knew I'd found my Perfect Miss
My elfin girl from down the lane
And I'll never let her go again

For how could I describe our love?
Romantic love, all hearts and flowers
No way to count the days and hours
Spent in self-indulgent wishes
And thoughts of long awaited kisses
Of sweet embraces, tender sighs
And gazing into love filled eyes
Oh yes, it is that kind of love

Or, is it yet the love of passion
The ecstasy that knows no ration
That shuddering nerve-tingling feeling
The climax with your senses reeling
The wondrous joy when you discover
That sweet surrender to your lover
Oh yes, it's that kind of love too.

Or even yet a love that grows
One that cares and one that knows
That sees beyond the outer skin
Into the person deep within
That loves the spirit and the soul
The inner self that makes the whole
Built on trust and empathy
A love you know was meant to be

The love we share is all these things
A love that has no need of rings
A love you never need to doubt
A love I cannot live without
A love to last us all our days
A love I'll share with you always

Second Best

Every morning starts beautifully
with the sound of your sweet voice from a phone call.
It's second best to actually embracing you in my arms,
under the covers that protect us from the chill that lies outside.
Your melodic wake-up laughter over the phone is second best
to the overwhelming smile I see in the morning,
when I hold you in my arms
after having spent another wonderful night with you.
Your "I Love You"s over the phone
always make me smile and hold the phone tighter,
second best to looking into your eyes with those words,
and being able to deeply kiss you afterwards,
sending a chilling warmth throughout our bodies.
But with you... you are my #1.
The closest person in the world to me.
With you, there is no second best.
There is no one close to even being "second" or "best".
I hold you, alone, in the most intimate place in my heart.
It's a place where I can feel you, still close, when you're far away.
Where I can close my eyes, and hear your voice,
listen to your laugh, and feel your "I Love You"s.
So please, keep calling me in the morning.
Cause second to your kisses,
theres no better alarm clock than your personalized ring.
No better way to begin the day than with you.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

My Vow To You

I know you're going crazy,
I've been there too.
I can see how the weight is making your knees bend,
Let me take some of it from you.
Don't keep yourself closed off,
I am here for you to open up and let go.
There is so much you can't forget or forgive,
Let me help you cope, we can work things out together.
I hear the pain in your voice,
You need me now.
Don't worry, I'll move heaven and hell to get there.
You can't talk, you won't talk about it,
I understand.
Put your worries in my hands.
Lay your head down,
And believe that I will do anything to stop your tears.
You're ready to give up, you've stopped,
I want to be able to give you the strength to keep going.
Link arms with me, Let's move on,
As one living, breathing, loving, being.
Know that you can put faith in me.
I will be your rock, I will be your dwelling,
I am here with you, for you always.

- Alissa Krull -

Saying I Do

Saying I do
Is more than saying I love you
It goes beyond describing how my love is true
Because words are not enough to express my love for you.

Saying I do
Is like saying I am here for you
That I am ready to see what the future may bring
Because we are together in everything.

Saying I do
Is saying I am now complete because of you
That the pieces of the puzzle called "my life"
Becomes a beautiful picture called "our love".

And now I am saying "I DO"
As I walk down the aisle with you
This is a lifetime promise that I will hold
A promise I make until we grow old.
“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”
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Everytime I Look At The Stars

I gazed in your eyes,
Such a beautiful blue;
My heart whispered to me,
And that’s right when I knew;
The waves had ceased crashing,
On the sand at our feet;
Time had stopped passing,
My search was complete;
I finally discovered,
What I'd known all along;
A mystery uncovered,
That just couldn't be wrong;
It wasn't our first kiss,
Nor' the day that we met;
But I realized something,
I will never forget;
With the stars shining brightly,
From high up above;
I'd one word to describe it,
That word, is love.
I knew then these feelings,
For my sweetheart were true;
The man of my dreams,
And my soulmate, is you.
I think of it every time,
That I look at the stars;
This memory is mine,
But that moment was

- Stephanie Lumley -

One Special Night

As I sit here gazing out the window,
Instead of working, I’m daydreaming of you...
And wondering if while you’re in your own world,
You’re thinking of me too.

I reminisce about the day we met and how you made me feel,
Looking at the glowing smile on your face,
Staring into your dreamy blue eyes,
Your smell, your touch, your warm embrace

What a special night that was...

