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Why does every religion believe only they will go to heaven while all others wont?
Why do these Christians keep believing that the only way to get to heaven is through Jesus? Thats just one particular fictional character for that religion. Every other religion has some other idea that they will go to heaven and everyone else who doesnt follow them will go to hell. What makes every religion believe only theirs is right while all others are wrong? Its just a mere accident at birth that you were this religion. Which belief could be right and which is wrong? I dont get how people could continue to believe in this while all the other religions are against them.

For the same reason every parent believes their kids are pretty and smart

People are entitled to their beliefs...

cuz they all wish to be special.

I have wondered that myself. I believe that it is what you believe that decides where you go. If you believe in a heaven and hell, you will end up in one. If you believe in reincarnation, you are reincarnated. If you are an atheist and don't believe in an afterlife, then you die and that is it.

I get very frustrated when people ask questions based on false premises, and then tons of responses from people who buy right in.

Judaism has NEVER made such a claim, and I feel it very much falls into the category of "every religion".

According to Judaism every human being has the ability of achieving Heaven, including practitioners of other religions. They just get there a different way.
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Beacause that 'holier than thou' mentallity is what religion is all about.

That's why "religion" is not what God wants for us.....

He wants a personal relationship with us.

I agree with your point, but not all of them think that way. It depends on the person and the denomination.

receiving the offer of life,read 1john5:11,13

Not every religion holds this belief, it seems to exclusive to Islam and most sects of Christianity. That being said, it's purpose is to create a sense of urgency among followers and to crush dissent and analytical thought. Another effect of the whole "lock on salvation" mentality is that it allows one to view people of other cultures and religions as inferior, justification for their conversion (in the case of Islam, by the sword) and dehumanizes them.

Most people like to hear that they are right, and they like to see themselves as superior. This is unfortunately one of the traits left over from the caveman days, a type of survival. Therefore, I believe that regarding religion, people like to see themselves as right in their beliefs, but since most religions have the same basic principles, there is no wrong one. Each person must just make that decision themselves as to what they want to believe, in a more powerful being, or not. As to the Heaven vs. Hell thing, it is considered to be the ultimate paradise to go to heaven, whereas Hell is the punishment. People just like to see other suffer while they triumph. We're a cruel species.

I believe that everyone that has believed in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and has accepted Jesus Christ as there personal savior they are on there way to heaven. The bible says (KJV) "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." That verse doesn't say if Catholics shall call upon the name etc. Whosoever means anybody. What I like to do when I find verses like that I like to put my name there. Anyone can do it. Dewitt shall call upon the name etc. John shall call upon the name etc.

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