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Love poems
here is the one i wrote this evening.. Smile

I"m looking in space with no white colour,
I'm staring ur photo with feeling so banal
Why do i have to always be farer..
When u can be close with no one but Hour..

Why Should i spend life, waitting ur message
feeling you need me to touch me and kiss me..
We both do deserve something woth pain
But my dear sweetie..what is its name?..

Dont ever tell me,,,that dreams are unreal
Dont start to teach me.. forget about fear..
You start a morning with feeling alive
I'll always be with u to keep u survive.


I am so in love
In love with Joy
In love with happiness
In love with anger
In love with frustration
In love with Tears
In love with Me.

I love love
love is fruitful
Love is Kind
Love is Motivating
Love is Comforting
Love is love

I hate Love
Love is painful
Love is heartbreaking
Love is deadly
Love is poisonous
Love is Evil

Hey stop it
Love is like what
I don't know
All I know is Love is Love
so say all you want
But I know Love is
and I love love
I love me & you


What one approves,
another scorns,
and thus
his nature each discloses.
You find the rosebush
full of thorns,
I find the
thornbush full of roses.

So it depends from what angle you look... Smile
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
A really nice forum for Parisians

Another example of a good love poem for men to apologize:
I never meant to hurt you
the way I know I have.
Your love means more to me
than anything and I'll do whatever it takes
to prove that to you.

Since the day I met you and
your love touched my heart
I knew that my life would never be the same.

Please forgive me for the pain I've caused.
I'll make it up to you every chance I get.
You have my heart and my love forever.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

Boys, you're gonna love this poem I found Wink

I want to love you in a special way like glass, strong but crystal clear.
I want to make love to your spirit by first squeezing and sucking your lips to quench my thirst.
Then gently blowing love through your lips and making love to your lungs,
As my heart squeezes yours and mines together until your mind blows,
And you can't think.

I want to bite your fingertips sending a sexual sensation through your hands and into your heart,
Pumping love in and out through your veins until it reaches your feet,
And your toes curl.

I want to stroke you gently and softly to caress not only your spirit,
But to feel the warmth of your flesh.
Your body next to mine, holding and embracing with the connection of a lock and key of life and love so you can't let go.

Let me love you hard so I can drill through your hurts and your pains,
Paving bricks to guard your heart from your trials and tribulations.
Building a dam so that when your flesh feels weak your spirit won't break.

Let me love you over and over again as though it were a fairytale that never ends.
If you were my book the letters of your words would be carved in my heart as though it were a novel felt, but never read.

This is the way to love, you have to love easy but feel hard.
You have to pay the price of sacrifice in order to grow a love, which is deeply fulfilling.
That is the best way to love and to make love.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
A really nice forum for Parisians

It's Ok...
But is it a Poem???
I think it's smth else...

why not? this is a poem, it's just that a very sexy one... Smile
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

I awake one morning to find you gone,
No note, no word... no goodbye.

My world suddenly is so empty... so cold,
Missing the fullness and warmth you provided.

The days seem long... the nights even longer,
No smile comes to my face.

I wish for old times,
I pray for your return.

I hope one morning I shall never wake,
Never to bear another day alone.

Without you in my world,
My life is empty and cold.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
A really nice forum for Parisians

All your love poems are sad, I'll add a more optimistic one:

There is no happier life
But in a wife;
The comforts are so sweet
When two do meet.
'Tis plenty, peace, a calm
Like dropping balm;
Love's weather is so fair,
Like perfumed air.
Each word such pleasure brings
Like soft-touched stirrings;
Love's passion moves the heart
On either part;
Such harmony together,
So pleased in either.
No discords; concords still;
Sealed with one will.
By love, God made man one,
Yet not alone.
Like stamps of king and queen
It may be seen:
Two figures on one coin,
So do they join,
Only they not embrace.
We, face to face.

I was sort of hoping,
That you would come along,
Like the answer to a prayer,
And the music to a song.

Like the kind of thing that happens,
At a special place and time,
That will change our lives forever,
Like a fantasy of mine.