And now, I’m starting to feel that warmth inside,
Like nothing or no one else can make me feel...
Butterflies, a constant smile, happy thoughts,
Looking forward to the next time we meet.

What lies ahead, down the road to love?
Can it possibly be what I’ve been hoping for?
All my goals, dreams, passions, hopes...
Glaring now before me with great anticipation.

No one knows what tomorrow brings...
One can only wish and believe...
I have abounding faith that God will take care of me,
And bring the right person into my life.

Could it be you?
Time will tell...
I feel a special bond starting between us,
And so I’m truly hopeful that it is (you).

- Linda R. Houle -

You're my man, my mighty king,
And I'm the jewel in your crown,
You're the sun so hot and bright,
I'm your light-rays shining down,

You're the sky so vast and blue,
And I'm the white clouds in your chest,
I'm a river clean and pure,
Who in your ocean finds her rest,

You're the mountain huge and high,
I'm the valley green and wide,
You're the body firm and strong,
And I'm a rib bone on your side,

You're an eagle flying high,
I'm your feathers light and brown,
You're my man, my king of kings,
And I'm the jewel in your crown.

- Nima Akbari -

Never Have I Fallen

Your lips speak soft sweetness
Your touch a cool caress
I am lost in your magic
My heart beats within your chest

I think of you each morning
And dream of you each night
I think of your arms being around me
And cannot express my delight

Never have I fallen
But I am quickly on my way
You hold a heart in your hands
That has never before been given away

- Rex A. Williams -
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

Web Design Forums - Server-Side Web and Software Development discussions

You Walked Lightly

You walked lightly into my life
Captivating and lovely to my mind,
At first, I never cared who you were
Now I don’t know who I am without you,
You kissed me
I felt my world change,
You held me
I heard my heart awaken,
You loved me
And my soul was born anew
You walked lightly into my life
Now my heart knows who you are
And with every breath
And every step
I take down lonely roads,
Your hand is my staff
Your voice is my guide
Your strength my shelter
You’re passion my awakening.
You walked lightly into my life,
And all my pain
You took as your own,
And all my fears
You cast into the sea,
All my doubt
Lost in your eyes,
You walked lightly into my life
And no matter if you choose to stay or go,
My life is forever changed,
Just because you loved me
For a moment in time.
And because I choose
To love you
For the rest of mine.

- Tracey Newson -

Love Spell

Every time I look at you
my heart skips a beat
I wonder if you know, my love,
that my heart is at your feet
I leave it there for you to do
whatever that you wish
You could take my heart,
and love me,
Or just leave me in this bliss.

- Ana Martinez -
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

Your Name

I wrote your name in the sky,
but the wind blew it away.
I wrote your name in the sand,
but the waves washed it away.
I wrote your name in my heart,
and forever it will stay.

- Jessica Blade -

Love Is ...

Love is the greatest feeling,
Love is like a play,
Love is what I feel for you,
Each and every day,
Love is like a smile,
Love is like a song,
Love is a great emotion,
That keeps us going strong,
I love you with my heart,
My body and my soul,
I love the way I keep loving,
Like a love I can't control,
So remember when your eyes meet mine,
I love you with all my heart,
And I have poured my entire soul into you,
Right from the very start.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
A really nice forum for Parisians

I Will Love You Forever

I love you so deeply,
I love you so much,
I love the sound of your voice
And the way that we touch.
I love your warm smile
And your kind, thoughtful way,
The joy that you bring
To my life every day.
I love you today
As I have from the start,
And I'll love you forever
With all of my heart.

- Amanda Nicole Martinez -

Pledge of Love

I've made a vow, to no one but you
I pledge my love to forever be true
I'll take care of you and treat you right
I'll lay beside you all through the night
I'll feed you and clothe you and keep you warm
I'll hug you and kiss you and give shelter in the storm
I'll help you and guide you and clear a path
I'll protect you and shield you from an angry man's wrath
I'll listen to your problems help you solve them too
I'll make you a rainbow and let the sun shine through
I'll take your side even if you're wrong
Just to prove our love is strong
I'll plant you flowers and make them grow
They'll be a symbol of love that only we'll know
I'll whisper your name when no one is near
So low that only you can hear
You'll feel my love even if we're apart
You'll know that we are one in heart

- Vesta Sikora -
“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”
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The World’s Most Beautiful

