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According US-NATO occupation of Kosovo and Metohia, a specialy after ,,Unmik'' fail to condemn unlawfully declaration of independent Kosovo, look-like, the US-NATO plan creating great Albania is at hand.
What you think...?
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Never going to happen in the foreseeable future. There are too many political, nationalistic and social roadblocks.
That region of the world has always had complex relations.
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Maybe not, but the way in Kosovo US-NATO military forces are diging in,and accordnig the action of the Albaniuan ex terrorist leaders in that Serbian provnce, look-like Albania would bocome the 52nd state of the US,as well newly neighbor of Serbia.
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No it won't happen. The only way it may happen would be Kosovo and Albania merging, the little bits of other countries will not be annexed by Albanian as this will not be allowed. So many countries have links with their neighbours that it would lead to many problems. These people should look to their own countries, rather than ethnic populations and make their own country a success rather than worrying about others.
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0 far I'm concern, the people of Albania never dream of creating great Albania,in fact, in one point they were helppin Serbs, from Balkan's peninsula to get rid off the Turkish Emperor, the fact of the matter is however, that for the sake of Kosover's terrorist,by the US-NATO allies for 78 days Serbia was bombarded with the deplete uranim bombs,which should be cosidered nuclear war crime against smal nation.
Due to that, despite that Kosovo is Serbian territory, with the help of Unmik cleansing Serbs from its own land, should be and is against international rule of law,however, the ex terrorist leaders from Kosovo, as well USA-NATO allies and Albanian government think, that now is the time from kosovo and Metohia to creacte unify/great Albania...
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In this state of things, there are always a possibility of war between Serbia and Kosovo Albanians, even in a hundred years.
USA is preparing the place for it. When something goes wrong in, or with USA, they will let it start to diverge public attention at Kosovo. This is the same thing Milošević did. He tolerated crimes at Kosovo, and when it was sutible for his politics he started solving it, causing huge international resistance. Instead, he should provide law and order at all times, not just when he thought it is proper.
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?
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...As far as S.Miliecih and the war in Kosovo is concern, in my opinion, he was following instructio from the US-NATO officials the way ,,war'' feet them.
While he was chasing by West well train Albanian terrorist in Kosovo,US secretary of state M.Olbright,instead to help S.Milosech capture those law'breakers in Serbia, in fact, she was preparing the world the way how to save them, soonafter, in period of 78 days(as you er' aware) by the US-NATO airforce Serbia was unlawfully brutally bombarded.
Talking of the USA, US has huge military forces, to perseve them they need milirary base, in this case, Kosovo was ideal place, to get it, they needded some one, like S.Milosevich or Saddam Hussein, in thier neme, like ,,Serbia and Iraq'' to wreck the country, in the same time to keep it under occupation...
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I think NATO and USA are the same as Slobodan Milošević were, just they have global power and he had no global influence. They use the same logic, but NATO and USA are untouchable and do whatever they want. Milošević did the same things, but he was weak and unsupported. This logic is against humanity and juistice.
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?
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...according 1943 Yalta agreement beween USA, Britain ana Sovijet Union leaders,instead Monarchy, Yugoslavije should be rule by the Marxist leader Josip Broz TiTo,however, after J.B.TiTo died, S. Milosevich was elected new presidebt of former Yugoslavia.
Soonafter USA decided to pull the plug financially supporting communism in Sovijet and Eastern Europe countries,thus for the Western Empire ,,Berlim Wall'' become super hero-after 80 years defeating (so called) communism, however,in oreder to destroy Yugoslavia, US-NATO needed leader some-one like S.Milosevich, otherewise, today US-NATO wouldn't be in Kosovo, beside that,(with S.Milosevich a life) Yugoslavia, would be still Monarchy.
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The Greeks, Serbs, Croats, Slovenians, Bulgarians and Romanians still have their kings alive, but Albanians didn't.
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I am not sure about Croats and Slovenians. Are you certain about that?
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?
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The way sitation in Kosovo is shaping,before Serbs start guerilla war, Albanians have to choice for king, Bill Clinton ar G.W.Bush to choose.
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Benn Wrote:Never going to happen in the foreseeable future. There are too many political, nationalistic and social roadblocks.
That region of the world has always had complex relations.
This is only because there are many ethnic corelations in those states
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Great Albania  trong US-NATO, who would denied?...Kosovo is great strategic place for the US outpost, if Russia doesn't chase them out from Kosovo, Albania would bi indeed Great Albania...
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The western part of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) is an area with a large ethnic Albanian minority. The Albanian population in FYROM is variously estimated to make up 25% of the population. At one stage I'm sure there was a push for the Republic of Ilirida's independence from FYROM.
Montenegro also contains sizeable Albanian populations mostly concentrated in areas such as southern Malësia, the Podgorica , Ulcinj municipality on the coast, the Tuzi area near Podgorica, and parts of the Plav, Gusinje and Rožaje municipalities.
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Great Albania is only dream.If USA accept it being their 53 State, (then-on Balkan peninsula) Albania could become great ,so far has very slim or none chance...
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S.Sindjelich 2 Wrote:Hellenicoz,
Great Albania is only dream.If USA accept it being their 53 State, (then-on Balkan peninsula) Albania could become great ,so far has very slim or none chance...
Is it a joke? What greatness is in surendering sovereignity to other country?
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SiD, time will tell, so far with Eulex in KiM and Americam help, they are doing good.
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With help. I do not think any country that calls itself great would be dependent on foreign help. Of course it could be just meaningless title like "democratic" that is used for some states really willing to do what US tells them. But becoming part of other state doesnt bring any greatness to state that joined.
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SID,once Serbia was great Serbia, in that time (form Turkish invadors) Serbia was deffendig itsef and Eurepe not with the TOMOHOK missiles but with the sword,otherewise,today EU would speak Turkis language.
However, before 1999 US-NATO with deplete uranium bombs bombard Serbia,all Serbian history by the USA president B.Clinton, were swept under the carpet,since that time,time change,today hwo is or which country,(thay think) USA the way to become great, that country will become great...
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And in that you are wrong. USA do not need great countries it needs obidient and easily controlled puppets to maintain its domination. USA itself they can be called great country but thier tools are not.
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SID,once...tought that NATO will be savior of the world,over 40 jears being with them...discoverd that NATO in fact was Wolf drest in lamb skin; secretly supporting Communism in Sovijet Union.
Sovijet Union didin't build Berlim Wall, berlin wall was tool only, with the USA S$ build by the sovijet Union...strong Sovijet Union, the relationship of the US-NATO would last longer...with such a conspiracy one day they might acompass all Europe...however,if Serbs in K&M doesn't collapss,Albania will never get great Albania!...