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Can Republicans seriously talk to anyone about reducing debt?
The last 3 Republican Presidents have run up our national debt outrageously. They are Ronald Reagan, George Bush and George Bush Jr. Now Obama inherited an 8 year Republican made debt and the Republicans are criticizing Obama for debt. Can anyone take this seriously? If so, how do you do that?

Are you suggesting that you don't care about deducing the debt?
I mean, the very nature of the question is a vindication on those "3 Republican Presidents"... I mean, if a policy is wrong, it is wrong whoever does it!

Liberals always try to have it both ways!

Well winning the cold war and defeating communism isn't free you know...none of this clears Obama of the responsibility of balancing a GD budget.

lol i guess thats why GWB had an approval rating of 21% when he left office and he made the gop lose. lmao

Son, better stop guzzling that kool aid.and believing like your idiot professors and idiot friends while you still have some brain cells left. Good Luck!

All administrations and congresses run up the debt with deficit spending. Like Cheney said, Reagan proved that deficits don't matter (politically)

"Now Obama inherited an 8 year Republican made debt..." and QUADRUPLED it within 100 days. Great job, huh?

Excuse me, but your partisan ignorance and hypocrisy is showing.

Ok, I see your point. When one brother in a family steals from his neighbors, that means no one else in the family can seriously talk about reducing crime.

Excellent logic. You've convinced me.

No, but Libertarians can. Too bad nobody's willing to listen.

cut liberal spending. Plain and simple, your boy has out spent all three of the ones you mentioned with in 6 months in office, Stay tuned for the raping of America by liberals who "Care"

Obama's deficit is 3 times larger than Bush's largest deficit.

I'm not as much of a Republican as I am a fiscal conservative and a Libertarian. I just vote for Republicans because they are only slightly better than Democrats but now I'm not even sure of that. They are all just as bad.

Well, it's ok to run up spending, as long as it's for spying on Americans, defense and for other countries, like Iraq, who already has a nearly $100 Million dollar surplus. But if you run up the deficit on the US, well that's just plain socialism.

You can't use Republicans and Serious talk in the same sentence.

Yes- he has signed away more of the American people's money than ever before- nearly all of the presidents put together have not spent as much as he has. Yeah, I can take it seriously.

If the people did not want have Bush as president, why did they vote for him again?

*My opinion, don't mean to offend Obamacare supporters.

It has NOTHING to do with "the debt"...

Its about POWER. As long as a Republican does it... its okay with the right... Republicans have launched illegal wars..... taken away MORE freedom and created MORE debt than ANYBODY.....

But, they scream and cry.... the second a Democrat gets voted in power by the people.... they don't even have to DO anything... just the fact a Democrat HAS the power to do something... scares the beJesus out of them

Did you see this?

Please take a look and then come back and review your question:

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well.. part of it was clinton's doing as well. NAFTA, and signing laws that let people get mortgages on houses they had no business buying cos they couldnt afford them.. if people lived within their means, supported local businesses, and didn't buy so many freaking imports there wouldnt be as much of a problem.

we were in debt before obama, we would have been in debt if it was anyone else like McCain. ppl need to move on and get over it.

I can tell you how I "do that."
First off, Ronald Raegan didn't run up a debt through miscreant policies. Jimmy Carter had signed legislation which set financial institutions loose to squander money. Most of the debt he "ran up" was to counter the effects of Carter's legislation.
The debt incurred during the first Bush administration was relatively minor, so I give that a pass.
I happen to think that George W. Bush and the Republicans who dominated congress pursued foolish spending and debt policies. In that regard they betrayed the Republican party and our country.
To put this in perspective, in his first 200 days in office President Obama has proposed to incur triple the national debt which was incurred in the 8 years George W. Bush was in office.
I wish I could claim that Republicans aren't hypocritical. I can't, but I'd like to see you keep this situation in perspective.

Yes. Easily.
1) In your lifetime, 100% of Congresses have had Democrats vote for 3 to 4 times MORE spending than did the Republicans.
2) The GOP has NEVER had legislative control in that time (more than 100 years now) so NO budget could be passed without Democrats' approval.
3) Under ALL 3 Presidents you cited, INCOME to the government ROSE a LOT.
4) Deficits increased because Congress out-SPENT those increases. (see 1& 2)
5) Obama has literally DEMANDED the debt be increased by NEW RECORD AMOUNTS each and every year for the foreseeable future and NOT ONE Democrat has objected to this plan.

That was easy. Got any more?

They can talk to anyone seriously about reducing debt, just like I can talk to a child about quantum teleportation.

In either case, both the Republicans and I would be what we call "talking gibberish"

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