I’d give anything to see the sun set on the horizon,
I’d do anything to gaze at a full moon in the night sky;
Even a rainbow would make me smile,
And I’d love to swim in crystal clear waters
Of an untouched sea;
Sometimes I’ll see a shooting star,
And try to gaze from afar,
All the diamonds in the night sky;
The mist on the mountains is breathtaking,
As is walking in rainforest;
To see cascading waterfalls I’d do anything for,
As to stand on the highest peak in the world,
And look at the sights below;
I’d love to soar on wings above the clouds,
Across the bluest skies;
I’d do anything to see
All the beautiful things in the world,
Like a red rose blooming in the Sahara,
Like a river twisting through a dusty land,
All the beautiful things in the world;

But I also know I am looking at
The world’s most beautiful creation,
Every time you smile,
And every time I look into your eyes.

- Muhammad Edwan Shaharir -

My Friend, My Love

It began as all fires do,
a spark soon ignited into a blaze of warmth and colourful delight.
You held my hand, became my friend,
earned my trust and my future once again looked bright.

Loneliness turned to hope,
emptiness filled up with dreams.
Hunger was satisfied,
and the darkness lit by love's moonbeams.

Tears no longer hit the ground,
they fall on your loving shoulder.
I feel younger,
as our love grows older.

When sorrow leaves me wilted as a sun-parched rose,
your comfort is a river that flows and flows.
The sun's light, the morning dew,
they are all the beauty that is you.

When passion ebbs,
as tides do,
love fills the wake,
and carries us through.

Your strength is as the oak,
but if it is my need you bend like the willow.
My heart is filled,
like a lucky sail with wind to billow.

Harsh cold winters,
wet springs, blissful summer heat, and the fall of time,
They'll weather my spirit,
with grace and peace, your hand in mine.

Our love's sweet creations, joyous children,
blessed am I thanks to God and you.
What greater beauty could shed light,
on the love that came from two.

Love's sweet reflection,
laughing, growing, thriving, learning.
Words cannot express what my heart feels,
how strong my love is burning.

When God took one home,
I felt my heart would never again see the sun.
But you, my love, walked with me, through the sadness,
and together we share the memories that keep our family one.

The lines of age will etch their mark on us
and time will take the strength from our bodies.
But love's brush will paint for us a picture of such beauty,
That a hundred lifetimes could not remove their glory.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

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When all the songs are over
and all the words been said
The sun grows dim across the sky
and the world prepares for bed

I oft can take a moment now
to view the sky above
and whisper God a simple prayer
to thank him for your love

- C.S. Bucknam -

About You

Your touch is with me always,
It’s burnt into my skin,
As soft and warm as sun rays
When a summer day sets in.

Your soft voice never silent,
It’s forever in my ears,
Serenading every moment
And calming all my fears.

Your arms always enfold me,
The strength of angels wings,
They support and protect me wholly
With the safety a true love brings.

While I can never repay you,
For the wonder you bring to my life,
I can forever be true,
And forever be a true wife.

- Nicola May Tucker -

heart, my soul, my treasure,
My today, my tomorrow, my forever,
My everything!

- Michelle Oliver-Rochdale -

Like A Rose

My love for you is like a red, red rose,
It started as a seed but it’s grown and grown.
Its roots reach deep down inside of my chest,
And it grows even more with each passing breath.
The delicate petals lay beautiful and pure,
All the doubts that I’ve had you have since cured.
For all the thorns that this proud rose bears,
They are all softened by the thought of your care.
Soon the rose grows old and withers and dies,
But the love that helped grow it will last for all time.

- Sam Fedarb -
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
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When I'm with you,
eternity is a step away,
my love continues to grow,
with each passing day.

This treasure of love,
I cherish within my soul,
how much I love you...
you'll never really know.

You bring a joy to my heart,
I've never felt before,
with each touch of your hand,
I love you more and more.

Whenever we say goodbye,
whenever we part,
know I hold you dearly,
deep inside my heart.

So these seven words,
I pray you hold true,
"Forever And Always,
I Will Love You."

- Chris Engle -

If There's...

If there's one face I want to see,
so beautiful, so true,
one smile that makes a difference,
to everything I do.

If there's one touch I long to feel,
one voice I long to hear,
whenever I am happy,
or just needing someone near.

If there's one joy, one love,
from which I never want to part,
it's you, my very special love,
my world, my life, my heart.