The fantasy was there before,
I ever knew your name,
And now that I have found you,
We will never be the same.

So, pardon, if I look at you,
Forgive me if I stare,
At the fantasy I knew before,
I saw you standing there.

For I was always hoping,
That you would come along,
Like the answer to a prayer,
And the music to a song
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

Web Design Forums - Server-Side Web and Software Development discussions

Friendship poem

Standing by,
All the way.
Here to help you through your day.

Holding you up,
When you are weak,
Helping you find what it is you seek.

Catching your tears,
When you cry.
Pulling you through when the tide is high.

Just being there,
Through thick and thin,
All just to say, you are my friend.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

An Indian love poem:

Do not mention the name of love,
O my simple-minded companion.
Strange is the path
When you offer your love.
Your body is crushed at the first step.

If you want to offer love
Be prepared to cut off your head
And sit on it.
Be like the moth,
Which circles the lamp and offers its body.
Be like the deer, which, on hearing the horn,
Offers its head to the hunter.
Be like the partridge,
Which swallows burning coals
In love of the moon.
Be like the fish
Which yields up its life
When separated from the sea.
Be like the bee,
Entrapped in the closing petals of the lotus.

Mira's lord is the courtly Giridhara.
She says: Offer your mind
To those lotus feet.

You come outside
To view the faint sunset
Light bewildered by trees
Shines through quietly
You glide your soft auburn hair
Perched behind your ear
And in this moment I feel at home
Beneath the interior
You are my humble abode...
Your company is soothing
Calming and reassuring
Inside, the wind chimes ring
You saunter and my hearts sings
Bit by bit I begin to recognize
The enchanting glow in your subtle eyes
Hidden in all abstract paintings
It’s you; what all artists see
You are poetry...
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
A really nice forum for Parisians

To the girl whose beauty is present in all seasons
I tell you why you are beautiful, here are the reasons:

Your beauty extends into the heavens,
it goes on forever and never lessens.
Even when the clouds heighten
you are here and the world brightens.
You are like a fruit that constantly ripens
your beauty continues to grow no mater what happens.

My fondness for you constantly deepens
because every time I see you my heart starts to weaken.
You make everything else appear hollow
where ever you are loveliness is sure to follow.
You shine so bright you cast your own shadow
a beauty that others would love to borrow.
But try as they might your beauty they will never catch
because something like you they could never match.

Your beauty seems to increase with every breathe
it tests the limits my imagination can stretch.
It makes me question if what I am seeing is real
I only know it is true by the way that I feel.
Your beauty is so vast it can't be concealed
there is no hiding it your beauty is always revealed.

The power of your beauty is the world's greatest gift
the heaviest boulder it could easily lift.
A girl this perfect I never knew
all that changed the moment I met you.
Heaven on Earth I was not aware
until I met a girl that was crafted with such care.
You would be the answer to a prayer
if someone asked for something rare with beauty to spare.

If I had a choice I would choose this girl over air
for air can't compare to a girl not found elsewhere.

If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

An intimate love poem:
Honey, Come a little closer,
let me whisper in your ear.
Let me tell it to you softly,
So that no one else will hear.
What I have to say is private,
and is just between us two;
just want you, to know how much,
I love the things you do.
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

Web Design Forums - Server-Side Web and Software Development discussions

With little here to do or see
Of things that in the great world be,
Daisy! again I talk to thee,
...For thou art worthy,
Thou unassuming Common-place
Of Nature, with that homely face,
And yet with something of a grace
...Which love makes for thee! . .

. .I see thee glittering from afar--
And thou art a pretty star;
Not quite so fair as many are
...In heaven above thee!
Yet like a star, with glittering crest,
Self-poised in air thou seem'st to rest;--
May peace come never to his nest,
...Who shall reprove thee!

Bright Flower! for by that name at last,
When all my reveries are past,
I call thee, and to that cleave fast,
...Sweet silent creature!
That breath'st with me in sun and air,
Do thou, as thou art wont, repair
My heart with gladness, and a share
...Of thy meek nature!

