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Moldova agaisnt gays?
On Sunday a gay parade should have taken place in Chisinau (capital of Moldova) and the mayor forbid the carrying out of this parade since it considered that they would be attacked by the society. It seems that Moldovans are not used to and don't respect gays at all. Is it discrimination?
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

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thereby Moldova proved that it's undemocratic Sad
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Tell me why? On my opinion to be a gay is sickness, and as such they should be treated in that maner. It is medicaly proven, that it's the disarrangment on some hromozome, ore something. I don't hate them because that, I hate 'em because that they are trying to make it normal. There should not be gay parade anywhere, there should be "the day of fighting aggainst gay sickness", just like we have "the day fighting aggainst the cancer". Tell me on your opinion what is normal, "the day of pedofilia", or the day aggainst pedofilia

I agree with you ser_toma. If they are mentally sick, they need promotion everywhere? I’m against the marriage between gays (the subject of such kind of colorfoul parade), because these kind of relationship isn’t a natural one. In fact, they ask a sheet of paper for an amoral “marriage”. And of course they ask the right to grow children. For the name of God, they are sick people. Giving them the right to grow children in their way is normal?
Moldavians are religious people (Orthodox Christians) and they declare: “Moldova isn’t Sodom and Gomorra!”
Do you really think they aren’t too democrats for our "advanced" Europe?

Gays are OK. I know some of them. I do not wish to think or talk about their bedrooms, I don't care about anybodys bedroom. I do not approve love parades because nobody wants kids to start liking their way of life. I think that gays are normal persons in everything except their sexual life. Some of them are disturbed because sence of guilt and pressure by society. We need to remove that pressure to have them to be normal, because they can and often are creative part of society which have better sences. Society must find ways to use their positive sides, and to push away negative sides. Ignoring or expelling gays fom society isn't good idea, they must be well integrated as well as any other subcultures. It enriches society, but only if it have no special attention of public.
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?

Sasha, I don’t care about their sexual preference in particularly. I know also gays and I don’t hate them.
I’m speaking now from the Christian point of view, as Moldavians did. :ange
A Christian family is only a heterosexual family. And the result of this Christian family blessed by God is the creation of Childs. What kind of family gay’s combination is? We have to respect the Christian faith of Moldavian people or we must force them to accept gay’s “families” in their society? :quoi

We had to be tolerant, but what will be the price for that? :banghead

The Christian Moldavian society is not ready to accept gays or lesbians and of course a parade of them caused a lot of talk about the positinon of sexual minorities in Moldova,and the conclusion of this discussions is that gays and lesbians of Moldova should wait another 100 years :lol:

M.Helen Wrote:thereby Moldova proved that it's undemocratic Sad
From what I know, the gay parade was allowed by the Mayor.
And it even took place but it was broken by a demonstration of different organisations.
So democracy is actually present in Moldova.
Many blame the protesters, but how is the desire to promote sexual life different from the desire to protect children from this kind of influence? What is more important?

No Kolea, you are not right. The mayor forbid the parad to be carried out, since he considered that the gays might have been injured by those who hate them!
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

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gays are the trash of a nation! :evil:
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Terry,these a pretty harsh words,do you have some arguments on that?

Do you think its a normal sex, through asshole? I don't think so, man. I'm straight and I fuck only women, be sure that. ;-) :banghead

Yes lion, gays are the trash of a nation because it leads to culture depreciation. People become crazy when to much freedom is given to them, that's why gays must be treated bad, so that they don't influence other normal people
“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”
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Terry,if you are normal,no gay or lesbian in the world will influence you :-)
i agree that the gays and lesbians are not normal in their sexual preferences and this is against nature laws,but i don't think that they should be treated "bad" (what you actually mean by bad?isolation or what?),we just have to show them that they can't do whatever they want.

I would recommend to punish each gay/lesbian if he/she tries to to manifest their opinion in public
“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”
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And what should be the punishment?
the problem of gays and lesbians exists since ancient times,do you onestly believe that we can solve it?

The punishment for gays is the silence and the shame. :langue

clearman Wrote:The punishment for gays is the silence and the shame. :langue
that's the point - silence! They have to keep silence and not provoke anybody become gays
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

Web Design Forums - Server-Side Web and Software Development discussions

By punishment, I meant somekind of law that would impose a burning fine for promoting gay interests. Why not? It will stop the growing number of gays in the world!
“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”
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I read that Norwegians allow gays marriage. They're seventh European country. Who's next?

THat's it! If gay marriage is allowed in my country, I'm leaving it! I don't want to spat up when I see a boy kissing another boy and everybody applaud!!!!!!
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Cmon, don't be so corny. They are just fucking their assholes off! What's that anything have to do with you. They had sex before, but now you know about it. I suggest you turn off your TV set and live your life at last. TV is guilty for everything. Gays existed 1000s years ago, but now they conquered TV. Smash your TV set and put your icon on it's place where it should be!
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?

sure, I agree they existed 1000 years ago, and maybe even 2-3 thousand, but, at those times, you could count them by the finger, while now they want to surpass the number of normal men!
“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”
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Maybe I am blind, but I do not see them enywhere. :geek: Some of men are looking femmenent, but it's around 10% of all. There are much more gays among women I think. Of course, I can talk only about Belgrade, but why it would be any different elswere? :quoi
who can forbid God to use evolution as his own instrument of creation ?

I agree. Generally, girls have a stronger bent for loving another girl, because they are "not like man". For example men use to kiss each other when they meet daily (with some exceptions), while girls do that.
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

Web Design Forums - Server-Side Web and Software Development discussions

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