- John Ragland -
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

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My number one

All my life I’ve waited
Floating, dreaming, wishing
For the day when you would come my way
That day has come
My heart flutters at the sound of your voice
My hands shake as I reach to touch your face
In heaven there can only be a better place
Soaring through the clouds
The wind beating at my skin
Breathing heavy, feeling numb
You’re all I need, my number one

Tears stream down my face, burning my eyes
Happy tears, thankful smiles
Knowing I can hold you, embrace you
Fearless of the unknown, content with life
No longer will I feel the sharpened knife
Of hurt, pain and suffering

You are to me

Nothing can describe, the way I feel for you
Your love is warm and precious
Your heart so pure and true
Heavens angels brought me
To knock upon your door
To give you all my love
To keep you wanting more
The special bond we share, will guide us on our way
To a perfect life were dreams come true
What more can I really say
We were brought together, never will we part
Your my special gift
Your my shining star
I'll love you unconditionally
With all my heart and soul
I'll never break your spirit
I'll always keep you whole
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

Web Design Forums - Server-Side Web and Software Development discussions

When the cold nights been sleepless
and faith turned to be weakly hopeless
in the sharp darkness that never shines
when I had truly nothing to call mine

I found you..

when the roads been long and I was lost
& the sun's light seemed never to last
days passed by , crossing back to the past..
when I never truly felt these days un-noticed

I felt you..

when I walked the unknown with tears ahead.
Fear pumped my heart for the unknowns threat
Blood boiled through my frozen dead soul..and
just when I needed to live again & feel whole

I found you..

How I founded you?

when the merciless light blinded my eyes
& I was lost while walking the road of lies
when the near tomorrow I was unable to see
when I feared searching for thee, even for me!

My love actually ;by then
You found me.

Where we found We

Scream to my soul and poison the veins
Open an artery then drink its remains
Light my blood through the fire it sings
Then stab my heart for the love it brings.

Kill me with a kiss and one shall not crave
A touch of elegance upon my forgotten grave,
Ring a chime of hatred that tomorrow stole
For you can incinerate my feelings, but never my soul.

Wash a prayer in acrylic acid it shall be cured
Then hate me with everything those tears endured
Change matters not to the one who sees so blind
You can control my life and even distort my mind.

Call on the ghosts of past and future changes
Haunt all fear with wasted word of exchanges
Then light a candle for my chains it shall sever
Dead or alive I only exist to love you forever.

by Dead Soul Returns
“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”
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I have lived more then once before though memory is askew.
More a feeling then a thought yet I know always with you.
You walk the edges of my mind, an appetizer for my dreams.
Savoring just a taste of what flickers on memories screen.
"I am ready to love you again"
Feather touch of remembrance obscure to the naked eye.
Wisp of soft blond hair or your essence as you glide by.
Pages whisper as they turn in the history of my mind.
Words etched in indelible ink " I'm waiting for our time"
"I am ready to love you again"
World turns and seasons change, I will live in your arms anew.
Rainbow hair or eyes of blue I'll always know it's you.
For a hundred years, maybe more I knew you inside out.
I've swam naked in your thoughts dove deep into your doubts.
"Are you ready for me?"

Another day seems to pass,
I've lost something in my life,
But I can't let go,
No longer a to-be-wife.

I look at your pictures,
just to see your face,
Just to smile another smile,
It just can't replace.

Tears run from my eyes,
I cannot sleep,
I cannot breathe,
What we had was deep.

I didn't want us to burn out,
I love you more than anything,
To the moon and back,
We were never just a fling.

Why does this sting?
You couldn't have loved me better,
like nothing else mattered,
Here I write you another letter.

Being by your side,
Makes my life calm,
Clears my head,
Palm upon palm.

I know you'll find another,
Better than me,
I can't deal with moving on,
But I only have to plea.

It started with a perfect kiss,
A perfect love, a perfect look,
You'll always be my secret love,
Just like in a book.

Let me be your secret love,
I need you back, I miss you,
Take me in your arms,
Don't let go, it's just us two.

Your eyes warm my heart, and make me sink.
Your hands trace my lips, and make me think.

Your lips kiss my nose, and I fall even more.
Your arms surround me, I feel love deep in my core.

Your voice smoothly whispers in my ear.
"I love you now, forever and always, My dear."

Your scent, so sweet fills me with happiness.
Your heart beats against my chest, when we kiss.

Your legs are tangled along with mine.
Your ears hear me say a line ...

Your eyes open when you hear me say what I do.
Your lips crash on mine, after i whisper "i love you".

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