I closed my eyes and saw your face
My heart started pumping at a uncontrollable pace
I remember your passionate kiss and soft lips
as if we were rehearsing a scene from a movie clip

You smiled and held me tight
I held on with all my might
I remember your whisper " I love you" in my ear
and then slowly said: "The time is near"

You hugged me one last time
o i will never get that feeling out of my mind
You wiped the tears from my eyes
And then walked away as you said your last goodbyes....
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
A really nice forum for Parisians


Whenever I day dream,
and day dream I do,
in my secret garden,
I day dream of you.

I day dream of you,
in a faraway land;
embracing me tight
and holding my hand.

Holding my hand,
and touching my face.
Just you and me,
in this peaceful place.

In this peaceful place
a pristine river flows.
Where the unicorns run,
a breeze always blows.

A breeze always blows
and sings of a song;
our love in a place
where you're never gone.

Where you're never gone
is as it would seem,
from dusk until dawn,
whenever I day dream.

And whenever I day dream,
and day dream I do,
in my secret garden,
I day dream of you.

- Cassie McNair -
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
A really nice forum for Parisians

I miss the way you held me in your arms,
close to you, feeling the warmth.

I think of you. Everyday.
Wondering if I'll see you again...
wondering what you'll say.
I wanna be with you.
I can't go on another day
without knowing you wanna be with me too.

But instead, I wait for you.
Wait to fall in love again...

Like the first time
i saw you.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

Vegan news | Vegan forums

Short, but nice

Attached Files Image(s)
“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”
3ds Max tutorials | Light Wave 3d tutorials | MAYA tutorials | XSI tutorials

She's just like everything else.
Yep, that beautiful

Smile (A local poet in my home town printed it inside the cover of his home-published books)

Big_Becka Wrote:She's just like everything else.
Yep, that beautiful

Smile (A local poet in my home town printed it inside the cover of his home-published books)

sounds like a very positive writer who perceives the world as a beauty.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
A really nice forum for Parisians

Are There Angels?

It is said there are Angels
In Heaven above
And they shine with the light
Of an inner love

Of these things
I had not a clue
But that was
Before I found you

For in you I’ve found
A love that is so right
It shines all around
With the brightest of light

It comes from somewhere
So deep within
That it has no beginning
And knows no end

Your love is a light
That brightens each day
Of all of the people
You see on your way

Where ever you go
Or whatever you do
All see the love
That you have inside you

That God sent you here
To a place where you’d be
Sharing such love
With someone like me

Is proof for me
That angels exist
And are filled with a love
That no man could resist

I thank God each day
For finding the time
For looking down on me
And making you mine

So yes there are Angels
In heaven above
I know because God
Sent me one to love

so there are angels...
“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”
3ds Max tutorials | Light Wave 3d tutorials | MAYA tutorials | XSI tutorials

I was sort of hoping,
That you would come along,
Like the answer to a prayer,
And the music to a song.

Like the kind of thing that happens,
At a special place and time,
That will change our lives forever,
Like a fantasy of mine.

The fantasy was there before,
I ever knew your name,
And now that I have found you,
We will never be the same.

So, pardon, if I look at you,
Forgive me if I stare,
At the fantasy I knew before,
I saw you standing there.

For I was always hoping,
That you would come along,
Like the answer to a prayer,
And the music to a song

My Angel

My sweet beautiful angel.
Sent to me from above.
I am so grateful to have found you,
and I give you all my love.

You must have come from heaven,
because you have pretty little angel eyes.
When you gaze at me with them,
my heart begins to fly.

Your sweet angelic voice,
continuously rings in my ears.
With you by my side,
there is nothing I fear.

Whenever we are together,
You shine with a heavenly glow.
Your beautiful angel face,
raises me up from feeling low.

Yes, heaven is missing an angel,
because you are here with me.
You're my sweet, beautiful angel,
and I'll love you for eternity!
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

Web Design Forums - Server-Side Web and Software Development discussions

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