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How long will it take for Illinois politics to catch up with Obama?
Obama escaped all of the dirt of Illinois politics for now but he still has the dirt on is shoes. How long will it take for the main stream media to realize the White House carpets are all tracked up with mud?

So far Obama got away with everything. I think if he got this far he is going to last at least four years~

Illinois politics? Like where Lincoln came from? I guess I don`t understand your talking point.

He wasn't in it long enough to get dirty.

He escaped because he did not have dirt on his shoes. Wishing will not make it so.

DiD not know it was trying to.

He was born dirty............

Barack Obama is President of the United States.

Get over it already!

That's guilt by association. Not actual, you know, guilt. If he did something wrong, it would have come out in the vetting process. That's what it's there for. Unless you happen to have more information than, say, the CIA or any other US government agency involved in gathering information about its citizens.

Alternative question: How long will it take people to get over the fact that the Dems had a better, more articulate, smarter, and far more qualified presidential ticket than the GOP?

This is only a conservative Republican fantasy . . that Obama is going to be 'caught' and 'impeached' so that Republicans can take back the government . . .lol . .Obama is here to stay . . get used to it. Any so called 'dirt' that is dragged from Illinois will just be considered Republican 'dirty tricks' brought about by those who hate Obama and not based on any factual evidence. Republicans have no credility . . that was used up during the election . . credibility is gone.

Would you ask that of Micheal Jordan?


You're only trying to pin that bad stuff on him because he's black


It won't happen while in office. The liberals will see to that. When I saw he was from Chicago politics, I knew he wasn't clean, before he was nominated. Chicago & New Orleans are the most corrupt in the USA.

Probably never. The left wing liberal bias media is in the tank for Obama. Can you imagine if a Republican had chosen some tax cheats for cabinet positions? Since he's a Democrat, it was just a simple mistake. If they would have been Republicans, it would just prove that all Republicans are crooks. Blagovitch they will have to keep quiet.....he knows way too much in Illinois politics. And you can't find anything worse no matter how hard you try. That Chicago political machine is the reason Cook County is called Crook County.

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